Delgalar's recent activity

  1. Comment on If you had US$50K and had to purchase a classic car, sports car, and daily driver for your budget dream garage, what vehicles would you pick? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Mazda do some magic things with their suspension. Mazda 3 sport was easily one of the best cars I've ever owned for daily driving enjoyment I've owned a Mazda 2 as well and they managed to cram...

    Mazda do some magic things with their suspension. Mazda 3 sport was easily one of the best cars I've ever owned for daily driving enjoyment

    I've owned a Mazda 2 as well and they managed to cram the 3s suspension into a popcan. It honestly felt like driving the 3, but with a fishbowl lens on my glasses. It was a wicked fun driver with a manual in the city. It was a short shift too, so very racy. Like driving a top end go kart because it was low to the ground. 60 felt like 90 so it was easy to keep close enough to the speed limits around town...

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Star Wars Outlaws - Everything you need to know about the first open world game in the galaxy far, far away in ~games

    Link Parent
    I would love an Expanse open world privateer style game where you can just go mining, pirating, bounty hunting, whatever.

    I would love an Expanse open world privateer style game where you can just go mining, pirating, bounty hunting, whatever.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    You're welcome, and that's a fun way to look at it! I'm no physicist or scientist but I don't see any reason why we couldn't say that at a certain level, we are all just a collection of...

    You're welcome, and that's a fun way to look at it! I'm no physicist or scientist but I don't see any reason why we couldn't say that at a certain level, we are all just a collection of interestingly configured and self aware energy fighting the entropic nature of the universe

    1 vote
  4. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Semi random thoughts on the subject of human existence. I always liked the notion that we are the universe observing itself. We're made of the same stuff as everything else, which I find comfort...

    Semi random thoughts on the subject of human existence.

    I always liked the notion that we are the universe observing itself. We're made of the same stuff as everything else, which I find comfort and connection to.

    On the other hand, the scale of just the observable universe is impossible to truly comprehend for a human brain, even when watching a sliding scale of the universe video on YouTube... And there is some decent supposition that what we can see is only a small fraction of all there actually is.

    I dunno. I find comfort and freedom in knowing that we're nothing, and on a scale that isn't actually that far outside of our daily lives, we're essentially meaningless in the scheme of things. I also often think of the BBC Christmas special where Dawkins shows a spotlight on the ground, and how we are briefly within it before being consigned to the large chunk of darkness behind it and think "I'm really happy to be in the spotlight and to know it, and appreciate my brief pinprick of time in the light". I think of Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot paragraph and sit in awe that all we ever were and almost all that we are fits on a little dot in a photograph taken from the edge of our solar system. And something of us as we are now will (probably) last for billions of years as those probes hurtle out into space, but even then won't leave our galactic front yard.

    Might just be me, but I find all of that wonderful, exciting, and freeing. I've read that the estimate for total modern humans to ever live is 100 billion. Our of 100 billion of us, I'm alive now! On the very edge of human progress, in a time where I don't have to worry about what I'll eat tomorrow, or if that bear will come back and hunt me. I can live an incredibly easy and rich life compared to nearly every other human that has ever lived... That, and everything else I stream of consciousness vomited out above allows me, nearly demands me to just pursue my own satisfaction in life as I see fit without worrying about if I'm using my life good enough.

    I love existing for no reason, other than to just enjoy it as much as I can and observe everything I can whilst I'm here.

    Hopefully some of this made sense to someone else :)

    Edit: oops meant this to be a top level comment but it was inspired by @Mendanbar so I guess it fits as a reply/affirmation of their viewpoint

    10 votes
  5. Comment on What is your "can't miss" movie that you will not pass up if showing in theaters? in ~movies

    I saw a reshowing of Back to the Future in theatre during an anniversary year, it was awesome. I also won't pass up on the chance to see Serenity in theatre. It hits differently on the big screen

    I saw a reshowing of Back to the Future in theatre during an anniversary year, it was awesome.

    I also won't pass up on the chance to see Serenity in theatre. It hits differently on the big screen

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Megathread: April Fools’ Day 2024 on the internet in ~talk

  7. Comment on Ferrari patents inverted I6 hydrogen engine with electric turbocharging in ~engineering

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    It's definitely a weird configuration, as mentioned in the motor trend article gravity helps keep the engine oiled better in the normal configuration. Keep in mind that as a matter of course...

    It's definitely a weird configuration, as mentioned in the motor trend article gravity helps keep the engine oiled better in the normal configuration.

    Keep in mind that as a matter of course companies will patent absolutely everything they can, even if it's not a realistically viable commercial design.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on What are some of your favorite PlayStation 1 games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Oh man tobal was bonkers weird. I'd forgotten all about it!

    Oh man tobal was bonkers weird. I'd forgotten all about it!

  9. Comment on What are some of your favorite PlayStation 1 games? Any odd or unique ones worth playing? in ~games

    I haven't seen it mentioned, but Bushido blade is a pretty unique fighting game, especially for the time.

    I haven't seen it mentioned, but Bushido blade is a pretty unique fighting game, especially for the time.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Given the well-known difficulties for men to maintain friendships as they age, has anyone managed to make new friends after their 40s? in

    Link Parent
    I never worked hard on a career, I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up! But I agree that there is only a certain amount of time and effort to go around and if it's not a high...

    I never worked hard on a career, I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up! But I agree that there is only a certain amount of time and effort to go around and if it's not a high priority it certainly falls to the wayside.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Given the well-known difficulties for men to maintain friendships as they age, has anyone managed to make new friends after their 40s? in

    I look at friendship via the allegory of a road that both people carve out of the wilds, pave and maintain. It takes a lot of work to build the road itself and I feel many people, but men in...
    • Exemplary

    I look at friendship via the allegory of a road that both people carve out of the wilds, pave and maintain.

    It takes a lot of work to build the road itself and I feel many people, but men in particular take advantage of the road being mostly built by external circumstances and factors subsidizing the cost of doing the building and maintenance. School buddies, work buddies, your kids friends parents, etc. Those eventually fade if not maintained after their time is over with, and that extra maintenance is a lot more than people expect or are used to once the external factors are removed.

    So one way to look at it, is to find some alternative/new ways to make it easy again. Find new hobbies. Go out for a coffee regularly, go for walks. Edit* - Maybe learn an instrument, or take some part time classes.

    Give yourself the opportunity to have more opportunities to meet folks.

    I'll say as someone in his forties, that my newer friendships are starting to skew younger, which brings some interesting dynamics of being able to share experience and advice. Don't necessarily look for friends in your age, interests, or life bracket!

    46 votes
  12. Comment on Movie of the Week #22 - Saving Private Ryan in ~movies

  13. Comment on Deciding whether to continue with chemotherapy and immunotherapy in ~health

    Link Parent
    I hope this doesn't come across as morbid, but is there anything that you want to try to be around for? Maybe a summer family reunion, a movie or game or concert you're excited for, or what have...

    I hope this doesn't come across as morbid, but is there anything that you want to try to be around for? Maybe a summer family reunion, a movie or game or concert you're excited for, or what have you. Maybe being healthy enough to see the upcoming eclipse if it's within travel range for you if you're in the Americas.

    May be something to think about when deciding your path forward.

    Regardless, thank you for sharing this, I feel this kind of thing is important to talk about and you're brave for standing up and sharing it.

    I wish you (and everyone else reading this) all the happiness, satisfaction, and enjoyment that you can get with your time here.


    8 votes
  14. Comment on Is a NAS for me? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Depending on what you're doing and your general comfort with tech and software, it may be quicker for you to just install things the old fashioned way. It's an extra layer of complexity to learn...

    Depending on what you're doing and your general comfort with tech and software, it may be quicker for you to just install things the old fashioned way. It's an extra layer of complexity to learn but that's about it.

    I struggle to understand their setup and maintenance (my workplace has dockers, kubernetes, and another stuff in a spaghetti hodge podge depending on which product you're working on and they all use them differently) but I can't deny that it's super useful to just restart a container for something when you screw it up and just want to start from a clean slate.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Melt rate of Greenland ice sheet can predict summer weather in Europe – location, extent and strength of recent freshwater events suggest unusually warm and dry summer in ~enviro

    The article doesn't appear to define what 'unusual' is, which is something I'd like to know. Is it unusual against the last 100 years (aka the new normal)? Or unusual against the last 10 years...

    The article doesn't appear to define what 'unusual' is, which is something I'd like to know. Is it unusual against the last 100 years (aka the new normal)? Or unusual against the last 10 years (aka crazy pants unusual Mad Max apocalypse style warm and dry)?

    4 votes
  16. Comment on Inside Out 2 | Official trailer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    My assumption was always that because these were the emotions of a young girl, the perception of other people's emotions could only be framed from her less complete experience.

    but it does bug me that the first movie sets the precedent of showing the same set of five as the only ones present inside everyone we see.

    My assumption was always that because these were the emotions of a young girl, the perception of other people's emotions could only be framed from her less complete experience.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Does anyone else have posting anxiety? in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Kill your darlings :) Edit, I first heard about this phrase from Stephen King's 'on writing' which is a great read if you want to know more about him or his writing process....

    Kill your darlings :)

    Edit, I first heard about this phrase from Stephen King's 'on writing' which is a great read if you want to know more about him or his writing process.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on Has anyone else noticed a difference in their winters? in ~enviro

    We absolutely get less winter weather compared to just ten years ago, and it's completely different to what it was like thirty or more years ago. I grew up in a small town that was in a region I...

    We absolutely get less winter weather compared to just ten years ago, and it's completely different to what it was like thirty or more years ago.

    I grew up in a small town that was in a region I called a snow buckle, as it was within two snow belts. I now live in a small/medium city and live equidistant between my hometown and a major metropolitan area. On average, If the major metropolitan area got an inch, my current place would get two, and my hometown would get four.

    When I was a young kid it wasn't unheard of to wake up and the snow would be to the top of the doors and we'd have no power or water for a few days. It happened there or four times that I recall.

    I'm in Canada but I think my childhood weather would be fairly comparable to anyone north of Pennsylvania outside of the Pacific Northwest with the caveat it's usually colder and drier our on the Midwest plains.

    Anyway, when I was a kid, it was unusual to not have a dusting of snow before Halloween, but it wouldn't stick until early November and it would be solid until late March or even early April. The average temp in January would be -10 or -12 so °C, and the monthly high might get to 0°C.

    Sometimes we'd lose most of the snow, but get another dumping of a few feet shortly after.

    This year, it was 15°C in November, and we just got our first 'snow' a week or two ago, maybe 8 inches? It's already gone. The average temp has been around 0°C both here and in my hometown. My hometown has had a few extra dumpings of snow that we didn't get here, but it doesn't last.

    Long story short, your observations aren't wrong, at least to my concurring observation

    7 votes
  19. Comment on What music/instruments have you been making/playing recently? in ~music

    I've been learning electric guitar which has been a complete blast. Whilst I love the electric guitar itself, I don't have a particularly strong interest in learning rock or metal songs, and have...

    I've been learning electric guitar which has been a complete blast. Whilst I love the electric guitar itself, I don't have a particularly strong interest in learning rock or metal songs, and have been really enjoying learning scales and other basics.

    I've had to stop for a while to let my left shoulder heal, as I was getting constant pain in my shoulder from what I assume to be fairly poor posture and too much practicing (along with being too old to just dump hours of practice into something physically new without consequences). When I give it a few more days rest I'm going to try the classical position for the guitar to see if that helps along with daily time limits.

  20. Comment on Utility by Jack Nicholls - fun sci fi short in which a super powerful future human tries very hard to impress and reassure a 21st century human in ~books

    This is what science fiction would look like if written for a Leslie Neilson movie and it's simply fantastic. Thank you for sharing this !

    This is what science fiction would look like if written for a Leslie Neilson movie and it's simply fantastic.

    Thank you for sharing this !

    10 votes