8 votes

World health officials take a hard line on screen time for kids. Will busy parents comply?


  1. Algernon_Asimov
    People reading this article might be interested in this previous topic: The first ever World Health Organisation (WHO) physical activity guidelines for under-fives, recommend no screen time for...
    4 votes
  2. alyaza
    short answer: no. slightly longer answer: no, because most people are pretty bad about following things that are ostensibly guidelines. you might see some people have second thoughts about this...

    short answer: no.

    slightly longer answer: no, because most people are pretty bad about following things that are ostensibly guidelines. you might see some people have second thoughts about this and see them take steps to minimize it, but realistically i think the people who this actually would apply to either don't care or aren't in a position where they're able to just suddenly stop doing this. because it's not like this really happens in a void: the people who do this are doing it for a reason, and if you don't address the underlying reason there's not really a reason for them to stop doing it.

    2 votes