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John Roberts and the second redemption court

1 comment

  1. spit-evil-olive-tips
    Some of the best writing on the current Supreme Court I've read recently. Arguing that the current Chief Justice, John Roberts, is engaged in a long-standing tradition of the court - arguing for...

    Some of the best writing on the current Supreme Court I've read recently. Arguing that the current Chief Justice, John Roberts, is engaged in a long-standing tradition of the court - arguing for policies that have white supremacist outcomes, but doing so wrapped up in a language of freedom, preventing federal overreach, and so on:

    The justices did not resurrect Dred Scott v. Sandford’s antebellum declaration that a black man had no rights that a white man was bound to respect. Rather, they carefully framed their arguments in terms of limited government and individual liberty, writing opinion after opinion that allowed the white South to create an oppressive society in which black Americans had almost no rights at all.