9 votes

Introducing Ursal — Union of Socialist Republics of Latin America, Brazil's latest meme craze

1 comment

  1. Kiloku
    Candidate Cabo Daciolo was a relatively irrelevant Radical Christian who heavily favors the military and the police. Not a far cry from Jair Bolsonaro, a fascist homophobe who said to a fellow...

    Candidate Cabo Daciolo was a relatively irrelevant Radical Christian who heavily favors the military and the police.

    Not a far cry from Jair Bolsonaro, a fascist homophobe who said to a fellow congresswoman that she's "too ugly to deserve being raped". Bolsonaro is, unfortunately, rating well on the polls.

    What's interesting here is that Daciolo's insanity is just the same brand as that of most Bolsonaro voters. The anti-Bolsonaro groups (which range all across the political spectrum) are hopeful that Daciolo can take a chunk out of Bolsonaro's vote cake.

    In Brazil, elections are multi party, and if the first place has less than 50% of the votes, we get a runoff with only the first two places. Most people I know are working under a "my favorite in the first round, anyone but Bolsonaro in the runoff"

    2 votes