8 votes

Using 3D surface maps, scientists led by Durham University, found crevasses had significantly increased in size and depth on Greenland's ice sheet over the five years between 2016 and 2021

1 comment

  1. mysterylevel
    I am currently in Christchurch, NZ waiting for a flight down to Antarctica in a couple hours. When I was last there, the scientists were giving talks about how the last 5 years of sea ice growth...

    I am currently in Christchurch, NZ waiting for a flight down to Antarctica in a couple hours. When I was last there, the scientists were giving talks about how the last 5 years of sea ice growth during the winter months has declined rapidly.

    Have a read of this link

    I have been told the daily temperatures at Scott Base are around +2-4c right now. The sea ice has broken away from the island, however there is some multi-year ice at the coast which has created dense pressure ridges. While the ice breaks away every year, the amount that returns is continuously decreasing year on year.

    It was pretty shocking to see and listening to the scientists, they reckon the types of possible research in the future will change too.

    2 votes