Spicy_Axolotl's recent activity

  1. Comment on I was the poster girl for OCD. Then I began to question everything I’d been told about mental illness. in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I agree, the last paragraph felt so incongruous with the rest of her writing. Especially after this phrase, which I felt was very impactful I really wish she'd ended talking about what this means...

    I agree, the last paragraph felt so incongruous with the rest of her writing. Especially after this phrase, which I felt was very impactful

    To deconstruct my definition of suffering as mental illness was also to deconstruct my definition of getting better. If healing doesn’t mean a reduction in symptoms, what does it look like?

    I really wish she'd ended talking about what this means for her instead of the neatly tied off moment with her mom with no intrusive thoughts. I think that we see this binary of healing too often in the medical system. Fixed or not fixed. Reduced or increased. Just like when the author discovers that one biological change is the not the cause for her suffering, the parallels with healing make for a much more interesting thought.

    All that said I really appreciated this article and it mirrors a lot of my experience with long-term chronic "illness" even though we have very different stories.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on My new apartment’s most aggravating feature (latch smart locks) in ~tech

    My apartment building put in something similar in without tenant consent about a year ago. I and a few other tenants voiced similar concerns as in the article, but we're basically told not to be...

    My apartment building put in something similar in without tenant consent about a year ago. I and a few other tenants voiced similar concerns as in the article, but we're basically told not to be worried and it was happening regardless.

    On one hand it has been great because I can't lock myself out, and when I go on vacation it's a seamless way to leave a way of entry for the cat sitters. I'm also in a better spot because I can use a fob for entry to my building (but not my unit) and I still have a phone buzzer rcode for guest entry.

    All that being said I'm not sure I'd choose this option. I am concerned about the security. The company that installed the lock did a bad job on my door and sometimes the app or lock has issues. I'm responsible for the battery too. The worst part is the lack of choice, and frankly I don't have much trust in the rental company OR the lock company to have my best interests in mind.

    29 votes
  3. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I've been watching My New Boss is Goofy It's such a refreshing palette cleanser. I'm picky with comedies, I find it there isn't a story to keep me hooked or if there's no sort of "grounding" I can...

    I've been watching My New Boss is Goofy

    It's such a refreshing palette cleanser. I'm picky with comedies, I find it there isn't a story to keep me hooked or if there's no sort of "grounding" I can get bored but so far this one keeps pulling me along and I've actually laughed out loud at some of the goofs. Highly recommend!

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Merry Christmas in ~talk

    Link Parent
    That sounds so delicious and I am here for it. Creative AND festive 😁

    That sounds so delicious and I am here for it. Creative AND festive 😁

    4 votes
  5. Comment on Merry Christmas in ~talk

    Merry Christmas Tardigrade! I'm spending the eve at the in-laws, and then I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow with just me, my partner, the cats and some good food :) I hope you have a...

    Merry Christmas Tardigrade! I'm spending the eve at the in-laws, and then I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow with just me, my partner, the cats and some good food :) I hope you have a wonderful holiday, whatever that looks like to you 🎄 if anyone wants to share their favourite holidayfood I'm happy to hear about it!

    9 votes
  6. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Hi fi rush, tinykin, citizen sleeper, chants of senaar "The wheel weaves as the wheel wills" The Wheel of Time (Thanks 😊)

    Hi fi rush, tinykin, citizen sleeper, chants of senaar

    "The wheel weaves as the wheel wills"

    • The Wheel of Time

    (Thanks 😊)

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I have really been wanting to play The Quarry with my partner and I both making decisions! I'm greatful for the fact I've been able to travel a little this year. Just in my own country, but I've...

    I have really been wanting to play The Quarry with my partner and I both making decisions!

    I'm greatful for the fact I've been able to travel a little this year. Just in my own country, but I've never been able to have vacations so it means a lot

    For something new I've tried... I sang a solo in my choir! This is the first time I've ever sung solo in front of people like that before and it was both scary and amazing.

    Next year I'm looking forward to the anime convention in my city I love going to. I wasn't able to go last year and I can't wait.

    Thank you :)

  8. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I had the same experience, I've actually tried it twice now because I loved the ideas in the game but I just found myself not going back to it. It's one of those games I'm glad exists though and...

    I had the same experience, I've actually tried it twice now because I loved the ideas in the game but I just found myself not going back to it. It's one of those games I'm glad exists though and I'm interested in the sequel.

  9. Comment on For those with IBS, what changes did you make to improve your quality of life? in ~health

    Link Parent
    Sadly I had the opposite experience :( I was vegetarian for a year and my symptoms got so much worse, I had to return to a meat eating diet. Turns out meat and carbs are relatively safe for me and...

    Sadly I had the opposite experience :( I was vegetarian for a year and my symptoms got so much worse, I had to return to a meat eating diet. Turns out meat and carbs are relatively safe for me and beans, soy, garlic and onion and many veggies (high FODMAP stuff specifically) are not good. I'm really happy that a plant based diet worked out for you! Every body reacts to things so differently.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on For those with IBS, what changes did you make to improve your quality of life? in ~health

    I will also mention FODMAP. I eat most home cooking and I just could not pinpoint specific triggers until I tried this elimination diet, turns out that onion and garlic are major triggers for me...

    I will also mention FODMAP. I eat most home cooking and I just could not pinpoint specific triggers until I tried this elimination diet, turns out that onion and garlic are major triggers for me and they were included in almost all of meals, along with some other veggies. After slowly reintroducing foods I can tolerate some shallots and garlic powder in small quantities and I can decide for myself when I'm ok with eating riskier foods. It's not a complete cure, and sometimes I still have surprise issues but it's helped immensely with what used to be daily pain for me.

    15 votes
  11. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

  12. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

  13. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I've been in the mood for something a little spooky, so I started reading kasane and it's really hitting the spot! The art is beautiful and I just can't put it down. Here's the description:...

    I've been in the mood for something a little spooky, so I started reading kasane and it's really hitting the spot! The art is beautiful and I just can't put it down. Here's the description:

    Kasane's face is so hideous, you couldn't bear to look twice at her—and her ugliness has forced her to walk a harsh path in life. But her mother left her something: a tube of lipstick. The power of this lipstick will change everything about her downtrodden life.

    It's finished, 126 chapters. I'm about halfway though and highly recommend so far!

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Roll Call in ~creative.timasomo

    Link Parent
    This sounds so cool, Bloodborne is probably my favourite game of all time so I can't wait to see what you make!

    This sounds so cool, Bloodborne is probably my favourite game of all time so I can't wait to see what you make!

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Timasomo 2023: Roll Call in ~creative.timasomo

    I plan on making some patches! I've had the idea to make these colourful, layered applique patches with stitches overtop. It's hard to explain but they'll be messy and grungy and hopefully pretty...

    I plan on making some patches! I've had the idea to make these colourful, layered applique patches with stitches overtop. It's hard to explain but they'll be messy and grungy and hopefully pretty cool! I have some ideas in mind and in October I'd like to get some plans drawn up and try making let's say... at least 5 designs. Can't wait to show some off instead of trying to describe them lol.

    5 votes
  16. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I've been loving heretics fork! The humour is great and the soundtrack to as cherries on top of the addicting gameplay.

    I've been loving heretics fork! The humour is great and the soundtrack to as cherries on top of the addicting gameplay.

  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Oh man I loved Tokyo Jungle. I still think about it whenever I see a Pomeranian lol. I wish I could play it again on PC!

    Oh man I loved Tokyo Jungle. I still think about it whenever I see a Pomeranian lol. I wish I could play it again on PC!

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Ask Manga Recommendation thread in ~anime

    Does anyone have any good horror recommendations outside of Junji ito? I especially love a good psychological horror, but I'm open to anything!

    Does anyone have any good horror recommendations outside of Junji ito? I especially love a good psychological horror, but I'm open to anything!

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Ask Manga Recommendation thread in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Yokohama shopping trip is probably my favourite manga of all time, and I also love girls last tour. Mushi-shi might also fit the slightly melancholy, reflective feel.

    Yokohama shopping trip is probably my favourite manga of all time, and I also love girls last tour. Mushi-shi might also fit the slightly melancholy, reflective feel.

    2 votes