4 votes

Neuromonakh Feofan & Slot - Drievnierusskaja Dusha (2017)

1 comment

  1. unknown user
    (edited )
    Holy shit. I've listened to this at least fifteen times in the last forty-eight hours. Darja “Nuki” Stavrovich, the female vocalist of Slot, is a fucking national treasure.

    Holy shit. I've listened to this at least fifteen times in the last forty-eight hours. Darja “Nuki” Stavrovich, the female vocalist of Slot, is a fucking national treasure.

    I na kuski siebia razryvajet,
    Vsio i vsia vokrug krusha,
    Nie znajet kak po-drugomu zhitj prostaja
    Drievnierusskaja dusha.
    1 vote