tversetti's recent activity

  1. Comment on The first crew launch of Boeing’s Starliner capsule is on hold indefinitely in ~space

    Link Parent
    it's been delayed for years and the first (non human passenger) test flight did not go all that well. makes you wonder if it will even actually launch at some point. Boeing has to be so far over...

    it's been delayed for years and the first (non human passenger) test flight did not go all that well. makes you wonder if it will even actually launch at some point. Boeing has to be so far over budget...

    10 votes
  2. Comment on The first crew launch of Boeing’s Starliner capsule is on hold indefinitely in ~space

    This thing will hopefully never get off the ground. We've got better options at this point, even if it's only with one launch provider right now. It is still better than one launch provider and...

    This thing will hopefully never get off the ground. We've got better options at this point, even if it's only with one launch provider right now. It is still better than one launch provider and one death provider.

    8 votes
  3. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    This is a great book! Enjoy! Trashy is a treasure.

    This is a great book! Enjoy! Trashy is a treasure.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    Masayoshi Takanaka - The Rainbow Goblins Many tracks on this remind me of spring - very bright tones and a very happy vibe. Even the darker ones like Thunderstorm are not so dark as to not be...

    Masayoshi Takanaka - The Rainbow Goblins

    Many tracks on this remind me of spring - very bright tones and a very happy vibe. Even the darker ones like Thunderstorm are not so dark as to not be approachable and fun in the middle.

  5. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Link Parent
    We met one other hyper-human ghoul in this season and he was fairly similar except for his outbursts. The rest of the ghouls were...very far gone. Goggins has been EXTREMELY fortunate over the...

    We met one other hyper-human ghoul in this season and he was fairly similar except for his outbursts. The rest of the ghouls were...very far gone.

    Goggins has been EXTREMELY fortunate over the course of his 200 years...

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Masayoshi Takanaka — Blue Lagoon (Hunpluged version) (2022) in ~music

    Takanaka's catalogue is fantastic! The Rainbow Goblins gets a weekly play from me. Bangers through the whole thing.

    Takanaka's catalogue is fantastic! The Rainbow Goblins gets a weekly play from me. Bangers through the whole thing.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on What's the big deal about running a half marathon? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I haven't been able to totally gather how old you are, but let's just say it doesn't matter. Assuming you're in your mid thirties with the child care comments, I think you should take a step back...

    I haven't been able to totally gather how old you are, but let's just say it doesn't matter. Assuming you're in your mid thirties with the child care comments, I think you should take a step back and analyze your approach to hobbies. I have friends that fly drones competitively, play DnD, collect books, run 100+ mile races in the mountains, and play the ukelele. This is just a few of the hobbies. When they are NEW hobbies especially, each friend is very talkative about these and I really enjoy learning about what they are passionate about.

    Empathy is what your goal should be. She has a somewhat new hobby that could culminate (for her) with a half marathon. This is your wife we're talking about, the person you should support the most out of anyone.

    Arrogance and your "great self esteem and plenty of personal achievements" are very clear, you had no need to write that sentence.

    10 votes
  8. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I've recently found Huey Lewis and the News. What a unique voice! I'm just a BIT late. Enjoying some of the gems from their greatest hits and trying to play a few of the basics on the guitar.

    I've recently found Huey Lewis and the News. What a unique voice! I'm just a BIT late. Enjoying some of the gems from their greatest hits and trying to play a few of the basics on the guitar.

    4 votes
  9. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    the lightning divine beast can be cruel because of the shape of the fighting field. still, repeatable patterns, and if you load up you should be able to take him out. It always sucks to drop your...

    the lightning divine beast can be cruel because of the shape of the fighting field. still, repeatable patterns, and if you load up you should be able to take him out. It always sucks to drop your stuff. I don't necessarily love the lighting/electric dynamic.

  10. Comment on Looking for book suggestions in ~books

    Link Parent
    the author is basically reddit's wet dream, which says both positive and negative things. Near the top of the /r/fantasy series ranking list. I'm convinced half of it is the audiobook narrator,...

    the author is basically reddit's wet dream, which says both positive and negative things. Near the top of the /r/fantasy series ranking list. I'm convinced half of it is the audiobook narrator, but the books held my attention unlike basically anything else I've read so far.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Looking for book suggestions in ~books

    It's not horror, but it's sometimes rather dark. Have you read all of Joe Abercrombie's FIRST LAW series? It does have 9 books but you can DEFINITELY stop after the first three, or read the...

    It's not horror, but it's sometimes rather dark. Have you read all of Joe Abercrombie's FIRST LAW series? It does have 9 books but you can DEFINITELY stop after the first three, or read the standalone middle three, or choose any path you desire. The audiobook narrator is absolutely amazing, if that's your style. It's not like the Wheel of Time or some massive saga. The plots are relatively simple - it's the characters and their thoughts that make it what it is.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    I am on the 6th Expanse book and am really looking forward to the part of the story that I've not seen before (the show was great!). Books 7-9 will be awesome.

    I am on the 6th Expanse book and am really looking forward to the part of the story that I've not seen before (the show was great!). Books 7-9 will be awesome.

    5 votes
  13. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    I've been running for years. I have a 24hr race next month, and the furthest I've ever gone is around 100k - once in a 100miler DNF and another in a 100k race. My training has been suboptimal as...

    I've been running for years. I have a 24hr race next month, and the furthest I've ever gone is around 100k - once in a 100miler DNF and another in a 100k race. My training has been suboptimal as far as long runs go versus standard ultra plans, but what can you say? Did a 38miler last Saturday, ran a few times this week with no issues, and am looking at another 30-32 range run this weekend with a little test of run/walk.

    Racing is not really my favorite thing but I try to get out there a couple times a year, if I can...

    4 votes