"My Development Company's Plan To Bulldoze The Parks In This Neighborhood And Replace Them With $800K Per Unit High-Density Housing That Only White People Will Buy Is Actually About Ending...
"My Development Company's Plan To Bulldoze The Parks In This Neighborhood And Replace Them With $800K Per Unit High-Density Housing That Only White People Will Buy Is Actually About Ending Structural Racism"
Like most things, I think some development happening at a measured rate is great for a lot of reasons. Where I live, they are doubling the population cap over 5 years with no plans to increase services, add businesses, maintain green spaces for mental health, or anything other than "make these developers filthy rich". Wealth concentration on that scale has always historically been the very worst thing for racial justice. Pointing out when that is happening is probably among the best things you can do to effect racial justice.
"My Development Company's Plan To Bulldoze The Parks In This Neighborhood And Replace Them With $800K Per Unit High-Density Housing That Only White People Will Buy Is Actually About Ending Structural Racism"
Like most things, I think some development happening at a measured rate is great for a lot of reasons. Where I live, they are doubling the population cap over 5 years with no plans to increase services, add businesses, maintain green spaces for mental health, or anything other than "make these developers filthy rich". Wealth concentration on that scale has always historically been the very worst thing for racial justice. Pointing out when that is happening is probably among the best things you can do to effect racial justice.