DiggWasCool's recent activity

  1. Comment on Opinion - The Washington Post is about to embrace the darkness in ~news

    Link Parent
    Interesting that NYT wants to retain an existing member/customer/reader for $4 a month but won't allow a potential new customer through the door for $4 a month. I have subscriptions to WaPo, The...

    Interesting that NYT wants to retain an existing member/customer/reader for $4 a month but won't allow a potential new customer through the door for $4 a month.

    I have subscriptions to WaPo, The New Yorker, and Wired. I'd love to get an NYT subscription but with my existing subscriptions, I don't think I'll ever read enough of NYT to justify spending $12 a month. I'd love some sort of "basic" subscription that allows me to read more than my three free articles a month, but it caps me at I don't know, say 30 articles per month for something like $1.99 or $2.99. I'd love to pay to read a few times a month but I just don't need a full subscription.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on The new ‘white fortress’ cities of the American South in ~life

  3. Comment on The new ‘white fortress’ cities of the American South in ~life

    Anyone have a non paywall article or a quick summary?

    Anyone have a non paywall article or a quick summary?

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

    I realize this may not be the right place to discuss this but how much of what the writer talked about is truly midlife crisis and how much is it just that their father finally had the courage to...

    I realize this may not be the right place to discuss this but how much of what the writer talked about is truly midlife crisis and how much is it just that their father finally had the courage to get a perm and a green leather jacket?

    People are often quick to call any change someone makes a midlife crisis, but is it really?

    Maybe the writer's father always liked green leather jackets but was too afraid of wearing one? Maybe the writer's father always wanted a perm but was too shy to get one? Eventually, the father got old enough where he thought "I don't give a flying crap about what others think of my jacket, I'm going to get myself that green leather jacket I've wanted for the past 19 years!" That's not a midlife crisis, is it?

    I bring this up because within the past ten years or so, I finally was able to buy a car I've always wanted when I was younger. It wasn't because something in my life happened that caused me to make this rash decision but instead I had been saving for this car since the day I got my driver's license. And when I finally got it at 29, some people called it a midlife or a quarter life crisis, but in reality, it was just the fact that I had finally saved enough money to buy an Acura Legend without touching my retirement account or without going on a 100% peanut butter and jelly sandwiches diet.

    8 votes
  5. Comment on The United States leads the world in airline safety. That’s because of the way we assign blame when accidents do happen. in ~transport

    What an interesting article. Great read!

    What an interesting article. Great read!

    2 votes
  6. Comment on How are you dealing with inflation regarding everyday enjoyment? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Ha! This is probably 95% of people!

    Ha! This is probably 95% of people!

    2 votes
  7. Comment on How are you dealing with inflation regarding everyday enjoyment? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I know we're all in different cities/countries and prices aren't the same everywhere, but my God, almost $80 for a simple Chinese takeout is just too much! I can't imagine what people spend on...

    I know we're all in different cities/countries and prices aren't the same everywhere, but my God, almost $80 for a simple Chinese takeout is just too much! I can't imagine what people spend on takeout who order food more frequently. That's gotta be hundreds of dollars a week for takeout.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Missed deadlines and tension among Taiwanese and American coworkers are plaguing TSMC's Phoenix expansion in ~tech

    Without trying to be funny or too judgemental, this is something I've personally dealt with in every single job I've ever had in the States. Whether that was as a cashier at McDonald's during my...

    So, so, so, many times I would work overtime getting stuff done only to find out it wasn’t needed.

    Without trying to be funny or too judgemental, this is something I've personally dealt with in every single job I've ever had in the States. Whether that was as a cashier at McDonald's during my freshman year of high school or my corporate job as a 38 year old, every job had managers who'd ask to work on something only to find out it wasn't needed.

    9 votes
  9. Comment on Linux Distro Recommendations in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Another vote for Linux Mint. Been a Mint user since 2017 and before that was an Ubuntu user since 2004. Love everything about mint. In addition to that, I also use Window's 11 for work and I have...

    Another vote for Linux Mint. Been a Mint user since 2017 and before that was an Ubuntu user since 2004. Love everything about mint.

    In addition to that, I also use Window's 11 for work and I have a Chromebook as a casual house laptop which doesn't get used much.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Venting doesn't reduce anger, but doing calming activities does, study finds in ~science

    Link Parent
    Why do you get angry when running? Is it all the other people out there that frustrate you when you're running? Or do you dislike running so much that it gets you angry? When I run outdoors in my...

    Why do you get angry when running? Is it all the other people out there that frustrate you when you're running? Or do you dislike running so much that it gets you angry?

    When I run outdoors in my neighborhood, I occasionally get angry because there is always driver who doesn't stop at stop signs, there is always a neighbor who decided to block the sidewalk while they wash their car, there is always another runner/jogger who thinks running in the middle of the road is a good idea, things like that get me angry so now I usually only run outdoors at parks, otherwise it's just gym for me to run on the treadmill.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    I don't track calories, but now that you've brought that up, I will give it a try. I don't think I eat way more during dinner than I would have if I had two or three meals, but I could be wrong. I...

    I don't track calories, but now that you've brought that up, I will give it a try. I don't think I eat way more during dinner than I would have if I had two or three meals, but I could be wrong.

    I will say that one other positive change that's come out of all this is that I tend to eat more vegetables during dinner. Before all this, I tried eating healthy, but wasn't very strict about it. Now, I tend to have multiple different vegetables every night for dinner (think a mixed green salad, steamed broccoli, and oven roasted peppers in addition to the meat and carbs I eat).

    1 vote
  12. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Recently, I've decided I will not be eating lunch, so my only meal of the day is dinner (was never a big breakfast person before all this anyway). While I didn't realize I was doing it nor was...

    Recently, I've decided I will not be eating lunch, so my only meal of the day is dinner (was never a big breakfast person before all this anyway). While I didn't realize I was doing it nor was this my initial goal, I am evidently doing intermittent fasting according to some of my friends and family.

    Ever since I started skipping lunch, I feel so much lighter in my feet, so much so that when it's time to go to the gym, I find myself working out twice as long. I haven't quite noticed any physical improvements yet, but I can run longer, I can lift heavier, I can do more push ups/pull ups.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on What is a scam that more people should be aware of? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Interesting! This is something I've definitely done before. Thanks for sharing this info!

    Interesting! This is something I've definitely done before. Thanks for sharing this info!

    2 votes
  14. Comment on Piracy is surging again because streaming execs ignored the lessons of the past in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Oh I use it, but it doesn't work on Firefox mobile for every website.

    Oh I use it, but it doesn't work on Firefox mobile for every website.

  15. Comment on Piracy is surging again because streaming execs ignored the lessons of the past in ~tech

    Why does Tech Dirt use the smallest font possible? I have to zoom in and out 98 different times and rotate my phone to read an article. /Sorry for not contributing to the conversation

    Why does Tech Dirt use the smallest font possible? I have to zoom in and out 98 different times and rotate my phone to read an article.

    /Sorry for not contributing to the conversation

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th in ~tech

    Link Parent
    How does this work? I'm having a hard time figuring it out on their website, but does this in a way give you access to Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, etc., all in one place at a lower price than to...

    Check out stremio

    How does this work? I'm having a hard time figuring it out on their website, but does this in a way give you access to Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, etc., all in one place at a lower price than to pay for each of them individually?

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Same here. I am not at all surprised about this change. "No ads at incredibly low prices" was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately, not enough people care about this change and others will see this...

    Same here. I am not at all surprised about this change. "No ads at incredibly low prices" was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately, not enough people care about this change and others will see this and follow in Amazon's footsteps. Before you know it, we will all be paying for cable again.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on How do you journal? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Who found it? Was it a family member when you were younger and they didn't like what you had written? Something similar happened to me when I was younger, granted my journals weren't anything too...

    someone did find and read it

    Who found it? Was it a family member when you were younger and they didn't like what you had written?

    Something similar happened to me when I was younger, granted my journals weren't anything too exciting but it felt like a huge invasion of privacy. That was about 25-ish years ago and I still cringe about the interaction I had about the things I had written.

    5 votes
  19. Comment on A survey for those who don’t celebrate Christmas in ~life

    Muslim here so never really celebrated growing up, however, my Muslim family has adopted a tradition of a family meal for Christmas since that's one of the few days when everyone is off. So, I...

    Muslim here so never really celebrated growing up, however, my Muslim family has adopted a tradition of a family meal for Christmas since that's one of the few days when everyone is off. So, I take part in Christmas by having a big family dinner on Christmas. We also do one of those "adopt a family" where you can buy stuff for a local family in need. My mother works in the healthcare field and every year they have a tree at her hospital with a card with family's name and a short list of things they need/want for Christmas. Every year we pick a family and buy their gifts.

    As the family has grown, some of us have gotten married to non Muslims and our annual Christmas dinner actually has some Christians.

    6 votes
  20. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health.mental

    Something I've never thought about before. I feel so bad for these people.

    Something I've never thought about before. I feel so bad for these people.

    1 vote