13 votes

A major quake in the Pacific Northwest, expected sooner or later, will most likely create waves big enough to wipe out entire towns. Evacuation towers may be the only hope, if they ever get built.

1 comment

  1. skyfaller
    Maybe this is just my depression talking, but it's hard for me to believe that our society will take the necessary steps to protect these people who are at risk from tsunamis. Our society has...

    Maybe this is just my depression talking, but it's hard for me to believe that our society will take the necessary steps to protect these people who are at risk from tsunamis.

    Our society has given up on taking meaningful action to address the clear and present danger of a pandemic that is killing 2,000-3,000 Americans each day. We are bored of mass death and choose to ignore it instead. That's people dying right now! How can our society possibly invest the effort required to prevent future deaths, even if they are very predictable future deaths?

    What is the purpose of warning people of death to come if they show no interest in the death that is already here?

    The article concludes:

    A comprehensive federal solution with accompanying funding is needed

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The federal gov't can't pass legislation to protect elections and democracy, i.e. its own existence. How will it protect the vulnerable people who rely on it?

    Before we can address the threat from tsunamis, we must rediscover our ability to deal with any threat at all.

    5 votes