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Finnish conservative leader Petteri Orpo has won a nail-biting three-way election race, defeating Prime Minister Sanna Marin's centre left Sosiaalidemokraattien

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  1. Fal
    Petteri Orpo defeats Sanna Marin in Finland election. Now what?

    Petteri Orpo defeats Sanna Marin in Finland election. Now what?

    Orpo must now decide with whom to team up as the basis for a majority coalition — although all options entail a challenge.

    For a potential tie-up with the Social Democrats, a compromise would have to be met between the two sides’ sharply different strategies on economic policy. The NCP campaigned on cuts to welfare in order to balance the budget, while the Social Democrats suggested taxing higher earners and investing in employment support measures. 

    If Orpo turns to the Finns Party and its leader Riikka Purra, they are likely to face differences over immigration policy. The NCP believes Finland needs new arrivals to support the labor market while the Finns Party is pushing for less porous borders. 

    To secure a majority coalition, Orpo will also have to win over one or more smaller parties.

    2 votes