MIGsalund's recent activity

  1. Comment on The NHL has banned Pride Tape, creating its own ‘Don’t Say Gay’ policy in ~sports.hockey

    The stars of the NHL have a moral responsibility to defy this rule and make the NHL take the heat for fining or suspending them. Players like McDavid are what people watch, and penalizing him for...

    The stars of the NHL have a moral responsibility to defy this rule and make the NHL take the heat for fining or suspending them. Players like McDavid are what people watch, and penalizing him for multi-colored tape will reflect very poorly on the league.

    42 votes
  2. Comment on China climate envoy says phasing out fossil fuels 'unrealistic' in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    And when the food runs out as all finite resources do then no one eats. It's unreasonable for anyone to state they cannot reduce usage based on Capitalism's demand for infinite growth. Only one...

    And when the food runs out as all finite resources do then no one eats. It's unreasonable for anyone to state they cannot reduce usage based on Capitalism's demand for infinite growth. Only one input matters-- the limitations of the physical world.

    This is not a China vs United States issue. It's one of the lack of any critical thinking on this matter and the fantasy thinking that human systems have any precedence at all.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Just finished reading The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, and wondering what to read next in ~books

    Link Parent
    As an avid Asimov reader I wasn't sure what to expect of the tv adaptation of Foundation, but they have really sold me with the conclusion of the second season. The show has reworked the story so...

    As an avid Asimov reader I wasn't sure what to expect of the tv adaptation of Foundation, but they have really sold me with the conclusion of the second season. The show has reworked the story so much to make it filmable that it's now its own retelling, but it works. Certainly helps to have Jared Harris and Lee Pace leading a mostly stellar acting group. The spirit of the book still remains, even with the newly created spectacles the show has devised. I would recommend the show to book readers and non-readers alike, but note that it takes awhile to get through to the payoffs.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Millennials didn’t kill the ‘organization man’ after all. Federal data reveals it was the boomers all along. in ~life

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I agree with you, however, I also find that blaming the ownership class for many of society's issues is more often than not hitting the nail on the actual singular head.

    I agree with you, however, I also find that blaming the ownership class for many of society's issues is more often than not hitting the nail on the actual singular head.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on What are your favorite soundtracks for films and video games? in ~music

    My all-time favorite film original soundtrack is from Aranofsky's The Fountain. Clint Mansell composed it and employed two of the guys from the band Mogwai to play their special brand of electric...

    My all-time favorite film original soundtrack is from Aranofsky's The Fountain. Clint Mansell composed it and employed two of the guys from the band Mogwai to play their special brand of electric guitar using bowstrings and it's just haunting and uplifting in all the right places. Never have I heard a soundtrack contribute so much to the story. Here is my favorite track from it: Death is the Road to Awe

    2 votes
  6. Comment on How would you rewrite the ending of a show that had an unsatisfying finale, or imagine an ending to a show that was canceled prematurely? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    True Detective is absolutely cursed by its titan of a first season. It was never going to live up to that. It's still better than a whole lot of television in season 2 and 3. Problem is when your...

    True Detective is absolutely cursed by its titan of a first season. It was never going to live up to that. It's still better than a whole lot of television in season 2 and 3. Problem is when your follow leaves your audience failing to get that same dopamine hit you gave them previously it all falls apart.

    The Wire is an all-time classic. Those shifts in story lines are perfect. I did not watch it until several years after its initial run, though, so being able to watch unencumbered by weekly and off season waits probably helps to alleviate the turns.

    I do actually believe that there are a lot more success stories than failures by keeping creative teams consistent. It's why I wished Lee Haxall continued to edit Arrested Development, a show which really creates a lot of its magical comedy via the editing process. My point was simply that it doesn't always work out that way.

  7. Comment on How would you rewrite the ending of a show that had an unsatisfying finale, or imagine an ending to a show that was canceled prematurely? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I love Fargo, but beyond season 2 the quality did drop. Not below something I could still enjoy, though. I even like the second season better than the first, and the first was magical. I love...

    I love Fargo, but beyond season 2 the quality did drop. Not below something I could still enjoy, though. I even like the second season better than the first, and the first was magical. I love everything that Hawley has done and cannot wait to see more.

    White Lotus is incredible. I do significantly enjoy the first season more than the second, but again, not below something I can still enjoy.

    Replacing the visions of Hawley or White and I doubt if I would even bother to continue watching. Those series are so intrinsically linked to their unique minds that it'd be like watching a shadow. For better or for worse, I always want the original creator(s) to continue giving us what they have to give us. It's why I wish Lee Haxall continued to edit on Arrested Development. Just wanted to play a bit of devil's advocate in noting that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

  8. Comment on How would you rewrite the ending of a show that had an unsatisfying finale, or imagine an ending to a show that was canceled prematurely? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Sometimes having that cohesive vision throughout doesn't always work out. Notable series I can think of that fail this test are True Detective and Mr. Robot. Both series had singular visionaries...

    Sometimes having that cohesive vision throughout doesn't always work out. Notable series I can think of that fail this test are True Detective and Mr. Robot. Both series had singular visionaries that made incredible first seasons and fell flat when they continued the stories. The Noah Hawley series Fargo and Legion also had varying levels of quality after their first seasons.

    I'm not saying that I disagree, though. I do think it's better to keep as much of the creative team intact. It's just that it still does not guarantee success. Knowing how much Ms. Haxall had contributed to the glory days of Arrested Development certainly does have me pining for what could have been.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on It’s not just ‘The Blind Side.’ In Hollywood, the ‘white savior’ won’t go quietly. in ~movies

    Link Parent
    You are absolutely correct about Hidden Figures, and the wider definition this author places on the topic of "white savior" is absolutely useless. There are actual examples that showcase this....

    You are absolutely correct about Hidden Figures, and the wider definition this author places on the topic of "white savior" is absolutely useless. There are actual examples that showcase this. It's not as huge an issue as this article would make you believe, though.

    Historical adaptations shouldn't count at all either. A film like Green Book should not be changed to remove the white driver that gets the black pianist out of trouble on a tour through the still very racist south. Showcasing historical instances in which a white person helps a black person is a positive for society at large. It gives society more empathy and helps to erase the racial divide. I'd rather have to deal with savior complexes than to deal with completely segregated media where all characters are of one race in each film.

    Did a film like The Last Samurai need Tom Cruise's Nathan Algren? Certainly not. That film is very, very loosely inspired by Saigō Takamori's Satsuma Rebellion of 1877. The reason why the writer chose a white character to be the central character of a very Japanese story is that it was a movie for western audiences and it could then cast a huge name actor like Tom Cruise to help sell tickets. The writer didn't set out to make the lone white guy a savior of samurai culture within Japan. He just wrote a script about an interesting event in history that could never be made without writing it the way he did. No one would go to see it. Ken Watanabe was not nearly as well known as he is now back in 2003. Therefore, the problem, if you can call it that, is that of society at large, not Hollywood. If a movie about 19th century Japanese samurai could make a lot of money with all Japanese actor leads then it'd be made.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on How would you rewrite the ending of a show that had an unsatisfying finale, or imagine an ending to a show that was canceled prematurely? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Did somebody say Wonder? In college I wrote a paper on the editing process and how Lee Haxall made the original run what it is. She needed Mitch Hurwitz to go back and do a few reshoots to make...

    Did somebody say Wonder?

    In college I wrote a paper on the editing process and how Lee Haxall made the original run what it is. She needed Mitch Hurwitz to go back and do a few reshoots to make things work and even resorted to playing a few scenes backward with Gob's back to the camera and Will Arnett doing A.D.R. She won the 2004 Emmy as the result of her work on the pilot, sculpting the show into what we know and love today. That she was only involved in another 8 episodes through season 2 was a detriment to the show and its fans.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Magnus Carlsen and Hans Niemann settle dispute over cheating claims that rocked chess – US player had filed lawsuit against former world champion in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia does a rather hilarious parody of this in their most recent season.

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia does a rather hilarious parody of this in their most recent season.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on Walt Disney Pictures VFX workers move to unionize in ~movies

    So much of the VFX work is offloaded to dedicated VFX houses that I wonder how much effect this will actually help. One can hope that it spurs workers at those businesses to also demand...

    The historical move is the second time in history that VFX professionals have joined together to demand the same protections and rights as their colleagues. Earlier this month, VFX crews at Marvel Studios voted to unionize beginning Aug. 21. Ballots are due on Sept. 11, and the vote count will take place on Sept. 12.

    So much of the VFX work is offloaded to dedicated VFX houses that I wonder how much effect this will actually help. One can hope that it spurs workers at those businesses to also demand representation as Disney could easily just get rid of their in house VFX altogether in order to squash this movement. Either way, these workers are overworked and underpaid and they are a huge part of the film industry these days. They deserve the right to collectively bargain, and to have all of their names listed in the credits (currently each post house only gets a specific amount of names they can submit for the credit roll, so those names you see at the end of films that are huge blocks are not even all of the artists that have actually worked on that film).

    6 votes
  13. Comment on The Baťa Skyscraper in Zlín, Czechia is a landmark of architecture. And inside it, the office of Jan Antonín Baťa... is an elevator. in ~design

    Incredible that this was built in 1939. The boss' elevator office reminds me of The Hero's "elevator" in the show I'm A Virgo where the whole building moves up and down around him.

    Incredible that this was built in 1939. The boss' elevator office reminds me of The Hero's "elevator" in the show I'm A Virgo where the whole building moves up and down around him.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Today is US National Cinema Day! What are you going to go see for $4? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    It's only the second annual occurrence. Now you know to keep the last Sunday in August on your radar. Apologies that you didn't see this in time. I'm not generally one to post topics, but I saw...

    It's only the second annual occurrence. Now you know to keep the last Sunday in August on your radar.

    Apologies that you didn't see this in time. I'm not generally one to post topics, but I saw that this didn't have a dedicated post (though I have seen it mentioned within other posts) and decided to make my first and only submission. Hope you get the chance to join us next year!

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Today is US National Cinema Day! What are you going to go see for $4? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I wish I had some better answers for you, but I am not affiliated with the organization in any way. Just wanted to let people know about it if they had not already heard. Theaters are an expensive...

    I wish I had some better answers for you, but I am not affiliated with the organization in any way. Just wanted to let people know about it if they had not already heard. Theaters are an expensive outing these days and being able to get there at such a discount is pretty nice. I saw the 70mm version of Oppenheimer for $4. It would have been a lot more than that otherwise.

    If you're in Windsor and can get across the border for next year the Monroe Street drive in near the Renaissance Center does participate. I don't think any theaters in Canada do, though, as it's a national promotion for theaters within the States.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Today is US National Cinema Day! What are you going to go see for $4? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I just tried the link and had no problem getting the full site to load on desktop, but I am only seeing the donate link on mobile. Perhaps trying to switch to desktop mode? You can also use...

    I just tried the link and had no problem getting the full site to load on desktop, but I am only seeing the donate link on mobile. Perhaps trying to switch to desktop mode? You can also use Fandango to search participating theaters.

    Not sure about the security warning as I also use Firefox on both mobile and PC. There is a support email you could try here: http://info@thecinemafoundation.org/

    Edit: The mobile link also says "Thank you for making National Cinema Day a success," so I am presuming that since it's late in the day that the information there has changed. That's not what the desktop site shows, and not what the mobile link had shown previously.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Today is US National Cinema Day! What are you going to go see for $4? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Keep an eye out for it next year. This is the second annual National Cinema Day. I believe the plan is to keep it going on the last Sunday of August.

    Keep an eye out for it next year. This is the second annual National Cinema Day. I believe the plan is to keep it going on the last Sunday of August.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Today is US National Cinema Day! What are you going to go see for $4? in ~movies

    I am finally headed to go see Oppenheimer. Would have loved to have already seen it, but work has had me far too busy to do so. What are you going to go see? The National Cinema Day site allows...

    I am finally headed to go see Oppenheimer. Would have loved to have already seen it, but work has had me far too busy to do so.

    What are you going to go see? The National Cinema Day site allows you to search your closest participating theaters, so if you were not aware of this and have some free time today then search out a theater and get to watching a movie!

    6 votes
  19. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. It's a real page turner. I just started it last night and stayed up way too late reading. Already halfway through. The world building of the Teixcalaanli...

    A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. It's a real page turner. I just started it last night and stayed up way too late reading. Already halfway through. The world building of the Teixcalaanli Empire is exquisite. Excited to get to the next book in the series.

    3 votes