User bios added: you can write a short bio that will be visible on your user page
This is something that's been discussed a number of times (recent example), and has now been added by an open-source contribution by @what, who's contributed multiple significant features now, thanks again!
It's totally optional, but if you want to, you can now write a short bio for yourself through the "Edit your user bio" link at the bottom of the Settings page (by the way, I also added a link to the Settings page at the bottom of the home page's sidebar). The bio supports markdown the same as topics/comments, and is currently limited to 2000 characters (about 300 words). I'm not particularly attached to that limit, but it seemed like a reasonable starting point.
If you write a bio, there will be an expandable "View <username>'s bio" block at the top of your user page okay, okay, I'm convinced that it belongs in the sidebar. You can see an (unimaginative) example on my user page. I'm not particularly attached to this method of displaying it either, so let me know if you think something else might be better.
I don't know if we need particular guidelines for what's appropriate to put in a bio, but please be reasonable about what you use it for. A link to your site or accounts elsewhere is definitely fine, as long as it's not done in a spammy/misleading way, not too much different from posting on the site itself.
Also, I've topped everyone back up to 10 invites again. As always, these are available on the invites page.
Cheers on the new feature! Perhaps adding it on the right side would feel more natural.
Off-Topic: Is there some kind of graphic/page where one can see the amount of active users or the number of people that recently created an account on tildes?
It was originally in the sidebar, but I think it's very cramped in there, and also doesn't show for mobile users unless they manually open the sidebar to look. (Edit: I moved it back to the sidebar)
There's nowhere to see that, no. A stats page or something similar would be nice to have. I'm using Grafana to generate charts for myself like these for monitoring, and it supports generating "snapshots", so I think it would be neat to try to make some of the graphs public and auto-updating eventually.
I kinda like the idea of it being in the sidebar as well. I think it's okay if it's not visible on mobile by default. It's probably considered secondary information. Plus expanding a sidebar isn't so different from expanding the bio at the top now.
As for being cramped, would dropping a font size help?
edit: Huzzah! Looks much better in the sidebar, I feel.
I don't really like or think it makes sense to put the bio under the content feed. The sidebar is for user info, it says so right on the top. I don't think it would be a big issue to put it there. If someone wants to see it they already have to click to open it, clicking it on mobile would be the same amount of clicks.
Yeah, there is a difference though—you wouldn't be able to tell if the user has a bio unless I add some indicator outside of the sidebar. Otherwise if you're interested in looking at bios you'd have to always open the sidebar to check if they have one or not.
I'm not necessarily opposed to moving it back into the sidebar, but it does limit some possible usages of it by giving it so little space. (Edit: I moved it back to the sidebar)
For what it's worth, I only skimmed before going and writing my bio. I couldn't find it so I actually assumed it wasn't displaying yet, then came back and read the whole article before I figured out where it was. When I was on my own profile page, my brain skipped right over the expandable bio section because it parsed it as filters that would be relevant to the content.
I'm sure I would have found it eventually, and now that I know about it it's fine, and I don't have any negative impression of it, but I did have a disconnect when I first used it.
I don't have a strong opinion about where it goes, but thought the information might be useful.
I like the layout how it is and think it would be too cramped in the sidebar. That being said, I think there's still some design work that could be done to help separate out the different parts of the user page.
A.S. Thanks a lot!
Maybe the sidebar is “cramped” if a user views his/her own user page, or when an admin views a user page. But when I (an ordinary user) view the user page of another user, I only see two things on the sidebar: that user's registration date and a “Send a private message” button. Thus, the user's bio would naturally fit there unless more other stuff to be visible in the general context is planned.
As for the mobile version, Bio can be added as another element to All activity – Topics – Comments (but this may clash if other stuff is planned there).
Okay, I've been convinced that the sidebar's more appropriate since, overall, "additional info" belongs there more than in the main area. I've moved it back into the sidebar now. Might be good to add a little more styling to it at some point, but let's see how it ends up with some real bios.
With the move to the sidebar is it intentionally not supporting bullet points? I'd had them working before, but now they don't appear in the sidebar.
Ah yeah, that'll need a fix. Thanks, I'll fix it shortly. Edit: should be good now.
Honestly, sidebar + 2000 characters isn't a great idea. I don't mind if it's in the sidebar or in the profile, but I do think you can't have both lengthy writings and a sidebar locale. It's either one or the other, because 2000 characters worth of paragraphs in the sidebar is going to look a bit... unconsidered. It may be better to scale back the character limit to something like 160/240/whatever twitter uses.
Why? The sidebar's almost totally blank right now, and unless the user has very few posts, it's not going to make the page taller than it already is.
It's just an example of a bad design pattern. You don't often see such lengthy amounts of text constrained so horizontally anywhere on the web, and it's for no other reason than "it looks bad", which is a valid design criticism.
If the response is "why", I think it's equally valid to ask why it was set to 2000 in the first place. Less is more and such.
Sure you do. For example, practically every single subreddit's sidebar.
Like I said, I'm not really stuck on the limit, but I'd like to see how it gets used in practice first before I worry too much about it.
Okay, more correctly, it exists—but it still looks bad. I can't recall ever seeing a wordy subreddit sidebar and thinking it was worded & designed eloquently. Given that this feature is optional, I understand where you're coming from, so I'm not arguing a point with force here.
For me personally, I try and work in reverse: it's easier for me to identify system constraints based upon the design of the worst case, than it is to create constraints and leave the design until later. This might just be a mindset thing.
Thank you and @what!
One question: is there a particular reason for hiding the bio by default? I couldn't find any discussion on it in #206 and #59. I'd rather have them be visible by default (tho I don't mind it either way).
WRT the sidebar discussion (cc @user2) IMHO it is better where it is now, but traditionally it is on some sort of sidebar (see: Twitter & Github, but cf. : HN, Gitlab) so maybe moving it there could make it more easily visible for some people?
Visible by default would take up a pretty sizeable chunk of vertical space with a 2000 char limit, especially on mobile. To give you an idea of how much, with the text below, this comment is now 2000 characters.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lorem enim, tempus condimentum euismod sed, euismod sit amet turpis. Ut lobortis, nunc semper rutrum pharetra, ligula velit bibendum diam, quis ullamcorper odio nunc in erat. Integer vitae gravida ex. Suspendisse hendrerit pellentesque pulvinar. Morbi elementum, leo a commodo sagittis, eros nisl sodales purus, sed ultrices erat turpis tempor justo. Morbi ac massa quis metus ullamcorper auctor eu vel orci. Ut lacinia lacus vitae diam auctor, sed scelerisque ex consectetur. Sed pretium odio in arcu porttitor vehicula. Vivamus felis turpis, elementum sed congue vitae, gravida non mauris. Pellentesque ornare condimentum lectus ut porta. Aenean ex diam, congue id enim at, iaculis mattis urna.
Donec et libero id lorem vestibulum interdum non a ligula. Morbi magna dolor, consequat a nisi ut, semper aliquet sapien. Aliquam risus mauris, pretium nec magna eget, sollicitudin condimentum erat. Vestibulum tincidunt nec libero eget porta. Vestibulum pretium auctor convallis. Quisque eu lacus quis ligula faucibus condimentum. Etiam semper tortor vitae nunc congue, ut congue urna pellentesque. Quisque vel odio elementum, pretium quam in, iaculis felis.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas facilisis sed sapien vitae finibus. Morbi ullamcorper libero metus, vel feugiat augue auctor non. Vestibulum at mauris quis enim auctor ullamcorper. Etiam vitae sapien a velit consectetur cursus nec in tortor. Ut ut ipsum quis lacus varius facilisis. Nulla rutrum sem ac libero feugiat, sit amet tincidunt quam interdum. Vestibulum eget orci vestibulum magna bibendum pulvinar. Pellentesque pellentesque ligula at libero placerat, vitae scelerisque enim ultrices. Quisque a mauris in orci commo.
Would a good compromise be to limit the vertical space to show about 300 words and for everything after that add an "expand..." button?
Yeah, that's not a bad compromise at all (assuming you meant 300 chars not words ;). I would probably suggest limiting it even further on mobile though, since on some older 960×640 screens even 300 chars is a lot of vertical space.
it definitely would need to be on mobile if displayed on the top. this what my tiny bio looks like right now on my phone. judging by it, i think you'd need to crop at around 100 with the size here for it to not get strained on mobile if it's displayed by default.
Ouch, ~43 chars per line. And since 2-3 lines is probably the max you would want to see by default, yeah, we're probably talking only 80-120 chars before hiding the rest behind an expando for mobile.
Thanks for the illustration! Who'd do it tho (I know the answer is always "someone" in the context of webdev, but still)? I think it'd still be better even with this possibility. But as I said, I don't really mind either way, I can just write a userscript to do it for me if people like it the way it is.
edit: add "even"
Offtopic: I wonder how much of Lorem Ipsum somebody has memorized.
Given that it's generally randomized, probably not much more than just "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", which is the standard starting sequence used by most generators just to recognizably indicate to people that everything following it is meant to be placeholder text. :P
The text it comes from I mean.
It's psuedo-random, often only Latin "looking" (but intentionally meaningless) words, strung together in sequences with arbitrary punctuation, with Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum as the original source for the idea. I'm sure someone, somewhere has memorized Cicero's work at some point, but it's probably exceedingly rare... likely one in several billion, if I had to guess. ;)
Thanks for the new feature, definitely appreciated!
I personally would prefer to have it on the sidebar as others have mentioned. Although I understand your concerns over mobile users not seeing it immediately unless they open the sidebar, I think this is mostly expected behavior on these types of platforms. I personally am often used to opening sidebars or moving tabs on mobile to see more information because I understand not everything can fit on my phone's screen, and user bios are definitely one thing I would expect to be expandable and not at the forefront, at least on a website like tildes.
Also, perhaps a way to have it always display instead of being collapsed by default without taking up too much space would be to set up a box with a fixed maximum size? I don't know how appealing the idea sounds to you, but I've been on some sites where bios are always visible and when their contents go past a certain length the bio box starts cropping the contents and you have to scroll down to view the rest, so they never take up more space than intended. Just throwing it out there, I totally understand if this isn't feasible for tildes in particular.
the bio on the sidebar makes a lot of sense, does not fill up top space, and still dont miss the information displayed. also the markdown and be much more useful on the sidebar for formatting. kinda how you can format the sidebar for a sub on reddit, but specific to the user.
its totally optional so i dont see why to not keep this feature.
I added a
css snippet
for my bio to make the topics i like standout, it looks great in the sidebar. Let me know what you guys think, and how it looks in your theme/browser.with the atom one dark theme
Can you post the code? I didn't know markdown on tildes supported css
ahh interesting, thanks
just use the standard markdown ticks with css.
```css something here```
It looks very very small on my browser. I would increase the font size by 2, at least.
It would be nice to add a character count to the text box for the user bio, so users can see how many characters they've used, and/or how many characters are unused. That removes surprises at the end when users get an error message saying "bio_markdown: Length must be between 1 and 2000." It would also be nice for that error message to say how many characters over the limit the attempted bio is, so the user knows whether they need to trim just one word, or expunge five whole paragraphs.
Definitely agreed, we really need that for the topic title box as well.
I've added what I consider to be quite an extensive description, and I've used only about one-third of the characters.
Not if you tagged them all with the same unique tag ("weekend whats on"). You could then use just one URL ("") to link to them all collectively.
My point is that you can add an extra tag to your weekly "What are you doing this weekend?" topics, in addition to the standardised tags, specifically for including them in a stand-alone collection.
Searching for the "ask.survey" tag (to choose just one example) will retrieve all questions which ask for people's opinions, so that's not useful for your purposes. You want a list of these "weekend" topics, and only these weekend topics. You could achieve that by creating a specific tag for them - similar to the "layperson's introduction to..." tags I've told you about before. I really don't understand why you're so resistant to this idea. It produces exactly what you want: a way to list all of these "weekend" topics.
You know what... I could add a "weekend whats on" tag on those topics as they're posted (I already do plenty of tag maintenance, so it wouldn't be any trouble).
The answer to that is that those weekly topics could have their own unique tags, too. :)
Remember: this is an alpha-testing site which is still in development. One of the reasons we are here is to try things out and see what works. We are creating the culture of this site, you and me and everyone else here today. And, if we decide that recurring topics should have their own unique tags, then recurring topics can have their own unique tags!
It's not like there aren't precedents: Bauke's issue logs, the "layperson's introduction to" topics, the "weekly writing prompt group" topics. People have used unique tags for recurring topics before. We can do this if we want to, and we are allowed to do this.
I saw that, and was going to point it out to you, but you'd already mentioned a wiki page as an option you were considering, so I felt that me telling something you already know about would have been redundant.
What's the idea behind this? What is aimed to bring for a Tildes user?
Previous discussion:
Neither exposes the thinking behind the Tildes implementation, which is what I'm after. Frankly, neither exposes any thought process behind this idea, which I'm also curious about.
i feel like it's pretty straightforward: some people might want to expound on themselves a little bit for the sake of other user's information (like i do so people don't accidentally misgender me when using pronouns). i don't think every change on here necessarily needs a high-brow justification for occurring, especially not when they're small and optional like this.
I agree, this does no harm, you are not required to fill it out, but for me, I like the bio because I can include what tildes/topics i like to discuss.
Of course not. I'm yet to hear a low-brow justification – or any, for that matter. The whole idea behind it seems to stem from "everybody else does it", which is a really bad reason to add anything anywhere.
Does it allow user self-expression? If so, is the current model sufficient? does it allow for as wide a range of self-expression? and if not, what's the reason behind the limitations?
Does it allow self-promotion? Is self-promotion in bio desirable for Tildes?
Just two of the questions. None answered yet, 'cause everyone's content to have it.
"It'd be great to let users provide some context about themselves."
"Bios and such did a lot to make traditional forums a lot warmer"
"letting us have a bio section on our profile page, where we can compile topics for people to quickly find, regardless of that topic's age, would be pretty cool."
"Pro: It might remind the person reading your bio that you're a human person with feelings and shows you something about them."
"It might be that I'm interested if they have a blog etc. in case that I find their opinions interesting."
... from those threads that were previously linked. They might not be the decisive reason, but they provide various justifications that I assume Deimos has taken into consideration when making his decision to implement this feature.
The common theme of these various opinions seems to be that a user bio humanises other users, which plays into the "remember the human" aphorism that people use with regard to internet communications. It also ties into a few of Tildes' overall goals, such as: "The Golden Rule" and "Recognize that users are people, not just metrics".
Thank you.
i feel like i literally just gave you one particularly good justification for why this change is desireable, and you both ignored it and then also massively overcomplicated it when it's really not that complicated (and also your questions either have been answered or can't be answered until we actually see it in practice). deimos answered your second question in the OP, and the first question is contingent on how people end up using it (or if they use it at all!) which requires time and observation that simply hasn't had time to take place yet.
That's the issue: you gave me your justification, which, while interesting, was not what I was looking for.
Not that I'm gonna get it any better by arguing with the person who's done nothing wrong.
Voat has had it since forever. Some folks have asked about user bios and user wiki pages, which will probably happen someday. It's also a pretty common feature in most forum-based systems, either as a signature or user profile setting.
Since Tildes is open source new feature bombs are to be expected. Anyone who can code can jump in and add new stuff. This will become more common as the place grows and more people who can code arrive.
If you're already familiar with programming, picking up python shouldn't take long at all.