Redding property manager fired after posting on Reddit that he used ex-tenant mail-in ballots to vote for Donald Trump
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- Title
- Redding landlord fired after allegedly committing voter, mail fraud in Reddit posts
- Authors
- By: Blake Mayfield
- Published
- Aug 27 2024
- Word count
- 494 words
Title edited for clarity
So either he's trying to cover his butt (which shouldn't be too hard to uncover if they can trace the ballots allegedly used) or he's a dumb troll. Either way, FAFO, I guess.
The key to successful trolling is to make up a complex or name someplace you don't work at.
Thank-you for identifying him as property manager and not landlord.
This post has a screen cap of his actual post. Redditors then combed through his comments to webangulate his identity and reporting him, it seems.
He's agreed to being interviewed next week lol...buddy, lawyer up and shut up. But he's not my buddy so I hope he talks and go to jail.
You know, I am not a lawyer, I am just married to one, and I gotta say, you and I will look at that comment and think that it is harmlessly funny, but even seemingly harmless statements can be used against you in a court of law.
Begging him to represent himself and put "so bogus" in his filings.
Seriously, he is doing the exact opposite of what is in his best interests, - but republicans are good at that.
If he did the deed I hope he goes to prison too.
If he was just being a troll, I think getting fired is more than enough punishment.
for his sake I hope he was trolling. I also didn't like his comment about coercing his wife to vote his way.
I read two threads on Reddit about that. Sadly, it is still a thing.
Seems like stupid doesn't learn from his own mistakes. Like first of all, really stupid to brag about doing a felony on reddit. And now he's doing a pretty much similar mistake after being caught cause the first mistake.
Seeing as how he's trying to ruin democracy, I say let him keep making mistakes.
Alternative reporting: https://www.latintimes.com/california-landlord-fired-after-bragging-about-stealing-tenants-ballots-using-them-vote-trump-563709
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