7 votes

Japan’s vegetable-eating men - A nation of suit-wearing salarymen educates its first generation of stay-at-home dads

1 comment

  1. Catt
    Really interesting read, that does mirror what we've seen in the west. Why so much judgement? Isn't it enough that people just live and build the life and family that they want and works for them?...

    Really interesting read, that does mirror what we've seen in the west.

    They consider themselves a step above ikumen, explains Shuichi, whose son is now six years old. “In terms of being proactive in the household, we consider ikumen to be passive,” he says. “Ikumen is a part-time employee, whereas the househusband is a full-time employee who takes on a dedicated role.”

    Why so much judgement? Isn't it enough that people just live and build the life and family that they want and works for them?

    Feminist scholars have taken issue with the language, ads, and media around ikumen, which tend to portray involved dads as heroic and situate fatherhood as something patriotic in the same way

    This is something we definitely see everywhere. Parenting your own kid, taking care of your own home, supporting your own partner, should honestly be status quo.

    3 votes