9 votes

A coalition of 62 countries has backed a joint Australian and European Union push for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak ahead of a crucial World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva


  1. Algernon_Asimov
    Update: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/18/australia-wins-international-support-for-independent-coronavirus-inquiry


    The draft motion – now supported by 122 countries, including the members of the European Union and the African Group, the UK, Russia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – calls for a systemic review of the world’s response to Covid-19.


    1 vote
  2. ohyran
    What does it do? I mean, it seems like a punishment expedition aimed at China - where the biggest contender, the US (who has been very clear about what it thinks), probably wont be on board as the...

    What does it do? I mean, it seems like a punishment expedition aimed at China - where the biggest contender, the US (who has been very clear about what it thinks), probably wont be on board as the language isn't openly hostile enough towards China.

    The end result will perhaps bring about some understanding of the virus, if Beijing are cool with it. If not, wont it just be speculation about how the virus came to be? If the language even hints at anything beyond "human error" or some simplistic narrative - will they even allow it to slip through?

    What will the US say as they are fairly clear about what they think have happened, if the findings aren't supporting the US' stand-point (which seems to be "made in a lab, designed to attack US business interests" - although I can be wrong here). Since the EU can't find its own arse with both hands, as it wouldn't be able to agree which is the better cheek to go via - wont the report be either a massive disappointment to some, or a huge "meh" to others?

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