Noox's recent activity

  1. Comment on Raspberry Pi is now a public company in ~tech

    It's been uncanny how much being publicly traded heralds the start of a company's enshittification... I consider myself a glass-half-full kind of person, so here's to hoping Raspberry Pi is the...

    It's been uncanny how much being publicly traded heralds the start of a company's enshittification...

    I consider myself a glass-half-full kind of person, so here's to hoping Raspberry Pi is the cherry exception to the shit-cake...

    30 votes
  2. Comment on The food that makes you gay in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I mean I get that last one, eating frozen water = homosexuality; didn't we settle that debate long ago? /s The data nerd in me immediately wants to go check if I can find a weak correlation...

    I mean I get that last one, eating frozen water = homosexuality; didn't we settle that debate long ago?


    The data nerd in me immediately wants to go check if I can find a weak correlation between enjoyment of specific deserts and sexual orientation. Are lemon sherberts particularly lesbian or trending towards pan? How many chocolate sprinkles on a sundae makes you go up 1 point on the Kingsley scale?

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Advice on sharpening skills for career pivot in ~comp

    The country is extremely relevant here, what I'd advise for a fellow Dutch person does not really translate to what an American might find useful I'm afraid. Where are you looking?

    The country is extremely relevant here, what I'd advise for a fellow Dutch person does not really translate to what an American might find useful I'm afraid.

    Where are you looking?

    3 votes
  4. Comment on What video games have had you taking real-life notes? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ah good one - we already have it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet, I'll bring my notebook ;)

    Ah good one - we already have it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet, I'll bring my notebook ;)

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What video games have had you taking real-life notes? in ~games

    Obra Din! I played this with my husband and we wrote down every single [redacted], including detailed characteristics of each [redacted]! Incredibly fun! Same goes for Her Story - we noted down...

    Obra Din! I played this with my husband and we wrote down every single [redacted], including detailed characteristics of each [redacted]! Incredibly fun!

    Same goes for Her Story - we noted down interesting [redacted]s we saw in each clip, and used those to find the next clips.

    16 votes
  6. Comment on "&udm=14" strips AI junk from Google results in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I got you! I did a search for Great Gatsby on Firefox mobile (android) on my Samsung A52s, here's the difference: Normal search results &udm=14 search results Looks like a lot of the frills have...

    I got you! I did a search for Great Gatsby on Firefox mobile (android) on my Samsung A52s, here's the difference:

    Normal search results
    &udm=14 search results

    Looks like a lot of the frills have been removed and it's a pretty clean looking search.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree | Story trailer in ~games

    As is tradition, I understood nothing at all about what was happening in this trailer, but am incredibly excited anyway! I'm sure it'll keep making 0 sense, but be really freaking cool regardless :p

    As is tradition, I understood nothing at all about what was happening in this trailer, but am incredibly excited anyway!

    I'm sure it'll keep making 0 sense, but be really freaking cool regardless :p

    7 votes
  8. Comment on The spectacular failure of the Star Wars hotel in ~movies

    Link Parent
    She absolutely is - I literally went "YES" out loud when I saw how long the video was hah

    She absolutely is - I literally went "YES" out loud when I saw how long the video was hah

    17 votes
  9. Comment on The spectacular failure of the Star Wars hotel in ~movies

    Link Parent
    She did say she posts a video once per month on her Patreon in the comments :) in case you wanted to see more!

    She did say she posts a video once per month on her Patreon in the comments :) in case you wanted to see more!

    16 votes
  10. Comment on Some thoughts on cleaning up my shitty apartment in ~talk

    I always describe that feeling myself as if I'm hitting a wall I just can't climb over. And it's just always there - in my mind, I'm always thinking about it even whilst procrastinating. It's so...

    I always describe that feeling myself as if I'm hitting a wall I just can't climb over. And it's just always there - in my mind, I'm always thinking about it even whilst procrastinating. It's so frustrating, it makes me so annoyed with myself. Trying to tackle a really big wall - like my master's thesis - almost made me feel physically sick at times.

    Then I was diagnosed with ADHD and the meds made the wall go POOF. I can still procrastinate and be lazy, but when I decide to finally do something about something - or if I want to create a new habit or keep something clean - it's like I'm looking at a single-brick on the ground, and I can step over it with ease. Or, outside of the metaphor, looking at a big task and dividing it into small tasks suddenly doesn't seem like a big deal at all anymore.

    7 votes
  11. Comment on What is your opinion on Dan Brown novels? in ~books

    I read a few of his books and loved them, but I was so incredibly freaking annoyed the whole time I read Deception Point that I haven't picked up a book by him since. Holy crap that book was full...

    I read a few of his books and loved them, but I was so incredibly freaking annoyed the whole time I read Deception Point that I haven't picked up a book by him since. Holy crap that book was full of itself. I found myself skipping 75 pages (I distinctly remember this) of superfluous boring foreshadowing, JUST to get to the freaking point. Except then the point was also hella boring so I just tossed the book at my wall in frustration and never opened it again. Have never had a reaction to a book before or since then like that.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on A British nurse was found guilty of killing seven babies. Did she do it? in ~health

    We had pretty much this exact thing happen in the Netherlands and it turned into a giant scandall. A nurse working the premature baby unit was found guilty of killing the babies, when it was a...

    We had pretty much this exact thing happen in the Netherlands and it turned into a giant scandall. A nurse working the premature baby unit was found guilty of killing the babies, when it was a complete coincidence these babies died.

    She was literally convicted partially because she enjoyed reading true crime stories. Yes, really.

    The woman is named Lucia de B. (we do not name defendants or convicts by their last name for privacy, I know her full name is listed in the link but I'm uncomfortable regardless), and its considered one of the most shameful cases in Dutch history.

    Incredibly sad to see history repeat itself with our oversees neighbours :(

    8 votes
  13. Comment on Some observations about some of the conversations here in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Hah I have the exact same experience - but then I filter out politics, sports and some other things I have no interest in (e.g. laws passed in the USA, as most of those are hella depressing to...

    Hah I have the exact same experience - but then I filter out politics, sports and some other things I have no interest in (e.g. laws passed in the USA, as most of those are hella depressing to read about as a tree-hugging western European).

    All my discourse is pretty much either positive or at minimum super respectful disagreements hah

    14 votes
  14. Comment on Looking for recipes or advice for making a Spanish omelette/Spanish tortilla in ~food

    We've been making Kenji's Spanish Tortilla for a few years now and it's been awesome! Very much recommend. For a treat, we add a little leftover chorizo, very finely chopped, to the mixture -...

    We've been making Kenji's Spanish Tortilla for a few years now and it's been awesome! Very much recommend.

    For a treat, we add a little leftover chorizo, very finely chopped, to the mixture - makes for an amazing extra flavour boost!

    Edit: Oh btw if you're like me and usually skip past all the blah blah to get to the actual ingredients and steps section of the recipe, consider actually only skipping the first paragraph in this instance! Kenji speaks about his trials and errors with this recipe in his 'blah blah', and has a lot of great additional tips in that section - tips that he explains the science behind usually!

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Those who read a lot of fiction shown to have improved cognitive abilities in ~science

    Link Parent
    Interesting, I would indeed define it myself as a title that's being unnecessarily tantalising in order to prompt your curiousity. E.g. Or, in a slightly less bombastic but still annoying way...

    Interesting, I would indeed define it myself as a title that's being unnecessarily tantalising in order to prompt your curiousity. E.g.

    5 things doctors hate, NUMBER 3 WILL SHOCK YOU??!?!!! {emoji emoji emoji}

    Or, in a slightly less bombastic but still annoying way

    Mortgages are rising rapidly and there's a reason why

    Which irritate me to absolutely no end - hence why you can often see me doing my 'anticlickbait duty' in the comments and nicely asking Cfabbro to adjust the title so it's no longer clickbait hah.

    8 votes
  16. Comment on Microsoft's decision to close down Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin and other game studios is largely motivated by the desire to keep IPs, and ensuring the studios can't work for Microsoft's competition in ~games

    Anticlickbait duty, from the article: @cfabbro, could you be my clickbait duty hero again and put in that it's to keep IPs for themselves and the studios out of competitors hands :)?

    Anticlickbait duty, from the article:

    Microsoft's decision to close down Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin and other game studios is largely motivated by the desire to keep IPs.

    Shutting down studios ensures those studios can't work for Microsoft's competition.

    @cfabbro, could you be my clickbait duty hero again and put in that it's to keep IPs for themselves and the studios out of competitors hands :)?

    16 votes
  17. Comment on What was it like choosing your own name? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    Ah right, apologies for misremembering! My point stands though, if you live in Germany (even if you aren't German) that a name like 'Sparks' wouldn't turn that many heads :)!

    Ah right, apologies for misremembering! My point stands though, if you live in Germany (even if you aren't German) that a name like 'Sparks' wouldn't turn that many heads :)!

    2 votes
  18. Comment on What was it like choosing your own name? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I feel like you could get away with "Sparks" imo. Sparky might be a little too quirky to go unnoticed (though I still like it!), but Sparks rings for me like a name picked during the 70s, and...

    I feel like you could get away with "Sparks" imo. Sparky might be a little too quirky to go unnoticed (though I still like it!), but Sparks rings for me like a name picked during the 70s, and doesn't feel totally out of place. Like it feels like it's sortof close to "Derk" / "Mark" / "Marna" / "Sanne" / "Harm" / "Karma". Iirc you're German right? So those names shouldn't be weird to hear I'm assuming!

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Extraverted introverts, cautious risk-takers, and selfless narcissists: A demonstration of why you can’t trust data collected on MTurk in ~science

    It's an endless game of cat and mouse. I worked for a survey company (being very vague on purpose) and there were considerable resources spent on detecting faulty participants - available to our...

    It's an endless game of cat and mouse. I worked for a survey company (being very vague on purpose) and there were considerable resources spent on detecting faulty participants - available to our clients for an upcharge, of course.

    If you did your survey through the company, and got your participants from MTurk, you'd definitely have an uphill battle and could take considerable time rooting out the bad quality respondents.

    I do believe that there might have been an option to only allow certain ranked participants from MTurk to take your survey though? Like only those who have had a high amount of survey responses accepted. I may be thinking of another participant-recruitment site though.

    9 votes
  20. Comment on The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars in ~transport

    Could you please tag this as USA? Thank you!

    Could you please tag this as USA? Thank you!

    7 votes