6 votes

Extreme Silicon Valley: A 2:30 AM bus from Salida. Tech employees move all the way into the Central Valley. Private tech shuttles follow.

1 comment

  1. MimicSquid
    Yes, a 2:30 AM bus sound ludicrous, but how would it change your experience if you knew it was for a 4 AM shift? An hour and a half for a commute is bad, but it's not like it was for a 9 AM shift....

    Yes, a 2:30 AM bus sound ludicrous, but how would it change your experience if you knew it was for a 4 AM shift? An hour and a half for a commute is bad, but it's not like it was for a 9 AM shift.

    That said, many of the points made about the lack of affordable housing and the insufficient public transportation infrastructure are spot on.

    2 votes