US Justice Department files amended complaint in rent price fixing lawsuit. Landlords colluded directly.
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- Title
- Justice Department sues 6 largest landlords for algorithmic pricing scheme that 'caused harm to millions of renters'
- Published
- Jan 8 2025
- Word count
- 303 words
Nice share.
It seems this is slightly different from the original claim in that there is direct evidence the landlords worked together via the following methods:
This is different from before because before the claim was just that by nature of using the algorithm/RealPage this was anti-consumer. This would make it easy to say, “hey I didn’t know that was how the app worked, I’m not a computer scientist, and thus not responsible for that”.
The new claim shows that the landlords were very aware of what was going on and actively participating in it. Good for those states for coming after the landlords, but I’m curious, is RealPage getting off scot free ?
This is the press release that the article is based on itself, which I think has more details:
Landlord Cortland Agrees to Cooperate with Justice Department and Enter into a Settlement to End the Use of Common Rental Pricing Algorithms and Competitively Sensitive Data to Set Rents
Also, gift link to the interactive map tool the Washington Post built to show affected buildings: https://wapo.st/425S7j5