csos95's recent activity

  1. Comment on Megathread: April Fools’ Day 2024 on the internet in ~talk

  2. Comment on Florida latest to restrict social media for kids as legal battle looms in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Something I've wanted a few times (usually after dealing with young children popping into a discord server that usually leans towards adult conversations) is a government run oauth service that...

    Something I've wanted a few times (usually after dealing with young children popping into a discord server that usually leans towards adult conversations) is a government run oauth service that provides a property with what age group the person is in.

    If that were a thing, you wouldn't need to worry about each company's privacy/security policies around verifying IDs, you just need to login with that service and they'll have access to a few basic details about you that are listed before you approve the authorization.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Apple is turning William Gibson’s Neuromancer into a TV series in ~tv

    I'm not familiar with this work, but I first heard about this adaptation yesterday in a discord server when someone posted this Twitter thread from the author and I thought it might be useful for...

    I'm not familiar with this work, but I first heard about this adaptation yesterday in a discord server when someone posted this Twitter thread from the author and I thought it might be useful for fans wondering how faithful it will be to the book.

    text of the tweets

    I’m not going to be answering many questions here, about Apple TV’s adaptation of Neuromancer. I’ll have to be answering too many elsewhere, and doing my part on the production. So I thought I’d try to describe that, my part.

    I answer showrunner’s and director’s questions about the source material. I read drafts and make suggestions. And that’s it, really, though my previous experience has been that that winds up being quite a lot of work in itself.

    I don’t have veto power. The showrunner and director do, because the adaptation’s their creation, not mine. A novel is a solitary creation. An adaptation is a fundamentally collaborative creation, so first of all isn’t going to “be the book”.

    Particularly not the one you saw behind your forehead when you read the book, because that one is yours alone. So for now let’s leave it at that.

    13 votes
  4. Comment on Collapse comments? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I pretty much always like seeing comments with <details> tags. It makes navigation much easier for me on both mobile and desktop.

    I pretty much always like seeing comments with <details> tags.
    It makes navigation much easier for me on both mobile and desktop.

    6 votes
  5. Comment on Tildes Book Club - How is it going? Discussion of Cloud Atlas will begin the second full week in March. in ~books

    I started the book yesterday, but have been having trouble getting through the first section. Maybe spoilers (it's the very start of the book though so not much) and negative feelings on the book...

    I started the book yesterday, but have been having trouble getting through the first section.

    Maybe spoilers (it's the very start of the book though so not much) and negative feelings on the book

    I get that the writing is supposed to make you feel like it was written by someone from the 1800s, that the racism is in your face as soon as possible to really hammer home it's a different time without "good old days" sugar coating, and maybe to make you not as sympathetic to the narrator.

    My issue is that the end result of that is still reading about two wealthy white guys traipsing around the colonies while using as many obscure words (that almost all have no results on my kindle from the built-in dictionary or Wikipedia) and racist slurs as possible.
    So I'm having a lot of trouble getting into it.

    For those who are further along/have finished: Do they cool it with the racism anytime soon?

    I've heard the other sections are better, but I'm also aware that the sections are split so the second half of the first section is also the ending to the book.
    I'm not sure I'm looking forward to getting to the end if it's going to be jumping back to more of this.

    If I can't get through this section tomorrow, I think I'll try just skipping it and seeing if the rest of the book interests me more.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Borderlands | Official trailer in ~movies

    I've been a big fan of the Borderlands games (besides the third, haven't played it), but I somehow missed that there was a movie coming. I'm cautiously optimistic because Borderlands didn't really...

    I've been a big fan of the Borderlands games (besides the third, haven't played it), but I somehow missed that there was a movie coming.

    I'm cautiously optimistic because Borderlands didn't really have a good or complex story that can be ruined in the translation to the movie.
    There are vault hunters, they're looking for a vault, and there are other groups trying to find it first.

    The fun of it for me (beyond the gameplay) was the world, aesthetics, and short bits of funny dialogue.
    And it seems to me like this has that from what the trailer showed.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on The carry-on-baggage bubble is about to pop in ~travel

    Link Parent
    Yes, they are free. A few people I know bring a backpack and a suitcase that is exactly the allowed carry-on size and board last with the knowledge that there's a very low chance there will be...

    When bags are checked at the gate, are those free? I wonder if that sets up some perverse incentive, where people, not wanting to pay the expensive fee for checked bags, hope that they can a free checked bag at the gate.

    Yes, they are free.
    A few people I know bring a backpack and a suitcase that is exactly the allowed carry-on size and board last with the knowledge that there's a very low chance there will be space available when they get on.
    That way they'll be able to get on (the bins usually fill up and they're asked to check before they get to the boarding ramp) and off the plane without digging through overhead bins or paying for the bag check.

    15 votes
  8. Comment on Tildes Book Club - Should we allow nomination of trilogies? Should we have a length limit? in ~books

    Link Parent
    No - In my opinion, nominating the first book in a series is fine, but nominating an entire series would be too much.

    No - In my opinion, nominating the first book in a series is fine, but nominating an entire series would be too much.

    4 votes
  9. Comment on How much does a creator's worldview influence whether you use their tech or consume their media? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    He does not profit from me using any of the things you listed. My line is pretty simple: I don't use things he profits from.

    He does not profit from me using any of the things you listed.
    My line is pretty simple: I don't use things he profits from.

    7 votes
  10. Comment on Day 7: Camel Cards in ~comp.advent_of_code

    Part one took me a while because I assumed something that wasn't in the wording of the problem. Once I realized that, it was a quick fix and part two didn't take long. What I assumed I assumed...

    Part one took me a while because I assumed something that wasn't in the wording of the problem.
    Once I realized that, it was a quick fix and part two didn't take long.

    What I assumed I assumed that the cards in the hand needed to be sorted, not left in the order they appear in.
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
    enum Card1 {
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
    enum Hand {
    fn hand_type_part1(cards: &[Card1]) -> Hand {
        use Hand::*;
        let mut hand: HashMap<Card1, usize> = HashMap::new();
        for card in cards {
            *hand.entry(*card).or_default() += 1;
        match hand.len() {
            5 => High,
            4 => OnePair,
            3 if *hand.values().max().unwrap() == 2 => TwoPair,
            3 if *hand.values().max().unwrap() == 3 => Three,
            2 if *hand.values().max().unwrap() == 3 => Full,
            2 if *hand.values().max().unwrap() == 4 => Four,
            1 => Five,
            _ => unreachable!(),
    #[aoc(day7, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
        let mut hands: Vec<(Hand, Vec<Card1>, usize)> = input
            .map(|line| {
                let mut parts = line.split(" ");
                let cards: Vec<Card1> = parts
                    .map(|c| {
                        use Card1::*;
                        match c {
                            '2' => Two,
                            '3' => Three,
                            '4' => Four,
                            '5' => Five,
                            '6' => Six,
                            '7' => Seven,
                            '8' => Eight,
                            '9' => Nine,
                            'T' => Ten,
                            'J' => Jack,
                            'Q' => Queen,
                            'K' => King,
                            'A' => Ace,
                            _ => unreachable!(),
                let hand = hand_type_part1(&cards);
                let bid: usize = parts.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap();
                (hand, cards, bid)
            .map(|(i, (_, _, bid))| (i + 1) * bid)
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
    enum Card2 {
    fn hand_type_part2(cards: &[Card2]) -> Hand {
        use Hand::*;
        let mut hand: HashMap<Card2, usize> = HashMap::new();
        for card in cards {
            *hand.entry(*card).or_default() += 1;
        let jokers = *hand.get(&Card2::Joker).unwrap_or(&0);
        let max = *hand.values().max().unwrap();
        match hand.len() {
            // 0, 1
            5 if jokers == 0 => High,
            5 => OnePair,
            // 0, 1, 2
            4 if jokers == 0 => OnePair,
            4 if jokers == 1 => Three,
            4 if jokers == 2 => Three,
            // 0, 1, 2
            3 if max == 2 && jokers == 0 => TwoPair,
            3 if max == 2 && jokers == 1 => Full,
            3 if max == 2 && jokers == 2 => Four,
            // 0, 1, 3
            3 if max == 3 && jokers == 0 => Three,
            3 if max == 3 && jokers == 1 => Four,
            3 if max == 3 && jokers == 3 => Four,
            // 0, 2, 3
            2 if max == 3 && jokers == 0 => Full,
            2 if max == 3 && jokers == 2 => Five,
            2 if max == 3 && jokers == 3 => Five,
            // 0, 1, 4
            2 if max == 4 && jokers == 0 => Four,
            2 if max == 4 && jokers == 1 => Five,
            2 if max == 4 && jokers == 4 => Five,
            // 0, 5
            1 => Five,
            _ => unreachable!(),
    #[aoc(day7, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let mut hands: Vec<(Hand, Vec<Card2>, usize)> = input
            .map(|line| {
                let mut parts = line.split(" ");
                let cards: Vec<Card2> = parts
                    .map(|c| {
                        use Card2::*;
                        match c {
                            'J' => Joker,
                            '2' => Two,
                            '3' => Three,
                            '4' => Four,
                            '5' => Five,
                            '6' => Six,
                            '7' => Seven,
                            '8' => Eight,
                            '9' => Nine,
                            'T' => Ten,
                            'Q' => Queen,
                            'K' => King,
                            'A' => Ace,
                            _ => unreachable!(),
                let hand = hand_type_part2(&cards);
                let bid: usize = parts.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap();
                (hand, cards, bid)
            .map(|(i, (_, _, bid))| (i + 1) * bid)
    2 votes
  11. Comment on Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer in ~comp.advent_of_code

    I had to hold off on doing part two until today because my brain felt like mush all yesterday and it was just not happening. XD I decided not to go the bruteforce route with this one. At first I...

    I had to hold off on doing part two until today because my brain felt like mush all yesterday and it was just not happening. XD

    I decided not to go the bruteforce route with this one.
    At first I tried figuring out the different range overlap cases myself, but I eventually gave up and used the ranges library to calculate them.

    Part one takes 52.506μs and part two takes 114.60μs on my desktop with a ryzen 2700x.

    use itertools::Itertools;
    use ranges::{GenericRange, Relation};
    use std::{
        ops::{Bound::*, RangeBounds},
    #[aoc(day5, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
        let mut sections = input.split("\n\n");
        let mut seeds: Vec<usize> = sections
            .strip_prefix("seeds: ")
            .split(" ")
            .map(|n| n.parse().unwrap())
        for section in sections {
            let section: BTreeMap<usize, (usize, usize)> =
                    .fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut mapping, line| {
                        let nums: Vec<usize> = line.split(" ").map(|n| n.parse().unwrap()).collect();
                        let dest = nums[0];
                        let src = nums[1];
                        let len = nums[2];
                        mapping.insert(src, (dest, len));
            seeds = seeds
                .map(|seed| {
                    let cursor = section.upper_bound(Included(&seed));
                    if let Some((src, (dest, len))) = cursor.key_value() {
                        if src + len > seed {
                            dest + (seed - src)
                        } else {
                    } else {
    fn translate_range(range: GenericRange<usize>, offset: i64) -> GenericRange<usize> {
        let start = match range.start_bound() {
            Included(n) => Included(((*n as i64) + offset) as usize),
            Excluded(n) => Excluded(((*n as i64) + offset) as usize),
            Unbounded => Unbounded,
        let end = match range.end_bound() {
            Included(n) => Included(((*n as i64) + offset) as usize),
            Excluded(n) => Excluded(((*n as i64) + offset) as usize),
            Unbounded => Unbounded,
        GenericRange::new_with_bounds(start, end)
    #[aoc(day5, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let mut sections = input.split("\n\n");
        let mut seeds: Vec<GenericRange<usize>> = sections
            .strip_prefix("seeds: ")
            .split(" ")
            .map(|n| n.parse().unwrap())
            .map(|chunk| {
                let (start, len) = chunk.collect_tuple().unwrap();
                GenericRange::new_closed_open(start, start + len)
        for section in sections {
            let section: BTreeMap<usize, (usize, usize)> =
                    .fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut mapping, line| {
                        let nums: Vec<usize> = line.split(" ").map(|n| n.parse().unwrap()).collect();
                        let dest = nums[0];
                        let src = nums[1];
                        let len = nums[2];
                        mapping.insert(src, (dest, len));
            seeds = seeds
                .flat_map(|mut seed_range| {
                    let mut ranges = Vec::new();
                    let cursor = section.upper_bound(seed_range.start_bound());
                    let search_range = if let Some((src, _)) = cursor.key_value() {
                        GenericRange::new_with_bounds(Included(*src), seed_range.end_bound().cloned())
                    } else {
                    let mut done = false;
                    for (src, (dest, len)) in section.range(search_range) {
                        let mapping_range = GenericRange::new_closed_open(*src, src + len);
                        let offset = (*dest as i64) - (*src as i64);
                        match seed_range.relation(mapping_range) {
                            Relation::Disjoint {
                                first, self_less, ..
                            } => {
                                if self_less {
                                    done = true;
                            Relation::Touching {
                                first, self_less, ..
                            } => {
                                if self_less {
                                    done = true;
                            Relation::Overlapping {
                            } => {
                                if self_less {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    done = true;
                                } else {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    seed_range = second_disjoint;
                            Relation::Containing {
                            } => {
                                if self_shorter {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    done = true;
                                } else {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    seed_range = second_disjoint;
                            Relation::Starting {
                            } => {
                                if self_shorter {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    done = true;
                                } else {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    seed_range = disjoint;
                            Relation::Ending {
                            } => {
                                if self_shorter {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    done = true;
                                } else {
                                    ranges.push(translate_range(overlap, offset));
                                    done = true;
                            Relation::Equal(range) => {
                                ranges.push(translate_range(range, offset));
                            Relation::Empty {
                            } => {
                                if let (Some(range), Some(true)) = (non_empty, self_empty) {
                                } else {
                                    done = true;
                    if !done {
            .map(|range| match range.start_bound().cloned() {
                Included(n) => n,
                Excluded(n) => n,
                Unbounded => 0,
    1 vote
  12. Comment on Day 4: Scratchcards in ~comp.advent_of_code

    As others have said, it's a pretty simple one today. I redid part 1 of day 1 with nom and then decided not to bother with it any further if I don't have to. I had forgotten how annoyingly opaque...

    As others have said, it's a pretty simple one today.
    I redid part 1 of day 1 with nom and then decided not to bother with it any further if I don't have to.
    I had forgotten how annoyingly opaque its errors are.

    use regex::Regex;
    use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};
    #[aoc(day4, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
        let number_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+)").unwrap();
            .map(|line| {
                let (_card, matches) = number_re
                    .map(|c| c.get(1).unwrap().as_str())
                    .fold((HashSet::new(), 0), |(mut card, mut matches), (i, n)| {
                        if i < 10 {
                        } else if card.contains(n) {
                            matches += 1;
                        (card, matches)
                if matches == 0 {
                } else {
                    2usize.pow(matches - 1)
    #[aoc(day4, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let number_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+)").unwrap();
        let card_matches: Vec<usize> = input
            .map(|line| {
                let (_card, matches) = number_re
                    .map(|c| c.get(1).unwrap().as_str())
                    .fold((HashSet::new(), 0), |(mut card, mut matches), (i, n)| {
                        if i < 10 {
                        } else if card.contains(n) {
                            matches += 1;
                        (card, matches)
        let mut processing_cards = VecDeque::new();
        for (i, _) in card_matches.iter().enumerate() {
        let mut total_cards = 0;
        while !processing_cards.is_empty() {
            let card_i = processing_cards.pop_front().unwrap();
            let matches = card_matches[card_i];
            for i in 0..matches {
                processing_cards.push_back(card_i + i + 1);
            total_cards += 1;
    1 vote
  13. Comment on Day 3: Gear Ratios in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    Today's puzzle tripped me up for a bit and then I got stuck at part two because of a dumb issue where I set the final result to the last calculation rather than summing them up. I'll probably go...

    Today's puzzle tripped me up for a bit and then I got stuck at part two because of a dumb issue where I set the final result to the last calculation rather than summing them up.
    I'll probably go back over it tomorrow to make a better/more concise version.

    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use logos::{Lexer, Logos};
    use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
    fn get_count(lex: &mut Lexer<Num>) -> Option<i64> {
    enum Num {
        #[regex("[0-9]+", get_count)]
        #[regex(r"([^0-9])", logos::skip)]
    #[aoc(day3, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> i64 {
        let grid: Vec<Vec<char>> = input.lines().map(|line| line.chars().collect()).collect();
        let mut part_sum = 0;
        input.lines().enumerate().for_each(|(row, line)| {
            let row = row as i64;
            for (num, range) in Num::lexer(line).spanned() {
                match num {
                    Num::Num(n) => {
                        for col in range {
                            let col = col as i64;
                            let mut to_check = Vec::new();
                            let up = row - 1;
                            let down = row + 1;
                            let left = col - 1;
                            let right = col + 1;
                            if up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, col));
                            if down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, col));
                            if left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((row, left));
                            if right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((row, right));
                            if up > 0 && left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, left));
                            if down < 140 && right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, right));
                            if left > 0 && down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, left));
                            if right < 140 && up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, right));
                            let mut is_part_num = false;
                            for (x, y) in to_check {
                                if !grid[x as usize][y as usize].is_ascii_digit()
                                    && grid[x as usize][y as usize] != '.'
                                    is_part_num = true;
                            if is_part_num {
                                part_sum += n;
                    _ => {}
    #[aoc(day3, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> i64 {
        let grid: Vec<Vec<char>> = input.lines().map(|line| line.chars().collect()).collect();
        let mut gear_nums: HashMap<(i64, i64), Vec<i64>> = HashMap::new();
        input.lines().enumerate().for_each(|(row, line)| {
            let row = row as i64;
            for (num, range) in Num::lexer(line).spanned() {
                match num {
                    Num::Num(n) => {
                        let mut seen_gears: HashSet<(i64, i64)> = HashSet::new();
                        for col in range {
                            let col = col as i64;
                            let mut to_check = Vec::new();
                            let up = row - 1;
                            let down = row + 1;
                            let left = col - 1;
                            let right = col + 1;
                            if up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, col));
                            if down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, col));
                            if left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((row, left));
                            if right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((row, right));
                            if up > 0 && left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, left));
                            if down < 140 && right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, right));
                            if left > 0 && down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, left));
                            if right < 140 && up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, right));
                            for (x, y) in to_check {
                                if grid[x as usize][y as usize] == '*' && !seen_gears.contains(&(x, y))
                                    gear_nums.entry((x, y)).or_default().push(n);
                                    seen_gears.insert((x, y)); //
                    _ => {}
        let mut gear_sum: i64 = 0;
        for (_, nums) in gear_nums {
            if nums.len() == 2 {
                gear_sum += nums.into_iter().product::<i64>();
    2 votes
  14. Comment on Day 2: Cube Conundrum in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    Today's problem was very straightforward without any gotchas that I ran into. I'm going for solve speed rather than code golfing for now so there's nothing fancy in my solution. Rust use...

    Today's problem was very straightforward without any gotchas that I ran into.

    I'm going for solve speed rather than code golfing for now so there's nothing fancy in my solution.

    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use regex::Regex;
    #[aoc(day2, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
        let game_re = Regex::new("Game ([0-9]+):").unwrap();
        let set_re = Regex::new("(?::|;)(.*?)(?:;|$)").unwrap();
        let red_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) red").unwrap();
        let green_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) green").unwrap();
        let blue_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) blue").unwrap();
            .filter_map(|line| {
                let game: usize = game_re.captures(line).unwrap()[1].parse().unwrap();
                let mut i = 0;
                while i < line.len() {
                    if let Some(s) = set_re.find_at(line, i) {
                        if red_re
                            .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                            > 12
                        if green_re
                            .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                            > 13
                        if blue_re
                            .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                            > 14
                        i = s.start() + 1;
                    } else {
                        return Some(game);
    #[aoc(day2, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let set_re = Regex::new("(?::|;)(.*?)(?:;|$)").unwrap();
        let red_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) red").unwrap();
        let green_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) green").unwrap();
        let blue_re = Regex::new("([0-9]+) blue").unwrap();
            .map(|line| {
                let mut max_red = 0;
                let mut max_green = 0;
                let mut max_blue = 0;
                let mut i = 0;
                while i < line.len() {
                    if let Some(s) = set_re.find_at(line, i) {
                        max_red = max_red.max(
                                .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                        max_green = max_green.max(
                                .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                        max_blue = max_blue.max(
                                .map(|c| c[1].parse().unwrap())
                        i = s.start() + 1;
                    } else {
                max_red * max_green * max_blue

    Edit: I'll almost certainly need to use something more powerful than just regex at some point so I decided to make another version using logos to refresh my memory of it.
    I'll probably also make a nom version of today's or tomorrow's puzzle.

    Rust - Logos
    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use logos::{Lexer, Logos};
    fn get_count(lex: &mut Lexer<Color>) -> Option<usize> {
        Some(lex.slice().split_once(" ").unwrap().0.parse().unwrap())
    enum Color {
        #[regex("[0-9]+ red", get_count)]
        #[regex("[0-9]+ green", get_count)]
        #[regex("[0-9]+ blue", get_count)]
        #[regex(r"(Game [0-9]+|: |, |; )", logos::skip)]
    #[aoc(day2, part1, logos)]
    fn part1_logos(input: &str) -> usize {
            .filter_map(|(game, line)| {
                let mut possible = true;
                for color in Color::lexer(line) {
                    match color {
                        Color::Red(n) if n > 12 => possible = false,
                        Color::Green(n) if n > 13 => possible = false,
                        Color::Blue(n) if n > 14 => possible = false,
                        _ => {},
                if possible {
                    Some(game + 1)
                } else {
    #[aoc(day2, part2, logos)]
    fn part2_logos(input: &str) -> usize {
            .map(|line| {
                let mut max_red = 0;
                let mut max_green = 0;
                let mut max_blue = 0;
                for color in Color::lexer(line) {
                    match color {
                        Color::Red(n) => max_red = max_red.max(n),
                        Color::Green(n) => max_green = max_green.max(n),
                        Color::Blue(n) => max_blue = max_blue.max(n),
                        _ => {},
                max_red * max_green * max_blue
    Run Times
    AOC 2023
    Day 2 - Part 1 : 3035
    	generator: 2.863µs,
    	runner: 815.616µs
    Day 2 - Part 1 - logos : 3035
    	generator: 2.375µs,
    	runner: 45.886µs
    Day 2 - Part 2 : 66027
    	generator: 2.374µs,
    	runner: 683.266µs
    Day 2 - Part 2 - logos : 66027
    	generator: 2.375µs,
    	runner: 46.166µs
    2 votes
  15. Comment on Day 1: Trebuchet?! in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    Rust use aoc_runner_derive::aoc; use regex::Regex; #[aoc(day1, part1)] fn part1(input: &str) -> usize { input .lines() .map(|line| { let mut digits = line.chars().filter(char::is_ascii_digit); let...
    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use regex::Regex;
    #[aoc(day1, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> usize {
            .map(|line| {
                let mut digits = line.chars().filter(char::is_ascii_digit);
                let first = digits.next().unwrap();
                let last = match digits.last() {
                    Some(last) => last,
                    None => first,
                let n: usize = format!("{first}{last}").parse().unwrap();
    #[aoc(day1, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> usize {
        let digit_re = Regex::new("([1-9]|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)").unwrap();
            .map(|line| {
                let mut digits = Vec::new();
                let mut i = 0;
                while i < line.len() {
                    if let Some(m) = digit_re.find_at(line, i) {
                        digits.push(match m.as_str() {
                            "one" => "1",
                            "two" => "2",
                            "three" => "3",
                            "four" => "4",
                            "five" => "5",
                            "six" => "6",
                            "seven" => "7",
                            "eight" => "8",
                            "nine" => "9",
                            c => c,
                        i = m.start() + 1;
                    } else {
                let first = digits.first().unwrap();
                let last = match digits.last() {
                    Some(last) => last,
                    None => first,
                let n: usize = format!("{first}{last}").parse().unwrap();

    I'm using cargo-aoc to download my inputs and generate runners.

    There was a little "gotcha" with the second part, that I had to search through my input to figure out.

    Part 2 Hint The spelled out digits can overlap, so if you're using a non-overlapping regex iterator, it'll miss things.

    The furthest I've gotten in AOC before being distracted by something else is day 10, lets see how far I get this year. :D

    EDIT: Went back and did part 1 with nom to refresh myself on it in case it's needed later on.
    I quickly remembered how annoyingly opaque its errors are and have decided not to bother with it for future puzzles unless I absolutely need to.
    I'll stick to regex and logos otherwise.

    Rust - Nom Part 1
    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use nom::{
        bytes::complete::{take_till, take_while1},
    #[aoc(day1, part1, nom)]
    fn part1_nom(input: &str) -> usize {
            .map(|line| {
                let (_, digits) = many1::<_, _, Error<_>, _>(preceded(
                    take_till(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()),
                    take_while1(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()),
                let first = digits.first().unwrap();
                let last = digits.last().unwrap();
                let n: usize = format!("{first}{last}").parse().unwrap();
    6 votes
  16. Comment on Some call us ungrateful middle-class feminists – but this is why women went on strike in Iceland in ~life.women

    Link Parent
    It was posted in ~news and wasn't moved to ~life.women until a few hours after the comment you replied to.

    This topic is posted in ~life.women and is about a women's strike.

    It was posted in ~news and wasn't moved to ~life.women until a few hours after the comment you replied to.

    Topic log (4)

       mycketforvirrad added tags 'equality.gender', 'work', 'opinion' and removed tag 'women' (3h 55m ago)
       mycketforvirrad moved from ~life to ~life.women (3h 56m ago)
       mycketforvirrad moved from ~news to ~life (3h 57m ago)
       Fal added tags 'author.maria hjalmtysdottir', 'iceland', 'women', 'strikes', 'feminism', 'protests' (11h 19m ago)
    6 votes
  17. Comment on Save Point: A game deal roundup for the week of 22 October 2023 in ~games

  18. Comment on Save Point: A game deal roundup for the week of 15 October 2023 in ~games

    There's a sale on steam for Roguelike Celebration 2023. I finally got around to picking up the steam version of Dwarf Fortress and five hours disappeared. It's so much easier to get sucked in when...

    There's a sale on steam for Roguelike Celebration 2023.
    I finally got around to picking up the steam version of Dwarf Fortress and five hours disappeared.
    It's so much easier to get sucked in when I can clearly tell what's going on rather than needing to move the cursor around to inspect each tile.


    2 votes
  19. Comment on YouTube is now rolling out disabling videos after detecting adblockers in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the ViewTube recommendation. I set it up on my server and it's so much faster for me than youtube's frontend. The normal youtube frontend takes over ten seconds for me from starting to...

    Thanks for the ViewTube recommendation.
    I set it up on my server and it's so much faster for me than youtube's frontend.
    The normal youtube frontend takes over ten seconds for me from starting to load a page until everything is finished loading and takes 4-6 seconds before anything besides a white screen shows.

    To set it up I used the docker compose file they list on the wiki and added the VIEWTUBE_CORS_ORIGIN and VIEWTUBE_SECURE environment variables.
    I then added a caddy entry with the basicauth option (after realizing there's no admin page or way to restrict registration).

    [domain to listen on] {
      basicauth / {
        [username] [bcrypt password hash]
      reverse_proxy localhost:8066
    3 votes
  20. Comment on Prostate Pleasure Toys: Dive into the World of Prostate Devices! in ~test

    Link Parent
    Deimos is the only admin on tildes (and I sent him a pm about this post). The other handful of users you'll see doing moderation stuff (such as cfabbro and mycketforvirrad) mostly only have...

    Deimos is the only admin on tildes (and I sent him a pm about this post).
    The other handful of users you'll see doing moderation stuff (such as cfabbro and mycketforvirrad) mostly only have permissions to edit posts (title, tags, link) and move them between groups, not delete posts or ban users.

    1 vote