Tuna's recent activity

  1. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #1 - Introductions and Playlist in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I forgot to answer the playlist question o.o Resistance by Muse perfectly captures the yearning and sense of forbiddeness of queer love. All of their songs are written gender neutral, which makes...

    I forgot to answer the playlist question o.o

    Resistance by Muse perfectly captures the yearning and sense of forbiddeness of queer love. All of their songs are written gender neutral, which makes it very refreshing.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Pride Month at Tildes: #1 - Introductions and Playlist in ~lgbt

    Thank you for spearheading this topic. A little introduction first. I am a bi and trans woman in her late twenties. To preface this, I grew up in a very liberal household. My parents were sexually...
    • Exemplary

    Thank you for spearheading this topic.

    A little introduction first. I am a bi and trans woman in her late twenties.

    To preface this, I grew up in a very liberal household. My parents were sexually open and experienced. Nonetheless, this was not talked about. Not that it was taboo, just not something they brought up.
    When I grew up queer topics were foreign concepts. There were the straights (the status quo) and a few people outside of our social circles were gay. "Are you gay" was a negative rebuttal we used, because no one wanted to be gay and therefore different. I was asked this question seriously a few times, to ascertain my sexuality, because I did not show typical male behaviours throughout my puberty. I always answered "no, I like girls", which was completely true and since you were either gay or straight it was the more fitting box. I have already heard about bisexuality, but at that time it was something abstract, nothing anyone actually is.
    From around 13 years old sexuality gave way for more pressing matters. It was at this time I started developing depression. At the time I did not know why. There was no traumatic experience, my life was still the same. Waking up in the morning became torture, I withdrew socially and let time pass as fast as possible.
    It was not until ~16 years old, when I grasped the reigns of my life again and moved forward. My best friend at the time helped me a lot, when he dragged my ass thrice a week up to the gym, which rebuild some confidence. I was still depressed, but at least I moved forward. I went to university, started my first therapy and got antidepressants to allow me to finally sleep at night. 2 years later, I got some to allow me to leave my bed in the morning. At this time I finally had the mental capacity to figure myself out. It was then when I labeled myself as bisexual. 2018 was the first pride march I was on.

    I switched my field of study and moved cities during covid. An overdue choice, looking back. I restarted therapy and found my current therapist. While I had my depression under control, life was still not worth living. I only endured for my loved ones.
    I've gotten more confident in myself, but it all came crashing down when repressed memories of my teenage years resurfaced. It was around the time my depression took root. I struggled with who I was and who I want to be. I questioned if I am trans or not and struggled to decide. Mind you, at that time transness was foreign so the only source of information was the internet and even big brother had nil idea of what defines a trans person. The only definite answer it gave "you have to have crippling dysphoria". I did not have complete disgust when seeing my body, so the answer was clear: I could not be trans. So I decided then and there that I would become the manliest man out there and surpress everything that indicates otherwise. And so I did. I became a hollow shell driven by two principles: survive every day and become the pride example of a man (thankfully toxic traits towards others never was part of the goal). Emotions were deemed dangerous, so I learned to surpress them. I still lack the ability to discern nuances between them.

    So I relieved that time of my life. I came to terms with being transgender. Seeing myself as a woman was the first time I was looking forward to my future. A future that was not bleak and tormented by waking up every morning, but colourful . I felt like a bird imprisoned in a cage of its own making, which is finally let out and free to roam the world.

    Make no mistake. I still have depression; I still struggle with everyday life, but I've seen the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel. Something to strive towards; Something to look forward to.

    This new angle on myself gave me the tool to get to the bottom of my inner self. Who I am. What I want in life. What makes me happy. Why I am the way I am.
    I am still not at the end of figuring myself out. I still have the aha moments when I make sense of another facette of my past.

    So what do I look forward to during pride month? Nothing specific. The pride march in my current city is sadly a bit meager, but I look forward to it nonetheless. As faulty as the pride month is, it is absolutely essential for our kids. I long for a world where sexualities and gender identities are not used as insults; where children are not ostracised for being themselves. It teaches people about others and gives them the vocabulary to figure themselves out.
    We've already made big strives towards that goal and every pride march is a sign that our society is moving forward, towards an inclusive future.

    Oh boy, I did not intend to write that much...
    To close this comment of: be proud of who you are and be kind to one another.

    P.S. If there are any questions (or if you need someone to talk to) just comment or send a private message.

    19 votes
  3. Comment on Fifth American tourist arrested at Turks and Caicos airport after ammo allegedly found in luggage in ~travel

    Link Parent
    As @DefinitelyNotAFae kindly posted there are travel alerts concerning this topic going back to autumn 2023. It is also point number one under Local Laws warning about it. While it might be too...

    As @DefinitelyNotAFae kindly posted there are travel alerts concerning this topic going back to autumn 2023. It is also point number one under Local Laws warning about it.

    While it might be too harsh of a punishment for the crime, you are a guest in their country and as such you automatically agree to follow their laws when entering their borders. If you don't like it or can't abide by their rules, then don't take vacation there.
    As a queer person there are a lot of countries I can't travel to. Do I criticise it? Of course! Do I travel there? Hell no!

    As outsiders it is not our place to dictate how they govern themselves.

    25 votes
  4. Comment on This YouTuber has been uploading Half-Life 3 ‘updates’ every day for over six years in ~games

    This reminds me of this youtuber. They are waiting for the sequel to hollow knight. Until it releases they will defeat hornet every day and upload it Although they have not reached 6 years yet,...

    This reminds me of this youtuber. They are waiting for the sequel to hollow knight. Until it releases they will defeat hornet every day and upload it

    Although they have not reached 6 years yet, they are already at day 954.

    For those unfamiliar with hollow knight:
    Hornet is a character which appears twice as a boss in hollow knight. She is supposed to be the protagonist of the sequel called Silk Song, which was announced in 2019 and "recently" got a steam store page.

    4 votes
  5. Comment on What was it like choosing your own name? in ~lgbt

    When I was around 6 years old I took ballet classes and there was this one girl called Rahel I was for some reason infuriated with (today I would say she was someone I aspired to be like). The...

    When I was around 6 years old I took ballet classes and there was this one girl called Rahel I was for some reason infuriated with (today I would say she was someone I aspired to be like).

    The name and the concept of her stuck with me for my whole life.
    I daydreamed all the time and in these stories I would most times be a girl/woman called Rahel (with different backstories). In games this would also be the name of the characters I played. In my late teenage years I played with the thought of naming my first daughter Rahel, but it just felt really wrong to me.

    In conclusion it is a name that stuck with me for almost my whole life and it feels natural to use and associate myself with it.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on The cycling revolution in Paris continues: Bicycle use now exceeds car use in ~transport

    Sadly this point doesn't get elaborated further.

    “There is also a big change in how men behave when they see a woman on a bike,”

    Sadly this point doesn't get elaborated further.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on The cycling revolution in Paris continues: Bicycle use now exceeds car use in ~transport

    Link Parent
    My hometown is in the north of germany is bicycle-centered, while my current city is in the south is car-centered. You can see such a difference in behaviour between the car drivers of these two...

    My hometown is in the north of germany is bicycle-centered, while my current city is in the south is car-centered.

    You can see such a difference in behaviour between the car drivers of these two cities. In my hometown it is very pleasant, because the cars drive much more safely and considerate. In my current city they are more aggressive (driving style and reactions), inconsiderate and frankly just dangerous, often injuring cyclists in the process. You have to drive aggressively yourselves, to protect your safety and the right to be on the street i.e. driving further on the road to have the possibility to sway right when the car overtakes you dangerously close.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on ‘Escape From Tarkov’ fans are outraged at new $250 pay-to-win edition in ~games

    Link Parent
    I've never played EFT, but their try to label the new content as not a DLC is preposterous. Every new content that is not part of a base game update is a DLC. If I would have payed 100€ for a "all...

    I've never played EFT, but their try to label the new content as not a DLC is preposterous.

    Every new content that is not part of a base game update is a DLC. If I would have payed 100€ for a "all future DLCs included" version I would seek legal action to get my money back.

    21 votes
  9. Comment on The International Olympic Committee published a study comparing trans- and cisgender athletes in ~lgbt

    Link to the paper. From the article:

    Link to the paper.

    From the article:

    It’s just one study, so we should avoid drawing grand conclusions from it, but, at the very least, the study shows that the bodies of trans women who’ve been on at least one year of hormone replacement therapy are very, very different from cis men’s bodies. In their conclusion, researchers cautioned against hurdling into blanket bans on trans women’s participation in women’s sports and declared that using data comparing cis men and cis women’s bodies to justify these bans is wrong.

    Just this week, the conservative crusade against trans athletes reached a new low as Oklahoma state athletic officials proposed punishing All Elite Wrestling for featuring a trans woman in its women’s division during a show held in Oklahoma City. That’s professional wrestling … where the outcomes are predetermined and scripted. Now they’re saying we have no right to even be in fake sports.

    16 votes
  10. Comment on Laziness does not exist in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    Germany has the same problem. Every cent you make gets deducted from the welfare fund. This has the consequence of feeling "punished" for trying to get out of poverty. There is no way to start...

    Germany has the same problem.

    Every cent you make gets deducted from the welfare fund. This has the consequence of feeling "punished" for trying to get out of poverty. There is no way to start saving for future opportunities (like moving cities for a new job).
    I fear ever getting the benefits, because once you're in there it's almost impossible to ever get out and the longer you stay the higher the hurdle becomes.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Swedish company Scout Park has launched a mobile app where you can tip off wrongly parked cars to traffic wardens to earn money in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I live in a very car centered city in germany. There are so many people parking like complete assholes. For example they park so far on the sidewalk that you are not able to use the sidewalk...

    I live in a very car centered city in germany.
    There are so many people parking like complete assholes. For example they park so far on the sidewalk that you are not able to use the sidewalk properly: if you have a babystroller or a wheelchair you do not have the space to pass the car and are forced to walk on the street.
    There is currently no proper way to make the police enforce good parking.
    I would remove the monetary incentive for "snitching" to prevent abuse, but keep the possibility of contacting the authorities to improve the safety for pedestrians.

    14 votes
  12. Comment on What irrational video game requirements do you have? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I am the exaxt opposite. I love fishing in games. It is not a hard limit that it has to include it, but if it is it's a big plus point for the game.

    I am the exaxt opposite.

    I love fishing in games. It is not a hard limit that it has to include it, but if it is it's a big plus point for the game.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    The ashen one sounds interesting instead of miracles only. It would allow for a blessed weapon and makes the beginning possible, since there is no attack miracle for any starter class. I will...

    The ashen one sounds interesting instead of miracles only. It would allow for a blessed weapon and makes the beginning possible, since there is no attack miracle for any starter class. I will probably put a few other runs before this, because it is quite similar to the sorcery only run.

    If I remember correctly you can find the broken straight sword only after gundyr. In which way would you kill him without voiding the run?

    I forgot to mention the firebomb only run, which is also on my list.

    I would also love to d a riposte only, but sadly there are a few non-parryable bosses...

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I've started challenge running Dark Souls 3 My first run was a run without levelling. I didn't had the stats for any 100% shield, so I did the whole run without any shield. I also went with the...

    I've started challenge running Dark Souls 3

    My first run was a run without levelling. I didn't had the stats for any 100% shield, so I did the whole run without any shield. I also went with the lightest armor, to still be able to fast roll. Most boss attacks were able to oneshot me, which could be quite frustrating. At least loosing souls didn't have the same impact, since you have no use for them.
    My weapon of choice were the winblades with a fire infusion which was pretty busted. For the last fight, I switched to raw to triple my damage. I used the Caestus in my off hand, for some parrying (looking at you pontiff sulyvan).
    The bosses that gave me the most trouble were the princes , dragonslayer armour and the dancer. Funnily enough, the endboss was beaten on the second try.

    My current run is only with sorceries (no physical hits). With this run troublesome enemies become a piece of cake and vice versa. I had the fear that I would have trouble with having enough mana for the bosses, which up till now was not a problem.
    The hardest boss by far was the tree, since it is so hard to hit the eggs without locking on and the crystal mage, since you just can't burst him fast enough and have to stand still to cast the spells which opens you up for clone attacks.

    Future runs might include:

    • bow only
    • crossbow only
    • deathless
    • fists only
    • daggers only
    • physical staff attacks only
    • no rolling
    • miracles only (not sure about this one yet)
    • pyromancy only
    2 votes
  15. Comment on What's a "house rule" that has made a game more fun for you? in ~games

    Link Parent
    My houserules for Uno are: +2 cards can only be increased with other +2 cards (not the +4) +4 cards are fixed and can't be increased if you have to draw cards due to +2/+4 cards, your turn is...

    My houserules for Uno are:

    • +2 cards can only be increased with other +2 cards (not the +4)
    • +4 cards are fixed and can't be increased
    • if you have to draw cards due to +2/+4 cards, your turn is skipped after drawing
    • Black on black is forbidden

    The last point adds a layer of tactic to the last card. You can prevent an automatic win with with a black card as the last card by playing a black card yourself and force the player to play a coloured card.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What's a "house rule" that has made a game more fun for you? in ~games

    This applies to all tabletop games we play as a family: The winner is responsible for cleaning the game up. If you loose due to just bad luck, there is a certain level of saltiness that you might...

    This applies to all tabletop games we play as a family:
    The winner is responsible for cleaning the game up.

    If you loose due to just bad luck, there is a certain level of saltiness that you might experience. You can then either get a happiness boost that you won't have to clean the game up, or just allow yourself to get distance to the game and do something else to uplift your current mindset.

    The winner gets a small dampening effect on their win and has time, while cleaning up, to reflect on the fairness of the game.

    Most of the times everyone helps cleaning up, but it helps to keep the peace on very frustrating matches.

    It has also the added benefit of teaching kids. The winner has time (while clearing the table) to reflect on their win and figure out if it was mostly luck, or if they played really well, which in turn reduces boasting and taunting about their win. The loser learns that it is ok to distance yourself from "unfair" losses and teaches them ways to cope with it.

    20 votes
  17. Comment on What is the horrible phrase my wife learned from her grandpa? in ~humanities.languages

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Maybe the first part is a english pronunciated "geh" ? Together it would then be "geh krepieren" ( gɛ krɛplj jɛɽɛŋ) which would be translated to "go die miserably"

    Maybe the first part is a badly english pronunciated "geh" ?

    Together it would then be "geh krepieren" ( gɛ krɛplj jɛɽɛŋ) which would be translated to "go die miserably"

    12 votes
  18. Comment on Single-player games to play with my partner in ~games

    Link Parent
    I can second Life is Strange. My sister played it with her friend. In general choice games are quite fitting. Until Dawn, Dark Picture Anthology, quarry, Detroit Become Human

    I can second Life is Strange. My sister played it with her friend.

    In general choice games are quite fitting. Until Dawn, Dark Picture Anthology, quarry, Detroit Become Human

    4 votes
  19. Comment on If your morning routine were the subject of a montage in a movie, what would be the song that played over the top of it? in ~music

    depends on my level of motivation: high or low

    depends on my level of motivation: high or low

    5 votes