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    1. done

      i think i've stopped writing for myself recently. i've been looking at my writing as "art" instead of self expression. as if things have to have a certain depth, air of mystery, or room for...

      i think i've stopped writing for myself recently.

      i've been looking at my writing as "art" instead of self expression.

      as if things have to have a certain depth, air of mystery, or room for interpretation in order for them to be valid.

      i'm getting wine drunk and writing for me tonight.

      this is a poem about love, drugs, and crashing cars. that's all.

      tildes suggestion: ability to hide the amt of votes on a post.

      "The wise man will live as long as he ought, not as long as he can."

      • Seneca the younger

      turned into a wino
      'least im still alive tho
      90 on the highway
      drive into the signpost
      fuckin on the yayo
      stoic like im cato
      i loved you to the nines
      and you fucxed me over tenfold

      choked me til my eyes closed
      baby got a blindfold
      didn't think youd hurt me
      gave you all the control
      used to be my handhold,
      only wanted billfolds
      tonight im gettin fucked up,
      baby, where'd my gun go?


      used to be so cute
      starin at your rosy cheeks
      now i'm kissin on the
      wine glass to the left of me
      broken mirror shows the
      shattered pieces of what's left of me
      i dont even hate you
      but baby, i am dead to me


      i recommend listening to this song before you jump into this next part if youre going to read it. i borrow the flow here


      plus, it's a damn good song.

      hope he treats you well,
      i'll see you in hell
      wonder if you hate him,
      wonder if you yell
      wonder if you stress him
      til his troubles swell
      wonder if you make him
      hide inside his shell

      wonder if his money
      towers high enough
      if you ever got a
      lexus to feel good enough
      if you ever make him
      dinner when his day was rough
      if you ever drop your
      bullshit and just show him love.

      all i ever needed
      was a cuddlebug
      i swear i tried
      my hardest, never good enough
      tried to build a home
      tried to show you love.
      i was never good enough.

      all the screaming, all
      the fighting i got used to.
      just wanted you to smile
      cus deep down i really missed you
      all it ever came to
      was lies and "i hate you"s
      i can still hear it
      "you look like i abused you."

      i felt my eyes going
      wide, i was never fine.
      dreaming 'bout a better
      life almost all the time
      'bout a day when we
      were married, i could call you mine (&&)
      had a home in missouri
      everything was right

      but any time i tried to
      love you, you pushed me away
      any time i tried to
      hold you, told me "go away"
      tried to build a better life for
      us every day
      then i guess you got your
      lexus, made your getaway

      claiming that you love me (this block isnt mine)
      but you don't mean shit,
      claiming that you had me
      but you never did,
      claiming that you love me
      but you don't mean shit,
      claiming that you had me
      but you never did

      pushed me to the side,
      made me fade away.
      vision fadin' black
      i wont be okay
      im stuck on this shit
      each and every day
      if i kill myself,
      the dreams will go away.

      11 votes
    2. Inktober

      So once a year artists all over the internet settle down and attempt Inktober, where we abandon our digital tools and attempt to put out paper-and-ink drawings once a day for the full month of...

      So once a year artists all over the internet settle down and attempt Inktober, where we abandon our digital tools and attempt to put out paper-and-ink drawings once a day for the full month of October! There's "official" prompt sheets and the like, but a lot of us focus on just getting the art made rather than going by a list of ideas to draw.

      I never make it the full month, but we're three days in now and I'm currently 3 for 3!

      Anyone else taking part? I'd love to see what you've made!

      21 votes
    3. Feeling totally stuck trying to work out music production

      For about a year I have been trying to work out how to make music. I want to make stuff like the OP-1 videos on Red means recording. I have a midi keyboard and LMMS on my desktop but I just can't...

      For about a year I have been trying to work out how to make music. I want to make stuff like the OP-1 videos on Red means recording. I have a midi keyboard and LMMS on my desktop but I just can't work out how to do anything.

      Does anyone have any tips or resources? Everything I have found has been so specific to a certain tool that I can't use it or so theoretical I don't understand what to do with it.

      13 votes
    4. What's the worst person you've ever had to deal with for an extended period of time?

      Mine would definitely have to be my sister in law, who I live with. I daily wake up to headaches from her yelling, once a week she threatens to leave with my brothers children for irrational...

      Mine would definitely have to be my sister in law, who I live with. I daily wake up to headaches from her yelling, once a week she threatens to leave with my brothers children for irrational reasons, and she claims to be a "prisoner in the house" when she can literally leave at any time and nobody will care.

      Example: Today I asked my brothers if they wanted me to fire up my hookah. She came out yelling about smoking weed around her kids and then left out front to vent to someone loudly on the phone for half an hour. There was no weed, the hookah was in a different room, and they smoke cigarettes around their kid all the time.

      12 votes
    5. What are some ways to be a more ethical consumer?

      This is a broad question, but I don't really want to narrow it down because I feel like we see unethical issues across so many industries. I want to be able to buy clothes knowing that I'm not...

      This is a broad question, but I don't really want to narrow it down because I feel like we see unethical issues across so many industries. I want to be able to buy clothes knowing that I'm not supporting child/slave labor just as I want to be able to buy a videogame knowing that the people who created it had time to go home to their families each night. And if the clothes were made with child labor and the game did have a horrible development crunch? Well, those aren't places I want to put my money, even if I'm interested in the product.

      Price and convenience used to be the kings of my spending habits, and I was solely interested in products on my own terms. I have no doubt that I have bought many items that have supported the suffering of others. Now, I am much more concerned with a product as it exists in context, and I'm willing to pay more for companies that do things "right." The problem is that this context isn't always available. Most companies are not exactly upfront with their shady practices, after all. How do I know if, say, the bluetooth speaker, quinoa, or dinnerware that I'm looking at was responsibly produced?

      What are some ways can I make more informed decisions about what I choose to buy so that I can lessen harm (be it personal, environmental, or otherwise)?

      How can I find out which companies support practices that are in line with my values? If anyone has any insight into particular industries, that would be especially valuable.

      10 votes
    6. Fallen London

      Anyone play? I only started a few months ago but I've been really enjoying it so far, it's a very comfy slow-burn and I love slowly pulling back the curtains on the mysteries of the Neath. It's...

      Anyone play? I only started a few months ago but I've been really enjoying it so far, it's a very comfy slow-burn and I love slowly pulling back the curtains on the mysteries of the Neath. It's something I can play in the morning over my tea or for a few minutes while waiting for the bus. I know some people find it a bit grindy but I haven't really been bothered too much by it, after all it only takes a minute to use up your twenty actions gathering souls or improving your watchful or whatever.

      5 votes
    7. Do we really need to add summaries to posted articles?

      This seems to happen quite a lot here. Someone will post an article, and then add a comment with an extract from the article, or a summary of the article. Or someone else will come along and...

      This seems to happen quite a lot here. Someone will post an article, and then add a comment with an extract from the article, or a summary of the article. Or someone else will come along and summarise the article.

      This is pointless clutter.

      On a site where we're hoping for high-quality discussion, we should expect people to actually read the articles they're discussing. If the article's so long that it needs a summary, then reading that summary isn't going to give people a good enough insight into the detail of the article before they start discussing it.

      It also has the effect of misleading readers. They see an article post, read the article, and then notice that someone has already commented on the article. When they open the thread to join in the discussion, they discover that the existing comment is nothing more than a summary of the article they just read. They opened the thread for nothing.

      EDIT: I give up. Lesson learned! I am the odd one out here. It is not normal to read articles beforing opening the comments sections. Summaries are desired, even preferred, here on Tildes.

      I shall adjust my behaviour accordingly:

      • I will start including summaries & extracts in my article posts.

      • I will not waste my time opening posts that have only 1 comment.

      I'm not going to reply here any more.

      21 votes
    8. Suggestion: that there be only one all-inclusive topic type on Tildes.

      At the moment, there are two types of topics that can be posted on Tildes: Link topics, which consist of a title and a URL. Text topics, which consist of a title and text. These two types of topic...

      At the moment, there are two types of topics that can be posted on Tildes:

      • Link topics, which consist of a title and a URL.

      • Text topics, which consist of a title and text.

      These two types of topic are supported by having three input fields for new topics: Title; Link; Text.

      I propose that we combine these two topic types into just one topic type. The submission page for all topics will include only two fields: a title field and a general all-purpose text box. The submitter will type a title for their post, and then put anything else into the general all-purpose box.

      If the submitter is posting off-site content, they can put the link to that content in the all-purpose box. If they want to provide a summary of the off-site content, they can write the summary in the all-purpose box, with the link.

      If the submitter is posting their own original content (no link), they can type their text into the all-purpose box.

      The single all-purpose box includes everything that is currently split between the Link and Text boxes. When the topic is posted, everything entered in that all-purpose box is displayed in the main body of the post.

      At the moment, summaries of off-site content are usually being posted as comments under the main topic, as a result of a change made a few months ago. These comments merely clutter up the thread. If these summaries were in the post itself, that clutter would be reduced.

      One topic type, one streamlined submission page, one place for all topic content.

      18 votes
    9. i like it when friends come over to visit.

      sup everyone! catchin a vibe today, had a few joji tracks on repeat so i thought i'd build something out of his style/flow. voici. inspo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulMHhPHYCi0...

      sup everyone! catchin a vibe today, had a few joji tracks on repeat so i thought i'd build something out of his style/flow.




      doors creaking at the riverside
      subtle fog besets an autumn night
      white dresses in the lower tide
      northern star hangs high

      catches my eye
      closing in on all sides
      belt of Orion,
      branch unified
      eighth night, knocking coincides
      groaning on the other side
      doors among the trees
      shaking hands you start to climb


      you've see the stars before
      and they always keep their shape
      one shoots down,
      angel fell from grace
      all of their alignments,
      a familiar face
      didn't want to come back to this place.

      you liked things as they were
      and you prefer a cityscape
      slugging through your life
      with your eyes ever agape
      toeing through the words
      and your hands began to shake
      she said "you look like i abused you heaven's sake"

      looked to the sky so many times
      that i've mapped the stars out
      screamed so many times now
      only whispers come out
      water from the river Styx
      a seed began to sprout
      it's the tree atop from which i'm looking out.


      doors creaking at the riverside
      subtle fog besets an autumn night
      white dresses in the lower tide
      northern star hangs high

      catches my eye
      closing in on all sides
      belt of Orion,
      branch unified
      eighth night, knocking coincides
      groaning on the other side
      doors among the trees
      shaking hands you start to climb


      4 votes