15 votes

Day 10: Syntax Scoring

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/10

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. tjf
    Python golf, day 10. Tips/improvements always welcome. A suspiciously straightforward problem today, but I'm not complaining. There are lots of magic numbers in here in an attempt to be concise....

    Python golf, day 10. Tips/improvements always welcome. A suspiciously straightforward problem today, but I'm not complaining. There are lots of magic numbers in here in an attempt to be concise. They are derived from the ASCII values of characters, for which Python's ord() came in handy.

    Part 1
    for l in open(0):
     for c in l[:-1]:
      if 5922%(ord(c)+1):k+=[c]
      elif abs(ord(c)-ord(k.pop()))>2:s+={1:3,3:57,0:1197,2:25137}[ord(c)%5]
    Part 2
    for l in open(0):
     for c in l[:-1]:
      if 5922%(ord(c)+1):k=[c]+k
      elif abs(ord(c)-ord(k.pop(0)))>2:k=[];break
     if k:
      e=''.join(chr(ord(c)+(1 if c=='('else 2))for c in k);s=0
      for c in e:s*=5;s+={1:1,3:2,0:3,2:4}[ord(c)%5]
    8 votes
  2. jzimbel
    (edited )
    Elixir Quick one! My solution is kinda messy, but I'm proud of it. Pattern matching and quasi-macros to generate all the necessary clauses of the validation functions made this quick to implement....


    Quick one! My solution is kinda messy, but I'm proud of it. Pattern matching and quasi-macros to generate all the necessary clauses of the validation functions made this quick to implement.

    I might come back and add some explanation of this code since Elixir syntax is a little... out there compared to the C-like languages, but for now I'm going to bed.

    Both parts
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day10 do
      def part1(input) do
        |> parse_input()
        |> Enum.map(&corrupted_char/1)
        |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
        |> Enum.map(&corrupted_score/1)
        |> Enum.sum()
      def part2(input) do
        |> parse_input()
        |> Enum.map(&incomplete_stack/1)
        |> Enum.reject(&match?('', &1))
        |> Enum.map(&autocomplete_score/1)
        |> Enum.sort()
        |> then(fn scores -> Enum.at(scores, div(length(scores), 2)) end)
      defp corrupted_char(line, bracket_stack \\ '')
      defp corrupted_char('', _), do: nil
      for {open, close} <- [{?(, ?)}, {?[, ?]}, {?{, ?}}, {?<, ?>}] do
        defp corrupted_char([unquote(open) | rest_line], stack) do
          corrupted_char(rest_line, [unquote(close) | stack])
        defp corrupted_char([unquote(close) | rest_line], [unquote(close) | rest_stack]) do
          corrupted_char(rest_line, rest_stack)
      defp corrupted_char([char | _], _), do: char
      defp incomplete_stack(line, bracket_stack \\ '')
      defp incomplete_stack('', stack), do: stack
      for {open, close} <- [{?(, ?)}, {?[, ?]}, {?{, ?}}, {?<, ?>}] do
        defp incomplete_stack([unquote(open) | rest_line], stack) do
          incomplete_stack(rest_line, [unquote(close) | stack])
        defp incomplete_stack([unquote(close) | rest_line], [unquote(close) | rest_stack]) do
          incomplete_stack(rest_line, rest_stack)
      defp incomplete_stack([_ | _], _), do: ''
      defp corrupted_score(?)), do: 3
      defp corrupted_score(?]), do: 57
      defp corrupted_score(?}), do: 1197
      defp corrupted_score(?>), do: 25137
      defp autocomplete_score(stack) do
        Enum.reduce(stack, 0, fn char, acc -> acc * 5 + autocomplete_point_value(char) end)
      defp autocomplete_point_value(?)), do: 1
      defp autocomplete_point_value(?]), do: 2
      defp autocomplete_point_value(?}), do: 3
      defp autocomplete_point_value(?>), do: 4
      defp parse_input(input) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        |> Enum.map(&String.to_charlist/1)

    Use a stack!

    Edit: each part runs in 130-150 μs, so that's fun :D

    Edit: Explaining some of the syntax for those interested:

    Pattern matching

    Pattern matching is a core concept in Elixir, and allows for pretty concise and expressive code. It's sort of like JavaScript's destructuring on steroids—you can bind nested values in a data structure to variables while also asserting the shape of the structure. Pattern matching is most often done with the case expression, but it's also possible to use directly in function heads and in many other parts of the language.

    At its core, pattern matching lets you write assertive code based on how the data looks, which can be more expressive than in other languages where the main tool at your disposal is if + an expression that evaluates to a boolean.

    data = %{a: %{b: [1, 2, 3]}, c: "foobar"}
    case data do
      %{a: %{b: [_ | _], other_key: _}, c: a_string} -> "Won't match because nested map doesn't have :other_key key"
      %{a: [_ | _], c: "foobar"} -> "Won't match because :a key doesn't have a list value"
      %{c: "foo" <> rest_of_string} -> "Matches. rest_of_string is #{rest_of_string} == bar"

    Pattern matching
    Case expression

    Multiple function clauses

    In Elixir, much more logic can live in the function head than in a lot of other languages—you can pattern match on the arguments there rather than inside the function body. This allows you to split out different branches of logic of a function into completely separate clauses, changing the mental model of function definitions to be closer to simple mapping operations. "Function f, applied to a value that looks like X, produces X'. Function f, applied to a value that looks like Y, produces Y'. ..."

    Pattern matching is also generally a constant-time operation due to restrictions on the assertions you can make, and when it's done in the function head it gets optimized even more during compilation. This means you can gain a pretty significant performance boost by moving a lot of logic into the function head.

    defmodule MyList do
      def length([]), do: 0
      def length([_element | rest]), do: 1 + length(rest)

    Multiple function clauses

    Macros; generating function clauses

    The final piece of the puzzle here is Elixir's metaprogramming facilities. I've only dipped my toes in macros since they come with a lot of caveats, but one relatively safe use is generating a lot of similar function clauses from a list of "seed" values at compile time. This essentially boils down to programmatically generating the patterns instead of writing them all out manually. It also often comes with a big performance boost since the work is done at compile time. You can see an extreme example of this in Elixir's Unicode tokenizer—at compile time, it parses all of the codepoints from a text file and creates a huge number of function clauses.

    defmodule Greeter do
      # Not the best real-world example, but hopefully it gets the point across
      for spanish_name <- ["María", "Juan", "Sofía", "Carlos"] do
        def greet(unquote(spanish_name)), do: "Hola, #{unquote(spanish_name)}"
      for english_name <- ["Mary", "John", "Sophia", "Carl"] do
        def greet(unquote(english_name)), do: "Hello, #{unquote(english_name)}"
    iex> Greeter.greet("Carlos")
    "Hola, Carlos"
    iex> Greeter.greet("Mary")
    "Hello, Mary"


    Other syntax tidbits

    |>: pipe operator. div(abs(n), 2) == n |> abs() |> div(2)

    &: function capture operator. Captures a named function to be bound to a variable or otherwise passed around. Syntax is &function_name/arity; alternatively it can be used for quickly creating anonymous functions or partial application/closures by using &1, &2 etc as positional arguments: increment = &Kernel.+(&1, 1)

    ?: codepoint operator. Gets the unicode codepoint of a single character. ?a == 97, ?0 == 48

    '': charlist. As opposed to a string "foo", a charlist 'foo' is literally a list of codepoints. 'foo' == [?f, ?o, ?o] == [102, 111, 111]. Great for when you need to work through a string one character at a time.

    _: "any" pattern match. Lets you assert the structure of a piece of data without caring about its value. {:ok, _} = {:ok, 5}

    | (in a list): head/tail separator. Elixir lists are singly-linked lists and the syntax for getting the head and the tail is [head | tail]. [1, 2, 3] == [1 | [2 | [3 | []]]]

    7 votes
  3. pnutzh4x0r
    JavaScript Repo Link Part 1 This was pretty straightforward, especially since in one of the classes I teach, I use a very similar example to have students practice with using a stack :). const...


    Repo Link

    Part 1

    This was pretty straightforward, especially since in one of the classes I teach, I use a very similar example to have students practice with using a stack :).

    const OPENING_BRACKETS = {
        '(': ')',
        '[': ']',
        '{': '}',
        '<': '>',
    const CLOSING_BRACKETS = {
        ')': 3,
        ']': 57,
        '}': 1197,
        '>': 25137,
    function parse_line(line) {
        let stack = [];
        for (let bracket of line) {
            if (bracket in OPENING_BRACKETS) {
            } else {
                if (!stack.length) {
                    return [0, stack];
                let previous = stack.pop();
                if (bracket != OPENING_BRACKETS[previous]) {
                    return [CLOSING_BRACKETS[bracket], null];
        return [0, stack];
    let lines  = IO.readlines(line => line.split(''));
    let part_a = lines.reduce((s, l) => s + parse_line(l)[0], 0);
    IO.print(`Part A: ${part_a}`);
    Part 2

    For this part, I had a lot of fun using JavaScripts functional programming capabilities.

    const COMPLETE_POINTS = {
        '(': 1,
        '[': 2,
        '{': 3,
        '<': 4,
    function complete_line(line) {
        return line.reverse().reduce((s, b) => 5*s + COMPLETE_POINTS[b], 0);
    let scores = lines.map(parse_line)
    		  .filter(p => !p[0])
    		  .map(p => complete_line(p[1]))
    		  .sort((a, b) => (a - b));
    let part_b = scores[Math.floor(scores.length / 2)];
    IO.print(`Part B: ${part_b}`);
    7 votes
  4. [3]
    (edited )
    As always, I am in Google Sheets. Here's a single formula for part 1. I am so sorry to anybody who has to see that. Part 1 =ARRAYFORMULA( IF(C3=FALSE,, SUM( IFERROR( VLOOKUP( IFERROR( VLOOKUP(...

    As always, I am in Google Sheets. Here's a single formula for part 1. I am so sorry to anybody who has to see that.

    Part 1
             "where Col2 is not null
              order by Col1, Col2"),
    Part 2

    lets flip it and reverrrrrse it.

                 "where Col1 is not null")),
           "",9^9 )),
         " ",TRUE,TRUE),
        "where Col1 is not null
         offset 1")))

    This is basically creating a QUERY with the MAX(LEN sequence across the top. It transposes it, sorts it in reverse, transposes again, offsets by one... then goes into this weird concat system.

    With that out of the way I've got a phat table that is a breeze to work with.

    First column


    Next column, dragged across for the fourteen remaining columns,


    Take the MEDIAN and we're good as gold.

    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      lol - market it as abstract code art

      lol - market it as abstract code art

      3 votes
      1. tomf
        Link Parent
        haha. its so crazy, right? Check this to see all of the output -- I'll have an NFT up in no time. :)

        haha. its so crazy, right? Check this to see all of the output -- I'll have an NFT up in no time. :)

        2 votes
  5. spit-evil-olive-tips
    Part 1 I'm a simple man. I see a problem involved matching brackets, I reach for a stack (a deque in Python's case, but used as a stack) from collections import deque COUNTERPARTS = { '(': ')',...
    Part 1

    I'm a simple man. I see a problem involved matching brackets, I reach for a stack (a deque in Python's case, but used as a stack)

    from collections import deque
        '(': ')',
        '[': ']',
        '{': '}',
        '<': '>',
    SCORES = {
        ')': 3,
        ']': 57,
        '}': 1197,
        '>': 25137,
    def main():
        with open('010.txt') as file:
            lines = file.readlines()
        total_score = 0
        for line in lines:
            valid, offender = is_valid(line)
            if not valid:
                total_score += SCORES[offender]
    def is_valid(line):
        stack = deque()
        for char in line:
            if char in ('(', '[', '{', '<'):
            elif char in (')', ']', '}', '>'):
                expected = COUNTERPARTS[stack.pop()]
                if char != expected:
                    return False, char
        return True, None
    Part 2

    storing the to-be-matched brackets on a stack turns out to make this really easy. once you hit the end of the line, the remainder of the stack are the exact characters, in order, your closing brackets need to match up with.

    from collections import deque
        '(': ')',
        '[': ']',
        '{': '}',
        '<': '>',
    SCORES = {
        ')': 1,
        ']': 2,
        '}': 3,
        '>': 4,
    def main():
        with open('010.txt') as file:
            lines = file.readlines()
        scores = []
        for line in lines:
            completion = get_autocomplete(line)
            if completion is not None:
                score = get_score(completion)
        midpoint = int(len(scores) / 2)
    def get_score(completion):
        score = 0
        for char in completion:
            score = score * 5 + SCORES[char]
        return score
    def get_autocomplete(line):
        stack = deque()
        for char in line:
            if char in ('(', '[', '{', '<'):
            elif char in (')', ']', '}', '>'):
                expected = COUNTERPARTS[stack.pop()]
                if char != expected:
                    return None
        completion = []
        while stack:
            char = stack.pop()
        return ''.join(completion)
    6 votes
  6. Crestwave
    I succumbed and implemented quicksort for this; I should probably clean it up a bit as I might have to paste it in a bunch of other future puzzles. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN { FS = "" } {...

    I succumbed and implemented quicksort for this; I should probably clean it up a bit as I might have to paste it in a bunch of other future puzzles.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN { FS = "" }
    	split("", chunk)
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
    		c = $i
    		if (c ~ /[\(\[\{\<]/)
    			stack[++ptr] = c
    		val = 0
    		if (c == ")")
    			val = (stack[ptr--] == "(") ? 0 : 3
    		else if (c == "]")
    			val = (stack[ptr--] == "[") ? 0 : 57
    		else if (c == "}")
    			val = (stack[ptr--] == "{") ? 0 : 1197
    		else if (c == ">")
    			val = (stack[ptr--] == "<") ? 0 : 25137
    		if (val) {
    			total += val
    END { print total }
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    function qsort(arr, left, right,	i, j, tmp, pivot) {
    	if (left >= 0 && right >= 0 && left < right) {
    		pivot = arr[int((left + right) / 2)]
    		i = left - 1
    		j = right + 1
    		while (1) {
    			do {
    				i = i + 1
    			} while (arr[i] < pivot)
    			do {
    				j = j - 1
    			} while (arr[j] > pivot)
    			if (i >= j)
    			tmp = arr[i]
    			arr[i] = arr[j]
    			arr[j] = tmp
    		qsort(arr, left, j)
    		qsort(arr, j + 1, right)
    BEGIN { FS = "" }
    	split("", chunk)
    	ptr = 0
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
    		c = $i
    		if (c ~ /[\(\[\{\<]/)
    			stack[++ptr] = c
    		flag = 1
    		if (c == ")")
    			flag = (stack[ptr--] == "(")
    		else if (c == "]")
    			flag = (stack[ptr--] == "[")
    		else if (c == "}")
    			flag = (stack[ptr--] == "{")
    		else if (c == ">")
    			flag = (stack[ptr--] == "<")
    		if (! flag)
    	val = 0
    	while (ptr) {
    		c = stack[ptr--]
    		val *= 5
    		if (c == "(")
    			val += 1
    		else if (c == "[")
    			val += 2
    		else if (c == "{")
    			val += 3
    		else if (c == "<")
    			val += 4
    	score[++pt] = val
    END {
    	qsort(score, 1, pt)
    	print score[pt/2+.5]
    6 votes
  7. bhrgunatha
    (edited )
    Part 1 Edit:: Sometimes the excitement in the arena gets to you. After spending time away, having some dinner and relaxing a bit, I realised I'm dumb. Part 1 parse already collects the opened...
    Part 1

    Sometimes the excitement in the arena gets to you.
    After spending time away, having some dinner and relaxing a bit, I realised I'm dumb. Part 1 parse already collects the opened items yet I use it to filter out corrupt lines in Part 2 and then iterate again re-collecting them ... like a doofus. Now I return both the collected openers and the corruption character together; part 1 only uses the corruption, part 2 skips any corruptions and calculates the score of the opened items left on the stack.
    I'll leave my idiocy on display here for posterity - you can see the improved version in the repo..

    This is ugly code, but it's deliberate to get the runtime down as much as I could. Any tips to make it faster are very welcome. In Lisp a stack is just a list so parse maintains a stack of opening chars and the offending character that causes corruption.

    (define (part-01 input)
      (for*/fold ([s 0])
                 ([l input])
        (match (parse l)
          [#\) (+ s 3)]
          [#\] (+ s 57)]
          [#\} (+ s 1197)]
          [#\> (+ s 25137)]
          [_ s])))
    (define (parse l)
      (for/fold ([remaining null]
                 [corrupt #f]
                 #:result corrupt)
                ([c (in-string l)] #:break corrupt)
        (case c
          [(#\( #\[ #\{ #\<) (values (cons c remaining) corrupt)]
          [else (mismatch remaining c corrupt)])))
    (define (mismatch remaining c closing)
      (cond [(null? remaining) (values remaining c)]
            [(eq? c #\))
             (values (rest remaining) (if (eq? (first remaining) #\() closing c))]
            [(eq? c #\])
             (values (rest remaining) (if (eq? (first remaining) #\[) closing c))]
            [(eq? c #\})
             (values (rest remaining) (if (eq? (first remaining) #\{) closing c))]
            [(eq? c #\>)
             (values (rest remaining) (if (eq? (first remaining) #\<) closing c))]))

    I did toy with the idea of using Racket's own parser (read) loose on the problem but it's not really the right tool for the job and involves catching exceptions rather than failing gracefully.

    Part 2

    I used parse from Part 1 to filter out the corrupt lines. 'completion' pushes and pops the opening characters on the stack (list !) - safe in the knowledge it isn't corrupt. Whatever is left over on the stack at the end is those openers that need completing.

    (define (part-02 input)
      (for*/fold ([scores null]
                  #:result (median scores))
                 ([l input] #:unless (parse l))
        (cons (completion-score (completion l)) scores)))
    (define (median xs)
      (first (drop (sort xs <)
                   (/ (sub1 (length xs)) 2))))
    (define (completion l)
      (for/fold ([opens null]
                 #:result (list->string (map closing-pair opens)))
                ([c l])
        (cond [(eq? c #\() (cons c opens)]
              [(eq? c #\[) (cons c opens)]
              [(eq? c #\{) (cons c opens)]
              [(eq? c #\<) (cons c opens)]
              [else (rest opens)])))
    (define (completion-score s)
      (for/fold ([score 0])
                ([c s])
        (+ (* score 5)
           (cond [(eq? c #\)) 1]
                 [(eq? c #\]) 2]
                 [(eq? c #\}) 3]
                 [(eq? c #\>) 4]))))
    (define (closing-pair c)
      (match c
        [#\( #\)]
        [#\[ #\]]
        [#\{ #\}]
        [#\< #\>]))

    Did this feel especially difficult, because I feel Eric provided a pretty impressive test-suite in this question - above and beyond what's normally given. For posterity here's my test-suite taken directly from the question

    (module+ test
      (require rackunit)
      (check-not-false (parse "(]"))
      (check-not-false (parse "{()()()>"))
      (check-not-false (parse "(((()))}"))
      (check-eq? (parse "{([(<{}[<>[]}>{[]{[(<()>") #\})
      (check-eq? (parse "[[<[([]))<([[{}[[()]]]") #\))
      (check-eq? (parse "[{[{({}]{}}([{[{{{}}([]") #\])
      (check-eq? (parse "[<(<(<(<{}))><([]([]()") #\))
      (check-eq? (parse "<{([([[(<>()){}]>(<<{{") #\>)
      (check-= (part-01 test-input) 26397 0)
      (check-equal? (completion "[({(<(())[]>[[{[]{<()<>>") "}}]])})]")
      (check-equal? (completion "[(()[<>])]({[<{<<[]>>(") ")}>]})")
      (check-equal? (completion "(((({<>}<{<{<>}{[]{[]{}") "}}>}>))))")
      (check-equal? (completion "{<[[]]>}<{[{[{[]{()[[[]") "]]}}]}]}>")
      (check-equal? (completion "<{([{{}}[<[[[<>{}]]]>[]]") "])}>")
      (check-= (completion-score "}}]])})]") 288957 0)
      (check-= (completion-score ")}>]})") 5566 0)
      (check-= (completion-score "}}>}>))))") 1480781 0)
      (check-= (completion-score "]]}}]}]}>") 995444 0)
      (check-= (completion-score "])}>") 294 0)
      (check-= (part-02 test-input) 288957 0)
      ;; regression tests specific for my input only
      ;; (check-= (part-01 input) 168417 0)
      ;; (check-= (part-02 input) 2802519786 0)
    6 votes
  8. 3d12
    This one was kind of fun, and the most switch statements I've used so far. I thought for about 10 seconds at the start about building a regex pattern to look for these matches, but then shuddered...

    This one was kind of fun, and the most switch statements I've used so far. I thought for about 10 seconds at the start about building a regex pattern to look for these matches, but then shuddered and moved on to what I thought would be easier. And, to my great surprise, my code was in a pretty good spot for part 2 using only the most basic array functions!

    Part 1
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let inputArr = [];
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    		try {
    		} catch(e) {
    function analyzeLine(line) {
    	console.log("DEBUG: analyzing line " + line);
    	let stack = [];
    	for (const char of line) {
    		let compare = undefined;
    		switch (char) {
    			case '(': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '[': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '{': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '<': stack.push(char); break;
    			case ')': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '(') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char };
    			case ']': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '[') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char };
    			case '}': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '{') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char };
    			case '>': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '<') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char };
    	return { corrupted: false, violationCharacter: undefined };
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let totalSum = 0;
    	for (const line of inputArr) {
    		let lineResult = analyzeLine(line);
    		if (lineResult.corrupted === true) {
    			let lineScore = 0;
    			switch (lineResult.violationCharacter) {
    				case ')': lineScore = 3;
    					console.log("DEBUG: ) detected");
    				case ']': lineScore = 57;
    					console.log("DEBUG: ] detected");
    				case '}': lineScore = 1197;
    					console.log("DEBUG: } detected");
    				case '>': lineScore = 25137;
    					console.log("DEBUG: > detected");
    			console.log("DEBUG: Adding " + lineScore + " to " + totalSum);
    			totalSum += lineScore;
    	console.log("Answer found! " + totalSum);
    Part 2
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let inputArr = [];
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    		try {
    		} catch(e) {
    function analyzeLine(line) {
    	console.log("DEBUG: analyzing line " + line);
    	let stack = [];
    	let completionSequence = [];
    	for (const char of line) {
    		let compare = undefined;
    		switch (char) {
    			case '(': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '[': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '{': stack.push(char); break;
    			case '<': stack.push(char); break;
    			case ')': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '(') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char, completionSequence: undefined };
    			case ']': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '[') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char, completionSequence: undefined };
    			case '}': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '{') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char, completionSequence: undefined };
    			case '>': compare = stack.pop();
    				if (compare != '<') {
    					return { corrupted: true, violationCharacter: char, completionSequence: undefined };
    	if (stack.length > 0) {
    		while (stack.length > 0) {
    			let currentOpening = stack.pop();
    			switch (currentOpening) {
    				case '(': completionSequence.push(')'); break;
    				case '[': completionSequence.push(']'); break;
    				case '{': completionSequence.push('}'); break;
    				case '<': completionSequence.push('>'); break;
    		return { corrupted: false, violationCharacter: undefined, completionSequence: completionSequence };
    	} else {
    			return { corrupted: false, violationCharacter: undefined, completionSequence: undefined };
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let lineScores = [];
    	for (const line of inputArr) {
    		let lineResult = analyzeLine(line);
    		if (lineResult.corrupted === false) {
    			let lineScore = 0;
    			for (const char of lineResult.completionSequence) {
    				lineScore *= 5;
    				let charValue = 0;
    				switch (char) {
    					case ')': charValue = 1; break;
    					case ']': charValue = 2; break;
    					case '}': charValue = 3; break;
    					case '>': charValue = 4; break;
    				lineScore += charValue;
    			console.log("DEBUG: Line complete! lineScore = " + lineScore);
    	console.log("Answer found! " + lineScores.sort((a,b) => { return a - b })[Math.floor((lineScores.length - 1) / 2)]);
    5 votes
  9. petrichor
    (edited )
    Can't wait to see a golfed solution. Python total = 0 complete = [] for line in input: close = "" for brace in line: if brace == "(": close += ")" elif brace == "[": close += "]" elif brace ==...

    Can't wait to see a golfed solution.

    total = 0
    complete = []
    for line in input:
        close = ""
        for brace in line:
            if brace == "(": close += ")"
            elif brace == "[": close += "]"
            elif brace == "{": close += "}"
            elif brace == "<": close += ">"
            elif brace == close[-1]: close = close[0:-1]
                if brace == ")": total += 3
                elif brace == "]": total += 57
                elif brace == "}": total += 1197
                elif brace == ">": total += 25137
                else: complete.append(close[::-1])
    totals = []
    for seq in complete:
        total = 0
        for brace in seq:
            total *= 5
            if brace == ")": total += 1
            elif brace == "]": total += 2
            elif brace == "}": total += 3
            elif brace == ">": total += 4
    print(sorted(totals)[len(totals) // 2])
    5 votes
  10. asterisk
    (edited )
    Python pairs = {"(": ")", "[": "]", "{": "}", "<": ">"} illegal = int() incomplete = list() for chunks in [line for line in open("input.txt").read().split()]: history = list() for chunk in chunks:...
    pairs = {"(": ")", "[": "]", "{": "}", "<": ">"}
    illegal = int()
    incomplete = list()
    for chunks in [line for line in open("input.txt").read().split()]:
        history = list()
        for chunk in chunks:
            if chunk not in pairs.keys():
                if chunk == pairs[history[-1]]:
                    illegal += {")": 3, "]": 57, "}": 1197, ">": 25137}[chunk]
        if history:
            points = int()
            for h in history[::-1]:
                points = points * 5 + {")": 1, "]": 2, "}": 3, ">": 4}[pairs[h]]
    print("Part One:", illegal)
    print("Part Two:", sorted(incomplete)[len(incomplete) // 2])

    Edit: shorted.

    5 votes
  11. Crespyl
    This one was nice and pretty easy, I'm expecting things to get a lot harder as we get into this coming weekend. Part 1 Ruby This is a pretty classic parsing situation, we just need to use a stack...

    This one was nice and pretty easy, I'm expecting things to get a lot harder as we get into this coming weekend.

    Part 1 Ruby

    This is a pretty classic parsing situation, we just need to use a stack to keep track of how many layers of brackets deep we are, and what kind of closing bracket we expect to see next. Each time we find a new opening bracket we add the appropriate closing bracket to our stack, and each time we find a closing bracket we just remove the top item from our stack and check to see if it's the same.

    def compute_p1(input)
      parens = {
        '(' => ')',
        '[' => ']',
        '{' => '}',
        '<' => '>'
      points = {
        ')' => 3,
        ']' => 57,
        '}' => 1197,
        '>' => 25137
      input.lines.map(&:chomp).reduce(0) do |sum, line|
        expect_stack = []
        line.chars.each do |char|
          if parens.keys.include?(char)
          elsif parens.values.include?(char) && expect_stack.pop != char
            sum += points[char]
    Part 2 Ruby

    Somewhat surprisingly, not really any harder than part 1. We do pretty much the exact same thing here, except that we know all the lines are "well formed" and don't have any incorrect closing brackets anywhere (since we just wrote a function we can use to filter them out).

    We just run the exact same logic to build up a stack of expected closing brackets, popping them back off as we find them in the line, and whatever is left over in our stack of expected values is what we use to score the line.

    def compute_p2(input)
      parens = {
        '(' => ')',
        '[' => ']',
        '{' => '}',
        '<' => '>'
      points = {
        ')' => 1,
        ']' => 2,
        '}' => 3,
        '>' => 4
      scores = input
                 .filter { compute_p1(_1) == 0 }
                 .map do |line|
        expect_stack = []
        line.chars.each do |char|
          if parens.keys.include?(char)
          elsif parens.values.include?(char) && expect_stack.pop != char
            # binding.pry
        expect_stack.reverse.reduce(0) { |sum,char| (sum * 5) + points[char] }
    5 votes
  12. PapaNachos
    Is it just me or does this year feel really parsing-heavy? I feel like previous years focused more on math and logic and less on string manipulation Day 10 Part A - Python Regex putting in work...

    Is it just me or does this year feel really parsing-heavy? I feel like previous years focused more on math and logic and less on string manipulation

    Day 10 Part A - Python

    Regex putting in work once again. I iterated through the strings replacing completed sets of brackets until I couldn't anymore, either because I ran out of characters or the string stayed the same size after trying all possible combinations.

    Once the string was reduced, whipped up some regex of possible invalid combinations and looked for those. Though having looked through more of the data, I'm pretty sure I could have just looked for the first remaining closing bracket. From there it was was trivial to sum up the score

    I don't know if I got lucky or it was by design, but none of my strings seemed to have multiple copies of invalid characters. That could have thrown a wrench into my plans.

    import re
    #data = test_data
    data = real_data
    data = data.split('\n')
    close_brackets_1 = re.compile(r'\(\)')
    close_brackets_2 = re.compile(r'\[\]')
    close_brackets_3 = re.compile(r'\{\}')
    close_brackets_4 = re.compile(r'\<\>')
    find_error_1 = re.compile(r'[\[\{\<]\)')
    find_error_2 = re.compile(r'[\(\{\<]\]')
    find_error_3 = re.compile(r'[\(\[\<]\}')
    find_error_4 = re.compile(r'[\(\[\{]\>')
    score = 0
    for row in data:
        reducing = True
        while reducing:
            row_size = len(row)
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_1, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_2, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_3, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_4, '' , str(row))
            if len(row) == row_size or len(row) == 0:
                reducing = False
        error_1 = find_error_1.search(row)
        error_2 = find_error_2.search(row)
        error_3 = find_error_3.search(row)
        error_4 = find_error_4.search(row)
        if error_1:
            score = score + 3
            #print("found error 1")
        if error_2: 
            score = score + 57
            #print("found error 2")
        if error_3: 
            score = score + 1197
            #print("found error 3")
        if error_4: 
            score = score + 25137
            #print("found error 4")
    Day 10 Part B - Python

    My method for Part A put me in a good position for Part B, since it left me with the remainder, which was the mirror of what I wanted. Just flip the string and do some replacement to swap the characters with their closing counterparts.

    from collections import defaultdict
    import re
    #data = test_data
    data = real_data
    data = data.split('\n')
    close_brackets_1 = re.compile(r'\(\)')
    close_brackets_2 = re.compile(r'\[\]')
    close_brackets_3 = re.compile(r'\{\}')
    close_brackets_4 = re.compile(r'\<\>')
    find_error_1 = re.compile(r'[\[\{\<]\)')
    find_error_2 = re.compile(r'[\(\{\<]\]')
    find_error_3 = re.compile(r'[\(\[\<]\}')
    find_error_4 = re.compile(r'[\(\[\{]\>')
    char_swap_1 = re.compile(r'\(')
    char_swap_2 = re.compile(r'\[')
    char_swap_3 = re.compile(r'\{')
    char_swap_4 = re.compile(r'\<')
    scores = []
    for row in data:
        reducing = True
        while reducing:
            row_size = len(row)
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_1, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_2, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_3, '' , str(row))
            row = re.sub(close_brackets_4, '' , str(row))
            if len(row) == row_size or len(row) == 0:
                reducing = False
        error_1 = find_error_1.search(row)
        error_2 = find_error_2.search(row)
        error_3 = find_error_3.search(row)
        error_4 = find_error_4.search(row)
        if error_1 or error_2 or error_3 or error_4:
            continue #reject the line
        reduced_row = row
        flipped_row = row[::-1]
        flipped_row = re.sub(char_swap_1, ')', flipped_row)
        flipped_row = re.sub(char_swap_2, ']', flipped_row)
        flipped_row = re.sub(char_swap_3, '}', flipped_row)
        flipped_row = re.sub(char_swap_4, '>', flipped_row)
        #print(reduced_row, "  ++++  ", flipped_row )  
        score = 0
        for char in list(flipped_row):
            score = score * 5
            if char == ')': score = score + 1
            elif char == ']': score = score + 2
            elif char == '}': score = score + 3
            elif char == '>': score = score + 4
    length = len(scores)
    mid = length//2
    • If you haven't already, I HIGHLY recommend looking into learning Regular Expressions. https://regexone.com/ was where I learned how to use them, it's really helpful. And https://regexr.com/ is a great sandbox for testing your patterns and debugging them

    • In part A I found it much easier to remove matches one at a time, rather than trying to process them in place

    • Depending on how you approach Part A, Part B might just require flipping some strings around

    4 votes
  13. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. kari
      Link Parent
      Why use spoilers a VecDeque instead of just a Vec? The Rust docs say to use a Vec when you want a stack, but is popping from a VecDeque actually faster?

      Why use

      spoilers a VecDeque instead of just a Vec? The Rust docs say to use a Vec when you want a stack, but is popping from a VecDeque actually faster?
      3 votes
  14. [3]
    (edited )
    Rust Pleased to have another relatively easy one after the rough day 8. Rust use std::env; use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader}; use std::fs::File; use std::collections::VecDeque; fn...

    Pleased to have another relatively easy one after the rough day 8.

    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::collections::VecDeque;
    fn corresponding(delim: char) -> char {
        match delim {
            '(' => ')',
            '[' => ']',
            '{' => '}',
            '<' => '>',
            other => panic!("Syntax error: unexpected character: {}",other),
    fn delim_score_p1(delim: char) -> usize {
        match delim {
            ')' => 3,
            ']' => 57,
            '}' => 1197,
            '>' => 25137,
            other => panic!("Syntax error: unexpected character: {}",other),
    fn delim_score_p2(delim: char) -> usize {
        match delim {
            ')' => 1,
            ']' => 2,
            '}' => 3,
            '>' => 4,
            other => panic!("Syntax error: unexpected character: {}",other),
    fn score_line_p1(line: &str) -> usize {
        let mut stack: VecDeque<char> = VecDeque::new();
        for ch in line.chars() {
            match ch {
                '(' | '[' | '{' | '<' => stack.push_front(ch),
                ')' | ']' | '}' | '>' => {
                    let next = stack.pop_front().unwrap();
                    if ch != corresponding(next) {
                        return delim_score_p1(ch); // corrupted line
                other => panic!("Syntax error: unexpected character: {}",other),
        0 // incomplete line
    fn complete_line(line: &str) -> String {
        let mut completion = String::new();
        let mut stack: VecDeque<char> = VecDeque::new();
        // Parse existing string
        for ch in line.chars() {
            match ch {
                '(' | '[' | '{' | '<' => { stack.push_front(ch) },
                ')' | ']' | '}' | '>' => { stack.pop_front(); },
                other => panic!("Syntax error: unexpected character: {}",other),
        // Complete string
        while stack.len() > 0 {
            let next = stack.pop_front().unwrap();
            let corresponding = corresponding(next);
    fn score_line_p2(completion: String) -> usize {
        completion.chars().fold(0, |score, ch| score * 5 +  delim_score_p2(ch))
    fn solve(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // Input
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {}", err),
            Ok(result) => result,
        // Part 1
        let part1: usize = input.clone().iter().map(|x| score_line_p1(x)).sum();
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1); // 392043
        // Part 2
        let incomplete_lines: Vec<_> = input
            .filter(|x| score_line_p1(x) == 0)
        let mut part2_scores = incomplete_lines
            .map(|x| complete_line(x))
            .map(|x| score_line_p2(x))
        let middle_index = part2_scores.len()/2;
        let part2 = part2_scores.iter().nth(middle_index).unwrap();
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2); // 1605968119
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      We need a day 8 support group

      We need a day 8 support group

      4 votes
      1. tomf
        Link Parent
        its comforting to know that a lot of people struggled with day 8. I'm working in a spreadsheet and figured it was impossible handle it somewhat elegantly, so I didn't want to bother. It turned out...

        its comforting to know that a lot of people struggled with day 8. I'm working in a spreadsheet and figured it was impossible handle it somewhat elegantly, so I didn't want to bother. It turned out nice, but I think that's about the limit of my abilities :)

        3 votes
  15. [3]
    (edited )
    Day 10 (Rust) Data structures & Parsing If the line is corrupt, LineState will contain the offending char. If the line is incomplete, it contains the characters for completing the line in reverse...

    Day 10 (Rust)

    Data structures & Parsing

    If the line is corrupt, LineState will contain the offending char. If the line is incomplete, it contains the characters for completing the line in reverse order (i.e. as a stack).

    type Line = Vec<char>;
    enum LineState {
    fn parse_navigation(input: &str) -> Vec<Line> {
        input.lines().map(|l| l.trim().chars().collect()).collect()
    Helper function

    This uses a stack to keep track of which closing character is next.

    fn line_state_of(line: &Line) -> LineState {
        let mut stack = Vec::new();
        for &c in line.iter() {
            match c {
                '(' => stack.push(')'),
                '[' => stack.push(']'),
                '{' => stack.push('}'),
                '<' => stack.push('>'),
                _ => {
                    if stack.len() == 0 || stack[stack.len() - 1] != c {
                        return LineState::Corrupt(c);
                    } else {
    fn part1(lines: &Vec<Line>) -> usize {
        lines.iter().fold(0, |acc, l| match line_state_of(&l) {
            LineState::Incomplete(_) => acc,
            LineState::Corrupt(')') => acc + 3,
            LineState::Corrupt(']') => acc + 57,
            LineState::Corrupt('}') => acc + 1197,
            LineState::Corrupt('>') => acc + 25137,
            _ => unreachable!(),
    fn part2(lines: &Vec<Line>) -> usize {
        let stacks = lines.iter().filter_map(|l| match line_state_of(&l) {
            LineState::Incomplete(stack) => Some(stack),
            _ => None,
        let mut scores: Vec<usize> = stacks
            .map(|mut s| {
                let mut score = 0;
                while let Some(c) = s.pop() {
                    score *= 5;
                    match c {
                        ')' => score += 1,
                        ']' => score += 2,
                        '}' => score += 3,
                        '>' => score += 4,
                        _ => unreachable!(),
        let num_scores = scores.len();
        assert!(num_scores % 2 == 1);
        *scores.select_nth_unstable(num_scores / 2).1
    fn main() {
        let input = include_str!("../../input-10.txt");
        let nav = parse_navigation(input);
        println!("Part I:  {}", part1(&nav));
        println!("Part II: {}", part2(&nav));
    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      You didn't have to sort your part 2 scores to get the right answer?

      You didn't have to sort your part 2 scores to get the right answer?

      2 votes
      1. DataWraith
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Nope. Well, kind of. :) I used select_nth_unstable() which uses a variant of the quickselect algorithm. It finds out what element would be at the given position if you were to sort the list. The...

        Nope. Well, kind of. :)

        I used select_nth_unstable() which uses a variant of the quickselect algorithm. It finds out what element would be at the given position if you were to sort the list. The input list is partially sorted and returned as part of the result, but I ignore all that and just get the final value in the middle of the list.

        3 votes
  16. kari
    Rust Not too bad, though I possibly could've limited the nesting a bit. Rust use crate::lib::aoc; pub fn run() { let lines = aoc::get_lines("./inputs/day10.in"); let mut error_score = 0; let mut...

    Not too bad, though I possibly could've limited the nesting a bit.

    use crate::lib::aoc;
    pub fn run() {
        let lines = aoc::get_lines("./inputs/day10.in");
        let mut error_score = 0;
        let mut completion_scores: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
        for line in lines {
            let mut stack: Vec<char> = Vec::new();
            let mut is_valid = true;
            // Check if the line is valid
            for c in line.chars() {
                match c {
                    '(' | '[' | '{' | '<' => stack.push(c),
                    ')' => match stack.pop() {
                        Some('(') => { /* This is what we want but there's nothingto do */ }
                        _ => {
                            error_score += 3;
                            is_valid = false
                    ']' => match stack.pop() {
                        Some('[') => { /* This is what we want but there's nothingto do */ }
                        _ => {
                            error_score += 57;
                            is_valid = false
                    '}' => match stack.pop() {
                        Some('{') => { /* This is what we want but there's nothingto do */ }
                        _ => {
                            error_score += 1197;
                            is_valid = false
                    '>' => match stack.pop() {
                        Some('<') => { /* This is what we want but there's nothingto do */ }
                        _ => {
                            error_score += 25137;
                            is_valid = false
                    _ => eprintln!("Non-bracket character ({}) found! Ignoring...", c),
            // If it is valid, get the line's completion score
            if is_valid {
                let mut completion_score = 0;
                for c in stack.iter().rev() {
                    completion_score *= 5;
                    match c {
                        '(' => completion_score += 1,
                        '[' => completion_score += 2,
                        '{' => completion_score += 3,
                        '<' => completion_score += 4,
                        _ => {
                            eprintln!("Non-opening-bracket character ({}) found! Ignoring...", c);
                            // Unmultiply the score
                            completion_score /= 5;
            completion_scores[completion_scores.len() / 2],
    3 votes
  17. Gyrfalcon
    Spoiler thoughts This one was not too bad! It looks like a lot of people used regex for this, but since it was so simple and I used a sequence as a stack it made part 2 not too difficult. I just...
    Spoiler thoughts

    This one was not too bad! It looks like a lot of people used regex for this, but since it was so simple and I used a sequence as a stack it made part 2 not too difficult. I just had to modify my output and filter it to get the right information to the right places, and then remember to reverse the stack. I do wish Nim had a more graceful way to iterate backwards, given how nice a lot of the other syntax is.

    Part 1
    import std/[strformat, sequtils, strutils, sugar, tables, algorithm]
    proc parseFile(inputFile: string): seq[string] = 
      return collect(newSeq):
        for line in inputFile.lines: line
    func findIllegalCharacter(line: string): char = 
      var stack: seq[char]
      var opens = @['[', '{', '(', '<']
      var closes = @[']', '}', ')', '>']
      var openToClose = {'[' : ']',
                           '{' : '}',
                           '(' : ')',
                           '<' : '>'}.toTable()
      for character in line:
        if character in opens:
        if character in closes:
          if character != stack[^1]:
            return character
            stack = stack[0 .. ^2]
      return ' '
    func scoreErrors(errors: seq[char]): int = 
      var errorToValue = {')' : 3,
                          ']' : 57,
                          '}' : 1197,
                          '>' : 25137}.toTable()
      var score: int
      for error in errors:
        score = score + errorToValue[error]
      return score
    proc main(inputFile: string) =
      var lines = parseFile(inputFile)
      var illegalCharacters = mapIt(lines, findIllegalCharacter(it))
      keepItIf(illegalCharacters, it != ' ')
      echo &"The total syntax error score is {scoreErrors(illegalCharacters)}"
    when is_main_module:
      # main("test.txt")
    Part 2 diff
    @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ proc parseFile(inputFile: string): seq[string] =
       return collect(newSeq):
         for line in inputFile.lines: line
    -func findIllegalCharacter(line: string): char = 
    +func findIllegalCharacter(line: string): seq[char] = 
       var stack: seq[char]
       var opens = @['[', '{', '(', '<']
    @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ func findIllegalCharacter(line: string): char =
         if character in closes:
           if character != stack[^1]:
    -        return character
    +        return @[character]
             stack = stack[0 .. ^2]
    -  return ' '
    +  return stack & @[' ']
     func scoreErrors(errors: seq[char]): int = 
       var errorToValue = {')' : 3,
    @@ -37,14 +37,38 @@ func scoreErrors(errors: seq[char]): int =
       return score
    +func scoreCompletions(completion: seq[char]): int =
    +  var completionToValue = {')' : 1,
    +                           ']' : 2,
    +                           '}' : 3,
    +                           '>' : 4}.toTable()
    +  var score: int
    +  for idx in countdown(completion.len - 1, 0, 1):
    +    score = score * 5 + completionToValue[completion[idx]]
    +  return score
     proc main(inputFile: string) =
       var lines = parseFile(inputFile)
    -  var illegalCharacters = mapIt(lines, findIllegalCharacter(it))
    -  keepItIf(illegalCharacters, it != ' ')
    +  var syntaxChecking = mapIt(lines, findIllegalCharacter(it))
    +  var illegalCharactersSeq = filterIt(syntaxChecking, it[^1] != ' ')
    +  # There must be a better way to do this but oh well
    +  var illegalCharacters: seq[char]
    +  for list in illegalCharactersSeq:
    +    illegalCharacters.add(list[0])
       echo &"The total syntax error score is {scoreErrors(illegalCharacters)}"
    +  var lineCompletions = filterIt(syntaxChecking, it[^1] == ' ')
    +  applyIt(lineCompletions, it[0 .. ^2])
    +  var completionScores = mapIt(lineCompletions, scoreCompletions(it))
    +  sort(completionScores)
    +  echo &"The middle line completion scroe is {completionScores[completionScores.len div 2]}"
     when is_main_module:
       # main("test.txt")
    3 votes
  18. bliden
    (edited )
    Just part one so far. Did some good Rust things (using enum variants), then some weird-feeling things (extracting value from an enum variant?). This one was pretty smooth sailing compared to...

    Just part one so far. Did some good Rust things (using enum variants), then some weird-feeling things (extracting value from an enum variant?). This one was pretty smooth sailing compared to recent days' though. Part 2 coming tomorrow probably.

    I'd read about bracket validators in an introductory C++ course in January of this year, but I didn't actually get to writing one... until today! Pretty fun problem to work with.


    edit: Finished part 2-- (lots of chaining 🥴)

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