Sage's recent activity

  1. Comment on UI/UX Design for web dev in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This a great post, thank you! I've been kicking around the idea of getting the Refactoring UI book, mostly the price tag has stopped me. Did you find it very useful? I seem to be stuck at the...

    This a great post, thank you!

    I've been kicking around the idea of getting the Refactoring UI book, mostly the price tag has stopped me. Did you find it very useful? I seem to be stuck at the level to write CSS no problem, but, it just looks flat and boring, I guess?

    You know the feeling when you come across a beautiful website, and you just kind of appreciate how nice it is? The font, the spacing, the color palette choice. A good site can stop me and make me dig through the dev console to see what's going on. I'd like to get there eventually. Do you think Refactoring UI is a book that can start me on that journey?

    1 vote
  2. Comment on UI/UX Design for web dev in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I've never heard of the HIG, and I like what I see. Thanks for the resource!

    I've never heard of the HIG, and I like what I see. Thanks for the resource!

    1 vote
  3. Comment on UI/UX Design for web dev in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I'm going to give this a look. I've never heard of this website, look interesting! Thank you!

    I'm going to give this a look. I've never heard of this website, look interesting! Thank you!

    1 vote
  4. Comment on UI/UX Design for web dev in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Yeah, currently I use Tailwind sometimes on personal or small projects. Its alright, but my designs still aren't the greatest. Functional, but not aesthetically pleasing.

    Yeah, currently I use Tailwind sometimes on personal or small projects. Its alright, but my designs still aren't the greatest. Functional, but not aesthetically pleasing.

  5. UI/UX Design for web dev

    Does anyone have any good resources, books or otherwise, in regards do good design for web dev? I'm a self taught full stack dev who just can't really make things look "pretty". They are...

    Does anyone have any good resources, books or otherwise, in regards do good design for web dev? I'm a self taught full stack dev who just can't really make things look "pretty". They are functional, but..that's about it. I know CSS, but maybe I just don't have an eye for it?

    Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

    19 votes
  6. Comment on Time blocking, do you do it? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I've suspected I might have it, though I have not gotten tested for it yet. Perhaps it's time though 😅

    I've suspected I might have it, though I have not gotten tested for it yet. Perhaps it's time though 😅

  7. Comment on Time blocking, do you do it? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the very insightful post. Do you use anything to help manage your time blocking, or do you just enter it all manually in a calendar?

    Thanks for the very insightful post.

    Do you use anything to help manage your time blocking, or do you just enter it all manually in a calendar?

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Time blocking, do you do it? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    That's really smart! I was using pomodoro to study in the beginning but slowly moved away from it because I thought I was doing so well. Perhaps I should start it back up again. I never thought of...

    That's really smart! I was using pomodoro to study in the beginning but slowly moved away from it because I thought I was doing so well. Perhaps I should start it back up again. I never thought of changing the intervals either.

    1 vote
  9. Time blocking, do you do it?

    Hey everyone! Do you have any experience with time blocking? Do you use any apps to help or do you do it all manually in your calendar? I recently watched a video I found on Tildes by Answer in...

    Hey everyone!

    Do you have any experience with time blocking? Do you use any apps to help or do you do it all manually in your calendar? I recently watched a video I found on Tildes by Answer in Progress ( about attention span. I have heard a lot about time blocking in the past, but always thought I never really needed it.

    However, recently I've been starting to realize maybe I'm not doing well mentally..days can slip by on YouTube, or a video game, and the things I wanted to get done get pushed back to the next day..and the next day, and so on..or things I was passionate about, things I want to succeed in that I am good at..just sort of slip away, and I stop doing them and lose my drive. So maybe I need to block time to get it done... I'm not sure. So I guess I can try Meditation and time blocking..

    Anyway, anyone have some suggestions if they do this? Have you found that it helped?

    15 votes
  10. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Thank you! Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend then! Looking forward to mucking around with it. Much appreciated 😁

    Thank you! Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend then! Looking forward to mucking around with it. Much appreciated 😁

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I have been kicking this around, I'm self a self taught dev and have yet to try AWS. I have heard AWS can be a bit annoying, but I'm always willing to learn. Do you have any suggested learning...

    I have been kicking this around, I'm self a self taught dev and have yet to try AWS. I have heard AWS can be a bit annoying, but I'm always willing to learn. Do you have any suggested learning material?

  12. Comment on Florida is the first state to ban lab grown meat - Ron DeSantis in ~food

    Damn, I just got done listening to the Swindled podcast yesterday on Tyson chicken too. If you want a small, but horrifying, glimpse into what these industries are like then take a listen (I...

    Damn, I just got done listening to the Swindled podcast yesterday on Tyson chicken too. If you want a small, but horrifying, glimpse into what these industries are like then take a listen (I warned you). Hopefully lab grown meat one day wipes out these industries.

    This is just another story of politicians siding with people lining there pockets though, I'm sure.

    11 votes
  13. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I have not built it just yet so not currently, no. It will though. Probably postgres.

    I have not built it just yet so not currently, no. It will though. Probably postgres.

  14. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Does anyone have any suggestions for hosting a server? More specifically a Node.js rest API. I was using some of the free ones, but eventually their VC funding runs out and it turns to a paid...

    Does anyone have any suggestions for hosting a server? More specifically a Node.js rest API. I was using some of the free ones, but eventually their VC funding runs out and it turns to a paid service instead. It doesn't have to be free, but if you have any to suggest, great! I guess I'm looking for a cheap option for an API that will probably be rarely hit.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Steam Deck OLED - A thought and some feelings in ~games

    I'm so sad I bought my 512gb less than a month before OLED came out. Ugh..I still enjoy using it but damn, I wish I could have returned it or something. Oh well!

    I'm so sad I bought my 512gb less than a month before OLED came out. Ugh..I still enjoy using it but damn, I wish I could have returned it or something. Oh well!

    1 vote
  16. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Going to finally start digging into Typescript tonight and make a basic Todo project or something to practice this weekend. Been putting off learning it for awhile but, feel like I'm ready to...

    Going to finally start digging into Typescript tonight and make a basic Todo project or something to practice this weekend. Been putting off learning it for awhile but, feel like I'm ready to start getting into it finally. It does not seem that bad so far..

    2 votes
  17. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    That sounds great! I will definitely be checking those out as well now! I've got an already growing list of ones I'm excited to work through, and am absolutely delighted by all this content I have...

    That sounds great! I will definitely be checking those out as well now! I've got an already growing list of ones I'm excited to work through, and am absolutely delighted by all this content I have to consume. Glad to be here now, lol. 😁

    Any good "must reads" ?

    1 vote
  18. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I've never read manga until very recently, and I'm not sure why as I have been big into anime my whole life. With all the recent One Piece hype I decided I wanted to get caught up so I can start...

    I've never read manga until very recently, and I'm not sure why as I have been big into anime my whole life. With all the recent One Piece hype I decided I wanted to get caught up so I can start watching the anime, so I started reading the manga.

    I just have to say that wow, manga itself is really cool and I wish I started reading it sooner. Maybe it is just One Piece, as that is all I have been reading so far, but they are in such small bite size chapters that I can sit down and bang out a chapter or more often a few. I don't have as much time these days to sit and have anime binge being able to enjoy it in this format is just great.

    Anyway, I just got to....

    spoilers below...for a ~17 year old episode, lol Nico Robin's "I WANT TO LIVE" part and wow, I got shivers!

    I have not had feels like that for awhile in an episode. I love to look up clips in the anime after I finish reading it, like big fights or emotional parts, and that did not disappoint. Anyway, if anyone has not started One Piece and you are intimidated by the amount of episodes then definitely check out the manga. Its really good.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on What field do you work? And do you love your work and workplace? in ~talk

    Truck driver, local P&D, home every night. The job is..ok..but extremely unfulfilling. I've been at it for ~7 years now and while I'm still young-ish I cannot picture myself doing this forever....

    Truck driver, local P&D, home every night.

    The job is..ok..but extremely unfulfilling. I've been at it for ~7 years now and while I'm still young-ish I cannot picture myself doing this forever. The pay is great for me as someone that did not go to college, and I have recently bought my first house with it. I just want to do something more interesting with my life. I'm in the process or teaching myself to code and thoroughly enjoy it and have fun with it. Maybe someday I'll learn enough to swap careers into web dev. It just sucks, I feel like I'm slowly destroying my body with this job. I'm very good at my job..but, it just eats away slowly at my soul everyday.

    19 votes
  20. Comment on US pedestrian deaths are soaring. Is it time to ban right turns on red lights? in ~transport

    I don't know if its just the area I'm in, but I drive for a living. I drive in some cities outside of Boston. It just seems like in the more recent years people just stopped caring about red...

    I don't know if its just the area I'm in, but I drive for a living. I drive in some cities outside of Boston. It just seems like in the more recent years people just stopped caring about red lights. I see cars fly through red lights a good 3-5 seconds after it turns red, or people who don't think ahead (or don't care) and straight up block intersections because there is no room for them, then their light turns red and they are stuck there blocking the other lane of traffic from moving until they can move.

    Indeed to, a general lack of awareness when it comes to making a right on red. Not looking where they are going, or not even a hint of stopping before making their turn. People just seem more careless these days. Maybe a lack of consequence and getting away with it all the time, maybe they are distracted by a cell phone. Who knows, but it sure is frustrating to drive for a living.

    22 votes