8 votes

Swedish carmaker Volvo will offer a generous paid parental leave scheme to its 40,000 employees globally

1 comment

  1. archevel
    Parental leave is great! Both partners sharing it (and not just one parent doing it) helps build empathy in the relationship. It can be exhausting to stay home with a young kid. This isn't...

    Parental leave is great! Both partners sharing it (and not just one parent doing it) helps build empathy in the relationship. It can be exhausting to stay home with a young kid. This isn't something that you know innately before experiencing it yourself. Even if your partner tells you it is not the same as living it. It makes you realize that even when you've had an exhausting day at work and you just want to lie down. Your partner might just reaaaaaaly need a break from the kid.... It should really be called parental work rather than parental leave!

    Pretty cool that Volvo is taking this step (though it would be better if it was a universal thing not tied to employment at one particular car company).

    4 votes