6 votes

Epic Vinyls From Brazil: ABOM-4 mixtape @ Le Mellotron - homage to Iemanjá - all vinyl set. 0202-2020

1 comment

  1. EightRoundsRapid
    Track list is included in the YouTube link.

    The records on the mixtape has been carefully collected and selected to present the influence of the afro-brazilian roots on Brazilian popular music. We’ve been wanting to do a mix for Iemanjá - the goddess of the sea - for a long time. Now there are many, many amazing Iemanjá songs like Conto de Areia by Clara Nunes, Dois de Fevereiro by Dorival Caymmi and Marisa Monte’s version of Lendas das Sereias Rainhas do Mar (from the London Olympics closing seremony).

    Track list is included in the YouTube link.

    1 vote