Khalos's recent activity

  1. Comment on YouTube tests harder-to-block server-side ad injection in videos in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The minute they offer a standalone plan at a reasonable rate that doesn't try to leverage their monopoly into getting me to also switch from Spotify to Google Music I'll be a paying customer.

    The minute they offer a standalone plan at a reasonable rate that doesn't try to leverage their monopoly into getting me to also switch from Spotify to Google Music I'll be a paying customer.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Foreign interference probe exposes links to “witting” lawmakers in Ottawa in ~news

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Would the NDP constantly be the 3rd party though in another system? A ranked vote for example would let people choose them first without risking anything because they could still list their second...

    Would the NDP constantly be the 3rd party though in another system? A ranked vote for example would let people choose them first without risking anything because they could still list their second choice.

    I also think that even if they didn't take the #1 spot in a proportional system it would still be an improvement. A plurality or coalition government represents the people best and the parties need to actually come together to legislate rather than to basically issue decrees as a majority until the parties switch and reverse the changes with their own decrees.

    This also solves the second problem you describe. It becomes easier for newer smaller parties, split parties, or independents to pop up to replace corrupt parties without a 180 degree turn in ideology.

    The other part of the second problem is that I don't believe the Conservatives are any better when it comes to corruption, kickbacks, treason, or any other kind of bad behaviour. So voting for them based on that doesn't solve the problem, since they'll be doing it too. The only real differentiation is what they plan to do.

    I'd rather see corrupt Liberals fail to deliver on their goals than see corrupt Conservatives succeed in delivering theirs.

    I'd even more rather see another party in power, but FPTP makes that much more unlikely, so here we are, stuck voting between two bad parties. I don't like it either.

    Edit: Strategic Voting is definitely organic and not a Liberal conspiracy. The proof is that Strategic Voting is a thing in other countries across the world where FPTP exists. It's an unavoidable consequence of the facts that (1) you can only vote for one single choice and (2) that the choice with the most votes takes all.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Foreign interference probe exposes links to “witting” lawmakers in Ottawa in ~news

    Link Parent
    I honestly think this is a global phenomenon that's inherent to any democracy that uses first-past-the-post for it's elections. FPTP is fundamentally flawed in this way, and it's incredibly hard...

    I honestly think this is a global phenomenon that's inherent to any democracy that uses first-past-the-post for it's elections. FPTP is fundamentally flawed in this way, and it's incredibly hard to overcome without changing the system.

    Making those systemic changes is nearly impossible because it's against the interests of the inevitable two most incumbent parties to do so, and they're the ones who would need to implement it.

    In Ontario there was a referendum about it for provincial elections a while back, and the propaganda and fear mongering against it by the biggest parties was disheartening.

    11 votes
  4. Comment on Foreign interference probe exposes links to “witting” lawmakers in Ottawa in ~news

    Link Parent
    I'm not sure I'm really who you're looking for on this, but the current state of the Liberal Party makes me sad. My beliefs are to the left of the Liberals, but I sometimes begrudgingly support...

    I'm not sure I'm really who you're looking for on this, but the current state of the Liberal Party makes me sad.

    My beliefs are to the left of the Liberals, but I sometimes begrudgingly support them because of the state of my riding and the badness of first-past-the-post democracy.

    I've largely been unhappy with most of what they've done. Trudeau has been a very middling PM with more words than actions. There have been some good initiatives they've done (and most were forced by the NDP), but most haven't gone far enough in my opinion. The most important election promise they made was abandoned very early on.

    The problem is, what's the alternative? The NDP doesn't have enough support to win my district, and would be throwing my vote away. The Conservatives are way too far right and would attempt to undo the few good things the Liberals have done and do more damage to our society and working class with their power then Trudeau ever did.

    Trudeau should step down and let someone else run as leader, but he won't want to and few will even want to take the position since they're likely to lose anyway and then face immediate replacement after the election.

    The NDP is stagnating under Singh, he doesn't have the draw and charisma to pull in new support from the working class into giving them a chance.

    The root of the problem is first-past-the-post democracy doesn't have a good mechanism to allow voters to vote against a mediocre-bad party without giving the win to an even-worse party.

    20 votes
  5. Comment on Turns out the Rabbit R1 was just an Android app all along in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Perhaps I'm missing something, but at least in the case of the Rabbit the form factor really seems to be essentially the same as a smartphone. There are a number of fundamental differences between...

    Perhaps I'm missing something, but at least in the case of the Rabbit the form factor really seems to be essentially the same as a smartphone. There are a number of fundamental differences between a PlayStation and Switch/Steamdeck that cannot be overcome by software alone (e.g. having a display, becoming portable). I don't know that I see that between a Rabbit and a smartphone.

    If you are saying that the Rabbit is fundamentally different in some way and does something software on a smartphone couldn't do, I'm curious what that is.

  6. Comment on Turns out the Rabbit R1 was just an Android app all along in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I agree that just because something runs an ASOP based OS doesn't necessarily mean it's a smartphone (Android set top boxes like a Shield are great examples), but that seems mostly semantics to...

    I agree that just because something runs an ASOP based OS doesn't necessarily mean it's a smartphone (Android set top boxes like a Shield are great examples), but that seems mostly semantics to me.

    The end result here is an additional Android-based portable device with a touch screen and a SIM card running an Android application. If we don't want to call that device a smartphone, I'm not sure I agree, but I won't die on that hill.

    The key point to me is that it's still an extra device and additional e-waste for something that could run on your existing device.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Turns out the Rabbit R1 was just an Android app all along in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I totally understand the mindset of wanting to be less constantly connected and having such easy access to doom-scrolling social media. It does seem odd to me though that the solution is just a...

    I totally understand the mindset of wanting to be less constantly connected and having such easy access to doom-scrolling social media. It does seem odd to me though that the solution is just a second smart phone that's more locked down and has less apps installed.

    Surely we can accomplish that through software that limits the use of the existing hardware rather than creating more e-waste.

    The light phone at least has some unique features that a smartphone simply doesn't (mainly the e-ink display), but I still wonder why we don't see so much buzz around a "light phone app" that locks your device down and behaves how a light phone does for some period of time.

    10 votes
  8. Comment on Discord to start showing ads for gamers to boost revenue in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is off by a fairly substantial amount, looking at their own job postings, all of the senior technical positions are listed as $190,000 to $204,000 + equity + benefits. Even at the high end,...

    This is off by a fairly substantial amount, looking at their own job postings, all of the senior technical positions are listed as $190,000 to $204,000 + equity + benefits.

    Even at the high end, it's unlikely regular individual contributors would be getting 5x in equity + benefits of their base salary.

    That's not to say Discord staff aren't highly paid, they surely are, but very few people there would be making $1M. Even their highest position I could find, "Head of Machine Learning & AI" position is $373,000 to $448,000 + equity + benefits, and that appears to be a very senior position.

    22 votes
  9. Comment on Rooster Teeth is shutting down after twenty-one years in ~games

    Link Parent
    I was also a fan in the early days, and I mostly agree with what you're saying, but I do wonder how much of it is our tastes changing and us moving on compared to their output changing and us...

    I was also a fan in the early days, and I mostly agree with what you're saying, but I do wonder how much of it is our tastes changing and us moving on compared to their output changing and us moving on.

    I also tried checking out their new content from time to time, and it never clicked enough for me either. Some of it was okay, but not consistently enough for me to stick with it. Though when I went back to their old Red vs Blue early seasons, I still really enjoyed them. Some of that is surely nostalgia, but I don't think that's the whole story.

    As they grew and became more corporate they lost some of the spark that made the early content so fun. And I think that early content still holds up.

    Overall I think the truth is some combination of our tastes and their output changing.

    11 votes
  10. Comment on The sins committed in the name of Agile development in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I think the reason you see so much of this is that for a huge majority of people, Agile (and usually specifically a bastardized version of Scrum) are declared from on-high and individual teams...

    I think the reason you see so much of this is that for a huge majority of people, Agile (and usually specifically a bastardized version of Scrum) are declared from on-high and individual teams don't have any say in the matter. Process fit be damned.

    Add to that that management often doesn't actually respect the parts of Scrum they don't like, so it often ends up a complete mess, and there's a lot of resentment and frustration. That's the root cause of the complaints from my experience.

    6 votes
  11. Comment on No Rest for the Wicked's crunchy combat is more Dark Souls than Diablo in ~games

    It looks pretty fun, and I absolutely loved both of the Ori games so I have pretty high expectations for another game from the same studio. I have mixed feelings about this game so far though. A...

    It looks pretty fun, and I absolutely loved both of the Ori games so I have pretty high expectations for another game from the same studio.

    I have mixed feelings about this game so far though.

    A big part of Ori's appeal was its beautiful unique stylistic world, and this looks just like the same old generic dark gritty fantasy we've seen a million times before, especially in this genre. Not to say it looks bad (it really doesn't), it just doesn't evoke the same "wow" factor.

    I trust them to make a good game, but I hope the whole world doesn't look like this.

    6 votes
  12. Comment on The internet is being ruined by bloated junk in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The only single example I can think of is Lindsay Ellis. She moved from YouTube to exclusively posting to Nebula. She's also a writer, so it's not her only income stream, but she seems to still be...

    The only single example I can think of is Lindsay Ellis. She moved from YouTube to exclusively posting to Nebula.

    She's also a writer, so it's not her only income stream, but she seems to still be doing well.

    Her content is high quality long form video essays though, so I don't know how transferable that is to a broader more "persona" based YouTuber.

    9 votes
  13. Comment on About that Idris Elba gold documentary in ~misc

    Folding Ideas always has great content, and this is no different. You never can guess what the next topic will be, but it's always fascinating. I really appreciate the productive cynicism Dan...

    Folding Ideas always has great content, and this is no different. You never can guess what the next topic will be, but it's always fascinating. I really appreciate the productive cynicism Dan displays.

    As an aside, I'm not sure if it's just the algorithm for me, but I'm seeing more and more of these types of videos calling out and dissecting corporate/political propaganda in the past year or so, and I am all for it.

    The amount and production quality of propaganda feels like it's increasing, so it's good to see people pushing back against it like this.

    10 votes
  14. Comment on Alan Wake 2 | Fully Ramblomatic in ~games

    So glad to see the former Escapist team back up and running so quickly. Yahtzee having more freedom is hopefully going to lead to some great content, this seems like a strong start. The iconic...

    So glad to see the former Escapist team back up and running so quickly.

    Yahtzee having more freedom is hopefully going to lead to some great content, this seems like a strong start.

    The iconic music and the lack of yellow were jarring, but I'm sure we'll get used to it. I liked some of the other new colors more than the red, it'll be fun to see where he goes style-wise as well.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Slight delay in Three Cheers for Tildes' iOS version, but coming soon in ~tildes

    Loving the Android app so far! It's simple, but it really doesn't need to be too complex. I'd love to know if adding font sizing options is something you'd consider in the future. I'd love to make...

    Loving the Android app so far! It's simple, but it really doesn't need to be too complex.

    I'd love to know if adding font sizing options is something you'd consider in the future. I'd love to make the text much bigger to make things more readable.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Is understaffing a new norm? in ~life

    It's definitely not just you or a local thing. I've very much experienced the same thing in southern Canada. COVID accelerated this phenomenon, but it's been a slow "frog boil" for years (or...
    • Exemplary

    It's definitely not just you or a local thing. I've very much experienced the same thing in southern Canada.

    COVID accelerated this phenomenon, but it's been a slow "frog boil" for years (or decades).

    My theory is that workers will naturally try to step up to meet whatever challenges their being asked to deal with. Customers were pretty understanding during COVID, and organizations learned just how well they could still operate profitably even while being severely understaffed. Which, to them, is great news! They can pay far less to workers and pocket the difference.

    I can't imagine this ever returning back to "normal" (which, is actually not really normal because this was happening before COVID already, just slower). Why would it? The companies have no incentive to return to full staffing, customers don't have any real alternatives in a lot of industries (doctors, schools, etc.) and when they do 9 times out of 10 they'll opt for cheaper, slower, poor working conditions over pricier, faster, good working conditions.

    It would be really nice if I'm wrong - I hope I am.

    99 votes
  17. Comment on What is your favorite TV show that you rewatch often? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I bounced off the first season a few times before I gave up and started with season 2. I'm so glad I did because I absolutely love the show and I almost missed out on it. There's a few references...

    I bounced off the first season a few times before I gave up and started with season 2.

    I'm so glad I did because I absolutely love the show and I almost missed out on it.

    There's a few references to season 1 throughout the show, but not very many and it's not much of a problem. I also found on subsequent rewatches I have more patience to get through it knowing how the characters and story improve.

    2 votes