Ganymede's recent activity

  1. Comment on We need to talk about Trader Joe's in ~food

  2. Comment on Seems like all socials are being scraped for AI and personal/aggregate data. Is Tildes? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Which means none of them.

    Which means none of them.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What are your values? in ~life

    Curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

    Curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

    14 votes
  4. Comment on The more I use Linux, the more I hate every distro in ~tech

    When you say Arch breaks, how do you mean? I've been itching to move my gaming rig to Linux and have held off for HDR support, which is imminent with Plasma 6. I was planning on using Arch to...

    When you say Arch breaks, how do you mean? I've been itching to move my gaming rig to Linux and have held off for HDR support, which is imminent with Plasma 6. I was planning on using Arch to benefit from Valve's investments for the Deck.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What makes you chew fire? in ~talk

    On the topic of Rothfuss I had an interesting experience recently. I picked up the new Bast novella ("The Narrow Road Between Desires") and I had to DNF it at about 50%. Really just awful writing,...

    On the topic of Rothfuss I had an interesting experience recently. I picked up the new Bast novella ("The Narrow Road Between Desires") and I had to DNF it at about 50%. Really just awful writing, boring beyond belief while taking itself so seriously I almost thought I was reading satire.

    I loved NotW/WMF and have read them both a handful of times, but it's been ~5 years since the last time. I'm wondering if I've outgrown his writing style or if he's just losing it. Either way it leaves me not very optimistic for Doors of Stone, whenever (if ever) that gets released.

    11 votes
  6. Comment on Join me on the path to Twilightenment in ~books

    Link Parent
    I think it's her best in a long while personally.

    I think it's her best in a long while personally.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on Mitch McConnell will step down as the US Senate Republican leader in November in ~news

    Link Parent
    It's unlikely his successor will be as effective at the job as he was. They'll probably be more extreme in their views though.

    It's unlikely his successor will be as effective at the job as he was. They'll probably be more extreme in their views though.

    29 votes
  8. Comment on Nvidia CEO says kids shouldn't learn to code in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Would you mind sharing some specific examples of how your productivity has increased? I haven't found AI tools useful at all in my day to day job.

    Would you mind sharing some specific examples of how your productivity has increased? I haven't found AI tools useful at all in my day to day job.

    18 votes
  9. Comment on Elden Ring DLC: Shadow of the Erdtree | Gameplay reveal trailer releases tomorrow in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's criminal we never got Sekiro DLC. :(

    It's criminal we never got Sekiro DLC. :(

    7 votes
  10. Comment on Elden Ring DLC: Shadow of the Erdtree | Gameplay reveal trailer releases tomorrow in ~games

    Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll drop the game on the 25th, being the 2 year anniversary of the base game release.

    Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll drop the game on the 25th, being the 2 year anniversary of the base game release.

    7 votes
  11. Comment on What Is A Secure Note-Taking App? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I would put Discord near the bottom of the list if the op is looking for security/privacy.

    I would put Discord near the bottom of the list if the op is looking for security/privacy.

    34 votes
  12. Comment on Sludge videos are taking over social media and people’s mind in ~health.mental

  13. Comment on Nostalgic for Empire and other early daily turn based games in ~games

    I would love to participate in an oldschool slow-moving game like Tradewars. I've never heard of Empire but I'd give it a shot.

    I would love to participate in an oldschool slow-moving game like Tradewars. I've never heard of Empire but I'd give it a shot.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on ‘Killers Of The Flower Moon’ intermission imposed by handful of theaters spurs intervention from Paramount in ~movies

    Surprised by all of the angry responses here to be honest. The film is gripping enough to keep you engaged the whole way through. It's three hours, yes, but it doesn't overstay its welcome at any...

    Surprised by all of the angry responses here to be honest. The film is gripping enough to keep you engaged the whole way through. It's three hours, yes, but it doesn't overstay its welcome at any point. I highly recommend it, even if you wait until it hits streaming so you can pause to take breaks if you need to.

    7 votes
  15. Comment on Copying US president Franklin Roosevelt, Joe Biden uses executive power to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I suspect if he gets a second term it'll be gloves off. Presidents tend to be bolder when they know they won't have to run for re-election.

    I suspect if he gets a second term it'll be gloves off. Presidents tend to be bolder when they know they won't have to run for re-election.

    8 votes
  16. Comment on Ugly numbers from Microsoft and ChatGPT reveal that AI demand is already shrinking in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Laudable in theory but reckless in practice. So long as the tools belong to the ruling class that is not the outcome we will get. They will continue to enrich themselves and use these new tools to...

    I just look at it as an opportunity to free humans from doing drudge work rather than an existential threat to the middle class.

    Laudable in theory but reckless in practice. So long as the tools belong to the ruling class that is not the outcome we will get. They will continue to enrich themselves and use these new tools to further destroy the working class.

    13 votes
  17. Comment on Amid streaming chaos, Dropout carves out its own niche in ~tv

    Make Some Noise is absolutely hysterical and is a must-watch imo.

    Make Some Noise is absolutely hysterical and is a must-watch imo.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I have Player of Games on my shelf along with Consider Phlebas. I've been meaning to give them a real try for a while. I'm a big Star Trek fan but have never tried the novels, just deeply immersed...

    I have Player of Games on my shelf along with Consider Phlebas. I've been meaning to give them a real try for a while. I'm a big Star Trek fan but have never tried the novels, just deeply immersed in the TV series and lore in general.

    Have you read A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge? One of my all-time favorite scifi novels.

  19. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Hey thanks for the recommendation, putting this on the list. I get my share of escapism as well, both in books and in other forms. I typically have one fiction and one non-fiction book going at a...

    Hey thanks for the recommendation, putting this on the list.

    I get my share of escapism as well, both in books and in other forms. I typically have one fiction and one non-fiction book going at a time, right now I'm finally finishing The Expanse series. Not exactly the most optimistic view of the future but very enjoyable nonetheless.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff. ( I've been feeling more and more negative about the...

    Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff. (

    I've been feeling more and more negative about the world, I think largely due to corporate greed destroying creativity and community in the mindless pursuit of profit. 2023 has felt relentless. I'm only 1/3 into the book, but I think I'll post a longer review once I've finished and try to organize my thoughts on the matter.

    13 votes