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    1. Tildes as a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

      I use Firefox for Android. One thing I love about some web apps are when they designed to be a "installable" Progressive Web App (PWA). It looks like Tildes doesn't support that. Perhaps it's a...

      I use Firefox for Android. One thing I love about some web apps are when they designed to be a "installable" Progressive Web App (PWA). It looks like Tildes doesn't support that. Perhaps it's a silly question, but does anyone by chance know if this can be forced to some degree? (Beyond adding a shortcut to one's desktop.)

      Without an app available yet, that's my next go to normally. (Yep, I said yet. I'm eager to see your first release, @talklittle. đź’ś)

      And ye

      28 votes
    2. Due to Activity sort constantly bumping older topics to the top, the "Knights of New" are especially important here on Tildes

      So if you want to encourage people to post more content, please take time to occasionally check the New sort. If you leave a comment on new topics you are interested in and want to see more...

      So if you want to encourage people to post more content, please take time to occasionally check the New sort. If you leave a comment on new topics you are interested in and want to see more discussion on, it will help them thrive. No pressure, and please don't just leave a comment for the sake of commenting, but just a gentle reminder to try your best to look out for the newly submitted content, and the people who submit it.

      Happy Tildying everyone. :)

      72 votes
    3. Meta label for comments?

      Just popped in my head, with the massive influx of users, there's been a lot more meta discussion happening in regular threads. Perhaps it might be useful to have that as a label on comments. I'd...

      Just popped in my head, with the massive influx of users, there's been a lot more meta discussion happening in regular threads.

      Perhaps it might be useful to have that as a label on comments. I'd almost go so far as to have the label highlighted like Exemplary for new users to help highlight when discussion function and culture of the site.

      6 votes
    4. I just submitted my first ever merge request!

      After reviewing all the beginner friendly tags on the GitLab and figuring out easy answers the hard way, I finally made my first merge request for issue #700 to an open-source project! It isn't...

      After reviewing all the beginner friendly tags on the GitLab and figuring out easy answers the hard way, I finally made my first merge request for issue #700 to an open-source project! It isn't much, and probably took me 10x the amount of time it would take for someone who knows what they are doing, and it probably has some issues that needs to be worked out (although I tried to test as thoroughly as possible), I still submitted it. Even if it doesn't get accepted, I'm sure if someone wants to pick up my pieces, they can do so and build out this functionality in a better way.

      I just wanted to share and put it out there that you don't have to be a master programmer to make contributions to this site))

      30 votes
    5. Tildes and identity politics

      As a new Tildes user, one of the biggest cultural differences I've noticed between Tildes and Reddit is the lack of identity-driven argumentative discussion. Instead, discussion is driven by...

      As a new Tildes user, one of the biggest cultural differences I've noticed between Tildes and Reddit is the lack of identity-driven argumentative discussion. Instead, discussion is driven by interests, knowledge seeking, and personal expression.

      Identity politics is an umbrella term
      that encompasses identity groups both laudable and vitriolic. For example, it includes civil rights, gay rights, disability activism, fat acceptance, white supremacy, and nationalism. (wiki)

      It's my opinion that you can't have a rational, cooperative discussion until you set aside identity groups, and I like this aspect of the Tildes culture. I don't want to jinx it, but I believe the lack of identity politics is what people mean when they say they enjoy the high quality, non-divisive discourse here.

      It's worth noting my subs of choice on Reddit were /r/samharris and /r/stupidpol. The former encouraged objective, rational discussion. The latter had lots of news that cut though the identity politics of the mainstream (though with a Marxist bent).

      I would love to hear the thoughts of the older Tildes users before the most recent Reddit exodus (from where I come).

      34 votes
    6. Tildes invite session call to arms

      Hi all, I just took a look at the Tildes subreddit after the recent announcements, and there are tons and tons of invite requests there. I just wanted to draw the site's attention to that as right...

      Hi all,

      I just took a look at the Tildes subreddit after the recent announcements, and there are tons and tons of invite requests there. I just wanted to draw the site's attention to that as right now it seems like mostly @cfabbro (and probably @Deimos behind the scenes) handling them. I almost never use my invites, so I intend to go through and send out my 10 and help with the backlog a bit. I would encourage you all to do the same as well! Some good practices;

      • Reply to users once you have sent so that we do not double up, and can reach the most people with finite invites.

      • As always, be mindful of who you are inviting, and take a cursory look at their post history to make sure there are no crazy red flags. We are all responsible for the community we build here, so be mindful of who you are inviting!

      92 votes
    7. What brought you here?

      Hey guys I'm a new account here just wondering what brought everybody here. I'm sure this has been asked to death but I'm quite curious. I'm originally a redditor, as I think all of us are, and I...

      Hey guys I'm a new account here just wondering what brought everybody here. I'm sure this has been asked to death but I'm quite curious.

      I'm originally a redditor, as I think all of us are, and I came here hoping to escape the growing toxicity of reddit and also to help developers a new community. I also personally believe reddit is making anti consumer choices as of recent and want to move to a nonprofit site such as this one.

      50 votes
    8. Welcome new reddit refugees

      Hey all, I think we're getting a lot of new people over the past and next couple days thanks to Reddit's latest ideas of how to manage a social media website. First of all, welcome! Tildes caught...

      Hey all, I think we're getting a lot of new people over the past and next couple days thanks to Reddit's latest ideas of how to manage a social media website.

      First of all, welcome! Tildes caught your eye probably partly because of its community / friendliness and we'd all like to keep it this way.

      Recommended reading:

      • All the documentation is on docs.tildes.net. Most of it is current.
      • The philosophy page especially will answer some of your immediate questions
      • Since you're here and like the site, think about donating :)

      Some personal words: Tildes is not Reddit. But, at least if you're anything like me, it can replace Reddit as your own online social/discussion outlet.

      Tildes aims to:

      • Grow slowly, not exponentially.
      • Elevate the discussion, not lower the bar
      • Offer an alternative, not be the new Reddit
      158 votes
    9. Dark mode?

      Could a dark mode be implemented? Edit: I found the options! Now could we create our own themes?

      14 votes
    10. Tildes down?

      Was tildes down a couple hours ago for anyone else? I wasn't able to access it, also verified it with isitdownrightnow

      25 votes
    11. Suggestion: Show number of times a tag has been used

      Roughly knowing how many times each tag has been used would provide users actionable information if they would like to search or filter by tags. It might improve UX when applying tags, but might...

      Roughly knowing how many times each tag has been used would provide users actionable information if they would like to search or filter by tags.

      It might improve UX when applying tags, but might have undesirable side effects in user behavior.

      I can think of three places this might be implemented, and I don't know which, if any, we want:

      When filtering topics by tags:

      • informs users how large or small their scope is
      • this view should probably be kept somewhat up to date

      When looking at a topic's tags:

      • informs users where to start searching/filtering
      • passively builds a frame of reference for how tags are used?
      • this view could be allowed to become outdated and stale without issue

      When applying tags

      • a more common tag might be less accurate, but it might be more helpful?
      • in the auto fill issue weight by frequency was proposed, which is somewhat similar but more opaque
      • this should probably use pretty recent counts as well
      17 votes
    12. Suggestion: New tag for "Evergreen" posts

      Tildes has a lot of threads that are not time dependant, be they asks, surveys, recommendations and hypotheticals. Should we make an effort to give these posts an evergreen tag, and maybe even...

      Tildes has a lot of threads that are not time dependant, be they asks, surveys, recommendations and hypotheticals. Should we make an effort to give these posts an evergreen tag, and maybe even auto bump them back into circulation after a few years?

      6 votes
    13. Sort by length

      Tildes has a great function that adds the word count of a link or text post to its submission. The suggestion is this: allow the user to sort posts by length. The reason is that sometimes I wanna...

      Tildes has a great function that adds the word count of a link or text post to its submission. The suggestion is this: allow the user to sort posts by length. The reason is that sometimes I wanna read something short, and sometimes I wanna read something long. It would be great to be able to easily find articles in the length I'm up for at a given moment.

      Works for YouTube too.

      9 votes
    14. 2FA not working?

      tildes.net isn't accepting my 2FA codes on login. I used a recovery key and disabled 2FA, but now I can't re-enable it for the same reason (I generate a code with the new secret key given but it...

      tildes.net isn't accepting my 2FA codes on login. I used a recovery key and disabled 2FA, but now I can't re-enable it for the same reason (I generate a code with the new secret key given but it gets rejected). I've checked on other sites and it doesn't seem to be a problem with generated 2FA codes on my end, leading me to believe something may be misconfigured on the server (maybe the tildes.net system clock is off or something?).

      Anyone else experiencing this?

      Edit: Still not really sure why I couldn't get it to work initially, but after giving it some time the problem went away.

      4 votes
    15. [SOLVED] Unable to give Exemplary label

      I wanted to label a comment as Exemplary today and when I clicked "Label" the option wasn't present. I've given Exemplary labels before, but it's been a while. I do know there's a cooldown, but I...

      I wanted to label a comment as Exemplary today and when I clicked "Label" the option wasn't present. I've given Exemplary labels before, but it's been a while. I do know there's a cooldown, but I don't think I've given any out lately, so I wouldn't think that would apply.

      I'm on Firefox, but I checked on both Chrome and Edge and I don't have the option there either.

      6 votes
    16. How do I comment on posts?

      Hi tildes! Awesome place! Just moved here with an account, any idea how to comment on "topics" directly and if there is a waiting period before i can do that? I think im allowed to reply to...

      Hi tildes! Awesome place! Just moved here with an account, any idea how to comment on "topics" directly and if there is a waiting period before i can do that? I think im allowed to reply to existing comments but not reply to the topic directly.

      6 votes
    17. What are the most personally influential/impactful/useful Tildes posts you can remember?

      Inspired by this post by @kfwyre. For me, there's many; I don't want to influence responses but I will shout out the monthly mental health threads. Those really got me to (over)share feelings and...

      Inspired by this post by @kfwyre.

      For me, there's many; I don't want to influence responses but I will shout out the monthly mental health threads. Those really got me to (over)share feelings and find some reason. I got through dark times thanks to you all, Tildoes.

      10 votes
    18. PM UI issue

      I noticed this while sending out lots of PMs for my game giveaway thread. It's not a huge issue at all and doesn't really have any meaningful effect on the site's usability, but I thought I would...

      I noticed this while sending out lots of PMs for my game giveaway thread. It's not a huge issue at all and doesn't really have any meaningful effect on the site's usability, but I thought I would mention it anyway.

      Also, it might already be in the Gitlab, but I looked around and didn't see anything. I don't have an account there, so could someone (maybe @cfabbro?) add it for me if needed?

      Issue: Within a PM conversation, there is no indication of the person who is being PMed unless they have responded.

      Steps to recreate: send a user a PM, then click on that message from sent messages. If the person has not responded, you will only see your username and message. If the person responds, you can then see their username on their response, but that's currently the only way to know who the conversation is with from within the conversation itself.

      If anyone wants to recreate this for themselves, feel free to send me a PM referencing this thread and I will not respond.

      8 votes
    19. Invites disabled?

      I usually browse Tildes logged out, however today I decided to log in to participate. Before doing so, I wanted to explore Tildes' user interface a little. I opened the "Invite Users" page and was...

      I usually browse Tildes logged out, however today I decided to log in to participate. Before doing so, I wanted to explore Tildes' user interface a little. I opened the "Invite Users" page and was greeted with a message stating: "You aren't able to generate more invite links right now.".

      To the best of my knowledge, I have never invited anyone before. I have a strong, random password on my Tildes account so I believe it to be unlikely I was compromised.

      Are invites globally disabled, or could a site administrator take a look at my account and check what's going on?

      3 votes
    20. Does tildes.net allow updating of old links which have now moved to a different domain?

      I'm migrating my blog and domain from prahladyeri.com to prahladyeri.github.io. I've already implemented the HTTP 301 redirection in all pages and informed Google about the site move. After a...

      I'm migrating my blog and domain from prahladyeri.com to prahladyeri.github.io.

      I've already implemented the HTTP 301 redirection in all pages and informed Google about the site move. After a month or so, my old domain will expire and go out of my control.

      Is there a way to tell tildes.net to update my existing links which I've posted here to new ones based on their 301 redirection? Or some way to manually update them? What is the standard process on the Interwebs in this regard?

      8 votes
    21. Do you think an ~engineering group would make sense?

      I think it would, that's something that interests a vast number of users. Things like construction, bridges, buildings, city planning, trains, etc. Right now they can go to ~misc or ~design which...

      I think it would, that's something that interests a vast number of users. Things like construction, bridges, buildings, city planning, trains, etc. Right now they can go to ~misc or ~design which doesn't seem appropriate.

      5 votes
    22. Feature suggestion: Non-bumping comments

      Sometimes you want to reply to a comment with a remark that may not be of interest to the wider Tildes audience, but posting that reply is going to bump the post up in the recent changes list...

      Sometimes you want to reply to a comment with a remark that may not be of interest to the wider Tildes audience, but posting that reply is going to bump the post up in the recent changes list anyway. It would be nice if a reply-to-a-reply had a checkbox allowing you to mark it as a non-bumping comment, like the “minor edit” feature on Wikipedia. The drawback is that it might enable more clutter in the form of off topic chatting. The advantage would be that it keeps the top of the recent changes list free of uninteresting updates.

      One implementation detail regards the question of a non-bumping checkbox on replies to an already non-bumping comment. My sense is that once a comment has been marked “non-bumping”, all subsequent replies to it should be non-bumping as well.

      13 votes
    23. I never stay logged in on my desktop + notebook

      I'm using Firefox on Arch with ublock origin, umatrix, decentraleyes, darkreader, bypass paywalls, old reddit redirect. None of these should affect Tildes in any way. but still, Firefox seems not...

      I'm using Firefox on Arch with ublock origin, umatrix, decentraleyes, darkreader, bypass paywalls, old reddit redirect.
      None of these should affect Tildes in any way. but still, Firefox seems not to be able to keep me logged in, and everytime i open Tildes in a new tab, I'm logged out. Sometimes it remembers the theme (solarized dark) sometimes it does not and only remembers it after a refresh, and sometimes it just dont.
      I dont even know where to look for a solution, especially as this seems to be Tildes specific as no other website seems to have this problems. an I'm pretty shure it has something to do with my Firefox, as it is that way on both of my computers.

      edit: solution was to delete all tildes.net cookies

      6 votes
    24. How to install + serve Tildes directly on a VPS?

      Hi, I would like to run a Tildes instance on a VPS, using a custom domain. QUESTION: Is it possible to install and serve Tildes directly on a VPS? (eliminate Vagrant / VirtualBox entirely) Being a...


      I would like to run a Tildes instance on a VPS, using a custom domain.


      Is it possible to install and serve Tildes directly on a VPS? (eliminate Vagrant / VirtualBox entirely)

      Being a solo dev, it feels like Vagrant / VB adds excess complexity for little benefit.

      • note 1: I tried the Vagrant / VB install method (on an Ubuntu VPS), and hit some errors - all related to Vagrant / VB.

      • note 2: I found this 3-year old comment of Deimos’ instructions, though I'm guessing it's out of date, since the code has changed a lot in 3 years (salts, minions, etc).

      If it IS possible to install and serve Tildes directly on a VPS - what is the best / simplest way to do it in 2022?

      I will very much appreciate any ideas.

      18 votes
    25. Is there a way of highlighting comment edits?

      Title. I often think of things to add to my comment after they’ve (presumably) been seen by the OP. Sometimes I end up making a separate comment because I want to ensure visibility. Any way to...

      Title. I often think of things to add to my comment after they’ve (presumably) been seen by the OP. Sometimes I end up making a separate comment because I want to ensure visibility. Any way to give edited comments a similar visibility to new comments?

      10 votes
    26. RSS feed improvements

      hey tilders, so I mostly read tildes.net content through my RSS reader, and it's 98% great. the remaining 2% is due to two things: HTML entities (fancy quotes, etc) don't degrade nicely; I get a...

      hey tilders,

      so I mostly read tildes.net content through my RSS reader, and it's 98% great. the remaining 2% is due to two things:

      • HTML entities (fancy quotes, etc) don't degrade nicely; I get a lot of &#xxx; in my feed reader - Edited topics (I think) get posted twice to the RSS feed, giving me duplicate items.

      I don't know how hard it might be to fix these issues, but is there anything I can do to help?

      7 votes
    27. Blocking users

      I'd like to block certain users to keep the pro-nft content off my retinas and l'm on a browser that doesn't support uBlock Origin. What can l do to accomplish this?

      16 votes
    28. Table of contents - markdown

      I generated markdown with a table of contents which is auto-generated on Emacs. I tested it on https://rentry.co and it works fine. On Tildes the links don't work. Is there a way to make this...

      I generated markdown with a table of contents which is auto-generated on Emacs. I tested it on https://rentry.co and it works fine. On Tildes the links don't work. Is there a way to make this work? It would be nice to have that for longer posts. Thanks!

      7 votes
    29. ~nature or ~earth group?

      I have a nice video about butterflies to post. It's not really ~enviro material because although there is a little bit of mention of climate crisis I want to post it mostly because "aren't...

      I have a nice video about butterflies to post. It's not really ~enviro material because although there is a little bit of mention of climate crisis I want to post it mostly because "aren't butterflies awesome look at these awesome butterflies and how cool they are"

      Sure it could go in ~misc but it seems odd there's a group for ~space and not one for down here on ~earth. I prefer ~earth to ~nature because I think there's human earth stuff which is cool too (I know, I know, humans are part of nature but you know what I mean). Also because it balances with ~space.

      Anyway, was just a thought. Not going to lose sleep over it.

      Additionally, in the sidebar, putting group descriptions in the title attribute might be useful - so I don't have to click into each group to see what it's criteria is when I'm trying to find where to post something non-obvious.

      6 votes
    30. Paywalls, and the difficulty of accurately tagging them

      The distinction between Hard and Soft paywalls used to be clear: Hard paywall sites only allowed paying subscribers to view their contents; Soft paywall sites typically used a metered approach...

      The distinction between Hard and Soft paywalls used to be clear:

      Hard paywall sites only allowed paying subscribers to view their contents;
      Soft paywall sites typically used a metered approach that limited non-subscribers to a certain number of free article views per month.

      This made tagging paywalled submission here on Tildes, as either paywall.hard or paywall.soft, pretty easy to do, and doing so provided tangible benefits. They let submitters know when to consider providing a summary of the article, or even mirror/alternative links, so non-subscribers weren't left out. It allowed users to easily avoid or filter-out hard paywall submissions entirely, if they so chose. And also indicated when a paywall was soft, and easier to get around (e.g. by clearing browser cache, or viewing in private-browsing mode), so the article could still be read.

      However in recent years the distinction between Hard and Soft paywalls has become increasingly blurry. And with all the new, constantly evolving, often opaque, paywall mechanics now in play, it has become more difficult to identify and keep track of what type of paywall a site has. E.g.

      Some sites have begun adding article sharing mechanics as a perk for their subscribers (NYT). Some with hard paywalls now allow certain articles of "public interest" to be viewed by everyone (Financial Times). Some still hard paywall their print articles but allow the rest to be viewed for free (Forbes). Some have hard paywalls for recent articles but older ones are free (Boston Globe). Some decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not to paywall each individual article, based on editorial board decisions and other unspecified metrics (Business Insider). And apparently some now even switch from Soft to Hard paywalls depending on where in the world the traffic is coming from (WaPo?).

      And as a result of all this, accurately tagging paywalled articles here has become increasingly difficult too, especially since there is no easy way to update all previously applied tags on older articles when a site's paywall type changes.

      So, the question is, what should we do about this?
      Should we simply stop trying to distinguish between hard/soft paywalls in the tags?
      Should we add another "hybrid" category?
      Should we just do away with the paywall tag entirely?
      Or is there a better solution to this problem?

      p.s. I started a "Hard vs Soft Paywalls" wiki entry to try to keep track of all the paywall types, as well as the various new mechanics I have been able to identify, for the sites commonly submitted to Tildes.

      17 votes
    31. Animal group

      Can there be an ~animals group, please? Where we can share animal photos, discuss animals, etc. Alternatively; there could be more specific animal groups like ~cats, ~dogs, etc.

      6 votes
    32. [SOLVED] "User menu" can you implement a differentiation between "Your posts" and "Your submissions"

      Right now when I click user menu I see this: User menu Profile Your posts Your bookmarks Your votes Your ignored topics I think it would easier to if we could differentiate between posts we made...

      Right now when I click user menu I see this:

      User menu
      Your posts
      Your bookmarks
      Your votes
      Your ignored topics

      I think it would easier to if we could differentiate between posts we made on other's submissions and our own submissions. Don't know if this is easy to implement, but for me at least, it would make searching through my stuff here way easier.

      4 votes
    33. Groups don't show unsubscribed topics

      On https://tildes.net/groups it looks like at least on Firefox 88 the normal link color: a.link-user:visited, a.link-group:visited is overriding the unsubscribed color:...

      On https://tildes.net/groups it looks like at least on Firefox 88 the normal link color:

      a.link-user:visited, a.link-group:visited

      is overriding the unsubscribed color:

      .group-list-item-not-subscribed a.link-group
      4 votes
    34. Whoops, Tildes joins the list of sites that forgot to renew their SSL certificates

      Tildes was inaccessible for about 2 hours today because the SSL certificate expired, and I wasn't at home at the time to be able to fix it immediately. I'm going to blame it on Let's Encrypt (the...

      Tildes was inaccessible for about 2 hours today because the SSL certificate expired, and I wasn't at home at the time to be able to fix it immediately.

      I'm going to blame it on Let's Encrypt (the organization that I get the certificates through). They've always sent multiple warning emails starting weeks before the cert expires, but for some reason this time they didn't send any at all. I'll set something else up for future expiries and stop depending on them to be my reminder to renew it.

      63 votes
    35. "Rate limit exceeded"?

      Sometimes I'd like to post comments more frequently than a single comment anywhere on the site once every two hours. But I can't, because I get the error "Rate limit exceeded". Is it possible to...

      Sometimes I'd like to post comments more frequently than a single comment anywhere on the site once every two hours.

      But I can't, because I get the error "Rate limit exceeded".

      Is it possible to remove or at least significantly increase the limit site-wide for established users?

      The things a bear has to do..

      If there is a more appropriate place for this, I would appreciate having it moved there, or a link to the more appropriate area. Thanks!

      11 votes
    36. Could security key 2FA be implemented on Tildes?

      I am wondering if this could be implemented as a 2FA method on Tildes. Although not super mainstream, I think it is the gold standard for account security. Is there anyone else interested in this...

      I am wondering if this could be implemented as a 2FA method on Tildes. Although not super mainstream, I think it is the gold standard for account security. Is there anyone else interested in this option?

      8 votes