El_Capitan's recent activity

  1. Comment on What slow-burn game is worth the time? in ~games

    Link Parent
    One thing the game doesn't make very clear is that you need to return to the guy who trains you in order to improve. Eventually you learn how to parry and it makes combat much easier. I think it's...

    One thing the game doesn't make very clear is that you need to return to the guy who trains you in order to improve. Eventually you learn how to parry and it makes combat much easier.

    I think it's mentioned on a loading screen tip or something, but I don't recall anything else telling you that's even an option.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on Alan Wake 2 still hasn't earned back its budget in ~games

    Link Parent
    I don't personally have any strong opinions on the PC storefronts, so out of curiosity, may I ask why the resistance to EGS?

    I don't personally have any strong opinions on the PC storefronts, so out of curiosity, may I ask why the resistance to EGS?

    3 votes
  3. Comment on The small company at the center of ‘Gamergate 2.0’ in ~games

    Link Parent
    Tbh, you're both right. There's no reason a character couldn't be anything other than an attractive straight guy, but there is an important caveat to this; for better or worse, 'attractive...

    Tbh, you're both right. There's no reason a character couldn't be anything other than an attractive straight guy, but there is an important caveat to this; for better or worse, 'attractive straight white guy from Hollywood' is the default expectation when it comes to film and TV. Any aspect of a character that diverges from that default is noteworthy, and once the character is considered different enough from the default, those characteristics are often used as a selling point to distinguish the product.

    Therefore, although you're absolutely correct that any demographic can (and should) be represented, doing so is certainly conspicuous. Whilst I think it's a good thing to have better representation, the problem is that these creative decisions stand out when they're done poorly and thus feel tacked on.

    In line with your Star Trek example, one example of it being done well (imo) was Mr Sulu having a husband and child in the Chris Pine Star Trek films. A more recent example I'm sure everyone is aware of is the last of us (granted, I felt that having two entire episodes based on a similar premise that didn't advance the plot was a bad call, but that's besides the point).

    In contrast, Hogwarts legacy had a trans character, and whilst aspects of the character were told well, most of the writing felt a bit too heavy handed and forced in response to Twitter and JK Rowling, rather than an attempt at genuine storytelling. Now, it's worth acknowledging that those were only my initial thoughts; despite a genuinely fantastic opening section to the game, the rest of the writing was mediocre at best and any criticisms of the writing regarding Sirona are equally true elsewhere.

    But that reinforces my point: I highly doubt anyone on this site would genuinely argue that representation is bad, but the fact is it sticks out and unfortunately, that makes it even more noticeable when it's poorly written, reinforcing the skewed bias many people have.

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Hurt my lower back by bending over, any tips for healing and comfort? in ~health

    As well as all the good advice in other comments, I thought I'd add some things I learnt from physiotherapy. In case it's ever relevant to anyone: The best way to prevent my back from going in the...

    As well as all the good advice in other comments, I thought I'd add some things I learnt from physiotherapy.

    For context, I assumed I had slipped a disc or something because of the sharp pains and loss of leg strength etc.

    It turns out I simply wasn't engaging my core enough. My back muscles were so inflamed from being overworked that they were hitting my sciatic nerves.

    In hindsight, this makes sense because my back felt incredibly tight before it 'went'.

    In case it's ever relevant to anyone:

    • The best way to prevent my back from going in the first place is to actively engage my core when doing anything that involves lifting or bending. I always used to focus on lifting with my legs (ironically, to avoid back pain), but engaging your core seems at least as important.

    • The quickest way to temporarily relieve any mild pain for me is by placing my hands at the base of my back while standing, roughly at the waistline, and bending back until my nips chest is pointing up.

    • When I lose strength in one or both legs (i.e. not being able to lift them more than a few inches off the ground), the physio exercise that instantly sorts this is the alternating superman; I have no idea if this is what it's actually called, but here's an image to demonstrate it.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~food

    Link Parent
    I spent most of my life believing I hated onions until I realised it was just the texture I hated and the flavour is actually good! Turns out this is the case with most food I hated growing up. I...

    I spent most of my life believing I hated onions until I realised it was just the texture I hated and the flavour is actually good! Turns out this is the case with most food I hated growing up.

    I have no problems with onions if they're diced up incredibly fine. If a recipe has onion in it, I always insist on cutting them, because my definition of fine is apparently different from what most people consider fine. Plus, it does take a lot longer to dice them that finely, so it's only fair I do it since it's for my benefit.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Whats a drug that you would never try? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Just to add to what others have said, it may of interest to note that ~100 years ago, mild brain damage was one of the leading theories as to what caused ADHD symptoms; indeed, people who suffer...

    Just to add to what others have said, it may of interest to note that ~100 years ago, mild brain damage was one of the leading theories as to what caused ADHD symptoms; indeed, people who suffer damage to their prefrontal cortex often exhibit impairments in the same areas.

    In reality, that particular area of the brain, which develops right into adulthood, just happens to develop around 30% slower for children with ADHD:
    i.e., a 10 year old with ADHD will have the same 10 year old brain as everyone else, but their self control etc. will be at the level expected of a 7 year old.
    This is also why there's a commonly held belief that it's something people 'grow out of' because some people's PFC does eventually 'catch up' and develop to the point where they no longer have a disorder.

    Simulants are primarily active in this area of the brain, and result in it working harder. That's why that morning cup of coffee is often needed (caffeine, of course, being everyone's favourite stimulant.) As others have mentioned, there's nothing about an ADHD brain that changes how simulants work, but whilst that extra jolt of PFC activity might make a normal person feel high and super productive, the ADHD PFC has a much lower starting point. It's perpetually pre-morning coffee.

    Typically, when people want to do something, they do it. When someone with ADHD wants to do something, the PFC just isn't active enough for that intent to reliably and consistently turn into action. So they're started on simulants at a low dosage, which is gradually increased until the patient functions as would be expected.

    8 votes
  7. Comment on Ahsoka doesn't really work in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Ezra was definitely just a padawan, although he was able to make very strong connections to animals (hence why the whales transported Thrawn's ship). He was on that planet for 10 years so I'm sure...

    Ezra was definitely just a padawan, although he was able to make very strong connections to animals (hence why the whales transported Thrawn's ship). He was on that planet for 10 years so I'm sure he was able to strengthen his connection to the force in that time, but he hasn't officially 'graduated', at least not on screen.

  8. Comment on Ahsoka doesn't really work in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I have watched Clone Wars and Rebels and I absolutely agree with everything you've said here. Sabine's character was fine in Rebels, but she was the absolute worst thing about Ashoka. I also think...

    I have watched Clone Wars and Rebels and I absolutely agree with everything you've said here. Sabine's character was fine in Rebels, but she was the absolute worst thing about Ashoka.

    I also think the show generally did well at accommodating viewers who haven't watched the cartoons, except when it came to Ezra. I agree with the OP that we're given no real explanation of who Ezra is or why people want to find him, so there's very little payoff for people who don't want to watch a children's cartoon. It also would have been easy to add that explanation since there are only a handful of characters who actually know and care about Ezra.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Thinning hair suggestions? in ~life.style

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned caffeine. It's better to think of it as a preventative measure since it doesn't necessarily reverse anything, but it limits the effect testosterone has on...

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned caffeine. It's better to think of it as a preventative measure since it doesn't necessarily reverse anything, but it limits the effect testosterone has on your remaining hair follicles and allows them to become thicker and stronger.

    I encourage you to do your own research/fact checking, but the broad strokes are:

    • Caffeine needs to be applied for a minimum of two minutes in order to be absorbed. It can be absorbed for up to 20 minutes (anything longer has no impact).
    • It takes up to 12 weeks/3 months of use before you even start to see the results, and they're unlikely to be dramatic.
    • If you start using it before your current follicles have completely 'died' then there's a chance they can be restored to their former glory.
      • Your individual hairs get thinner and thinner each time they regrow until they're barely visible and then they stop growing altogether. As long as it's still active, caffeine can have an effect.
    • It doesn't really matter what product you use, just as long as it has caffeine in it. Many of them are expensive and have other ingredients like rosemary that have little to no evidence of their effectiveness.
      • Anecdotally, I've been happy with Alpecin hair tonic. At least, when it doesn't run into my eyes and afflict enough agony that I'd confess to crimes I didn't commit.
  10. Comment on What's something you want to understand the appeal of? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I used to think that as well, but I've come to realise that marriage isn't really about the people getting married; it's about the family and community. It's more akin to spending Christmas with...

    I used to think that as well, but I've come to realise that marriage isn't really about the people getting married; it's about the family and community. It's more akin to spending Christmas with family or going to a bar mitzvah. This is even more the case for Indian weddings, regardless of whether they're arranged or not.

    We have this romantic image of weddings, but that image is no more real than diamonds are rare. If you're happy with your relationship and don't want the family/community celebration that comes with a wedding, or have the pressure to do so, then I don't see many good reasons for a marriage on an individual level outside of the legal ones you've already mentioned.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What's something you want to understand the appeal of? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I think there's a weird juxtaposition regarding his image. His natural British self deprecation comes out in his personality, but that's at odds with his new Hollywood showbiz lifestyle. My...

    I think there's a weird juxtaposition regarding his image. His natural British self deprecation comes out in his personality, but that's at odds with his new Hollywood showbiz lifestyle. My perception is that he's simply not cut out for a life in Hollywood and would benefit from the occasional slice of humble pie.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on What's something you want to understand the appeal of? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I can't speak to how he's viewed in America, but in the UK, his popularity came about due to the character he played on his TV show Gavin & Stacey, Smithy. Whilst publicizing the show, it turned...

    I can't speak to how he's viewed in America, but in the UK, his popularity came about due to the character he played on his TV show Gavin & Stacey, Smithy. Whilst publicizing the show, it turned out he was just as personable in real life, which lead to him appearing on panel shows and eventually hosting things.

    He's not a comedian, just someone who's very personable; the kind of friend your mum would like. I'd say his popularity as a host isn't necessarily due to how funny or talented he is, but rather how good he is at interacting with guests etc.

    As for the reactionary echo chamber of hate towards him, Jimmy Carr regards him incredibly highly and I honestly trust his judgement more than Reddit's.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What are your best cleaning tips? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    This does work, but you need to do it more and more frequently to keep them that way. As I understand it, although the bacteria etc. gets killed, their 'corpses' remain. This isn't a problem in...

    This does work, but you need to do it more and more frequently to keep them that way. As I understand it, although the bacteria etc. gets killed, their 'corpses' remain. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but it provides a tasty smorgasbord for new bacteria to propagate and so it takes less time for the sponge to become manky again.

    I think it's incredibly useful and convenient as a quick way to sanitise something for cleaning, but ait doesn't replace a washing machine since that physically removes the dead bacteria.

  14. Comment on What are your best cleaning tips? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    I've never seen it used it either, but I believe the main ingredient is oxalic acid, which may or may not be easier to find. Although, according to Wikipedia, it also contains an abrasive and a...

    I've never seen it used it either, but I believe the main ingredient is oxalic acid, which may or may not be easier to find. Although, according to Wikipedia, it also contains an abrasive and a detergent.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on What consumeristic and somewhat pointless hobby do you have? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I had a job in IT where the dress code was very much casual but nobody told me I couldn't wear a suit and so that's exactly what I did, weird looks be damned.

    I had a job in IT where the dress code was very much casual but nobody told me I couldn't wear a suit and so that's exactly what I did, weird looks be damned.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What is something that had far more variety than you expected once you looked into it? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    If more people had your attitude, I think others would feel far more comfortable to explore these things. I view something like Yellow Tail the same way I view McDonald's, which also gets sneered...

    If more people had your attitude, I think others would feel far more comfortable to explore these things. I view something like Yellow Tail the same way I view McDonald's, which also gets sneered at (unfairly in my opinion). Neither are premium offerings, but they're not trying to be and that's ok! Sometimes (in fact, most of the time) all I want is something relatively cheap and reliable. Appreciating the finer things in life shouldn't preclude you from appreciating anything else.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What is something that had far more variety than you expected once you looked into it? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    It's a great gateway wine! I believe the first wine with that distinctive uh-oh, this wine is very tasty flavour (at least in the UK) was another Australian brand called Jam Shed. I don't know if...

    It's a great gateway wine! I believe the first wine with that distinctive uh-oh, this wine is very tasty flavour (at least in the UK) was another Australian brand called Jam Shed. I don't know if it was the actual first, but it's certainly the first I (or more accurately, my girlfriend) came across. The Yellow Tail and Barefoot versions of the 'jammy' wine popped up later. They're all very similar, so I just pick whichever is cheapest at the time. They're definitely not as 'good' as something like a Châteauneuf-du-Pape, but they're my absolute go to for an affordable wine that is guaranteed to taste nice.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on What is "that part" for you in any game? in ~games

    Link Parent
    'That part' of TLoU is unmistakably the basement level where you have to turn the generator on. When I replayed the game on PC recently, I actually got really anxious when I realised I was to play...

    'That part' of TLoU is unmistakably the basement level where you have to turn the generator on. When I replayed the game on PC recently, I actually got really anxious when I realised I was to play that section. I had to put the controller down for a bit and psych myself up for it!

    5 votes
  19. Comment on What's a sequel you were disappointed by? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Do you think the game would still hold up today if played for the first time?

    Do you think the game would still hold up today if played for the first time?

    3 votes