4 votes

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  1. enso
    I can't remember if this was a default feature of Reddit or if it was something that RES added, but I agree. This is a really good feature for user accessibility.

    I can't remember if this was a default feature of Reddit or if it was something that RES added, but I agree. This is a really good feature for user accessibility.

    4 votes
  2. cfabbro
    (edited )
    https://tildes.net/~tildes/14h/text_formatting#comment-82t There was also talk of using an RES like macro dropdown for certain common characters/sets that are difficult/annoying to use like ~ ``...

    Yeah, that has also been talked about, e.g. perhaps using some features similar to Reddit Enhancement Suite's comment box to help people who are unfamiliar with markdown


    There was also talk of using an RES like macro dropdown for certain common characters/sets that are difficult/annoying to use like ~ `` []() etc... on AZERTY and mobile keyboards:


    2 votes