11 votes

Day 14: Extended Polymerization

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/14

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. primordial-soup
    Like day 6, this can be done in O(log(n)) via exponentiation by squaring: Part 2, Python(-ish) template = ls[0] rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(" -> ") | (λ x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set chars =...

    Like day 6, this can be done in O(log(n)) via exponentiation by squaring:

    Part 2, Python(-ish)
    template = ls[0]
    rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(" -> ") | (λ x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set
    chars = set(template) | set(collapse(rules))
    pairs = list(product(chars, repeat=2))
    state = np.zeros((len(pairs), 1), dtype=object)
    for pair in pairwise(template):
        state[pairs.index(pair)] += 1
    M = np.zeros((len(pairs), len(pairs)), dtype=object)
    for pair, insert in rules:
        M[pairs.index((pair[0], insert)), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
        M[pairs.index((insert, pair[1])), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
    # use (matrix) exponentiation by squaring to get O(log(n))
    state = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 40) @ state
    # factor of 2 to avoid double-counting
    # ceil to correct for template[0] and template[-1] off-by-one's
    counts = [ceil(sum(count * pair.count(c)
                       for pair, count in zip(pairs, state[:, 0]))
                   / 2)
              for c in chars]
    max(counts) - min(counts)
    Python (which the above is transpiled to)
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from itertools import pairwise
    from itertools import product
    from math import ceil
    from more_itertools import collapse
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    template = ls[0]
    rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(' -> ') | (lambda x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set
    chars = set(template) | set(collapse(rules))
    pairs = list(product(chars, repeat=2))
    state = np.zeros((len(pairs), 1), dtype=object)
    for pair in pairwise(template):
        state[pairs.index(pair)] += 1
    M = np.zeros((len(pairs), len(pairs)), dtype=object)
    for (pair, insert) in rules:
        M[pairs.index((pair[0], insert)), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
        M[pairs.index((insert, pair[1])), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
    state = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 40) @ state
    counts = [ceil(sum((count * pair.count(c) for (pair, count) in zip(pairs, state[:, 0]))) / 2) for c in chars]
    output = max(counts) - min(counts)
    if output is not None:

    In practice though, with n = 40 this is slower than the O(n) algorithm.

    6 votes
  2. tomf
    If Sheets didn't have a 50k limit I could simply drag for part two... but I guess that is the design of the challenge. I have no idea. Part 1 ``` =ARRAYFORMULA( CONCATENATE( RIGHT( REGEXREPLACE(...

    If Sheets didn't have a 50k limit I could simply drag for part two... but I guess that is the design of the challenge. I have no idea.

    Part 1 ``` =ARRAYFORMULA( CONCATENATE( RIGHT( REGEXREPLACE( MID(A2,SEQUENCE(LEN(A2)-1),2), "(.)(.)", "$1"& IFERROR( VLOOKUP( MID(A2,SEQUENCE(LEN(A2)-1),2), IF(ISBLANK($A$4:$A),, IFERROR( SPLIT($A$4:$A," -> "))), 2,FALSE))), 2))&RIGHT(A2,1)) ```

    Then for the output

         "select Col1, Count(Col1)
          where Col1 is not null
          group by Col1
          order by Count(Col1) desc
          label Count(Col1) ''"),
        "select Max(Col2)-Min(Col2)
         label Max(Col2)-Min(Col2) 'Part 1'")))

    From there, change the reference to the one above and drag that shit down. I hate formulas like this, but I think its the only way.

    I'll give it another hour before I give up. I skipped the last three days due to a mix of stubbornness and limitations (both knowledge and Sheets itself.)

    I'm at 19 stars so far. I did 25 last year, so if I get that, I'll be happy. Worst case I can go through and suffer through these crappy drag-fill formulas for the last few days.

    6 votes
  3. spit-evil-olive-tips
    (edited )
    Part 1 I represent the rules as a dict of 2-tuples of characters mapping to their output character. that dovetails nicely with my favorite trick for walking consecutive pairs of an array,...
    Part 1

    I represent the rules as a dict of 2-tuples of characters mapping to their output character. that dovetails nicely with my favorite trick for walking consecutive pairs of an array, zip(polymer, polymer[1:])

    biggest stumbling block I had was figuring out how to avoid duplicates in the middle of the array, but still tack on the final character at the end.

    from collections import Counter
    import re
    RULE_RE = re.compile('(\w+) -> (\w+)')
    def main():
        with open('014.txt') as file:
            lines = file.read().splitlines()
        template = lines[0]
        rules = {}
        for line in lines[2:]:
            match = RULE_RE.match(line)
            input, output = match.groups()
            a, b = input
            rules[(a, b)] = output
        polymer = template
        for step in range(10):
            polymer = expand(polymer, rules)
        counter = Counter(polymer)
        most = max(value for value in counter.values())
        least = min(value for value in counter.values())
        print(most - least)
    def expand(polymer, rules):
        new = []
        for input_a, input_b in zip(polymer, polymer[1:]):
            for (a, b), output in rules.items():
                if input_a == a and input_b == b:
        return ''.join(new)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 rant

    I currently have an off by thirty error so I'm going to look at this tomorrow.

    seriously. off by 30. take that, off-by-one errors. suck it.

    I figured out an improved algorithm for part 2, tracking populations of pairs rather than a giant string. it seems to work.

    I run it on 10 steps of the example input: Counter({'B': 1749, 'N': 865, 'C': 298, 'H': 161})

    their example from part 1:

    After step 10, B occurs 1749 times, C occurs 298 times, H occurs 191 times, and N occurs 865 times;

    it's exactly right, except for H. H is off by 30.

    edit: goddamnit. I am preserving this rant for posterity. it's a goddamn typo on their website.

    After step 10, B occurs 1749 times, C occurs 298 times, H occurs 191 times, and N occurs 865 times; taking the quantity of the most common element (B, 1749) and subtracting the quantity of the least common element (H, 161) produces 1749 - 161 = 1588.

    grumble grumble I want my money back. literally unplayable.

    Part 2

    thinking about the previous "oh shit part 2 is going to take a completely infeasible amount of time and memory" problem (day 6) helped me here. with that, the trick was to take the thing we had eleventy gajillion individual objects of (fish) and turn them into a count instead. same thing works here.

    I realized that rather than output characters in a string, this can be modeled as a pair of characters divides and creates two new pairs. and then I can simply track population counts.

    I convert my rules dict to now keep track of the two pairs that should be generated when any existing pair divides. early on I had a stupid "mental copy-paste" bug here when I had [(a, output), (b, output)] instead of [(a, output), (output, b)].

    the next stumbling block was "ok, I have population of pairs, great, how do I convert that into a population of individuals?".

    the key trick I realized is that double-counting them as part of each pair is fine, because there's only two characters I don't double-count, and that's the very beginning and end of the string. and those two characters don't ever change from the original template. so I can double-count them manually and then when I divide the final result by 2 I get the exact answer.

    from collections import Counter
    import re
    RULE_RE = re.compile('(\w+) -> (\w+)')
    def main():
        with open('014.txt') as file:
            lines = file.read().splitlines()
        template = lines[0]
        rules = {}
        for line in lines[2:]:
            match = RULE_RE.match(line)
            input, output = match.groups()
            a, b = input
            rules[(a, b)] = [(a, output), (output, b)]
        population = Counter()
        for a, b in zip(template, template[1:]):
            population[(a, b)] += 1
        for i in range(40):
            population = expand(population, rules)
        individual_population = Counter()
        for (a, b), count in population.items():
            individual_population[a] += count
            individual_population[b] += count
        individual_population[template[0]] += 1
        individual_population[template[-1]] += 1
        most = max(value for value in individual_population.values())
        least = min(value for value in individual_population.values())
        diff = int((most - least) / 2)
    def expand(population, rules):
        new = Counter()
        for pair, count in population.items():
            for child in rules[pair]:
                new[child] += count
        return new
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    5 votes
  4. Crestwave
    (edited )
    Oh no Part 1 #!/usr/bin/awk -f NR == 1 { str = $0 split($0, chars, "") for (i in chars) count[chars[i]] += 1 } /->/ { split($0, pair, " -> ") map[pair[1]] = pair[2] } END { for (step = 1; step <=...

    This polymer grows quickly.

    Oh no

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    NR == 1 {
    	str = $0
    	split($0, chars, "")
    	for (i in chars)
    		count[chars[i]] += 1
    /->/ {
    	split($0, pair, " -> ")
    	map[pair[1]] = pair[2]
    END {
    	for (step = 1; step <= 10; ++step) {
    		for (i in map) {
    			split(i, rule, "")
    			while (index(str, i))
    				count[map[i]] += gsub(i, rule[1] tolower(map[i]) rule[2], str)
    		str = toupper(str)
    		print str
    	for (i in count) {
    		if (count[i] > max || max == "")
    			max = count[i]
    		if (count[i] < min || min == "")
    			min = count[i]
    	print max - min
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    NR == 1 {
    	str = $0
    	split($0, chars, "")
    	for (i in chars)
    		count[chars[i]] += 1
    /->/ {
    	split($0, rule, " -> ")
    	map[rule[1]] = rule[2]
    END {
    	for (i in map) {
    		split(i, rule, "")
    		while (index(str, i))
    			pair[i] += gsub(i, rule[1] "." rule[2], str)
    	for (step = 1; step <= 40; ++step) {
    		for (i in pair)
    			state[i] = pair[i]
    		for (i in map) {
    			split(i, rule, "")
    			count[map[i]] += pair[i]
    			state[i] -= pair[i]
    			state[rule[1] map[i]] += pair[i]
    			state[map[i] rule[2]] += pair[i]
    		for (i in state)
    			pair[i] = state[i]
    	for (i in count) {
    		if (count[i] > max || max == "")
    			max = count[i]
    		if (count[i] < min || min == "")
    			min = count[i]
    	print max - min
    5 votes
  5. Crespyl
    (edited )
    This was fun! It was pretty clear that we'd need to do more than just let the string grow forever, so I started out with the optimized version. I figured out how I wanted to optimize pretty...

    This was fun! It was pretty clear that we'd need to do more than just let the string grow forever, so I started out with the optimized version. I figured out how I wanted to optimize pretty quickly, but spent quite a while debugging my pair counting logic.

    Possible spoilerI also really liked how the style of optimization closely recalls the lanternfish puzzle from before, in that instead of tracking each element separately in memory, we just keep a count of each type/pair.
    Part 1 Ruby
    def compute_p1(input)
      pairs, counts, rules = parse(input)
      10.times { apply_rules(pairs, counts, rules) }
      scores = counts.values.sort
      scores.last - scores.first
    def apply_rules(pairs, counts, rules)
      pair_deltas = Hash.new(0)
      count_deltas = Hash.new(0)
      pairs.keys.filter{ pairs[_1] > 0 }.each do |key|
        count = pairs[key]
        pair_deltas[key] -= count
        rules[key][0..1].each { pair_deltas[_1] += count }
        count_deltas[rules[key].last] += count
      pair_deltas.each { |k,v| pairs[k] += pair_deltas[k] }
      count_deltas.each { |k,v| counts[k] += count_deltas[k] }
    def parse(input)
      template, rules = input.split("\n\n")
      rules = rules
                .map { _1.split(' -> ') }
                .map { |k,v| [k, [k[0] + v, v + k[1], v]] }
      pairs = template
                .reduce(Hash.new(0)) { |h, pair| h[pair] += 1; h }
      counts = template
                 .reduce(Hash.new(0)) { |h,c| h[c] += 1; h }
      [pairs, counts, rules]
    Part 2 Ruby

    With the optimization already done, we just run the loop a few more times.

    def compute_p2(input)
      pairs, counts, rules = parse(input)
      40.times { apply_rules(pairs, counts, rules) }
      scores = counts.values.sort
      scores.last - scores.first
    5 votes
  6. PapaNachos
    I KNEW there was another trap coming. I don't know how I knew, but I just felt it. Day 14 Part A - Python I took a bit of a gamble and assumed order wasn't going to matter for this, so I just...

    I KNEW there was another trap coming. I don't know how I knew, but I just felt it.

    Day 14 Part A - Python

    I took a bit of a gamble and assumed order wasn't going to matter for this, so I just looked at how one pair turns into 2 pairs and kept a count of how many of each pair I had. I added the elements after the fact because that seemed like the easiest way to figure out the individual elements. It basically rides on the back of the pairs calculation which is doing the real work

    import re
    from collections import defaultdict
    #data = test_data_insertion
    data = real_data_insertion
    data = data.split('\n')
    #starting_pattern = test_data_starting
    starting_pattern = real_data_starting
    pairs = defaultdict(int)
    elements = defaultdict(int)
    for element in list(starting_pattern):
        elements[element] = elements[element] + 1
    for index,char in enumerate(list(starting_pattern)[:-1]):
        pair = char + list(starting_pattern)[index+1]
        pairs[pair] = pairs[pair] + 1
    conversions = {}
    convert = re.compile(r'((\w)(\w)) -> (\w)')
    for row in data:
        results = convert.search(row)
        conversions[results[1]] = (results[2] + results[4], results[4]+results[3])
    for step in range(10):
        new_pairs = defaultdict(int)
        new_elements = defaultdict(int)
        for key in pairs.keys():
            new_key_1 = conversions[key][0]
            new_key_2 = conversions[key][1]
            new_pairs[new_key_1] = new_pairs[new_key_1] + pairs[key]
            new_pairs[new_key_2] = new_pairs[new_key_2] + pairs[key]
            elements[new_key_1[1]] = elements[new_key_1[1]] + pairs[key]
        pairs = new_pairs
    Day 14 Part B - Python

    It's the same except for changing the run duration

    • This is another efficiency problem, your number of elements almost, but not quite doubles every pass

    • If you approach the problem certain ways, order doesn't end up being super important

    4 votes
  7. bhrgunatha
    Data Structure I'm using 3 hashes stored together in a list. element -> count pair -> count pair -> element (define (parse-polymer input) (list (count-elements (first input)) (count-pairs (first...
    Data Structure

    I'm using 3 hashes stored together in a list.

    • element -> count
    • pair -> count
    • pair -> element
    (define (parse-polymer input)
      (list (count-elements (first input))
            (count-pairs (first input))
            (for/hash ([l (drop input 2)])
              (apply values (string-split l " -> ")))))
    (define (count-elements p)
      (for/fold ([es (hash)])
                ([e (in-string p)])
        (hash-update es (string e) add1 0)))
    (define (count-pairs template)
      (define es (string->list template))
      (for/fold ([pairs (hash)])
                ([e1 es] [e2 (rest es)])
        (hash-update pairs (string e1 e2) add1 0)))
    Part 1

    To update the polymer template, I iterate through the element pairs, generating a new count of pairs along the way. For each pair:

    • add its count for the newly inserted element.
    • add its count for the 2 new element pairs made when adding the inserted element to the pair
    (define (part-01 input)
      (insert-pairs input 10))
    (define (insert-pairs input steps)
      (for/fold ([polymer (parse-polymer input)]
                 #:result (polymer-score (first polymer)))
                ([_ steps])
        (apply update-polymer polymer)))
    (define (polymer-score elements)
      (- (apply max (hash-values elements))
         (apply min (hash-values elements))))
    (define (update-polymer es ps rs)
      (define ((inc a) b) (+ a b))
      (for*/fold ([es+ es]
                  [ps+ (hash)]
                  #:result (list es+ ps+ rs))
                 ([(p pc) (in-hash ps)] #:unless (zero? pc))
        (define element (hash-ref rs p))
        (define e1 (string-append (substring p 0 1) element))
        (define e2 (string-append element (substring p 1)))
        (values (hash-update es+ element (inc pc) 0)
                (hash-update (hash-update ps+ e1 (inc pc) 0) e2 (inc pc) 0))))
    Part 2


    (define (part-02 input)
      (insert-pairs input 40))
    4 votes
  8. asterisk
    Python from collections import Counter polymer, _, *rules = open("input.txt").read().splitlines() rules = dict(rule.split(" -> ") for rule in rules) pairs = Counter(polymer[i] + polymer[i + 1] for...
    from collections import Counter
    polymer, _, *rules = open("input.txt").read().splitlines()
    rules = dict(rule.split(" -> ") for rule in rules)
    pairs = Counter(polymer[i] + polymer[i + 1] for i in range(len(polymer) - 1))
    chars = Counter(polymer)
    steps = (10, 40)
    for i in range(1, steps[-1] + 1):
        for (a, b), count in pairs.copy().items():
            if a + b in rules.keys():
                insert = rules[a + b]
                pairs[a + b] -= count
                pairs[a + insert] += count
                pairs[insert + b] += count
                chars[insert] += count
        if i in steps:
            print("Answer:", max(chars.values()) - min(chars.values()))
    4 votes
  9. [2]
    Day 14 (Rust) Intuition This is the Lanternfish problem again, in different clothes. Instead of counting single fish, we're counting pairs of characters. Each insertion AxB reduces the count of AB...

    Day 14 (Rust)


    This is the Lanternfish problem again, in different clothes.

    Instead of counting single fish, we're counting pairs of characters. Each insertion AxB reduces the count of AB polymers to zero, and correspondingly increases the count of Ax and xB polymers.
    The added twist is that you have to cache the updates, because the addition only takes effect after a round of substitutions is complete.

    Frustration I wrote the preceeding paragraph before I started programming, and I guess I stand by it still: the solution is very simple, you just have to execute it right.

    This was a Day 8 all over again for me. Simple problem, simple solution, but I botched it at some point and spent the better part of 1.5h chasing the bug. Unfortunately the test-cases were of no help, because my code passed them with flying colors -- it would just not produce an answer that the site would accept.

    In desperation, I finally caved on my "only Rust" rule and hacked together a small Ruby script that did it by brute-force and then compared its output, step by painful step. Turns out that I was overwriting my character counts at one place instead of adding them; this only manifests if the same character pair appears twice, which is why the test input worked, but the real one didn't.

    Since it took me so long, today's code is even less clean than usually.

    Imports and data structures
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    type Pair = (char, char);
    type PairInsertionRule = (Pair, char);
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct Polymerization {
        rules: Vec<PairInsertionRule>,
        template: String,
        counts: BTreeMap<Pair, isize>,
    mod parse {
        use super::{BTreeMap, Pair, PairInsertionRule, Polymerization};
        use nom::{
            character::complete::{alpha1, digit1, line_ending},
            combinator::{eof, opt},
        pub fn template(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (String, BTreeMap<Pair, isize>)> {
            let (input, t) = alpha1(input)?;
            let (input, _) = line_ending(input)?;
            let mut result = BTreeMap::new();
            let mut chars: Vec<char> = t.chars().collect();
            for w in chars.windows(2) {
                    .entry((w[0], w[1]))
                    .and_modify(|cnt| *cnt += 1)
            Ok((input, (t.to_string(), result)))
        pub fn rule(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, PairInsertionRule> {
            let (input, start) = alpha1(input)?;
            let (input, _) = tag(" -> ")(input)?;
            let (input, insert) = alpha1(input)?;
            let (input, _) = line_ending(input)?;
            let mut chrs = start.chars();
            let a = chrs.next().unwrap();
            let b = chrs.next().unwrap();
            let c = insert.chars().next().unwrap();
            Ok((input, ((a, b), c)))
        pub fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Polymerization> {
            let (input, (t, template)) = template(input)?;
            let (input, _) = line_ending(input)?;
            let (input, rules) = many1(rule)(input)?;
            let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
                Polymerization {
                    template: t,
                    counts: template,
    Helper functions
    pub fn pstep(p: &Polymerization) -> Polymerization {
        let mut next_counts = p.counts.clone();
        for &((a, b), c) in p.rules.iter() {
            let cur_count = *p.counts.get(&(a, b)).unwrap_or(&0);
            if cur_count == 0 {
                .entry((a, b))
                .and_modify(|cnt| *cnt -= cur_count)
                .entry((a, c))
                .and_modify(|cnt| *cnt += cur_count)
                .entry((c, b))
                .and_modify(|cnt| *cnt += cur_count)
        Polymerization {
            rules: p.rules.clone(),
            template: p.template.clone(),
            counts: next_counts,
    fn count_occurrences(p: &Polymerization) -> BTreeMap<char, isize> {
        let mut cnts = BTreeMap::new();
        for ((a, _b), cnt) in p.counts.iter() {
            cnts.entry(*a).and_modify(|c| *c += *cnt).or_insert(*cnt);
    fn part1(parsed: &Polymerization) -> isize {
        let result = (1..=10).fold(parsed.clone(), |p, _| {
            let s = pstep(&p);
        let cnts = count_occurrences(&result);
        let min = cnts.values().min().unwrap();
        let max = cnts.values().max().unwrap();
        max - min
    fn part2(parsed: &Polymerization) -> isize {
        let result = (1..=40).fold(parsed.clone(), |p, _| {
            let s = pstep(&p);
        let cnts = count_occurrences(&result);
        let min = cnts.values().min().unwrap();
        let max = cnts.values().max().unwrap();
        max - min
    fn main() {
        let input = include_str!("../../input-14.txt");
        let parsed = parse::parse(input).unwrap().1;
        println!("Part I:  {}", part1(&parsed));
        println!("Part II: {}", part2(&parsed));
    3 votes
    1. kari
      Link Parent
      Relatable :P

      Since it took me so long, today's code is even less clean than usually.

      Relatable :P

      1 vote
  10. wycy
    (edited )
    Rust For part 1 I took the naieve approach of building the polymer. I figured I'd try to brute force part 2 but alas. I had to think about it for a long time but eventually figured it out. Rust...


    For part 1 I took the naieve approach of building the polymer. I figured I'd try to brute force part 2 but alas. I had to think about it for a long time but eventually figured it out.

    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self};
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    extern crate regex;
    use regex::Regex;
    extern crate itertools;
    use itertools::Itertools;
    const PART1_STEPS: usize = 10;
    const PART2_STEPS: usize = 40;
    const DEBUG: bool = false;
    // Part 1 (naive solution)
    fn part1(poly: &String, rules: &HashMap<(char,char),char>) -> usize {
        let mut poly = poly.to_string();
        let mut diff = 0;
        for step in 0..PART1_STEPS {
            if DEBUG { println!("After step {}: {}", &step, &poly); }
            // Build new polymer
            let mut poly_new = String::new();
            for (l,r) in poly.chars().tuple_windows() {
                let rule = rules.get(&(l,r)).unwrap();
            poly = poly_new.clone();
            // Calculate metric
            let mut char_counts: HashMap<char,usize> = HashMap::new();
            for ch in poly_new.chars() {
                *char_counts.entry(ch).or_insert(0) += 1;
            let most = char_counts.iter().map(|(_,v)| v).max().unwrap();
            let least = char_counts.iter().map(|(_,v)| v).min().unwrap();
            diff = most - least;
    // Part 2 (character counting)
    fn part2(poly: &str, rules: &HashMap<(char,char),char>) -> usize {
        // Build initial counts of each letter and pair of letters
        let mut pair_counts: HashMap<(char,char),usize> = HashMap::new();
        let mut char_counts: HashMap<char,usize> = HashMap::new();
        for (l,r) in poly.chars().tuple_windows() {
            *pair_counts.entry((l,r)).or_insert(0) += 1;
        for ch in poly.chars() {
            *char_counts.entry(ch).or_insert(0) += 1;
        // Fold polymer
        for _ in 0..PART2_STEPS {
            let pairs_before = pair_counts.clone();
            for (pair,count) in pairs_before.iter() {
                let insert = rules.get(&pair).unwrap();
                char_counts.entry(*insert).and_modify(|e| *e += count).or_insert(*count);
                pair_counts.entry((pair.0,*insert)).and_modify(|e| *e += count).or_insert(*count);
                pair_counts.entry((*insert,pair.1)).and_modify(|e| *e += count).or_insert(*count);
        let most = char_counts.iter().map(|(_,v)| v).max().unwrap();
        let least = char_counts.iter().map(|(_,v)| v).min().unwrap();
        most - least
    fn solve(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        // Input
        let input_str = std::fs::read_to_string(input).unwrap();
        let input_str = input_str.trim();
        let input: Vec<_> = input_str.split("\n\n").collect();
        // Initial polymer
        let poly = input[0].to_string();
        // Rules input
        let re = Regex::new(r"(\w)(\w) -> (\w)").unwrap();
        let rules: HashMap<(char,char),char> = input[1].split("\n")
            .map(|line| {
                let matches = re.captures(line).unwrap();
                let left   = matches[1].chars().next().unwrap();
                let right  = matches[2].chars().next().unwrap();
                let insert = matches[3].chars().next().unwrap();
        // Answers
        let part1 = part1(&poly, &rules);
        let part2 = part2(&poly, &rules);
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1); // 2194
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2); // 2360298895777
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    3 votes
  11. Gyrfalcon
    Looking through this code is a bit like archaeology, in that you can see the time before I saw part two, looked for hints, and came up with a dumb joke, and the time after. My solution for part...

    Looking through this code is a bit like archaeology, in that you can see the time before I saw part two, looked for hints, and came up with a dumb joke, and the time after. My solution for part two is sometimes off by 1, but I was lazy and rather than figure out exactly how to make it not be off by one, I just threw it in, saw whether I was high or low, and resubmitted after the timer ran out. Not my finest work, but I got the stars and only looked a little bit at hints from @PapaNachos and @Crespyl, and now that I see their solutions I even see how I should have done the counts for part 2. Thanks for being helpful people!

    Parts 1 and 2
    import std/[sequtils, strutils, sugar, os, tables, algorithm, math]
    proc parseInput(inputFile: string): (string, Table[string, string]) =
      var input = collect(newSeq):
        for line in inputFile.lines: line
      result[0] = input[0]
      input = input[2 .. ^1]
      for line in input:
        let splitLine = line.split(" -> ")
        result[1][splitLine[0]] = splitLine[1]
    func polymerize(polyTemplate: string, rules: Table[string, string]): string = 
      for idx in 0 .. polyTemplate.len - 2:
        result = result & 
                 polyTemplate[idx] & 
                 rules.getOrDefault(polyTemplate[idx .. idx + 1], "")
      result = result & polyTemplate[^1]
    func makePolymer(polyTemplate: string, rules: Table[string, string], numIters: int): string =
      result = polyTemplate
      for iter in 1 .. numIters:
        result = polymerize(result, rules)
    func analyzePolymer(polymer: string): int =
      var analysis = polymer.toCountTable()
      result = analysis.values().toSeq()[0] - analysis.values().toSeq()[^1]
    # I think this is a great joke
    func toPairymer(polymer: string): CountTable[string] = 
      for idx in 0 .. polymer.len - 2:
        let pair = polymer[idx .. idx + 1]
        result[pair] = result.getOrDefault(pair, 0) + 1
    func pairymerize(pairymer: CountTable[string], 
                     rules: Table[string, string]): CountTable[string] =
      for (pair, num) in pairs(pairymer):
        let ruleOutput = rules[pair]
        let pair1 = pair[0] & ruleOutput
        let pair2 = ruleOutput & pair[1]
        result[pair1] = result.getOrDefault(pair1, 0) + num
        result[pair2] = result.getOrDefault(pair2, 0) + num
    func makePairymer(pairymer: CountTable[string], 
                      rules: Table[string, string], 
                      numIters: int): CountTable[string] =
      result = pairymer
      for iter in 1 .. numIters:
        result = pairymerize(result, rules)
    func analyzePairymer(pairymer: CountTable[string]): int =
      var letterCounts: CountTable[char]
      for (pair, num) in pairs(pairymer):
        letterCounts[pair[0]] = letterCounts.getOrDefault(pair[0], 0) + num
        letterCounts[pair[1]] = letterCounts.getOrDefault(pair[1], 0) + num
      # This may be off by one but you can always guess lmao
      result = int(round((letterCounts.largest()[1] - letterCounts.smallest()[1]) / 2))
    proc main(inputFile: string) =
      var (polymer, rules) = parseInput(inputFile) # Oh, so I can do that
      polymer = makePolymer(polymer, rules, 10)
      echo analyzePolymer(polymer)
      var pairymer = polymer.toPairymer() # Not wasting those iterations!
      pairymer = makePairymer(pairymer, rules, 30)
      echo pairymer.analyzePairymer()
    when is_main_module:
    3 votes
  12. kari
    Rust Did part 1 with brute force because I wanted to get the first star in (even though I guess what part 2 would be and assumed brute force wouldn't work for it). Eventually figured out how to...


    Did part 1 with brute force because I wanted to get the first star in (even though I guess what part 2 would be and assumed brute force wouldn't work for it). Eventually figured out how to refactor for part 2.

    Part 1 (before refactor)
    use crate::lib::aoc;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    pub fn run() {
        let lines = aoc::get_lines("./inputs/day14.in");
        let template = lines[0].clone();
        let rules: HashMap<String, String> =
            lines[2..].iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut rules, line| {
                if let Some((pair, insertion)) = line.split_once(" -> ") {
                    rules.insert(pair.to_owned(), insertion.to_owned());
        // Part 1
        let mut polymer = template;
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let mut polymer_chars = polymer.chars().peekable();
            let mut new_polymer = String::new();
            for i in 0..polymer.len() {
                let ith_char = polymer_chars.next().unwrap();
                if i + 1 < polymer.len() {
                            .get(&format!("{}{}", ith_char, polymer_chars.peek().unwrap()))
                            .expect("Missing some rule!"),
            polymer = new_polymer;
        let mut result_p1: Vec<u32> = polymer
            .fold(HashMap::<char, u32>::new(), |mut accum, element| {
                let count = accum.get(&element).unwrap_or(&0) + 1;
                accum.insert(element, count);
        let result_p1 = result_p1.last().unwrap() - result_p1[0];
        aoc::output(14, "result", result_p1, 0);
    Both Parts (after refactor)
    use crate::lib::aoc;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    fn do_steps(
        rules: &HashMap<String, char>,
        polymer: HashMap<(char, char), u64>,
        mut ends_with: (char, char),
    ) -> (HashMap<(char, char), u64>, (char, char)) {
        let mut new_polymer = HashMap::new();
        for (pair, count) in &polymer {
            let new_char = *rules
                .get(&format!("{}{}", pair.0, pair.1))
                .expect("Missing some rule!");
            // Now we can make two pairs
            let new_pair1 = (pair.0, new_char);
            let new_pair2 = (new_char, pair.1);
            new_polymer.insert(new_pair1, new_polymer.get(&new_pair1).unwrap_or(&0) + count);
            new_polymer.insert(new_pair2, new_polymer.get(&new_pair2).unwrap_or(&0) + count);
            if *pair == ends_with {
                ends_with = new_pair2;
        (new_polymer, ends_with)
    fn get_result(polymer: &HashMap<(char, char), u64>, ends_with: &(char, char)) -> u64 {
        let mut count_vec: Vec<u64> = polymer
                HashMap::<char, u64>::new(),
                |mut accum, ((ith_char, jth_char), pair_count)| {
                    let ith_char_count = accum.get(ith_char).unwrap_or(&0) + pair_count;
                    let jth_char_count = accum.get(jth_char).unwrap_or(&0) + 1;
                    if (*ith_char, *jth_char) == *ends_with {
                        accum.insert(*ith_char, ith_char_count);
                        accum.insert(*jth_char, jth_char_count);
                    } else {
                        accum.insert(*ith_char, ith_char_count);
        count_vec.last().unwrap() - count_vec[0]
    pub fn run() {
        // Parse the input
        let lines = aoc::get_lines("./inputs/day14.in");
        let template = lines[0].clone();
        let rules: HashMap<String, char> = lines[2..].iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut rules, line| {
            if let Some((pair, insertion)) = line.split_once(" -> ") {
                    insertion.chars().next().expect("Some rule is invalid!"),
        // Set up the polymer HashMap
        let mut template_chars = template.chars().peekable();
        let mut polymer: HashMap<(char, char), u64> = HashMap::new();
        let mut ends_with: (char, char) = ('0', '0');
        for i in 0..template.len() - 1 {
            let ith_char = template_chars.next().unwrap();
            let jth_char = *template_chars.peek().unwrap();
            let pair = (ith_char, jth_char);
            polymer.insert(pair, polymer.get(&pair).unwrap_or(&0) + 1);
            // We need to keep track of the ending pairs so that we can count chars correctly
            if i == template.len() - 2 {
                ends_with = pair;
        // ~~~ Part 1 ~~~
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let (new_polymer, new_ends_with) = do_steps(&rules, polymer.clone(), ends_with);
            polymer = new_polymer;
            ends_with = new_ends_with;
        let result_p1 = get_result(&polymer, &ends_with);
        // ~~~ Part 2 ~~~
        for _ in 10..40 {
            let (new_polymer, new_ends_with) = do_steps(&rules, polymer.clone(), ends_with);
            polymer = new_polymer;
            ends_with = new_ends_with;
        let result_p2 = get_result(&polymer, &ends_with);
        aoc::big_output(14, "result", result_p1, result_p2);

    I could probably make it run a bit faster (not that it's particularly slow right) if I passed the number of steps to my do_steps function and iterated there so that I didn't have to pass the map to the function so much.

    I guess I could also just keep track of the very last letter and add a count of 1 for that letter instead of keeping track of the last pair.

    2 votes
  13. jzimbel
    Elixir Does it work for both parts? Yes. Does it run quickly? Yes—3.5ms for part 2. Will I explain my nightmare code? ...No. Both parts defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day14 do def...


    Does it work for both parts? Yes.
    Does it run quickly? Yes—3.5ms for part 2.
    Will I explain my nightmare code? ...No.

    Both parts
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2021.Day14 do
      def part1(input) do
        measure_frequencies_at(input, 10)
      def part2(input) do
        measure_frequencies_at(input, 40)
      defp measure_frequencies_at(input, step) do
        {frequencies, rules, first_char, last_char} = parse_input(input)
        |> Stream.iterate(&insert(&1, rules))
        |> Enum.at(step)
        |> bigram_frequencies_to_unigram_frequencies(first_char, last_char)
        |> Map.values()
        |> Enum.min_max()
        |> then(fn {least_common_count, most_common_count} ->
          most_common_count - least_common_count
      defp insert(freqs, rules) do
        |> Enum.flat_map(fn {[char_a, char_b] = chars, count} ->
          |> then(fn insertion ->
              {[char_a, insertion], count},
              {[insertion, char_b], count}
        |> Enum.group_by(&elem(&1, 0), &elem(&1, 1))
        |> Enum.map(fn {k, counts} -> {k, Enum.sum(counts)} end)
      defp bigram_frequencies_to_unigram_frequencies(freqs, first_char, last_char) do
        |> Enum.flat_map(fn {[char_a, char_b], freq} ->
            {char_a, freq},
            {char_b, freq}
        |> Enum.group_by(&elem(&1, 0), &elem(&1, 1))
        |> Enum.map(fn {k, counts} -> {k, Enum.sum(counts)} end)
        |> Enum.into(%{}, fn
          {char, doubled_freq} -> {char, ceil(doubled_freq / 2)}
        |> then(fn freqs ->
          if first_char == last_char do
            Map.update!(freqs, first_char, &(&1 + 1))
      defp parse_input(input) do
        [first_char | rest_chars] = String.to_charlist(input)
        last_char = List.last(rest_chars)
        |> String.split("\n\n", trim: true)
        |> then(fn [polymer, rules] ->
          {bigram_frequencies(polymer), parse_rules(rules), first_char, last_char}
      defp bigram_frequencies(string) do
        |> String.to_charlist()
        |> Enum.chunk_every(2, 1, :discard)
        |> Enum.frequencies()
      defp parse_rules(rules) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        |> Enum.map(fn <<char_a, char_b, " -> ", insertion>> -> {[char_a, char_b], insertion} end)
        |> Enum.into(%{})
    2 votes