Gekko's recent activity

  1. Comment on Meta AI is obsessed with turbans when generating images of Indian men in ~tech

    Wonder how much of it is due to image boards mislabeling people in turbans as Indian?

    Wonder how much of it is due to image boards mislabeling people in turbans as Indian?

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Florida is the first state to ban lab grown meat - Ron DeSantis in ~food

    Link Parent
    The policy rhetoric can really boil down to "it make nice people and smart people happy, so we must destroy it"

    The policy rhetoric can really boil down to "it make nice people and smart people happy, so we must destroy it"

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Arizona governor Katie Hobbs signs abortion ban repeal bill in ~health

    Link Parent
    Because some of the rich and powerful can get even more rich and powerful by selling delusions. And nostalgia is one of the strongest delusions there is. That things were "better" in the past,...

    Because some of the rich and powerful can get even more rich and powerful by selling delusions.

    And nostalgia is one of the strongest delusions there is. That things were "better" in the past, that people were kinder and more respectful and smarter and richer. That the people looking to the future are fools when the glorious past is right there. And forward thinking scares people who know their influence will wane with a smarter, healthier, (equally) wealthier society.

    Some govern to lead and assist us into finding a better future one day at a time, and some govern for the control it offers over others. Or, more commonly, religious zealotry.

    13 votes
  4. Comment on NHS is broken - also, did my Pa have a stroke? in ~talk

    That sounds extraordinarily frustrating. Had a similar experience here with my SO's mom here in the US. She had severe abdominal pain and they passed her around from facility to facility, giving...

    That sounds extraordinarily frustrating. Had a similar experience here with my SO's mom here in the US. She had severe abdominal pain and they passed her around from facility to facility, giving her different painkillers and like, antiacid medications. Weeks passed and nothing was working, they thought that maybe it would get better on it's own, so they finally did an exploratory surgery and found out that most of her GI tract had been starved of blood flow due to a clot and had been damaged beyond repair. Frustrating but at least they found it, and she underwent some pretty extreme surgery.

    While she was recovering, she started experiencing stroke-like symptoms, some muscle weakness on one side of her body, some slurred speech, and it took days for a stroke specialist to see her to evaluate if it could be one. Then it took days of them checking in for a few minutes each day to see how she was doing. In that time, it got way worse and culminated in, I don't know, a big stroke, she was basically non-responsive for months.

    I've never been so disappointed in a medical system. I know it's absurdly expensive here in the US, but I at least thought that the staff were competent and well trained. The entire time, doctors and nurses dragged their feet getting prescriptions, diagnosing issues, and sharing information. That was the worst part, different doctors would stop in, learn info about her case, and then not pass that info to the nurses or other doctors. "oh she has muscle weakness in her arm? I'll just not write that down and promptly forget"

    rant over, your frustrations reminded me of the frustrations I experienced here. The hoops that you have to jump through for what should be a straightforward and basically automated process. Healthcare is complicated, sure, but while healthcare professionals excel at medical and technical knowledge, logistical and communication knowledge is severely lacking, to the detriment of both of our medical systems.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Kroger’s panopticon: Making criminals of grocery shoppers in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Perhaps it's a TSA-esque security theater to scare people into behaving themselves.

    Perhaps it's a TSA-esque security theater to scare people into behaving themselves.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Is climate change driving the global rise in populism? If so ... how? If not ... what is? in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    If our modern day authoritarian populists are considered "strong leaders", then I'd hate to see a weak leader. I think they appeal to people in their simple (and useless) messaging. "Things are...

    If our modern day authoritarian populists are considered "strong leaders", then I'd hate to see a weak leader.

    I think they appeal to people in their simple (and useless) messaging. "Things are bad right now, and I'll fight the others to make them good" is a great way to promise nothing. But if you don't follow politics or understand how one makes things good, it sounds like a sweet deal. The populist has it all figured out, I'll support them, and things will be good!

    They all uniquely rely on their supporters not understanding how the government works so they can manipulate it to their donors financial benefit. They are wholly unconcerned with the plight of their supporters, just as their supporters are unconcerned with the methods used to "fix things".

    6 votes
  7. Comment on How do you feel about student loan forgiveness? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Ah I suppose I should clarify that I don't see debt forgiveness as a solution to deep rooted institutional issues. I think it's just an endeavor worth supporting, since it will help people who are...

    Ah I suppose I should clarify that I don't see debt forgiveness as a solution to deep rooted institutional issues. I think it's just an endeavor worth supporting, since it will help people who are hurt by those issues. I would like to see fixes as well, but I don't think that means being against debt forgiveness as a policy. Both should happen eventually, and we have a chance for one to happen in the immediate future. I suppose it rubs me the wrong way to see people saying they can't support debt forgiveness unless it's a whole package that addresses everything.

    8 votes
  8. Comment on How do you feel about student loan forgiveness? in ~life

    Link Parent
    This was a well considered writeup, but when it comes to student loan forgiveness, assuming the system is still royally fucked whether or not it happens, what's the arguement to allow people to...

    This was a well considered writeup, but when it comes to student loan forgiveness, assuming the system is still royally fucked whether or not it happens, what's the arguement to allow people to suffer in debt due to an indifferent system of greed vs alleviating that suffering, even partially?

    The relationships between people, the economy, and education aside, choosing to support helping those people isn't an endorsement of a flawed system. People complain that this is a bandaid fix, when an open wound is obviously worse. The options aren't "forgive student loans" or "fix our flawed and corrupt education institution", it's "forgive student loans" or "do nothing". People who act like it's the mutually exclusive former are either confused about the circumstances or financially benefit from ripping off students.

    6 votes
  9. Comment on How do you feel about student loan forgiveness? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I find it significantly better than something like "I will lower your taxes by slashing public department funding" And I suppose I have trouble seeing how your "wellbeing is being held hostage for...

    I find it significantly better than something like "I will lower your taxes by slashing public department funding"

    And I suppose I have trouble seeing how your "wellbeing is being held hostage for votes" when the stakes are to vote for a party that will do what it can to accomplish a positive goal whereas the opposing party will either ignore or reject that positive goal. Like, Biden isn't going to actively fight against student loan relief if he doesn't win, that's not his party's MO, though it sounds familiar across the aisle.

    I guess, what's the difference between getting elected for a popular economic policy and buying votes to you? As for people struggling financially after "paying their fair share" for their loans i.e. getting railed by the student loan industry, it seems obtuse to be upset when others are given a way out of your situation.

    25 votes
  10. Comment on Does anyone else have really strange FedEx driver stories? in ~talk

    Our company's FedEx driver gets grumpy with me if we have a drop-off of anything heavy or multiple boxes. He's just an unpleasant dude overall. He gives me this "are you guys serious" look when he...

    Our company's FedEx driver gets grumpy with me if we have a drop-off of anything heavy or multiple boxes. He's just an unpleasant dude overall. He gives me this "are you guys serious" look when he has to drop stuff off.

    Like c'mon I don't like my job either but you don't see me taking it out on you

    3 votes
  11. Comment on The creeping politicization of the US Military in ~misc

    I imagine impartiality gets more difficult the more one party dives into greed, sabotaging efforts and slandering government employees to appease dictators that would love to see our country burn....

    I imagine impartiality gets more difficult the more one party dives into greed, sabotaging efforts and slandering government employees to appease dictators that would love to see our country burn.

    Attacking members of the military for their identities, weaponizing them politically and physically against their domestic opponents and American citizens.

    When the options go from two differing opinions on ways to defend American interests to one wanting to strengthen our influence and one deliberately sabotaging it to make a quick buck or hurt the other party, it makes me wonder how trying to keep the middle road could be undermining the armed forces' obligations.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on 100,000 years and counting – how do we tell future generations about highly radioactive nuclear waste repositories? in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Exactly, we may lose our modern sense of linguistics, but that doesn't suddenly make us stupid. If you saw a bunker covered in Greek warnings, and little novel pictograms of people getting sick or...

    Exactly, we may lose our modern sense of linguistics, but that doesn't suddenly make us stupid. If you saw a bunker covered in Greek warnings, and little novel pictograms of people getting sick or injured, you'd probably proceed cautiously, despite not knowing Greek.

    And if civilization advances beyond communication via language and images, we're probably sufficiently prepared to handle the danger within, though context clues.

    And if civilization regresses to the point of not being able to understand the danger due to comprehension issues, we likely wouldn't have the engineering means to break into a heavily sealed ancient vault

    People before and after us weren't and won't be stupid. And despite feeling like we're a planet full of idiots from time to time, humans are ferociously intelligent problem solvers.

    8 votes
  13. Comment on A pill to make exercise obsolete (2017) in ~health

    Whew, this article is almost 7 years old! I wonder how these medications are coming along nowadays. I for one would love to be able to exercise without actually taking the time or attention to do...

    Whew, this article is almost 7 years old! I wonder how these medications are coming along nowadays.

    I for one would love to be able to exercise without actually taking the time or attention to do so. I don't mind the fatigue or soreness, just having to use my free time towards it. There are things I'd much rather do with my limited free hours.

    22 votes
  14. Comment on Donald Trump's lawyers say it is impossible for him to post bond covering $454 million US civil fraud judgment in ~news

    Link Parent
    I'm illustrating something I've noticed, not putting together a study or legal case. I considered taking time to find real headlines but decided against it because I'm not making an argument or...

    I'm illustrating something I've noticed, not putting together a study or legal case. I considered taking time to find real headlines but decided against it because I'm not making an argument or trying to convince anyone of anything, just sharing my perspective as it relates to the context.

  15. Comment on Donald Trump's lawyers say it is impossible for him to post bond covering $454 million US civil fraud judgment in ~news

    Link Parent
    AP has been pretty shit lately. They're reviewed as being unbiased but skimming their headlines is shit like "Biden in trouble? Faltering polls after weak presentation" and "GOP enjoys powerful...

    AP has been pretty shit lately. They're reviewed as being unbiased but skimming their headlines is shit like

    "Biden in trouble? Faltering polls after weak presentation"


    "GOP enjoys powerful victories in key races, critics silent"


    "Trump avoids prosecution while DOJ struggles to stick charges"

    obviously I made these up to illustrate a point, being that while on the surface these seem fine, they use very specific word choice and title rhetoric to shape reader opinion. Even if you dive into the articles, they will obfuscate info behind irrelevant context and leave the actual events in the last paragraph.

    I used to really like AP for how bland their writing was, but the last couple of years have had some pretty heavy slant. A lot of criticism for NYT can be found to a lesser extent in AP.

    10 votes
  16. Comment on Boeing whistleblower found dead in US in ~transport

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Exactly, in not so many words, people with a bone to pick with Clinton were making up all sorts of wild bullshit to water down the insane appearance of her competition, Trump. Boeing has a history...

    Exactly, in not so many words, people with a bone to pick with Clinton were making up all sorts of wild bullshit to water down the insane appearance of her competition, Trump.

    Boeing has a history of being awful, and they're a massive corporation that's explicitly protecting their bottom line. They're not a good person getting slandered, they are a money making Goliath who has cheated and attacked people and organizations in the past. They're pretty explicitly a "bad guy" even without the context of this whistle blower's death, and nobody should feel compelled to defend them unless they're majority shareholders.

    If we were reading this story in the 1800s about someone testifying against a railroad company suddenly committing suicide, we wouldn't need to guess about what happened, but when or modern equivalent does it, we're overreacting and it's unthinkable.

    15 votes
  17. Comment on Stellan Skarsgård breaks down his career, from 'Mamma Mia!' to 'Dune: Part Two' in ~movies

    I love his passive approach to roles and acting. It's a job, and it's a hobby. He seems like a perfectionist when it comes to his performances, but humble enough to know he isn't trying to make a...

    I love his passive approach to roles and acting. It's a job, and it's a hobby. He seems like a perfectionist when it comes to his performances, but humble enough to know he isn't trying to make a statement or represent some grander notion as an actor. He doesn't get into his own head about what his performance means or the meta context of his roles. It feels authentic, he's just doing what he likes and what he likes is being a fantastic performer.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on Reddit is letting power users in on its IPO in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah, I don't want to get caught holding anyone's bag with this. I cannot conceive how Reddit could turn around from floundering perpetually to growing, popular, and successful to make having...

    Yeah, I don't want to get caught holding anyone's bag with this. I cannot conceive how Reddit could turn around from floundering perpetually to growing, popular, and successful to make having stock worth it. More likely, the train is barrelling towards the cliff and the current leadership is excited to make it someone else's problem. The site's quality is at an all time low, that doesn't raise my confidence as a "prospective investor"

    7 votes
  19. Comment on Movie of the Week #18 - Gangs of New York in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I thought the characters' relationship started too late in the movie for the amount of narrative real estate it occupied for the rest of the runtime. The established character relationships before...

    I thought the characters' relationship started too late in the movie for the amount of narrative real estate it occupied for the rest of the runtime. The established character relationships before then feel intricate and interesting, and the romance angle is sort of forced and simple which felt jarring. Not bad per se, just the worst part of a fantastic character drama. I remember feeling the mood and pacing of the movie start to fall apart once Diaz's character was introduced.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Pacific Drive If you're like me and love Half Life 2: Ep 2 or Dying Light: The Following because of your best friend car companion, please try this game. I don't want to talk about it too much...

    Pacific Drive

    If you're like me and love Half Life 2: Ep 2 or Dying Light: The Following because of your best friend car companion, please try this game. I don't want to talk about it too much because finding out how stuff works is half the fun, but it's got some top notch wasteland driving and atmosphere.

    15 votes