Gummy's recent activity

  1. Comment on YouTube tests harder-to-block server-side ad injection in videos in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Knowing Google, they will just tell us that timestamp linking is now a premium feature so they don't have to make it work

    Knowing Google, they will just tell us that timestamp linking is now a premium feature so they don't have to make it work

    3 votes
  2. Comment on The new YouTube layout is just too horrible, is there a way to revert back? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Many of the youtubers I watch are very vocal that youtube ad revenue is a joke and they themselves use adblock. It makes it an easier decision to use adblock and just support them on...

    Many of the youtubers I watch are very vocal that youtube ad revenue is a joke and they themselves use adblock. It makes it an easier decision to use adblock and just support them on twitch/patreon when Google already doesn't pay them.

    8 votes
  3. Comment on Thoughts on VR? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'll second this. I have a valve index and generally enjoy my time using it, but due to space limitations in the room I don't always have it setup. Once I got burnt out of half life alyx mods and...

    I'll second this. I have a valve index and generally enjoy my time using it, but due to space limitations in the room I don't always have it setup. Once I got burnt out of half life alyx mods and skyrim VR it has started to gather dust.

    I'm holding out hope somebody makes another great VR game. Everything I've tried since HL Alyx feels like a glorified tech demo more than a game.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on AMD officially confirms no more Windows 10 chipset driver and support for next gen Ryzen in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've been considering bypassing the cpu checks for windows 11. Are there any potential problems in doing this? It's just frustrating that Microsoft doesn't officially support cpu that were...

    I've been considering bypassing the cpu checks for windows 11. Are there any potential problems in doing this? It's just frustrating that Microsoft doesn't officially support cpu that were released the same year as their OS.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die in ~games

    Link Parent
    I may be wrong about this, but steam makes games work through proton correct? Proton can be utilized without having steam or the steam version of a game. It's a little more manual work but should...

    I may be wrong about this, but steam makes games work through proton correct? Proton can be utilized without having steam or the steam version of a game. It's a little more manual work but should work all the same.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    Any recommendations for resources to get started with n64 homebrew? I've done a ton of gba rom hacking and would love to break into n64 stuff. Jet force gemini could use some new content.

    Any recommendations for resources to get started with n64 homebrew? I've done a ton of gba rom hacking and would love to break into n64 stuff. Jet force gemini could use some new content.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on The surprising reason few Americans are getting chips jobs now in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I just graduated and it has been really frustrating. Every 'entry' position available wants 5+ years experience and knowledge in a dozen completely different technologies. I still apply for a lot...

    I just graduated and it has been really frustrating. Every 'entry' position available wants 5+ years experience and knowledge in a dozen completely different technologies. I still apply for a lot of them, it's just very discouraging and I don't understand how people get started in this industry.
    I've been a hobbyist dev for a decade, but it doesn't seem like my github will make much of a difference.

    13 votes
  8. Comment on Is TV advertising still relevant? Does anybody under 60 even watch traditional TV anymore? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I remember ads being things that could be fun and edgy depending on the product in the 90s and early 00s. Many had personality and actually tried to stand out. I'm not advocating for ads. It's...

    I remember ads being things that could be fun and edgy depending on the product in the 90s and early 00s. Many had personality and actually tried to stand out. I'm not advocating for ads. It's just astounding how ads have become more pervasive yet wildly less interesting at the same time.

    I haven't had broadcast TV of any form since around 2013 so idk what it's like now, but even then it was all very bland commercials with nothing memorable happening. If we they have to show ads I wish they would at least put in a little effort.

    20 votes
  9. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I think git would do something close to what I'm wanting, but the program as it is now will compress all the files and let me give them unique names. Then restore backups from the compressed files...

    I think git would do something close to what I'm wanting, but the program as it is now will compress all the files and let me give them unique names. Then restore backups from the compressed files and prompt for potentially different paths to account for changing systems or install locations. Git is the best option for detecting changes in the source files but i want to do other things with those files rather than just uploading them to a repo.

    I ended up just checking the last modified date of all the files to be backed up and comparing it to the saved date from the last backup. I might still keep the archived files in a github repo but I wanted more control and automation than git gives me by itself.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on is evil and deceptive: Don’t do business with in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I run a private website my friends use primarily as a shared media server and cloud storage. I was worried https was going to be a pain, but after breaking down and just doing it one day it was...

    I run a private website my friends use primarily as a shared media server and cloud storage. I was worried https was going to be a pain, but after breaking down and just doing it one day it was surprisingly easy to setup. I can only assume smaller sites haven't done it because it seems intimidating.

    Now if somebody can tell me why some of the state government pages for Pennsylvania aren't using ssl that'd be great lol

    6 votes
  11. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I've played PoE for a very long time. I've seen some real ups and downs with the end game so I agree this is about the best it has ever been. I do have beef with tier 17 and how Uber access is...

    I've played PoE for a very long time. I've seen some real ups and downs with the end game so I agree this is about the best it has ever been. I do have beef with tier 17 and how Uber access is gated now though. I'd love another players opinion. I've been avoiding the subreddit for a few leagues because it's.... a little bit toxic and unhelpful.

  12. Comment on Reasons why World of Warcraft private servers fail in ~games

    Link Parent
    This is still mostly how it works. I host both a cata and dreanor server for friends. My servers contains no assets used by the game. They have to get their own client that can support the...

    This is still mostly how it works. I host both a cata and dreanor server for friends. My servers contains no assets used by the game. They have to get their own client that can support the specific game version.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    That would be really good for preserving the main folder. I'm taking save directories and compressing them to store locally. I'd like to be able schedule backups of directories but skip any that...

    That would be really good for preserving the main folder. I'm taking save directories and compressing them to store locally. I'd like to be able schedule backups of directories but skip any that haven't had changes since the last backup to prevent redundant files. Unless git has a way to do it that I'm not aware of. I only have a surface level understanding of git.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I recently lost my saves for a few older games after a os reinstall because I forgot to back them up. It motivated me to make a simple backup manager. So far it has categories to sort games, a...

    I recently lost my saves for a few older games after a os reinstall because I forgot to back them up. It motivated me to make a simple backup manager. So far it has categories to sort games, a list of directories in each game to backup, and a way to restore the backups and possibly point the backup files to new paths in case that's needed.

    I know there are plenty of tools that make game save backups but they have too many bells and whistles for my taste. I wanted something simple that just makes/sorts save backups. I'm also debating a way to have scheduled backups but haven't decided on the best way to do that.

    6 votes
  15. Comment on Suyu Switch emulator in ~games

    Link Parent
    I had wondered about this. On my pc where hardware power isn't a concern, ryujinx is by far the better emulator. Yuzu has so many more problems rendering the games I tried with it. On a mobile...

    I had wondered about this. On my pc where hardware power isn't a concern, ryujinx is by far the better emulator. Yuzu has so many more problems rendering the games I tried with it. On a mobile device where performance really matters that makes sense. It's still weird that so many people seem to ignore ryujinx as an alternative though.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on Is there any interest in a video game design subgroup? in ~tildes

    I don't have any professional game design experience, but I have a decade of regular dev experience with a little time as an indie game dev. This is something I would personally be interested in....

    I don't have any professional game design experience, but I have a decade of regular dev experience with a little time as an indie game dev. This is something I would personally be interested in. The design aspect of games is usually what I get caught up on. If I have a clear idea on what I'm making I rarely have an issue, it's just getting my idea worked into something actionable that I have issues with.

    I can't promise I have anything to contribute if there are threads specifically for it, but I'm always up for learning about game design.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'll second privacy badger being aggressive. It's usually a non-issue but I do have it disabled for my bank and most government websites I have to access. I've never seen a page fail to load but...

    I'll second privacy badger being aggressive. It's usually a non-issue but I do have it disabled for my bank and most government websites I have to access. I've never seen a page fail to load but it definitely breaks logins and captcha from time to time.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on WiFi 7 is officially here, but routers are pricey. Do you need it yet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    My city doesn't even offer internet fast enough to justify wifi 6 yet. I'd love to live somewhere where 7 would even be a consideration. It seems like all this home tech is greatly outpacing the...

    My city doesn't even offer internet fast enough to justify wifi 6 yet. I'd love to live somewhere where 7 would even be a consideration. It seems like all this home tech is greatly outpacing the infrastructure in most places.

  19. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I finally got talked into watching Reincarnated as a Sword. I've been skeptical of the route isekai has been going, with Overlord being the last one I really got into. Though I really enjoyed this...

    I finally got talked into watching Reincarnated as a Sword. I've been skeptical of the route isekai has been going, with Overlord being the last one I really got into. Though I really enjoyed this one. Enough that I'm reading the manga at least. A human turned sword acting as a father figure is really funny and surprisingly wholesome.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on Theory: All children love Darude - Sandstorm in ~music

    Link Parent
    I can confirm this. I graduated in 2014. My first hand experience of nonstop sandstorm will haunt me forever. Then of course Arin from game grumps losing it to that song a few years ago brought it...

    I can confirm this. I graduated in 2014. My first hand experience of nonstop sandstorm will haunt me forever. Then of course Arin from game grumps losing it to that song a few years ago brought it back for my friends again.