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    1. Topic Requests: What subject would you like to see covered in more depth?

      For those who haven't seen my essay-length posts in the past, I occasionally like to delve into explaining different programming concepts, particularly with regards to making your code easier to...

      For those who haven't seen my essay-length posts in the past, I occasionally like to delve into explaining different programming concepts, particularly with regards to making your code easier to manage. Sometimes this has to do with how you structure you code and projects, and at others it has to do with how you think about the problems you're solving. I've been in the mood to write up on yet another programming subject, but nothing in particular has stood out to me lately during the course of my work.

      With that in mind, I figured I would take a different approach and see if anyone here had some specific requests for content they would like to see. Requests from all levels of experience are welcome!

      (And for those who are itching to do a write-up on any of the requests that appear here, feel free to call dibs!)


      For those who want to take a dive into my previous submissions, you can now find them in the new wiki entry created by @cfabbro or directly via the programming.code_quality_tips tag here.

      8 votes
    2. I finally open sourced something: Pliant, a flexible blog skeleton

      https://gitlab.com/smoores/pliant I’ve been a software developer for about three years, and I’ve always been enticed by and passionate about the open source scene. I have an assortment of projects...


      I’ve been a software developer for about three years, and I’ve always been enticed by and passionate about the open source scene. I have an assortment of projects variously available on GitHub and GitLab, but this is the first time I’ve ever created an open source project intended to be used by others.

      Pliant is a barebones starter kit for anyone wanting to self host their own blog. It came out of my own efforts to start a blog, and it’s what currently powers https://tfhe.shanemoore.me.

      I’d love to hear you’re feedback, or just discuss open source, blogging, web technologies, or whatever else comes up.

      20 votes
    3. What are you coding today?

      What are you coding? Or are you reading a CS paper? and of course, have you read SICP today? ___-------___ _-~~ ~~-_ _-~ /~-_ /^\__/^\ /~ \ / \ /| O|| O| / \_______________/ \ | |___||__| / / \ \...

      What are you coding? Or are you reading a CS paper?

      and of course, have you read SICP today?
                               _-~~             ~~-_
                            _-~                    /~-_
         /^\__/^\         /~  \                   /    \
       /|  O|| O|        /      \_______________/        \
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      |          \    /      /                    \          \
      |   (_______) /______/                        \_________ \
      |         / /         \                      /            \
       \         \^\\         \                  /               \     /
         \         ||           \______________/      _-_       //\__//
           \       ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~   ~\    || __/
             ~-----||====/~     |==================|       |/~~~~~
              (_(__/  ./     /                    \_\      \.
                     (_(___/                         \_____)_)
      29 votes
    4. Python challenges or projects with just the standard library?

      I've been slowly learning python for some months already. I used the Python Crash Course book from No Starch Press, it teaches the basics and then goes on with some projects with pygame,...

      I've been slowly learning python for some months already. I used the Python Crash Course book from No Starch Press, it teaches the basics and then goes on with some projects with pygame, matplotlib, etc.

      However, I feel that my Python skills aren't very good yet, and before learning to use libraries I would like to have a better command of the standard library.

      I have been looking for some book with projects or, even better, challenges using just the standard library, but haven't found any good ones. Most of them either are for absolute beginners, or use additional libraries, or are very technical and without focus on practice.

      Do you know of any good book or resource with challenges or projects that don't depend on additional libraries? Or, do you have any idea for a project or challenge using just the standard library?

      Thanks in advance!

      14 votes
    5. Rant: Docker is a labyrinth maze of brick walls and show-stopping issues that has done nothing but slow my development

      Firstly, I apologise for the rant. I guess this is a meek follow-up to my submission earlier in ~comp, questioning how to deploy Docker into production. Since then, I haven't been able to dedicate...

      Firstly, I apologise for the rant. I guess this is a meek follow-up to my submission earlier in ~comp, questioning how to deploy Docker into production. Since then, I haven't been able to dedicate much time to solving any of the issues I've outlined in that thread, but what I will say is that docker has caused me nothing but pain, and I have realised zero benefits from attempting to utilise it. Right from the start, the syntax for docker, docker-compose, and Dockerfiles is confusing and full of edge cases which no one explains to you in the hype of actually discussing it:

      • These 'images' you build grow to insane sizes unless you carefully construct and regiment your RUN, COPY, and other commands.
      • Docker complains to you about leaving empty lines in multi-line RUN commands (which is itself, as I see it, basically a hack to get around something called a "layer limit"), even if it contains a comment (which is not an empty line) and does not provide a friendly explanation on how to solve this issue.
      • There's basically no good distinction between bind mounts and volumes, and the syntax is even more confusing: declaring a volumes entry in a docker-compose.yml? You have no good idea if you're creating a volume or a bindmount.
      • Tutorials & documentation tends to either assume you're a power user who knows this sort of thing, or are so trivial they don't accurately represent a real-world solution, and are therefore basically useless.

      I've suffered endless permissions issues trying to run portions of my application, such as being unable to write to log files, or do trivial things like clearing a cache—that I have tried a dozen different ways of fixing with zero success.

      Then, when I run some things from within the docker container, such as tests, they can take an excruciatingly long time to run—only then did I discover that this is yet another docker issue. The whole point of docker is to abstract away the host OS and containerise things and it can't even do that.

      So now I'm regenerating and rebuilding images and containers every 5 minutes trying to find a configuration that appears to work with the slow and complicated syntax of docker rm $(docker ps -aq) -f followed by docker rmi $(docker images -q) followed by docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d, followed by docker container exec -it php sh.

      Docker-sync, kubernetes, docker-compose, images, containers. It's legitimately too much. I'm not a dev-ops or infrastructure guy. I just want to write code and have my app work. I don't have the money to employ anyone to solve this for me (I'm not even employing myself yet).

      I guess you can say I've learnt my lesson. I'm sticking to git and a simple VPS for future endeavours. I don't know how you folks who manage to hype docker do it, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but Docker doesn't like me, and I don't like it.

      21 votes
    6. Accidentally Solving Access Point Roaming Issues.

      I'm sharing in case some of you are having a similar issue at work or at home, and to hear your opinion and/or similar stories! I've been using Ubiquiti access points in my home for a few years...

      I'm sharing in case some of you are having a similar issue at work or at home, and to hear your opinion and/or similar stories!

      I've been using Ubiquiti access points in my home for a few years now, and overall, they've worked very well. 3 APs giving near perfect 5GHz VHT80 coverage on DFS channels. LAN transfers are about 600-650mbit on laptops, which has proven to be plenty for wireless clients in my home. Keep in mind that this is a pretty basic setup... besides the APs, there's just the ISP provided GPON ONT which is also a typical all-in-one ISP solution (router, switch, AP, firewall, DHCP server...) with it's Wi-Fi turned off.

      As I said, I was pretty happy with the results, however there was one feature that I could never get to work just right; roaming. You could be walking around the house watching a live stream and the stream would pause for 5-8 seconds until the roaming transition was over. Strangely, with VoIP calls, roaming would be about 3-5 seconds. Even enabling fast roaming features (which I believe is simply 802.11r) on the AP's controller would not give the results I was looking for. After days of tweaking TX power settings, channel selection and trying to implement Minimum RSSI (which I ended up not using), I finally gave up and resigned myself to the 4-6 seconds (oh, the humanity) of roaming time.

      Fast forward to about two months ago and I added a new router to the setup (UBNT ER-4) and a switch (UBNT USW-24). Setup went smooth, already had some cat.6 cabling around the house, now it was time to actually use it. Had some fun setting up a guest Wi-Fi network on it's own VLAN, which was always a concern of mine; having "untrusted" devices connect to my network. The access points do client isolation on guest networks by default, but in my mind it wasn't enough as I have some file servers and time machines on the network.

      Anyways, a few days after doing the setup I'm walking around the house with a livestream on my mobile and suddenly realize that it's not losing the connection. I try with a VoIP call and it worked flawlessly. I start walking around faster and still, the phone is roaming without an issue. I was very excited!

      I'm thinking it must be the router that somehow solved the roaming issue. My first theory was that the DHCP server on the ER-4 was doing it's thing much faster than the ISP's device, allowing the wireless clients to actually roam faster. So I do a web search and I find some very relevant info. It was a thread on a forum and reddit thread with a sysadmin that was about to give up on the APs because of roaming issues. In both threads, there were replies about what switch were they using.

      Apparently, some switches (Cisco and HP were mentioned), have a "MAC aging" interval setting which is way too high by default, or they simply have bugged firmware that doesn't allow the switch to "re-learn" the MAC address of a device on a different switch port. I assume that ISP provided "el-cheapo" gear has similar issues.

      So, if you're having roaming issues with your wireless clients, check your switches!!!

      Anyways, just wanted to share this story. Thank you for reading. :-)

      10 votes