IsildursBane's recent activity

  1. Comment on The inside story of Elon Musk’s mass firings of Tesla Supercharger staff in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I haven't been following too closely, but I recall seeing a few months ago shareholders were frustrated he was getting a full time salary (plus a massive bonus that was disputed), but wasn't...

    I haven't been following too closely, but I recall seeing a few months ago shareholders were frustrated he was getting a full time salary (plus a massive bonus that was disputed), but wasn't working full time (and instead spending his time at Twitter/X). With that, combined with the 20% lowered revenue (which lead to the 20% workforce layoff weeks before this firing), and overall his image becoming more of a liability, the suits may finally oust him. I am not certain that he will be finally ousted, but it seems like his position is getting to be on shakier ground

    12 votes
  2. Comment on The inside story of Elon Musk’s mass firings of Tesla Supercharger staff in ~transport

    I think this layoff is actually going to have much bigger implications than expected. The article states: Later on, it mentions It also mentions It seems like this layoff is not going to just...

    I think this layoff is actually going to have much bigger implications than expected.
    The article states:

    ...relationships Tesla employees had built with suppliers and electric utilities. Tesla had grown into one of the larger customers for many major utilities around the country, and many had hired new staff and planned new infrastructure based on Tesla’s charging-network expansion plans, the former employees said."

    Later on, it mentions

    “It’s just unfortunate that now they’re stuck holding the bag on all these different projects," one of the former employees said. "It’s really sad to see all these relationships burned and people be really angry - rightfully so."

    It also mentions

    Other companies may be able to fill the gap, the former employees said, but the goodwill built over time with utilities and other contractors from Tesla’s large-scale charging investments will be difficult to replicate.

    It seems like this layoff is not going to just impact short term Tesla charging stations, but that utility providers are going to be more resistant to make plans based on Tesla's plans. So Tesla may struggle for years, even after the staff is replaced. This was also a department that was financially viable, and was a 500 person team that they laid off. The article implies that this firing is based off of their leader, Rebecca Tinucci pushing back on Musk, in a private meeting. Although, it is worth noting that it was a private meeting so we cannot say for certain. This firing may be the thing that finally ousts Musk, since he fired 500 employees over a disagreement, killing a profitable department and ruining relationships that have been built up for over a decade

    22 votes
  3. Comment on AI video won't work in Hollywood, because it can't make small iterative changes, former Pixar animator says in ~movies

    I think the article gave Craig Good more nuance than what I am seeing in the comments so wanted to address that. Good's argument is that AI right now cannot currently allow the iterative process...

    I think the article gave Craig Good more nuance than what I am seeing in the comments so wanted to address that. Good's argument is that AI right now cannot currently allow the iterative process animation studios need. Good never argues that AI will never replace humans, and Good states that it may get there, but right now it cannot and so studios will have to wait until iterative tools are developed. Secondly, it is a discussion of OpenAI Sora, which is not publicly released, and the article does state that we do not currently know all the features it supports. My reading of Good's comments were more "before AI can be used in the studio, it needs to able to do iterative workflow and I don't think it can yet, but it might get there in the future."

    9 votes
  4. Comment on Baltimore port bridge collapse: Global ocean carriers put US companies on hook for urgent cargo pickup in ~transport

    The interesting thing in this article is that shipping companies are dropping it off at alternative ports, but not notifying in advance which port. While I understand they have their own concerns...

    The interesting thing in this article is that shipping companies are dropping it off at alternative ports, but not notifying in advance which port. While I understand they have their own concerns to deal with, it must be frustrating to all the shipping customers to be notified "We are going to drop off your cargo at a different port, but won't tell you in advance which port" and if they do not move their shipment from the port quickly enough, they will get fined. Shipping companies should be held to some standard of having to communicate in advance if they are delivering to alternate ports.

    13 votes
  5. Comment on Vancouver’s new mega-development is big, ambitious and undeniably Indigenous in ~design

    Link Parent
    I am going to disclose at the start I am a white Canadian. I have family in the lower mainland, but I do not live in the lower mainland. I think while the aesthetic choices do seem heavily...

    I am going to disclose at the start I am a white Canadian. I have family in the lower mainland, but I do not live in the lower mainland.

    I think while the aesthetic choices do seem heavily western, the article does mention some indigenous design choices beyond just art. The first is the idea of more communal spaces, rather than private yards. This is in contrast to the neighbourhood around it that while being just outside of the downtown core, are houses with private yards. The second point is the consideration for the whole community. The article mentions that while local residents are not too pleased (highly affluent home owners are probably not too happy about the indigenous making a high density and more affordable housing in their community), the Squamish tribe is considering the whole community, which includes those who can not get housing in Vancouver, and the community of the future. So while it may not be aesthetically as indigenous as it could be, there has been other Indigenous values that have guided the process.

    I think, part of this urban revolution is that the Squamish have this highly valuable land, and they are developing as they see fit. Indigenous people have primarily been on what is considered mediocre land at best. In my experience either traveling through reserves or neighbourhoods that have high concentration of Indigenous people, sadly they are quite poor areas. So seeing this development, which holds a lot of economic value is revolutionary, and Canadians are not used to seeing this.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Looking for an app with calendar, timetables, reminders, timers etc in ~tech

    So I used to use Google calendar and it worked quite well. I found last year that just with all the different things going on in my life, combined with my ADHD everything just had to go into a...

    So I used to use Google calendar and it worked quite well. I found last year that just with all the different things going on in my life, combined with my ADHD everything just had to go into a calendar. It gave the visual layout that I used to use in university with a giant calendar, but had the portability needed. The question more becomes what in particular are you looking for in transitioning away from Google Calendar?

    Another option is that back in September I switched over from using Google calendar to carrying a physical notebook instead of my phone. I think with my ADHD, physically carrying around a phone was not beneficial. However, my current usage of my notebook does not currently give the visual layout so I think I need to modify my usage to incorporate that. Plus, I have found for my ADHD that physical to do lists that I can cross stuff out on works well.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Nothing nearly as complex as others (or even as complex as what I am capable of), but I started coding a portfolio website for myself as I may have to search for work soon. It isn't for a...

    Nothing nearly as complex as others (or even as complex as what I am capable of), but I started coding a portfolio website for myself as I may have to search for work soon. It isn't for a development based job, so just using static HTML so far hosted on github pages, and using Bootstrap to speed up the development. I am having to learn Figma to help me design it because my license I got through school for Balsamiq is no longer valid. For simple GUI mockups, I do prefer Balsamiq over the free tier of Figma, so that has been slowing me down a bit (as well as just trying to design it, as UI design is not a strength of mine).

    6 votes
  8. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - GG no re (End of an era) in ~games

    So I just joined probably two weeks ago and was enjoying it. Thank you Tea for hosting it. While the server was not overly busy, I did enjoy whenever I joined to be greeted (at times extremely...

    So I just joined probably two weeks ago and was enjoying it. Thank you Tea for hosting it. While the server was not overly busy, I did enjoy whenever I joined to be greeted (at times extremely quickly) by o/. Tea, you did a great job hosting.
    To carry on with the idea of sharing future plans, I thought I would share mine. I was going to build a mining operation (hadn't thought of specific vision for the underground part yet), in this giant lush cave at 300, -1150, which had a naturally generated hole to the surface. I built one small crane going down, and was starting the second. The idea was I was also going to build a barge at the waters edge loaded with ores, that was being loaded by the giant crane (that is not finished). The lore was going to be that they made one crane, then realized the area was way more profitable and built a heavier duty crane. The bigger crane then handled moving the ores to the surface to be loaded onto the barge, while the small one started to be used only for people. I was going to try and build it in the style of an industrial revolution era, which I have not built in before. You can also see my starting house not far away from that site, which I was going to hide more with giant spruce trees.

    8 votes
  9. Comment on What's a "house rule" that has made a game more fun for you? in ~games

    For Carcasonne, I play that you have a deck of four tiles to choose from, instead of randomly placing whatever you draw. It increases strategy a bit by having you do some more tangible long term...

    For Carcasonne, I play that you have a deck of four tiles to choose from, instead of randomly placing whatever you draw. It increases strategy a bit by having you do some more tangible long term planning

    16 votes
  10. Comment on "Birds Aren't Real" leader TED talk about his movement | Peter McIndoe in ~humanities

    I had this saved for a while, but was too busy to watch it until today (more like did not prioritize it). I should have watched it sooner, it is really good. The idea that people are going to...

    I had this saved for a while, but was too busy to watch it until today (more like did not prioritize it). I should have watched it sooner, it is really good. The idea that people are going to conspiracy theories for communities was nothing new to me. However, hearing Peter's experience of having people come up and critique his conspiracy theory and him getting defensive was highly insightful. He did not believe it, but due to his method acting he felt what true believers actually felt, which even surprised himself. The other idea that I thought was interesting is these aggressive approaches people do to help conspiracy theorists come to reality actuality defines their otherness. Peter explained the concept of how we put people into the category of the other/outsider much better than me so those reading this should watch this and listen to him explain it better

    11 votes
  11. Comment on 2023 art supplies highlights in ~creative

    Something that I am not using as an art supply, although some would is carrying around a pocket notebook. I bought a pack of small moleskine notebooks. It has replaced carrying around a phone in...

    Something that I am not using as an art supply, although some would is carrying around a pocket notebook. I bought a pack of small moleskine notebooks. It has replaced carrying around a phone in most situations. I don't do drawing, so cannot speak on it for sketching, but overall found it quite nice for writing quick notes or ideas to remember. I would not be as interested in longer writing in it, but it is good for taking brief notes to revisit ideas later and flesh them out.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on What's on your Christmas lists, dads of Tildes? in

    Not a father, but I am someone who does struggle with figuring out gift ideas, and do not want a lot of stuff. I normally ask for quality upgrades of frequently used items that I already have. An...

    Not a father, but I am someone who does struggle with figuring out gift ideas, and do not want a lot of stuff. I normally ask for quality upgrades of frequently used items that I already have. An example is last year switching over all my cotton socks to Darn Tough wool socks, which I would not have personally paid for but I do enjoy the quality upgrade

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Why do people make inflammatory posts and comments on LinkedIn? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I agree with your conclusion that algorithms favour angry content, but disagree with how you got there. Your A/B tests are not direct comparisons from the little details you have shared. I am...

    I agree with your conclusion that algorithms favour angry content, but disagree with how you got there. Your A/B tests are not direct comparisons from the little details you have shared. I am making the assumption here that your more positive content was more niche and related to your field. If this assumption is wrong, please politely correct me. However, complaining about traffic or people on phones is a universal complaint. Therefore, your negative content is more relatable to people than your positive, which allows it to have higher engagement. However, I do agree that algorithms tend to favour negative content, because people do tend to engage with it. An adjacent concept is that there are no three star reviews, only one star and five star reviews. If you are just looking for reviews, a terrible experience is going to drive people to review just as much as an amazing experience, and it is a lot easier to make a terrible experience. Social media is the same, they just want engagement, regardless of the emotion of the engagement.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I have thought about getting an Osprey due to my backpack wearing out. However, I am torn on buying an expensive backpack with a zipper as I feel like a zipper is just a failure point. I ended up...

    I have thought about getting an Osprey due to my backpack wearing out. However, I am torn on buying an expensive backpack with a zipper as I feel like a zipper is just a failure point. I ended up being given a backpack for free which has worked great. What has your perspective been? Do you have zipper anxiety?

    2 votes
  15. Comment on For those with adult do you get by? in ~health.mental

    It was assumed that I had ADHD throughout my childhood, but I always did good in school so was never diagnosed. For my undergrad, school gave me enough structure that I thrived, and showed almost...

    It was assumed that I had ADHD throughout my childhood, but I always did good in school so was never diagnosed. For my undergrad, school gave me enough structure that I thrived, and showed almost no symptoms. Then I was unemployed for a year and got extremely dysfunctional. That is when I got tested and put on meds. They help a bit, but not enough and I have been experimenting with practices that help.

    One thing I have started a month and a half ago is to not carry around my smartphone. In general, phones are addictive, but I think my ADHD exacerbates it. So, instead what I do is I carry around a small notebook. I have zero object permanence so everything gets recorded into the notebook, because I won't remember it otherwise. Everything goes into the notebook. Not having such an easy distraction has helped me a lot. Plus I find it rewarding to cross off an item off the to-do list of my notebook, and looking forward to doing that motivates me on smaller tasks. You do have to make peace with boredom, but I think we as a culture have forgotten how to be bored, so lean into it. The one downside, is in situations in which I need my phone on me I have lost a lot of self control in how to handle that, so be cautious with this.

    Another big benefit for me is to be physically active. I bike commute even in the winter, 10km one way. It has helped a lot with my hyperactivity. Starting my day off with biking (without music), helps me think and process things I need to do for the day. Then on my way home, I normally have more time to brainstorm solutions to try the next day. It takes me anywhere between 20-30min to get to my destination depending on where I am going. I do a lot of processing on my bike, as my ADHD does not allow me to sit and think. I have thought to myself that my work should pay me for my ride, as normally I solve problems either heading into or heading home from work.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Broken zipper? France will pay to get it fixed in

    So there are a few thoughts I have about this. While well intentioned, the tax on clothing manufacturers will just be passed down onto buyers, making clothes more expensive. The increased cost on...

    So there are a few thoughts I have about this.

    1. While well intentioned, the tax on clothing manufacturers will just be passed down onto buyers, making clothes more expensive.
    2. The increased cost on clothing is actually beneficial as it then makes repairing cheaper than buying new, as the article mentioned people have noticed it is cheaper to buy than repair
    3. If clothes are more expensive, and if the subsidy is not enough, is this something that disproportionately affects the poor?
    4. The idea of subsidizing repairs just brings good publicity to repair shops, as it is something most people probably do not think or know about
    5. The tax brings up the environmental impact on fast fashion, something most people do not think about. I am annoyed that my clothes are not lasting long, but I have never considered the other costs of that besides my own bank account
    4 votes
  17. Comment on What online subscriptions do you pay for? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Something worth considering for a weather app is if your government does environmental data. In Canada, Environment Canada does weather forecasts for all cities and towns and it is ad free and...

    Something worth considering for a weather app is if your government does environmental data. In Canada, Environment Canada does weather forecasts for all cities and towns and it is ad free and really thorough

    7 votes
  18. Comment on Advice on choosing between a bluetooth and normal portable AMP and DAC in ~music

    I think to best answer the question, it would help to know the reason for your upgrade? Is there a specific problem that you want to address in the upgrade? To give you an example, I will share...

    I think to best answer the question, it would help to know the reason for your upgrade? Is there a specific problem that you want to address in the upgrade?

    To give you an example, I will share the rationale in my DAC/amp purchases. My first one is a small portable Optima Nuforce (that is not in production anymore) as I noticed the DAC in my laptop was really bad. As a student, I wanted something portable that did not rely on needing wall power. Later on, I got passive desk speakers, and so needed to upgrade my amp to drive it well so went with a separate Schiit DAC and amp.

    As you can see from my examples, I was solving specific issues which drove my decisions. What issues are you trying to solve? Or do you just want to try something better?

  19. Comment on Movies you enjoy that nobody else does in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I honestly do not remember the quality or the lack thereof of the CGI. I think part of that is due to my attitude and expectations going into it to not take it seriously, but to just have fun with it

    I honestly do not remember the quality or the lack thereof of the CGI. I think part of that is due to my attitude and expectations going into it to not take it seriously, but to just have fun with it

  20. Comment on Movies you enjoy that nobody else does in ~movies

    Cats (2019) I had a friend who is big into movies, and he watched it in theatres. He came back and got us interested and set expectations. We knew it wasn't going to make the most sense. So a...

    Cats (2019)

    I had a friend who is big into movies, and he watched it in theatres. He came back and got us interested and set expectations. We knew it wasn't going to make the most sense. So a group of us got together and went to the cheap theatre

    For those on the fence, Cats is about gellical cars going to the gellical ball to decide the gellical choice, who gets to go to the heaviside layer. Do I know what a gellical cat is? No. Do I care? Also no. Do you want to watch a movie where Taylor Swift as a cat drugs a room full of people? If so, Cats is for you. Do you want Judy Dench to stare into your soul as she monologues about the difference between cats and dogs? If so, Cats is for you. If you are expecting a serious musical you will be disappointed. If you are expecting a nonsensical plot that barely makes sense being used to string together songs of cats introducing themselves, you may enjoy it.

    2 votes