13 votes

Day 11: Dumbo Octopus

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/11

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. PapaNachos
    Some definite overlap with day 9, so I was able to reuse a bit of my code. Definitely a fun little simulation. And this time I managed to keep my X and Y coordinates straight. I always enjoy...

    Some definite overlap with day 9, so I was able to reuse a bit of my code. Definitely a fun little simulation. And this time I managed to keep my X and Y coordinates straight. I always enjoy modeling problems

    Day 11 Part A - Python

    Built a grid and just iterated through it. During the first pass I looked at which ones were going to flash and stored that in a list. Then as flashes lit up their neighbors those got checked to see if they would flash too. Once something did flash I kept track of it to stop it from flashing again and also so I knew to reset it

    import re
    from collections import defaultdict
    #data = test_data
    data = real_data
    data = data.split('\n')
    grid = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    for index2, row in enumerate(data):
        for index, val in enumerate(list(row)):
            grid[index2][index] = int(val)
    bounds_x = len(grid.keys())
    bounds_y = len(grid[0].keys())
    def display_grid(grid):
        for row in grid.keys():
            this_row = ""
            for col in grid[row].keys():
                this_row = this_row + str(grid[row][col])
    directions = [(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(-1,0),(1,-1),(-1,1)]
    flash_count = 0
    for step in range(100):
        to_flash = []
        flashed = []
        for row in grid.keys():
            for col in grid[row].keys():
                grid[row][col] = grid[row][col] + 1
                if grid[row][col] > 9:
                    to_flash.append((row, col))
        while len(to_flash) > 0:
            flash = to_flash.pop()
            flash_count = flash_count + 1
            row = flash[0]
            col = flash[1]
            for direction in directions:
                nearby_x = row + direction[0]
                nearby_y = col + direction[1]
                if nearby_x >= 0 and nearby_x < bounds_x and nearby_y >= 0 and nearby_y < bounds_y:
                    grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] = grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] + 1
                    if grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] > 9 and (nearby_x, nearby_y) not in to_flash and (nearby_x, nearby_y) not in flashed:
                        to_flash.append((nearby_x, nearby_y))
        #done flashing
        for coords in flashed:
            grid[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 0
    Day 11 Part B - Python

    It's a 10x10 grid, so 100 jellyfish. I just changed the loop to go from counting steps to seeing if 100 jellyfish flashed this iteration

    import re
    from collections import defaultdict
    #data = test_data
    data = real_data
    data = data.split('\n')
    grid = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    for index2, row in enumerate(data):
        for index, val in enumerate(list(row)):
            grid[index2][index] = int(val)
    bounds_x = len(grid.keys())
    bounds_y = len(grid[0].keys())
    def display_grid(grid):
        for row in grid.keys():
            this_row = ""
            for col in grid[row].keys():
                this_row = this_row + str(grid[row][col])
    directions = [(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(-1,0),(1,-1),(-1,1)]
    flash_count = 0
    synced = False
    step_count = 0
    while not synced:
        step_count = step_count + 1
        to_flash = []
        flashed = []
        for row in grid.keys():
            for col in grid[row].keys():
                grid[row][col] = grid[row][col] + 1
                if grid[row][col] > 9:
                    to_flash.append((row, col))
        while len(to_flash) > 0:
            flash = to_flash.pop()
            flash_count = flash_count + 1
            row = flash[0]
            col = flash[1]
            for direction in directions:
                nearby_x = row + direction[0]
                nearby_y = col + direction[1]
                if nearby_x >= 0 and nearby_x < bounds_x and nearby_y >= 0 and nearby_y < bounds_y:
                    grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] = grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] + 1
                    if grid[nearby_x][nearby_y] > 9 and (nearby_x, nearby_y) not in to_flash and (nearby_x, nearby_y) not in flashed:
                        to_flash.append((nearby_x, nearby_y))
        #done flashing
        for coords in flashed:
            grid[coords[0]][coords[1]] = 0
        if len(flashed) == 100:
            synced = True
    • Building a visualizer may be really helpful so you can see what it was doing

    • When debugging my simulation, I ran my output and the examples through https://www.diffchecker.com/diff, which is a neat way to tell the difference between blocks of text. It didn't highlight the individual differences, but it could tell me if my grids matched what they were supposed to be. This only works if you manage not to fuck up your x and y coordinates

    • Like I mentioned above, you may be able to reuse code from previous days, like day 9

    • The fact that each jellyfish can flash exactly once per step and all if them that flash reset to 0 greatly simplifies aspects of this model

    6 votes
  2. 3d12
    Yay for reusable functions! Just had to add diagonals to my findNeighbors function from day9, and it was ready to be re-used! On a side note, part 2's output was extremely visually satisfying to...

    Yay for reusable functions! Just had to add diagonals to my findNeighbors function from day9, and it was ready to be re-used! On a side note, part 2's output was extremely visually satisfying to me. :)

    Oh! And I'm extremely proud of my solve time between the two parts. Part 2 only took +3m from part 1, because I was already returning the count of flashes from each iteration, and the comparison for that is a calculable constant!

    Part 1
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let inputArr = [];
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    		try {
    		} catch(e) {
    function findNeighbors(x,y,octopusGrid) {
    	let neighbors = [];
    	let rowBoundary = octopusGrid.length-1;
    	let colBoundary = octopusGrid[0].length-1;
    	// left
    	if (x-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y });
    	// right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y });
    	// up
    	if (y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x, y: y-1 });
    	// down
    	if (y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x, y: y+1 });
    	// up-left
    	if (x-1 >= 0 && y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y-1 });
    	// up-right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary && y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y-1 });
    	// down-left
    	if (x-1 >= 0 && y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y+1 });
    	// down-right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary && y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y+1 });
    	return neighbors;
    function simulateStep(octopusGrid) {
    	let flashedThisStep = [];
    	let newGrid = [];
    	// serialize into objects
    	for (let y = 0; y < octopusGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = octopusGrid[y];
    		let newRow = [];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    			newRow.push({ numericValue: octopusGrid[y][x] });
    	// increment every octopus' value by 1
    	for (let y = 0; y < newGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = newGrid[y];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    	// check for flashes
    	for (let y = 0; y < newGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = newGrid[y];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    			let currentOctopus = currentRow[x];
    			// on flash, if not already flashed this step
    			if (currentOctopus.numericValue > 9 && flashedThisStep.filter(e => e.x === x && e.y === y).length === 0) {
    				let flashesToResolve = [ { x: x, y: y } ];
    				while (flashesToResolve.length > 0) {
    					//console.log("DEBUG: flashesToResolve = " + flashesToResolve.map(e => e.x + ',' + e.y).join(';'));
    					let resolvingFlash = flashesToResolve.pop();
    					//console.log("DEBUG: " + resolvingFlash.x + "," + resolvingFlash.y + " (" + newGrid[resolvingFlash.y][resolvingFlash.x].numericValue + ") flashed");
    					// add to flashedThisStep
    					flashedThisStep.push({ x: resolvingFlash.x, y: resolvingFlash.y });
    					let neighbors = findNeighbors(resolvingFlash.x,resolvingFlash.y,newGrid);
    					//console.log("DEBUG: neighbors: " + neighbors.map(e => e.x + "," + e.y).join(';'));
    					// increase all neighbors
    					for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
    						//console.log("DEBUG: increasing neighbor " + neighbor.x + "," + neighbor.y + " (" + newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue + ") -> (" + (newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue + 1) + ")");
    						// check for flashes
    						if (newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue > 9
    								&& flashedThisStep.filter(e => e.x === neighbor.x && e.y === neighbor.y).length === 0
    								&& flashesToResolve.filter(e => e.x === neighbor.x && e.y === neighbor.y).length === 0) {
    							//console.log("DEBUG: adding " + neighbor.x + "," + neighbor.y + " to flashesToResolve");
    							// add to flashesToResolve
    	// all flashed octopi have their energy reset
    	for (const flashed of flashedThisStep) {
    		newGrid[flashed.y][flashed.x].numericValue = 0;
    	return { updatedGrid: newGrid.map(e => e.map(f => f.numericValue)), flashedThisStep: flashedThisStep };
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let octopusArr = [];
    	let totalFlashes = 0;
    	for (const line of inputArr) {
    		let tempLine = [];
    		for (const char of line) {
    	//console.log(octopusArr.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: start of step 1: ");
    	console.log(octopusArr.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    	let updatedArr = simulateStep(octopusArr);
    	totalFlashes += updatedArr.flashedThisStep.length;
    	console.log("DEBUG: end of step 1: ");
    	console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    	for (let i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
    		console.log("DEBUG: start of step " + (i+2) + ": ");
    		console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    		console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    		updatedArr = simulateStep(updatedArr.updatedGrid);
    		totalFlashes += updatedArr.flashedThisStep.length;
    		console.log("DEBUG: end of step " + (i+2) + ": ");
    		console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    		console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    Part 2
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let inputArr = [];
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    		try {
    		} catch(e) {
    function findNeighbors(x,y,octopusGrid) {
    	let neighbors = [];
    	let rowBoundary = octopusGrid.length-1;
    	let colBoundary = octopusGrid[0].length-1;
    	// left
    	if (x-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y });
    	// right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y });
    	// up
    	if (y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x, y: y-1 });
    	// down
    	if (y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x, y: y+1 });
    	// up-left
    	if (x-1 >= 0 && y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y-1 });
    	// up-right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary && y-1 >= 0) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y-1 });
    	// down-left
    	if (x-1 >= 0 && y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x-1, y: y+1 });
    	// down-right
    	if (x+1 <= colBoundary && y+1 <= rowBoundary) {
    		neighbors.push({ x: x+1, y: y+1 });
    	return neighbors;
    function simulateStep(octopusGrid) {
    	let flashedThisStep = [];
    	let newGrid = [];
    	// serialize into objects
    	for (let y = 0; y < octopusGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = octopusGrid[y];
    		let newRow = [];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    			newRow.push({ numericValue: octopusGrid[y][x] });
    	// increment every octopus' value by 1
    	for (let y = 0; y < newGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = newGrid[y];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    	// check for flashes
    	for (let y = 0; y < newGrid.length; y++) {
    		let currentRow = newGrid[y];
    		for (let x = 0; x < currentRow.length; x++) {
    			let currentOctopus = currentRow[x];
    			// on flash, if not already flashed this step
    			if (currentOctopus.numericValue > 9 && flashedThisStep.filter(e => e.x === x && e.y === y).length === 0) {
    				let flashesToResolve = [ { x: x, y: y } ];
    				while (flashesToResolve.length > 0) {
    					//console.log("DEBUG: flashesToResolve = " + flashesToResolve.map(e => e.x + ',' + e.y).join(';'));
    					let resolvingFlash = flashesToResolve.pop();
    					//console.log("DEBUG: " + resolvingFlash.x + "," + resolvingFlash.y + " (" + newGrid[resolvingFlash.y][resolvingFlash.x].numericValue + ") flashed");
    					// add to flashedThisStep
    					flashedThisStep.push({ x: resolvingFlash.x, y: resolvingFlash.y });
    					let neighbors = findNeighbors(resolvingFlash.x,resolvingFlash.y,newGrid);
    					//console.log("DEBUG: neighbors: " + neighbors.map(e => e.x + "," + e.y).join(';'));
    					// increase all neighbors
    					for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
    						//console.log("DEBUG: increasing neighbor " + neighbor.x + "," + neighbor.y + " (" + newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue + ") -> (" + (newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue + 1) + ")");
    						// check for flashes
    						if (newGrid[neighbor.y][neighbor.x].numericValue > 9
    								&& flashedThisStep.filter(e => e.x === neighbor.x && e.y === neighbor.y).length === 0
    								&& flashesToResolve.filter(e => e.x === neighbor.x && e.y === neighbor.y).length === 0) {
    							//console.log("DEBUG: adding " + neighbor.x + "," + neighbor.y + " to flashesToResolve");
    							// add to flashesToResolve
    	// all flashed octopi have their energy reset
    	for (const flashed of flashedThisStep) {
    		newGrid[flashed.y][flashed.x].numericValue = 0;
    	return { updatedGrid: newGrid.map(e => e.map(f => f.numericValue)), flashedThisStep: flashedThisStep };
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let octopusArr = [];
    	let totalFlashes = 0;
    	for (const line of inputArr) {
    		let tempLine = [];
    		for (const char of line) {
    	//console.log(octopusArr.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: start of step 1: ");
    	console.log(octopusArr.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    	let updatedArr = simulateStep(octopusArr);
    	totalFlashes += updatedArr.flashedThisStep.length;
    	console.log("DEBUG: end of step 1: ");
    	console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    	console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    	let i = 1;
    	while (updatedArr.flashedThisStep.length < (updatedArr.updatedGrid.length * updatedArr.updatedGrid[0].length)) {
    		console.log("DEBUG: start of step " + (i+1) + ": ");
    		console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    		console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    		updatedArr = simulateStep(updatedArr.updatedGrid);
    		totalFlashes += updatedArr.flashedThisStep.length;
    		console.log("DEBUG: end of step " + (i+1) + ": ");
    		console.log(updatedArr.updatedGrid.map(e => e.join('')).join('\n'));
    		console.log("DEBUG: totalFlashes = " + totalFlashes);
    	console.log("Answer found! They synchronize on step " + i);
    4 votes
  3. Crespyl
    Man, reading comprehension really bit me this time. The actual logic wasn't bad at all, just understanding the rules correctly gave me way more trouble than it should've. Part 1 Ruby The important...

    Man, reading comprehension really bit me this time.

    The actual logic wasn't bad at all, just understanding the rules correctly gave me way more trouble than it should've.

    Part 1 Ruby

    The important thing that I kept missing is that each octopus only resets its value to 0 /at the very end of each full cycle/, NOT right after updating all its neighbors. You have to keep track of all the octopodes that flashed this cycle (and may now have counters over 10), and reset all of them at once.

    def compute_p1(input)
      grid = Grid.new(input)
      grid.update do |_x, _y, value|
      flashes = 0
      100.times do
        grid.update do |_x, _y, value|
          value + 1
        already_flashed = Set.new
        until (to_flash = grid.coords_where { |value| value > 9 }
                              .to_set - already_flashed
          x, y = to_flash.first
          already_flashed += [[x, y]]
            [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
            [-1,  0],          [+1, 0],
            [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
          ].map { |dx,dy| [x+dx,y+dy] }
            .each do |nx,ny|
            next unless grid.in_bounds?(nx, ny)
            grid.set(nx, ny, grid.get(nx, ny) + 1)
        already_flashed.each do |x, y|
          grid.set(x, y, 0)
        flashes += already_flashed.count
      return flashes
    Part 2 Ruby

    Having finally got my head around the flash rules, the logic for part 2 pretty much exactly the same as part 1, we just keep going until all the values in the grid are the same. I also went ahead and updated my Grid class to add some more useful helpers.

    def compute_p2(input)
      grid = Grid.new(input)
      grid.update do |_x, _y, value|
      cycles = 0
      until grid.all?(grid.get(0, 0))
        grid.update do |_x, _y, value|
          value + 1
        already_flashed = Set.new
        until (to_flash = grid.coords_where { |value| value > 9 }
                            .to_set - already_flashed
          x, y = to_flash.first
          already_flashed += [[x, y]]
            [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
            [-1,  0],          [+1, 0],
            [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
          ].map { |dx,dy| [x+dx,y+dy] }
            .each do |nx,ny|
            next unless grid.in_bounds?(nx, ny)
            grid.set(nx, ny, grid.get(nx, ny) + 1)
        already_flashed.each do |x,y|
          grid.set(x, y, 0)
        cycles += 1
      return cycles
    Updated Grid Class
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    class Grid
      attr_accessor :grid
      attr_reader :width
      attr_reader :height
      attr_reader :default
      def initialize(input, default: nil)
        @grid = input.lines
        @width = @grid[0].size
        @height = @grid.size
        @default = default
      def in_bounds?(x, y)
        x >= 0 && x < @width && y >= 0 && y < @height
      def get(x,y)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
      def set(x,y,val)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
          raise "Tried to write out of bounds"
          @grid[y][x] = val
      def all_coords
      def coords_where
        all_coords.filter { |x, y| yield(@grid[y][x]) }
      def each_index
        height.times do |y|
          width.times do |x|
      def update
        each_index do |x, y|
          @grid[y][x] = yield(x, y, @grid[y][x])
      def ==(other)
        return false if other.class != Grid
        return other.grid == @grid
      def all?(value)
        return @grid.flatten.all?(value)
      def neighbors(x,y)
          [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
          [-1,  0],          [+1, 0],
          [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
        ].map { |dx, dy| get(x+dx, y+dy) }
      def to_s
        s = ""
        height.times do |y|
          width.times do |x|
            s << get(x,y) || default.to_s
          s << "\n"
        return s
      def count(value)
        if block_given?
    3 votes
  4. DataWraith
    (edited )
    Day 11 (Rust) This was another relatively simple day. I liked how you can reuse the parsing code from Day 9, though I forgot to change the input file, so I was simulating a huge octopus cavern at...

    Day 11 (Rust)

    This was another relatively simple day. I liked how you can reuse the parsing code from Day 9, though I forgot to change the input file, so I was simulating a huge octopus cavern at first...

    Imports & Data structures

    I opted for a kind-of object-oriented style; the Grid struct is generic, while its specialization, OctopusGrid, is responsible for actually keeping track of the octopi energy levels. While Grid is kind-of trivial, I'm sure I'll find a way to reuse it in later puzzles.

    I'm slightly unhappy that the OctopusGrid does not specify the neighbor-relationship; on the other hand, a separate neighborhood function can be reused elsewhere, so maybe that's preferrable.

    use std::collections::VecDeque;
    type Row<T> = Vec<T>;
    pub struct Grid<T: Copy> {
        width: usize,
        height: usize,
        rows: Vec<Row<T>>,
    impl<T: Copy> Grid<T> {
        // Check whether the coordinate is inside the Grid
        fn in_bounds(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
            x < self.width && y < self.height
        // Width of the Grid
        fn width(&self) -> usize {
        // Height of the Grid
        fn height(&self) -> usize {
        // Size of the Grid
        fn size(&self) -> usize {
            self.width * self.height
        // Get the value at (x, y)
        fn get(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Option<T> {
            if !self.in_bounds(x, y) {
                return None;
        fn set(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, val: T) {
            if !self.in_bounds(x, y) {
            self.rows[y][x] = val;
    type OctopusGrid = Grid<u8>;
    impl OctopusGrid {
        // Increase the energy level of the octopus (up to a maximum of 254)
        fn increase(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
            if let Some(val) = self.get(x, y) {
                if val < 254 {
                    self.set(x, y, val + 1);
        // If the octopus at coordinate (x, y) has not flashed
        // yet in this step, return true to indicate it flashes
        // and then set its energy level to the sentinel value.
        fn flash(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
            if !self.in_bounds(x, y) {
                return false;
            if let Some(255) = self.get(x, y) {
                return false;
            self.set(x, y, 255);
        // Resets an octopus's energy level to zero
        fn reset(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
            if let Some(val) = self.get(x, y) {
                if val >= 10 {
                    self.set(x, y, 0)
    Parsing (conveniently re-used from day 9)

    I wrapped this inside a module this time. Not sure if I like that, but it does seem cleaner and potentially more reuseable.

    mod parse {
        use nom::{
            character::complete::{digit1, multispace0},
        fn row(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, super::Row<u8>> {
            let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
            let (input, row) = digit1(input)?;
            let row = row.chars().map(|c| c as u8 - b'0').collect();
            Ok((input, row))
        pub fn grid(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, super::Grid<u8>> {
            let (input, rows) = many1(row)(input)?;
            let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
            let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
            let height = rows.len();
            let width = rows[0].len();
            let grid = super::Grid {
            Ok((input, grid))
    Helper functions
    // Returns the neighbors of a given octopus. If a coordinate goes below zero,
    // it is wrapped to a large positive number, making it easy to recognize
    // and check for.
    fn neighbors(x: usize, y: usize) -> [(usize, usize); 8] {
            (x, y.wrapping_sub(1)),
            (x + 1, y.wrapping_sub(1)),
            (x + 1, y),
            (x + 1, y + 1),
            (x, y + 1),
            (x.wrapping_sub(1), y + 1),
            (x.wrapping_sub(1), y),
            (x.wrapping_sub(1), y.wrapping_sub(1)),
    // Increases the enery level of each octopus and returns a
    // VecDeque containing all octopi ready to flash.
    fn prepare_octopi(grid: &mut OctopusGrid) -> VecDeque<(usize, usize)> {
        let mut result = VecDeque::new();
        for y in 0..grid.height {
            for x in 0..grid.width {
                grid.increase(x, y);
                if grid.get(x, y) > Some(9) {
                    result.push_back((x, y));
    // Starting from a list of ready octopi, flash all of them
    fn flash_octopi(grid: &mut OctopusGrid, q: &mut VecDeque<(usize, usize)>) -> usize {
        let mut flash_count = 0;
        while let Some((x, y)) = q.pop_front() {
            // The octopus flashes if it is able to
            if !grid.flash(x, y) {
            flash_count += 1;
            // All surrounding octopi increase their energy level
            for &(nx, ny) in &neighbors(x, y) {
                grid.increase(nx, ny);
                if (Some(10)..Some(255)).contains(&grid.get(nx, ny)) {
                    q.push_back((nx, ny));
    // Resets the energy level of all octopi that flashed
    fn reset_octopi(grid: &mut OctopusGrid) {
        for y in 0..grid.height {
            for x in 0..grid.width {
                grid.reset(x, y);
    // Simulate num_steps steps
    fn step_for(grid: &mut OctopusGrid, num_steps: usize) -> usize {
        let mut count_sum = 0;
        for _ in 0..num_steps {
            let mut q = prepare_octopi(grid);
            let count = flash_octopi(grid, &mut q);
            count_sum += count;

    Something I learned today was that you can wrap values with Some in more places than I expected (e.g. in comparisons, not just in if let statements).

    // Part I
    fn part1(grid: &OctopusGrid) -> usize {
        step_for(&mut grid.clone(), 100)
    // Part II
    fn part2(grid: &OctopusGrid) -> usize {
        let mut grid = grid.clone();
        // The counter is not incremented on the last step (while loop exit condition)
        // so we need to start it at 1.
        let mut step = 1;
        while step_for(&mut grid, 1) < grid.size() {
            step += 1;
    fn main() {
        let input = include_str!("../../input-11.txt");
        let grid = parse::grid(input).expect("Failed to parse puzzle").1;
        println!("Part I:  {}", part1(&grid));
        println!("Part II: {}", part2(&grid));

    Edit: I love how deep these puzzles are. Even when I think I have a reasonably nice solution, it turns out that it can almost always be much improved if I stare at it for long enough...


    For example, I used 255 as the sentinel value for an octopus that has already flashed. However, 0 is a much better sentinel value; we're incrementing all energy levels each step, so 0 does not occur naturally and I can completely eliminate the loop that resets all octopi to zero...

    3 votes
  5. wycy
    Rust Surprised to have such a chill day on a weekend. Rust use std::env; use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader}; use std::fs::File; use point2d::point2d::Point2D; const GRID_SIZE: usize = 10;...


    Surprised to have such a chill day on a weekend.

    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use point2d::point2d::Point2D;
    const GRID_SIZE: usize = 10;
    const DEBUG: bool = false;
    const PART_1_STEPS: usize = 100;
    fn neighbor_addresses(pt: &Point2D) -> Vec<Point2D> {
        vec![Point2D { x: pt.x  , y: pt.y-1 },  // up
             Point2D { x: pt.x+1, y: pt.y   },  // right
             Point2D { x: pt.x  , y: pt.y+1 },  // down
             Point2D { x: pt.x+1, y: pt.y+1 },  // right down
             Point2D { x: pt.x-1, y: pt.y+1 },  // left down
             Point2D { x: pt.x+1, y: pt.y-1 },  // right up
             Point2D { x: pt.x-1, y: pt.y-1 },  // left up
             Point2D { x: pt.x-1, y: pt.y   }]  // left
    fn solve(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // Input
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {}", err),
            Ok(result) => result,
        // Build octopus map
        let mut oct_map: Vec<Vec<u32>> = vec![vec![0; GRID_SIZE]; GRID_SIZE];
        let mut flash_map: Vec<Vec<usize>> = vec![vec![usize::MAX; GRID_SIZE]; GRID_SIZE];
        for (y,line) in input.iter().enumerate() {
            for (x,ch) in line.chars().enumerate() {
                oct_map[x][y] = ch.to_digit(10).unwrap();
        // Simulate
        let mut flashes: usize = 0;
        'main_lp: for step in 0.. {
            // Part 1
            if step == PART_1_STEPS {
                println!("Part 1: {}", flashes); // 1691
            // Part 2
            if oct_map.iter().flatten().sum::<u32>() == 0 {
                println!("Part 2: {}", step); // 216
                break 'main_lp;
            // Debug
            if DEBUG {
                println!("Step: {}", step);        
                for y in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                    for x in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                        print!("{}", oct_map[x][y]);
            // First, the energy level of each octopus increases by 1.
            for y in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                for x in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                    oct_map[x][y] += 1;
            // Then, any octopus with an energy level greater than 9 flashes.
            'inner: loop {
                let mut changes = 0;
                for y in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                    for x in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                        if oct_map[x][y] > 9 && flash_map[x][y] != step {
                            flash_map[x][y] = step;
                            flashes += 1;
                            changes += 1;
                            // This increases the energy level of all adjacent octopuses by 1,
                            // including octopuses that are diagonally adjacent.
                            let pt = Point2D { x: x as i64, y: y as i64 };
                            for neighbor in neighbor_addresses(&pt) {
                                let (newx,newy) = (neighbor.x as usize, neighbor.y as usize);
                                if newx >= GRID_SIZE || newy >= GRID_SIZE { continue; }
                                oct_map[newx][newy] += 1;
                if changes == 0 { break 'inner; }
            // Finally, any octopus that flashed during this step has its energy
            // level set to 0, as it used all of its energy to flash.
            for y in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                for x in 0..GRID_SIZE {
                    if flash_map[x][y] == step {
                        oct_map[x][y] = 0;
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    3 votes
  6. jzimbel
    (edited )
    Elixir, with concurrency I think I made this much more difficult for myself, but I learned a lot. I decided to go all in on concurrency and an actor model approach as a learning exercise—I set up...

    Elixir, with concurrency

    I think I made this much more difficult for myself, but I learned a lot. I decided to go all in on concurrency and an actor model approach as a learning exercise—I set up agents for each octopus and had them passing messages to one another to simulate the step-by-step level increment and flashes. I also set up a "singleton" counter agent for them to report their flashes to.

    The hardest part to code was synchronizing the parts of each step, since during flash propagation each agent kind of just does its own thing without knowing whether it will receive another "flash" message from a neighbor later on. I ended up accomplishing that with a function (block_until_step_is_done/1), called from the top-level solution process, that repeatedly asks each octopus agent whether it has any messages left in its process mailbox. Probably not the best approach? But it was the best I could come up with.

    I also had to explicitly separate the sub-step of the initial level increment from the cascading increments resulting from neighboring flashes. During each step, a message is broadcast to all octopus agents telling them to increment their level, and only once that message has been sent, they get another message telling them to begin flashing.

    Runtime: On a 4-core machine, part 1 runs in about 185ms and part 2 in 750ms; with 6 cores, 85ms and 320ms. I'd be really curious how this compares to others' solutions!

    FlashCounter agent
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day11.FlashCounter do
      use Agent
      def start_link do
        Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end, name: __MODULE__)
      def stop do
      def increment do
        Agent.cast(__MODULE__, &(&1 + 1))
      def value do
        Agent.get(__MODULE__, &Function.identity/1)
    Octopus agent
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day11.Octopus do
      use Agent
      alias AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day11.FlashCounter
      defstruct level: 0,
                neighbors: []
      def start_link(coords, level, neighbors) do
          fn -> %__MODULE__{level: level, neighbors: neighbors} end,
          name: agent_name(coords)
      def stop(coords) do
      # Use Agent.update/2 for tick increments so that the call blocks until
      # agent process has received the message and updated its state
     def increment(coords, :tick) do
        Agent.update(agent_name(coords), &do_increment(&1, :tick))
      # Use Agent.cast/2 ("fire-and-forget") for increments caused by
      # neighboring flashes since message order isn't important during this part
      def increment(coords, :flash) do
        Agent.cast(agent_name(coords), &do_increment(&1, :flash))
      def maybe_flash(coords) do
        Agent.cast(agent_name(coords), &do_maybe_flash/1)
      def done?(coords) do
        Agent.get(agent_name(coords), fn _state -> do_done?() end)
      defp do_increment(state, source)
      # A tick always increments
      defp do_increment(state, :tick), do: %{state | level: state.level + 1}
      # A neighbor's flash has no effect if this octopus has already flashed during this step
      defp do_increment(%{level: 0} = state, :flash), do: state
      # A neighbor's flash increments and may cause this octopus to flash
      defp do_increment(state, :flash) do
        do_maybe_flash(%{state | level: state.level + 1})
      defp do_maybe_flash(%{level: level} = state) when level > 9 do
        %{state | level: 0}
      defp do_maybe_flash(state), do: state
      defp flash(neighbors) do
        Enum.each(neighbors, &increment(&1, :flash))
      defp do_done? do
        match?({:messages, []}, Process.info(self(), :messages))
      defp agent_name(coords), do: {:global, {__MODULE__, coords}}
    Solution, both parts
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day11 do
      alias AdventOfCode.CharGrid
      alias __MODULE__.FlashCounter
      alias __MODULE__.Octopus
      def part1(input) do
        octopuses = setup(input)
        result = flash_count_after_step(octopuses, 100)
      def part2(input) do
        octopuses = setup(input)
        result = get_first_synchronized_step(octopuses, length(octopuses))
      defp setup(input) do
        grid = CharGrid.from_input(input)
        |> CharGrid.to_list()
        |> tap(fn cells ->
          Enum.each(cells, fn {coords, level_char} ->
            Octopus.start_link(coords, level_char - ?0, CharGrid.adjacent_coords(grid, coords))
        |> Enum.map(fn {coords, _} -> coords end)
      defp teardown(octopuses) do
        Enum.each(octopuses, &Octopus.stop/1)
      defp flash_count_after_step(octopuses, step, current_step \\ 0)
      defp flash_count_after_step(_, step, step), do: FlashCounter.value()
      defp flash_count_after_step(octopuses, step, current_step) do
        flash_count_after_step(octopuses, step, current_step + 1)
      defp get_first_synchronized_step(octopuses, expected_flashes, current_step \\ 1) do
        initial_flash_count = FlashCounter.value()
        flash_count = FlashCounter.value()
        if flash_count - initial_flash_count == expected_flashes do
          get_first_synchronized_step(octopuses, expected_flashes, current_step + 1)
      defp run_step(octopuses) do
        Enum.each(octopuses, &Octopus.increment(&1, :tick))
        Enum.each(octopuses, &Octopus.maybe_flash/1)
      defp block_until_step_is_done(octopuses) do
        unless Enum.all?(octopuses, &Octopus.done?/1) do
    3 votes
  7. [2]
    Nice and chill, it's neat seeing the evolution of the data through each step. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/awk -f function flash(grid, x, y,ox, oy) { grid[x, y] = 0 total += 1 for (ox = -1; ox <= 1; ox += 1)...

    Nice and chill, it's neat seeing the evolution of the data through each step.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    function flash(grid, x, y,	ox, oy) {
    	grid[x, y] = 0
    	total += 1
    	for (ox = -1; ox <= 1; ox += 1)
    		for (oy = -1; oy <= 1; oy += 1)
    			if (grid[x + ox, y + oy])
    				if (++grid[x + ox, y + oy] >= 10)
    					flash(grid, x + ox, y + oy)
    BEGIN { FS = "" }
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
    		grid[i, NR] = $i
    END {
    	for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
    		for (y = 1; y <= NR; ++y)
    			for (x = 1; x <= NF; ++x)
    				grid[x, y] += 1
    		for (y = 1; y <= NR; ++y)
    			for (x = 1; x <= NF; ++x)
    				if (grid[x, y] >= 10)
    					flash(grid, x, y)
    	print total
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    function flash(grid, x, y,	ox, oy) {
    	total += 1
    	grid[x, y] = 0
    	for (ox = -1; ox <= 1; ox += 1)
    		for (oy = -1; oy <= 1; oy += 1)
    			if (grid[x + ox, y + oy])
    				if (++grid[x + ox, y + oy] >= 10)
    					flash(grid, x + ox, y + oy)
    BEGIN { FS = "" }
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
    		grid[i, NR] = $i
    END {
    	for (i = 1 ;; ++i) {
    		last = total
    		for (y = 1; y <= NR; ++y)
    			for (x = 1; x <= NF; ++x)
    				grid[x, y] += 1
    		for (y = 1; y <= NR; ++y)
    			for (x = 1; x <= NF; ++x)
    				if (grid[x, y] >= 10)
    					flash(grid, x, y)
    		if (total - last == NR * NF)
    	print i
    2 votes
  8. bhrgunatha
    (edited )
    Data Structure Another hash table from co-ordinate to energy level, but this one is mutable. We'll see why later. (define (octopus-energy input) (define G (make-hash)) (for* ([(r row) (in-indexed...
    Data Structure

    Another hash table from co-ordinate to energy level, but this one is mutable. We'll see why later.

    (define (octopus-energy input)
      (define G (make-hash))
      (for* ([(r row) (in-indexed input)]
             [(c col) (in-indexed r)])
        (hash-set! G (list row col) c))
    Part 1

    A pair of mutually recursive procedures - increase energy level and flash when the energy is over 9000.

    (define (part-01 input)
      (define os (octopus-energy input))
      (for/sum ([step 100])
        (define flashed (mutable-set))
        (for ([(p e) (in-hash os)])
          (increase-energy! os p e flashed))
        (for ([f (in-set flashed)])
          (hash-set! os f 0))
        (set-count flashed)))
    (define (increase-energy! os p energy flashed)
      (cond [(and (= energy 9)
                  (not (set-member? flashed p)))
             (set-add! flashed p)
             (flash! os p flashed)]
            [else (hash-set! os p (add1 energy))]))
    (define (flash! os p flashed)
      (for ([n (neighbours p)] #:when (hash-ref os n #f))
        (increase-energy! os n (hash-ref os n) flashed)))
    (define (neighbours p)
      (match-define (list x y) p)
      `((,(sub1 x) ,(sub1 y)) (,x ,(sub1 y)) (,(add1 x) ,(sub1 y))
        (,(sub1 x)       ,y)                 (,(add1 x) ,      y)
        (,(sub1 x) ,(add1 y)) (,x ,(add1 y)) (,(add1 x) ,(add1 y))))

    Making the hash table and the set of flashed octopodes mutable makes me feel dirty, but it means I can just pass the same data structures between those mutually recursive procedures to accumulate the results.

    Part 2

    I was expecting this to be one of those never-ending loops where you have to print out partial result and work out some meta pattern to calculate an answer that would otherwise take thousands of years to complete. I do like those problems but this one is not like that.

    (define (part-02 input)
      (define os (octopus-energy input))
      (for/or ([step (in-naturals 1)])
        (define flashed (mutable-set))
        (for ([(p e) (in-hash os)])
          (increase-energy! os p e flashed))
        (for ([f (in-set flashed)])
          (hash-set! os f 0))
        (and (= 100 (set-count flashed)) step)))
    2 votes
  9. asterisk
    (edited )
    Python octopuses = [[int(x) for x in l] for l in open("input.txt").read().split()] grid = {(x, y) for y, l in enumerate(octopuses) for x, _ in enumerate(l)} count = int() step = int() while...
    octopuses = [[int(x) for x in l] for l in open("input.txt").read().split()]
    grid = {(x, y) for y, l in enumerate(octopuses) for x, _ in enumerate(l)}
    count = int()
    step = int()
    while octopuses != [[0] * 10] * 10:
        octopuses = [[e + 1 for e in l] for l in octopuses]
        fresh = {(x, y) for y, l in enumerate(octopuses) for x, e in enumerate(l) if e > 9}
        exhausted = set()
        sides = lambda x, y: {
            (_x, _y) for _x in (x - 1, x, x + 1) for _y in (y - 1, y, y + 1) if (_x, _y) != (x, y) and (_x, _y) in grid
        while fresh:
            exhausted |= fresh.copy()
            charge = set()
            for f in fresh:
                for x, y in sides(*f):
                    octopuses[y][x] += 1
                    if octopuses[y][x] > 9 and (x, y) not in exhausted:
                        charge.add((x, y))
            fresh = charge
        for y, l in enumerate(octopuses):
            for x, e in enumerate(l):
                if e > 9:
                    octopuses[y][x] = 0
                    count += 1
        if step == 99:
            print("Part One", count)
        step += 1
    print("Part Two", step)

    Add. I had a funny problem. I wrote octopuses[x][y] instead octopuses[y][x] because (x, y) is everywhere, so it took some time to find it out.

    2 votes
  10. kari
    Rust Not too bad, but I could've written this cleaner. Structs use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result}; #[derive(Debug)] struct Row { row: Vec<u32>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Map { rows:...

    Not too bad, but I could've written this cleaner.

    use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};
    struct Row {
        row: Vec<u32>,
    pub struct Map {
        rows: Vec<Row>,
        num_flashes: u32,
    impl From<&String> for Row {
        fn from(row: &String) -> Self {
            let row = row.chars().fold(Vec::new(), |mut accum, cur| {
                accum.push(cur.to_digit(10).expect("Failed to convert a char to u32!"));
            Row { row }
    impl From<Vec<String>> for Map {
        fn from(lines: Vec<String>) -> Self {
            let rows = lines.iter().map(Row::from).collect();
            Map {
                num_flashes: 0,
    impl Display for Row {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
            for octopus in &self.row {
                if let Err(e) = write!(f, "{}", octopus) {
                    return Err(e);
    impl Display for Map {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
            for row in &self.rows {
                if let Err(e) = write!(f, "{}", row) {
                    return Err(e);
    impl Row {
        fn len(&self) -> usize {
        /// Returns a Vec of any indices that hit 9, i.e. indices that will flash
        fn step(&mut self) -> Vec<usize> {
            let mut flashing_cols = Vec::new();
            for col in 0..self.len() {
                self.row[col] += 1;
                if self.row[col] == 10 {
        /// Returns a Vec of any indices that hit 9, i.e. indices that will flash
        fn flash(&mut self, col: isize) -> Vec<usize> {
            let mut flashing_cols = Vec::new();
            if col >= 0 && col < self.len() as isize {
                let col = col as usize;
                self.row[col] += 1;
                if self.row[col] == 10 {
        /// Zero-out a flashed coordinate
        fn reset_coord(&mut self, col: usize) {
            self.row[col] = 0;
    impl Map {
         * Complete one step of the map.
         * Returns an bool which is true if the flashes synchronize, else false
        pub fn step(&mut self) -> bool {
            let mut flashing_coords: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
            let mut flashed_coords: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
            // Get any coords that flash during the initial step
            for row in 0..self.rows.len() {
                let flashing_cols = self.rows[row].step();
                self.num_flashes += flashing_cols.len() as u32;
                let mut flashing_cols = flashing_cols.iter().map(|col| (row, *col)).collect();
                flashing_coords.append(&mut flashing_cols);
            // While we still have newly flashed coords, flash its neighbors
            while let Some((row, col)) = flashing_coords.pop() {
                flashed_coords.push((row, col));
                for row_offset in [-1, 0, 1] {
                    if row as isize + row_offset >= 0
                        && row as isize + row_offset < self.rows.len() as isize
                        let row = (row as isize + row_offset) as usize;
                        for col_offset in [-1, 0, 1] {
                            let flashing_cols = self.rows[row].flash(col as isize + col_offset);
                            self.num_flashes += flashing_cols.len() as u32;
                            let mut flashing_cols =
                                flashing_cols.iter().map(|col| (row, *col)).collect();
                            flashing_coords.append(&mut flashing_cols);
            for (row, col) in &flashed_coords {
            // We can assume that the map is always a rectangle, so the flashes synchronize if
            // flashed_coords.len() == num rows * num cols
            flashed_coords.len() == self.rows.len() * self.rows[0].len()
        pub fn get_num_flashes(&self) -> u32 {
    mod map;
    use crate::lib::aoc;
    use map::Map;
    pub fn run() {
        let mut map = Map::from(aoc::get_lines("./inputs/day11.in"));
        let mut first_synchronization: u32 = 0;
        let mut first_synchronization_found = false;
        // We need specifically through 100 steps for part 1
        for i in 0..100 {
            first_synchronization_found = map.step();
            if first_synchronization_found {
                first_synchronization = i;
        let num_flashes_p1 = map.get_num_flashes();
        if !first_synchronization_found {
            for i in 101.. {
                first_synchronization_found = map.step();
                if first_synchronization_found {
                    first_synchronization = i;
        aoc::output(11, "num flashes", num_flashes_p1, first_synchronization);
    2 votes
  11. Gyrfalcon
    Just going to do both parts in one today since I'm falling a bit behind, but busy weekends happen when preparing for the holidays. It didn't help that I decided to use this to try and learn how to...

    Just going to do both parts in one today since I'm falling a bit behind, but busy weekends happen when preparing for the holidays. It didn't help that I decided to use this to try and learn how to use Nim's fancy, safe, and garbage collected pointers/refs. That way I could keep refs to the neighbors and not have to look them up and do loops or anything. Unfortunately, my mental model of how it should work coming from C/C++ needed to be overcome a bit, and then missing the crucial new call in my newOctopus function meant I was either not really making references and therefore not updating neighbors or managing to have segfaults despite the safety features of ref. I even spent a lot of time thinking I didn't understand the logic when really I just didn't understand my language!

    import std/[strformat, sequtils, strutils, sugar, tables, os]
      OctopusRef = ref Octopus 
      Octopus = object of RootObj
        xPos: int
        yPos: int
        energy: int
        flashed: bool
        neighbors: seq[OctopusRef]
    # Debugging :/
    proc printMap(octopusMap: Table[(int, int), OctopusRef], gridSize: int) = 
      for rowIdx in 0 ..< gridSize:
        var rowStr = ""
        for colIdx in 0 ..< gridSize:
          rowStr = rowStr & &"{octopusMap[(colIdx, rowIdx)].energy} "
        echo rowStr
      echo ""
    func initOctopus(x: int, y: int, energy: int): Octopus =
      result.xPos = x
      result.yPos = y
      result.energy = energy
      result.flashed = false
      result.neighbors = @[]
    func newOctopus(x: int, y: int, energy: int): OctopusRef =
      result[] = initOctopus(x, y, energy) # DRY gang
    proc energize(octopus: var OctopusRef): int =
      if not octopus.flashed:
        inc octopus.energy
      if octopus.energy > 9 and not octopus.flashed:
        octopus.flashed = true
        octopus.energy = 0
        result = 1
        for idx in 0 ..< octopus.neighbors.len:
          result = result + energize(octopus.neighbors[idx])
        result = 0
    proc step(octopi: var Table[(int, int), OctopusRef]): int = 
      for (_, octopus) in mpairs(octopi):
        result = result + energize(octopus)
      # reset the octopi
      for (_, octopus) in mpairs(octopi):
        octopus.flashed = false
    proc simulate(octopi: var Table[(int, int), OctopusRef], numSteps: int): int =
      for step in 1 .. numSteps:
        result = result + step(octopi)
    proc synchronize(octopi: var Table[(int, int), OctopusRef]): int =
      var stepNum = 0
      while true: # is this bad?
        var numFlashes = step(octopi)
        inc stepNum
        if numFlashes == octopi.len:
          result = stepNum
    proc parseInput(inputFile: string): seq[seq[int]] =
      # I should really just make a "parse a grid of ints" library thing
      var input = collect(newSeq):
        for line in inputFile.lines: line
      for line in input:
        var row: seq[int]
        for character in line:
          row.add(parseInt("" & character))
        result.add(row) # idiomatic, I think
    func gridToMap(grid: seq[seq[int]]): Table[(int, int), OctopusRef] =
      for rowIdx in 0 ..< grid.len:
        for colIdx in 0 ..< grid[rowIdx].len:
          result[(colIdx, rowIdx)] = newOctopus(colIdx, rowIdx, grid[rowIdx][colIdx])
    func generateNeighbors(location: (int, int)): seq[(int, int)] =
      for xMod in -1 .. 1:
        for yMod in -1 .. 1:
          if yMod == 0 and xMod == 0:
          result.add((location[0] + xMod, location[1] + yMod))
    func addMagic(octopusMap: var Table[(int, int), OctopusRef]) = 
      # Time for p o i n t e r s ? YES I FIGURED IT OUT
      for (pos, octopus) in mpairs(octopusMap):
        var neighbors = generateNeighbors(pos)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
          if neighbor in toSeq(octopusMap.keys()):
    proc main(inputFile: string) =
      var octopusMap = gridToMap(parseInput(inputFile))
      echo simulate(octopusMap, 100)
      octopusMap = gridToMap(parseInput(inputFile))
      echo synchronize(octopusMap)
    when is_main_module:
      main(paramStr(1)) # look at me, not recompiling when I change inputs
    2 votes
  12. spit-evil-olive-tips
    Part 1 as with day 9, these problems are making me realize how much I really like the mental model of implementing recursive algorithms iteratively (using a pending queue) in this case, the queue...
    Part 1

    as with day 9, these problems are making me realize how much I really like the mental model of implementing recursive algorithms iteratively (using a pending queue)

    in this case, the queue is "octopuses that flashed this step". I populate it as I do the initial walk through the grid to increment values, then make the octopuses flash until they aren't any more left.

    also breaking my own rule about avoiding nested list comprehensions, but just look at that beautiful __str__ method.

    from collections import deque
    SIZE = 10
    class Grid:
        def __init__(self, cells):
            self.cells = cells
        def parse(cls, lines):
            cells = []
            for line in lines:
                row = [int(cell) for cell in line.strip()]
            return cls(cells)
        def get_neighbors(self, x, y):
            for delta_x in (-1, 0, 1):
                for delta_y in (-1, 0, 1):
                    neighbor_x = x + delta_x
                    neighbor_y = y + delta_y
                    if (delta_x == 0 and delta_y == 0) or \
                        neighbor_x < 0 or \
                        neighbor_y < 0 or \
                        neighbor_x >= SIZE or \
                        neighbor_y >= SIZE:
                    yield (neighbor_x, neighbor_y)
        def step(self):
            pending = deque()
            flashed = set()
            for x, row in enumerate(self.cells):
                for y, value in enumerate(row):
                    new_value = value + 1
                    self.cells[x][y] = new_value
                    if new_value > 9:
                        pending.append((x, y))
                        flashed.add((x, y))
            while pending:
                flasher = pending.popleft()
                neighbors = self.get_neighbors(*flasher)
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    neighbor_x, neighbor_y = neighbor
                    new_value = self.cells[neighbor_x][neighbor_y] + 1
                    self.cells[neighbor_x][neighbor_y] = new_value
                    if new_value > 9:
                        if neighbor not in flashed:
            for flashed_x, flashed_y in flashed:
                self.cells[flashed_x][flashed_y] = 0
            return len(flashed)
        def __str__(self):
            return '\n'.join(
                ''.join([str(cell) for cell in row]) for row in self.cells
    def main():
        with open('011.txt') as file:
            lines = file.readlines()
            grid = Grid.parse(lines)
        total_flashes = 0
        for i in range(100):
            total_flashes += grid.step()
    Part 2
    @@ -69,11 +69,13 @@
             lines = file.readlines()
             grid = Grid.parse(lines)
    -    total_flashes = 0
    -    for i in range(100):
    -        total_flashes += grid.step()
    -    print(total_flashes)
    +    step = 0
    +    while True:
    +        step += 1
    +        flash_count = grid.step()
    +        if flash_count == SIZE ** 2:
    +            print(step)
    +            return
    1 vote