Dropkick Murphys feat Violent Femmes - Gotta Get to Peekskill (2023) - More solidarity and anti-fascist recommendation?
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- Title
- Dropkick Murphys "Gotta Get To Peekskill" feat. Violent Femmes (Music Video)
- Authors
- Dropkick Murphys
- Duration
- 2:45
- Published
- Apr 6 2023
I was actually coming to ~music to make a post just like this.
I'll throw Run the Jewels - Walking in the Snow into the mix.
Killer Mike is the fucking man.
In his raps at least, less so IRL. I do love RTJ though
How so?
He's not terrible or anything, but he doesn't really walk the walk as far as the stuff he supports in his music. He's pretty all in on capitalism, and is a landlord himself. His collaboration with the NRA was pretty controversial, although he has walked it back, and he stated at that time that he would kick out his kids if they participated in the school walkout against gun violence. He's not a monster or anything, but was disappointed to learn that stuff after the image he portrays in his art.
Also going to list Antifa Dance by Ana Tijoux here, for more rap mix.
Leading up to the election, I have been listening to more punk and folk songs. I grew up listening to a lot of punk and alternative music such as dead kennedys, and the evens. This past year, I have been trying to listen to more pro union and anti-fascist folk music from the 50s and 60s since I getting more involved in my local communities.
Last song I was listening on repeat is "Gotta get to Peekskill" by Dropkick Murphy with the lyrics from Woody Gunthrie. Which is referencing to the Peekskill riots in 1949, where people rioted over Paul Robeson performing a concert in Cortlandt Manor. The lyrics were written by Woody Gunthrie, who famously known for his anti-fascist folk music. He wrote this in the response to the riot and to show camaraderie to his friend Paul.
More I learn the history of the past, more I learn people were always fighting even if they are minority. I was talking to someone the other day about how Pete Seeger used to sing his protest songs nearby. Even if it wasn't popular. How people learned how to organize and try to enact change, even though the mountain seemed insurmountable.
The essence of this post is to gather more recommendation from users in this type of messaging. Maybe make a playlist from all of this. Music helps me, at least, to figure out the mess we are in.
Listening to a lot of Rage Against the Machine, and then a lot of smaller anti-fascist artists in more extreme genres (powerviolence, hardcore, black metal, etc). Also Public Enemy. Eric B & Rakim. Select tracks from Brother Ali (Uncle Sam Goddamn, Letter from the Government) and other artists. Run the Jewels is a good call. It's on-the-nose, but YG's "FDT" still is a good anthem, and so on.
Would love to find some revolutionary playlists of artists/songs
Got any recommendations?
Uprising - https://uprisingblackmetal.bandcamp.com/album/iii
Dodsrit - https://dodsrit.bandcamp.com/album/nocturnal-will
Auriferous Flame - https://truecultrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ardor-for-black-mastery
Tyrannus - https://truecultrecords.bandcamp.com/album/unslayable
Mystras - https://truecultrecords.bandcamp.com/album/empires-vanquished-and-dismantled
AFBMN Comp - https://antifascistblackmetalnetwork.bandcamp.com/album/black-metal-ist-klassenkrieg
Traktat - https://fiadh.bandcamp.com/album/dogmatic-accusations
Dawn Ray'd - https://dawnrayd.bandcamp.com/album/behold-sedition-plainsong
Gungirl (war metal) - https://fiadh.bandcamp.com/album/vengeant-siege-of-unholy-divinity
Prehistoric War cult (war metal) - https://prehistoricwarcult.bandcamp.com/album/barbaric-metal
Becrah - https://becrah.bandcamp.com/album/-
Sordide - https://sordide.bandcamp.com/album/ainsi-finit-le-jour
Bonjour Tristesse - https://bonjourtristesse.bandcamp.com/album/the-world-without-us
Morke - https://morkemn.bandcamp.com/album/forged-in-steel-and-love
Gudsforladt - https://gudsforladt.bandcamp.com/album/friendship-love-and-war
Qwalen - https://qwaelen.bandcamp.com/album/syv-hiljaisuus
Why by Chat Pile maybe? I don't think its necessarily anti-fascist, but question how we treat the homeless.
Don't forget their supergroup Prophets of Rage.
IDLES - Danny Nedelko
I just saw them live not long ago. They were great.
There's Rise Against, frankly anything by them fits this theme and their discography is pretty extensive.
Welcome to the Breakdown is specifically about Trump and his first term.
I'm a big fan of The Numbers from 2021.
Big Rise Against fan here. Siren Song of the Counter Culture from 2004 is still insanely relevant.
Pasting State of the Union's lyrics in their entirety
Surprised i haven't seen Anti-Flag mentioned on here. It's loud, angry, biting, and exemplifies a lot of the thoughts people like you and me have. Hate Conquers All, and The Criminals feel particularly relevant.
Bad Religion's The Profane rights of Man
A song that came about from the first Trump presidency that i found powerful is Thoughts and Prayers by Grandson.
Finally, a bit of a corny one, but hearing it recently made my chest swell, and gave me the feeling of fighting is worth it. Power
Here's a link to the rest of my playlist on Spotify.I'll probably add songs from this thread to it too.
Made a spotify playlist:
I'll update it from time to time.