12 votes

Alaska says it’s now legal “in some instances” to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals

1 comment

  1. pallas
    The title of this article does not fit the content. The quoted "in some instances" in the title is, in the text, explained as being from a page stating that "in some instances" it is illegal to...

    The title of this article does not fit the content. The quoted "in some instances" in the title is, in the text, explained as being from a page stating that "in some instances" it is illegal to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals. While the implication is there, the statements are different. One is positively claiming that there are situations where it is legal, the other implies there are, but could be argued to still be true if there aren't.

    The article itself actually seems careful about this, and there's ample material for a strong title. There was no need to mar the article by misusing a quote in the title.

    4 votes