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Weekly coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - week of October 10

This thread is posted weekly, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!

1 comment

  1. Omnicrola
    Not specifically about COVID, but it seemed fitting to put here : There's a spike in respiratory illness among children — and it's not just COVID

    Not specifically about COVID, but it seemed fitting to put here :

    There's a spike in respiratory illness among children — and it's not just COVID

    While respiratory infections typically surge in the winter months, experts say that this year the season has started much sooner, and that numbers are unusually high.

    "We've been strapped, and hospitals have sort of been functioning at the edge of how they can function. We're seeing more people requiring help and fewer beds available, largely due to staffing needs," explained Kalu. "This combination is going to create more and more problems."

    "As we see more viral infections in kids, we will see a similar pattern in adults," she said. "The reason for more severe illnesses with some of these viruses is the smaller airways in kids. Because the viruses get in there and cause such a high amount of inflammation, they are unable to clear out a lot of these secretions or get air in."

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