WendigoTulpa's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are your favorite bits of more juvenile humor? in ~talk

    This had me in stitches the first time I read it Inglip - Hovant

    This had me in stitches the first time I read it
    Inglip - Hovant

    2 votes
  2. Comment on How do you actually meditate? in ~talk

    I've learned to meditate from Shunryu Suzuki's Zen Mind Beginner's Mind. I found it to be a great and simple entryway to buddhism without the hard-to-grasp religiosity that hits you in the face...

    I've learned to meditate from Shunryu Suzuki's Zen Mind Beginner's Mind. I found it to be a great and simple entryway to buddhism without the hard-to-grasp religiosity that hits you in the face with other books, and has now allowed me to read those other books having been primed a bit.

    I took photos of the first 2 sections of the book wherein the posture and breathing forms are described.

    Briefly answering some questions of yours:
    A lot of the time I start meditation by focusing on my body's form and posture, doing a sort of "total-body scan", and then just focusing on the curve of my spine.
    I can't sit in lotus, so I just sit in a normal chair, making sure my spine is curved naturally. The point of the form is, I think, discipline, rather than some special posture.
    All thoughts should be allowed to exist in your head. Just be aware of them by thinking "this is a thought", then try to finish the thought with that new awareness. Often times its hard to keep thinking about it when you are aware that its a just a thought.
    If pain comes up in my glutes due to sitting, or maybe an itch, or some other thing, I focus on it 100%, using it as a conduit to guide my overall focus on my body. If its too much and I scratch the itch, I consider it an extension of my true nature and resume the regular focus on my body.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Lincoln's great depression in ~humanities.history

    Super long read, but thanks for posting it. I had no idea about this side of Lincoln, and got to learn a lot! Really liked this poem excerpt, "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like a...

    Super long read, but thanks for posting it. I had no idea about this side of Lincoln, and got to learn a lot!

    Really liked this poem excerpt,

    "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
    Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-flying cloud,
    A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave,
    He passes from life to his rest in the grave.

    The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade,
    Be scattered around, and together be laid;
    And the young and the old, the low and the high,
    Shall molder to dust, and together shall lie."

    4 votes
  4. Comment on What are some great documentaries about Asian culture that are easily available? in ~movies

    No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain has 2 seasons on Hulu, and in those there are 2 episodes about Japan, one on Malaysia (Penang), one on Macau, and one on Cambodia. Unfortunately I'm not sure...

    No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain has 2 seasons on Hulu, and in those there are 2 episodes about Japan, one on Malaysia (Penang), one on Macau, and one on Cambodia.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure where else to watch the rest of his work, but he his shows always touch on culture alongside the food.

    6 votes
  5. Comment on What did you do this week? in ~talk

    I found a house that had been lying vacant for several years now (possibly since 2014) in my city where housing costs are very expensive, and will likely only increase as development of new...

    I found a house that had been lying vacant for several years now (possibly since 2014) in my city where housing costs are very expensive, and will likely only increase as development of new highways and attractions continues over the next decade.

    I'm just a lone guy, so I got initially pre-approved for 300K but that got cut to 250K earlier this week. I was bummed. The house is in an excellent location, and I'm really hoping its a dump inside so I can maybe afford it.

    I did some online sleuthing and found the current owner. Apparently it may have familial value to her since it was a former business location for her father and brother, and it seems like its been in her family since the 40's. Her grandfather was a local hero for his medal of honor received during WWII.

    I wrote a polite letter asking if there's a change she might sell, and included a drawing of the house I spent all of last weekend on (I'm an illustrator, so its a decent drawing). I finally mailed it on Tuesday after I made sure I couldn't get pre-approved for any more. The estimated delivery date is today, so I'm a little anxious waiting for the phone call or email in the coming days.

    Its a 10-mile long-shot, but it would be life-changing if I could buy it. I've been trying to read my zen buddhism books to keep myself from being blinded by my extreme WANT right now, but its hard not to fantasize. I'm preparing myself for the worst however, since lets face it 250K is not much for that location. Barring any major foundational issues to the house, my only hope is that the owner is an eclectic rich lady and will be endeared by my drawing, haha.

    9 votes
  6. Comment on White House proposes $1.8 trillion package that would dramatically expand US education, safety net programs in ~news

    Anyone more politically in-the-know have any idea what the likelihood of student loan forgiveness is at this point? I understand Biden doesn't want to do it by executive order but is there any...

    Anyone more politically in-the-know have any idea what the likelihood of student loan forgiveness is at this point? I understand Biden doesn't want to do it by executive order but is there any chance it may actually go to congress and pass, even for the lower 30-50K amounts?

    4 votes
  7. Comment on How do I hire a CG artist to sculpt a 3D model from an old portrait? in ~creative

    Hey, I'm a 3D modelling artist with experience in this area. Would love to hear more about what you need it for, and possibly see what references you have of the subject. I have a day job so I'm...

    Hey, I'm a 3D modelling artist with experience in this area. Would love to hear more about what you need it for, and possibly see what references you have of the subject. I have a day job so I'm not exactly out to make beaucoup bucks if cost is a concern.

    PM me if you want and I'll share my portfolio link.

    6 votes
  8. Comment on How important is passion? It depends on your culture in ~science

    Interesting, though I wonder which of the two modes leads to more personal happiness. I know in Japan the eldest son is often expected to take over a family business or in some way care for the...

    Interesting, though I wonder which of the two modes leads to more personal happiness. I know in Japan the eldest son is often expected to take over a family business or in some way care for the parents, while younger sons are free to explore more creative pursuits (for instance, Hayao Miyazaki). To my western eyes I see the younger sons as appearing more fulfilled relative to the older in interviews and in the way they're presented to me. At the end of the day happiness means a variety of things, so who knows.

    It does make me wonder if passion was just veiled as religious interest/devotion to god in pre-modern Europe. I don't know enough about it to think one thing over the other.

    6 votes
  9. Comment on What does analog have that digital doesn't? in ~talk

    I miss hand crank car windows. I used them when I was a kid, and now I have a car where the drivers side window sometimes bugs out and won't work unless I SLAM the door really hard. I feel like I...

    I miss hand crank car windows. I used them when I was a kid, and now I have a car where the drivers side window sometimes bugs out and won't work unless I SLAM the door really hard. I feel like I could fix it myself if it was a hand crank, but now since its electrical I don't want to touch it.

    I use some very old speakers on my pc since I don't give 2 shits about audio, and I love the bzzzt sound they make when I push the button to turn them on.

    Funny how as a digital artist I feel like my work has so little value when its digital. I'm slowly reacquainting myself with traditional media since digital made me forget why I even like art. Its hard though. We've traded a chunk of our humanity for convenience. The combo of the 2 is a fine line you have to learn to walk, and younger folks will have less and less to compare it to.

    14 votes
  10. Comment on The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    I think with fat there's no indication how fat they are, but obese is extremely fat.

    I think with fat there's no indication how fat they are, but obese is extremely fat.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on I'm moving between apartments soon. Do you have any advice or protips on the logistics of moving? in ~life

    When fixing the holes you made in the wall due to software crashing, make sure you apply the spackle in layers since the inside will never dry if you do one huge clump. If the holes are big...

    When fixing the holes you made in the wall due to software crashing, make sure you apply the spackle in layers since the inside will never dry if you do one huge clump.

    If the holes are big enough, stuff some plastic bags in and then cover it all up with plaster or paris. You'll want thick plaster so it doesn't run, so just use less water than the standard 1:1 ratio. Also, plaster is hard to sand by hand when it dries, so try to spread it as smooth as possible while wet.

    Once you get desperate and give up trying to pack things nicely, just start jamming everything into bags. Once at the new place you can unpack these last by placing them in a closet somewhere.

    If your significant other is moving and you want to break up, make sure you do it AFTER they finish moving, since otherwise it will be hard for them to pack their things when every little piece of paper and receipt reminds them of you.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Repeatedly finding myself upset with the conversations on Tildes in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Thank you Deimos for a level-headed response to the trend of grievance posting. Here's a quote I recently read that I believe would do well to soothe the minds of those too enthralled in arguing...

    Thank you Deimos for a level-headed response to the trend of grievance posting.

    Here's a quote I recently read that I believe would do well to soothe the minds of those too enthralled in arguing on the internet.

    “Seeing misery in those who cling to views, a wise person should not adopt any of them. A wise person does not by opinions become arrogant. How could anyone bother those who are free, who do not grasp at any views? But those who grasp after views and opinions wander about the world annoying people.” I like to think that the Buddha said this last sentence with a laugh. Ajahn Chah used to shake his head and smile, “You have so many opinions. And you suffer so much from them. Why not let them go?”

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What is a song that to you sounds like the world? in ~music

    Something about marimbas and hang drums produces a serenity that I (probably from media) associate with nature, and humans as part of nature rather than outside of it. Visualizing the overwhelming...

    Something about marimbas and hang drums produces a serenity that I (probably from media) associate with nature, and humans as part of nature rather than outside of it.

    Visualizing the overwhelming complexity of the world, our ecosystems, governments, creeds, and being ok knowing its all just natural and there's nothing good or bad about it.


  14. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    You could try having a minimum account age of 1 month before posting, though I guess the person could just make a bunch of new accounts at a time, it might be annoying for them to do that and keep...

    You could try having a minimum account age of 1 month before posting, though I guess the person could just make a bunch of new accounts at a time, it might be annoying for them to do that and keep track of it all. You could also probably tell if a single IP is registering several accounts in one day.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Reddit hires its first chief financial officer as it prepares for an IPO in ~tech

    (edited )
    I'm not a tech person, but from what I understand, the reddit design itself is open source. https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit I feel like reddit was in its prime maybe 8-10 years ago. With...

    I'm not a tech person, but from what I understand, the reddit design itself is open source.


    I feel like reddit was in its prime maybe 8-10 years ago.

    With this, why doesn't someone just take the reddit site code, change the name/mascot/other proprietary things, and make an exact clone of it with the site rules/philosophy circa 2009-2011 (more libertairan era)? It would give niche communities a place to exist outside of reddit, and give us that good feeling we got when we first discovered it. Maybe its impossible since what I really miss is my innocence and youth.

    I guess whoever might do this would be compelled to apply their own ideas/rules to the mix, thus screwing it up. Social media has fucked people's minds so much since 2010 that it might fail because of that as well. But maybe it could get 5 or so years of good times before it turns to crap.

    6 votes
  16. Comment on What books do you think every eighteen year old should read? in ~books

    She sounds smarter than I was at 18 if she's reading that much, good on her. If she's really interested in buddhism and would like to add some actual meditation practice to the philosophy, I would...

    She sounds smarter than I was at 18 if she's reading that much, good on her.

    If she's really interested in buddhism and would like to add some actual meditation practice to the philosophy, I would recommend Zen Mind Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki. It is a collection of his dharma talk transcripts, so its very conversational and gives good introductory directions on how to meditate without it becoming a chore in and of itself.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Do you like your chair? in ~talk

    While we're on the subject, I'd like to ask, who the fuck are car seats designed for? Any car I've ever driven has actual CONCAVITY in the lumbar area. There is 100% zero attempt at making...

    While we're on the subject, I'd like to ask, who the fuck are car seats designed for? Any car I've ever driven has actual CONCAVITY in the lumbar area. There is 100% zero attempt at making something for any sized human.

    Maybe I have had bad luck with my toyotas, but jeez you think they'd make them a little more adjustable at least.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Do you like your chair? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I used Sayls at my university's library. I didn't hate it but also wouldn't buy one myself even if I had the money. I'd prefer something with an adjustable lumbar support since that's a problem...

    I used Sayls at my university's library.

    I didn't hate it but also wouldn't buy one myself even if I had the money. I'd prefer something with an adjustable lumbar support since that's a problem for me and most office chairs don't work.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on The great Wikipedia titty scandal in ~tech

    Instead of deleting them, they should have made a page for the scandal itself and redirect all of his redirects to it.

    Instead of deleting them, they should have made a page for the scandal itself and redirect all of his redirects to it.

    6 votes
  20. Comment on US President Joe Biden indicates plans to cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit on first day in office, sources confirm in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Strictly talking out my ass here, but I think this is a good move since the new pipeline would have needed to cut through a lot of places (and given the states it goes through I imagine a lot of...

    Strictly talking out my ass here, but I think this is a good move since the new pipeline would have needed to cut through a lot of places (and given the states it goes through I imagine a lot of it is wilderness area), and need additional roads for maintenance. Without it they can use the existing pipe, and existing roads to achieve the same thing.

    I get your point. Maybe this is more symbolic than anything? Like, actual drilling operations don't take up that much space relatively speaking, but this pipeline can be viewed as a great big gash cut through the middle of the country.

    And in any case, any and all moves to stop changing our environment, especially for what should be a dying industry, can be seen as good.

    6 votes