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Mystery divers rescued near Polish energy sites in the middle of the night offer dubious explanation, and vanish

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  1. AugustusFerdinand

    Coast guards rescued three divers off the northern coast of Poland over the weekend whose dubious explanation of their night-time dive near critical energy infrastructure, along with their mysterious identities, has reportedly sparked a cross-agency investigation.

    The red, 13-foot pleasure boat broke down about three nautical miles north of Gdansk. The vessel's crew said they'd been struggling for six hours to get it running again. There was no explanation as to why they might have waited so long, in the dark and cold on a rough sea, to call for help.

    Police officials determined that the men were not authorized to operate the boat and had not obtained permission to dive. According to Polish media reports, only one of the men had a Spanish passport, while the others offered only verbal identification.

    Officers apparently saw nothing suspicious at first in the fact that the men were diving near critical infrastructure at night with no permit and atypical amber-hunting equipment, and the local police did not pursue the matter, releasing the men without further questioning.

    They have all reportedly left Poland.

    4 votes