5 votes

Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - April 26

This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!

1 comment

  1. kfwyre
    Had a panicky anxiety dream last night where a coworker and I had to look after a friend's kids all day. They were completely over being cooped up from quarantine and were climbing up the walls...

    Had a panicky anxiety dream last night where a coworker and I had to look after a friend's kids all day. They were completely over being cooped up from quarantine and were climbing up the walls with boredom, so we went around to a bunch of places (playgrounds, restaurants, a go-kart place that was somehow still open) with no masks, social distancing, or handwashing. Plus the kids had explosive and seemingly unending amounts of energy and did not like to take directives. I spent the entire dream stressed out not only because we were making a scene everywhere we went but also because of how irresponsible we were being, putting ourselves and others at risk. All of the employees at the places we went kept looking at us with accusatory eyes from behind their masks, like we were the most negligent caretakers in the world.

    Shout out to all you parents out there, taking care of your kids during quarantine. I can only imagine how difficult it is managing not only them but everything else in your life as well. I could barely handle one "day" in my dream, and you have to support your kids day in and day out. Parenting is strength, stamina, patience, and love, and I think those who can do it are nothing short of incredible.

    5 votes