14 votes

Standardising tags: "eu" or "europe"?

Are we using "eu" or "europe" for topics about Europe? I think we need to pick one or the other.

I prefer "europe".


The people have spoken, and the vast majority is in favour of "europe" (not "eu") for topics related to continental Europe. Topics related to the European Union itself can be tagged "europe.eu" (as per @nothis' excellent suggestion.


  1. [7]
    Why not both? Use "europe" for anything not related to European Union politics Use "eu" for European Union stuff.

    Why not both?

    • Use "europe" for anything not related to European Union politics
    • Use "eu" for European Union stuff.
    26 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      That could work: "europe" for things geographically related to Europe, "eu" for things politically related to the European Union (although, I'd prefer "european union" for clarity). However,...

      That could work: "europe" for things geographically related to Europe, "eu" for things politically related to the European Union (although, I'd prefer "european union" for clarity).

      However, topics related to the European Union are a subset of topics related to Europe, so we'll end up tagging those topics with "europe" and "eu"/"european union" - which could be introducing some ambiguity that might not be necessary.

      11 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        I suppose the tildes approach would be Europe and Europe.Union? I think Europe.anUnion would be too weird.

        I suppose the tildes approach would be Europe and Europe.Union? I think Europe.anUnion would be too weird.

        8 votes
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          Europe.Union feels weird. It‘s too much it’s own word/concept to be just a subcategory. If anything, Europe.EU would be more appropriate, even with the repetition.

          Europe.Union feels weird. It‘s too much it’s own word/concept to be just a subcategory. If anything, Europe.EU would be more appropriate, even with the repetition.

          6 votes
          1. SocksPls
            Link Parent
            I'd be up for Europe.EU, definitely. The EU is a subset of Europe, after all.

            I'd be up for Europe.EU, definitely. The EU is a subset of Europe, after all.

            3 votes
          2. Algernon_Asimov
            Link Parent
            That's an excellent idea! Thank you. :)

            That's an excellent idea! Thank you. :)

    2. Social
      Link Parent
      As they're two different things this has to be the solution.

      As they're two different things this has to be the solution.

      5 votes
  2. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      Just out of curiosity: what's the Spanish abbreviation for the European Union?

      Just out of curiosity: what's the Spanish abbreviation for the European Union?

      7 votes
  3. [8]
    I'm another vote for "Europe" and generally think we should steer clear of tags less than 3 letters. I just find they can easily lead to more confusion later, unless really strictly enforced.

    I'm another vote for "Europe" and generally think we should steer clear of tags less than 3 letters. I just find they can easily lead to more confusion later, unless really strictly enforced.

    7 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      I totally agree. However, the Americans use two-letter abbreviations for their states, and I have a feeling they'll want to use those abbreviations here. But, I suppose if they're paired with a...

      generally think we should steer clear of tags less than 3 letters.

      I totally agree.

      However, the Americans use two-letter abbreviations for their states, and I have a feeling they'll want to use those abbreviations here. But, I suppose if they're paired with a "usa" tag (maybe concatenated as "usa.aa"?), that'll give some context for the abbreviations.

      5 votes
      1. [3]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          We're talking about not using two-letter tags such as "eu", in favour of longer tags such as "europe". Ditto.

          If we're going to use three letter tags,

          We're talking about not using two-letter tags such as "eu", in favour of longer tags such as "europe".

          Otherwise, I prefer the use of more descriptive tags like "Europe"/"European Union" for clarity.


      2. Catt
        Link Parent
        I would be onboard with pairing them like your example. Context will definitely help.

        I would be onboard with pairing them like your example. Context will definitely help.

        1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Oh! I just remembered! People (including me) are using "uk". What's an alternative for that - "united kingdom"?

      generally think we should steer clear of tags less than 3 letters.

      Oh! I just remembered! People (including me) are using "uk". What's an alternative for that - "united kingdom"?

      2 votes
      1. Catt
        Link Parent
        UK might be okay to keep, since I don't think it'll cause confusion. However, I don't really like inconsistency, so my vote would be spell it out.

        UK might be okay to keep, since I don't think it'll cause confusion. However, I don't really like inconsistency, so my vote would be spell it out.

        2 votes
    3. Social
      Link Parent
      Well. For anything related to the continent and its countries "Europe" has to be the tag. If it's about the union "EU" should be the tag.

      Well. For anything related to the continent and its countries "Europe" has to be the tag. If it's about the union "EU" should be the tag.

      2 votes
  4. pamymaf
    I think explicit is better, so Europe. It avoids confusion.

    I think explicit is better, so Europe. It avoids confusion.

    4 votes
  5. [6]
    Let's start with standardizing the word "standardisation" first ;-p

    Let's start with standardizing the word "standardisation" first ;-p

    2 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      You got a problem with the Queen's English? :P

      You got a problem with the Queen's English? :P

      2 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Let's just say you better keep your extra "U's" and your funny lookin' "Zs" that look like "Ss" on your side of the pond! shakes hamburger at you

        Let's just say you better keep your extra "U's" and your funny lookin' "Zs" that look like "Ss" on your side of the pond!

        shakes hamburger at you

        4 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Don't you come the raw prawn with me, cobber! I ain't no bloody Pom! shakes barbecued shrimp prawn at you

          Don't you come the raw prawn with me, cobber! I ain't no bloody Pom!

          shakes barbecued shrimp prawn at you

          5 votes
          1. Pilgrim
            Link Parent
            Take off your sunnies and say that! I dare ya! I'll flip your world right-side round!

            Take off your sunnies and say that! I dare ya! I'll flip your world right-side round!

            1 vote
  6. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thanks, but "europe" and "eupol" might be better for general european stuff vs EU politics. This would be consistent with a "usa" tag and a "uspol" tag.

      Thanks, but "europe" and "eupol" might be better for general european stuff vs EU politics. This would be consistent with a "usa" tag and a "uspol" tag.

      2 votes
      1. Algernon_Asimov
        Link Parent
        There's also an "#auspol" tag floating around on Twitter.

        This would be consistent with a "usa" tag and a "uspol" tag.

        There's also an "#auspol" tag floating around on Twitter.

    2. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      For context, I've been using an "australia" tag for my own country. I've also seen "china" and "japan" and "north korea". However, we're also using "uk". We don't have to be a slave to consistency...

      I'll throw in my two cents with a vote for EU. To me it just seems consistent with the USA tag,

      For context, I've been using an "australia" tag for my own country. I've also seen "china" and "japan" and "north korea". However, we're also using "uk". We don't have to be a slave to consistency just for the sake of it. We can pick whatever we think works best.

      1 vote
  7. NeoTheFox
    Yeah, I am also for Europe. EU is ambiguous.

    Yeah, I am also for Europe. EU is ambiguous.