10 votes

Hank Green - The "38% of Americans wouldn't buy Corona beer" reported by CNN is misleading

1 comment

  1. Death
    Decided to put this in a threadreader form, since that would make it easier to read. Original tweet(s) is here: https://twitter.com/hankgreen/status/1233436098266726400. I wanted to share this,...

    Decided to put this in a threadreader form, since that would make it easier to read. Original tweet(s) is here: https://twitter.com/hankgreen/status/1233436098266726400.

    I wanted to share this, because it's a great case study of exactly how seemingly benign misinformation enters the world: a legitimate media entity tweets out a catchy headline, with no further contextualization or information, and without any kind of critical look at the actual source.

    It's a click-bait headline playing in on prejudices about "stupid" Americans being shared around because "haha, can you believe this?". As Hank says: it's about nothing.

    6 votes