Zyara's recent activity

  1. Comment on 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5 in ~games

    My PS4 is mostly used to play apex legends, and it's really the only game I play on console. All other games I play on my steam deck, since I'm not that big into other AAA titles. I think the PS5...

    My PS4 is mostly used to play apex legends, and it's really the only game I play on console. All other games I play on my steam deck, since I'm not that big into other AAA titles. I think the PS5 is wasted on me...

    3 votes
  2. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I recently got myself a steam deck, and my friend convinced me to give Sekiro a try. She knew how much I loved Ghost of Tsushima, so she was sure that I'd love the combat in Sekiro. I was a little...

    I recently got myself a steam deck, and my friend convinced me to give Sekiro a try. She knew how much I loved Ghost of Tsushima, so she was sure that I'd love the combat in Sekiro. I was a little hesitant at first because I generally don't enjoy souls-like games. I tried Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 for a bit, but for me the combat felt clunky.

    Oh man I have a love-hate relationship with Sekiro now. I have just defeated Lady Butterfly and it felt great, but god damn did the repeated attempts feel like shit. For now, I feel like the combat really clicked for me in that fight, and I'm looking forward to the other boss battles the game has to offer.

    I'm also not a huge fan of the fact that death is punished. I know in the grand scheme of things the things I lose aren't that bad (just some coin and exp I can grind to get back), but it does still suck.

    I am however also super excited for Ghost of Tsushima to come to steam for May 16. I'm just hoping it'll be compatible with my steam deck.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Hahaha, the Japanese Izakaya one seems like a gateway drug to doing the official adult lego sets! I've been getting into lego a lot lately too, they have some awesome display models. Miniatures...

    Hahaha, the Japanese Izakaya one seems like a gateway drug to doing the official adult lego sets! I've been getting into lego a lot lately too, they have some awesome display models. Miniatures are cheaper though, so that's why I transitioned...

  4. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    That was quick! Which ones did you end up getting? I highly recommend getting a craft knife, some tweezers, pliers and a self healing mat. I got a bundle of these tools from amazon. Most of them...

    That was quick! Which ones did you end up getting? I highly recommend getting a craft knife, some tweezers, pliers and a self healing mat. I got a bundle of these tools from amazon. Most of them are marketed for gundam building, but they're perfect for these miniatures as well.

    Have fun building them!!

  5. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Not sure if there are any North American suppliers to be honest, but I've been very safisfied with Rolife. I heard some decent things about cutebee too, but I have not made one myself. The only...

    Not sure if there are any North American suppliers to be honest, but I've been very safisfied with Rolife. I heard some decent things about cutebee too, but I have not made one myself.

    The only community for miniatures I can find online is on reddit, but there are some amazing miniature builds there. It's fun looking at the different ways people customized Sam's study! I'm hoping one day I can customize one of these kits myself too.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    I've been slowly working on a DIY miniature kit that I got this spring. I've been working on it sporadically, so I'm excited to finally finish it. The kit is sam's study by rolife if anyone is...

    I've been slowly working on a DIY miniature kit that I got this spring. I've been working on it sporadically, so I'm excited to finally finish it.

    The kit is sam's study by rolife if anyone is curious.

    I completed the furniture and the lighting (which was a pain in the ass but it all worked out in the end), so all I have to do now is finish a couple dozen books and some other small decorations.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Advent of Code starts tonight! in ~comp

    I completed 2020 and 2021 back when I was in university, but now that I'm working full time and coding for most of my waking hours, I've been feeling less motivated to do AoC. I didn't finish...

    I completed 2020 and 2021 back when I was in university, but now that I'm working full time and coding for most of my waking hours, I've been feeling less motivated to do AoC. I didn't finish 2022, and I don't think I'll join 2023. Maybe one day I'll go back and complete them when I want to learn new languages!

    3 votes
  8. Comment on XML is better than YAML. Hear me out... in ~comp

    At my workplace, we've been using hydra for quite a while now, so for now we're stuck with YAML. I have to say though, it's been growing on me; I honestly find it more readable than TOML nowadays.

    At my workplace, we've been using hydra for quite a while now, so for now we're stuck with YAML. I have to say though, it's been growing on me; I honestly find it more readable than TOML nowadays.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Apple unveils iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I have the 13 Pro and I feel the same way. Gotta say, it's pretty great that I don't feel the need to upgrade my phone as often as I used to. I'm hoping that the time between upgrades increases...

    I have the 13 Pro and I feel the same way. Gotta say, it's pretty great that I don't feel the need to upgrade my phone as often as I used to. I'm hoping that the time between upgrades increases more and more in the future.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on How frequently do you shower? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Same here! It's gotten to the point where I refuse to sleep without as least a short shower.

    Same here! It's gotten to the point where I refuse to sleep without as least a short shower.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Do you replay video games? in ~games

    I've replayed randomized Pokemon Black 2 nuzlockes so many times now; every single run (whether complete or incomplete) feels so different that I keep coming back to it. It doesn't help that the...

    I've replayed randomized Pokemon Black 2 nuzlockes so many times now; every single run (whether complete or incomplete) feels so different that I keep coming back to it. It doesn't help that the new generation of pokemon games really dont scratch that pokemon itch for me anymore.

    I've also replayed Ghost of Tsushima 4 times now, I'm just absolutely in love with the atmosphere and combat.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    I haven't been able to log in lately because of a lot of work and life events, though I'm excited to see all the changes when I log back in again!

    I haven't been able to log in lately because of a lot of work and life events, though I'm excited to see all the changes when I log back in again!

    4 votes
  13. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Have you visited rebrickable.com? Lots of nice alternative builds for sets there! If you have lego art sets, lego_kczd on instagram has lots of cool alternative patterns too!

    Have you visited rebrickable.com? Lots of nice alternative builds for sets there!

    If you have lego art sets, lego_kczd on instagram has lots of cool alternative patterns too!

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I've been listening to a lot of future funk lately, and this song has been one of my favourites this week: N°9 by toconoma I recently got a pair of sennheiser hd599s since I want to get my feet...

    I've been listening to a lot of future funk lately, and this song has been one of my favourites this week:

    N°9 by toconoma

    I recently got a pair of sennheiser hd599s since I want to get my feet wet in the audiophile world, and oh my lord listening to music has never felt better.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on What is some life advice that has stuck with you throughout the years? in ~life

    I'm heavily paraphrasing what has been said to me, but essentially: Don't waste your time worrying about things you can't act on immediately. It really helps me take a step back whenever I feel...

    I'm heavily paraphrasing what has been said to me, but essentially:

    Don't waste your time worrying about things you can't act on immediately.

    It really helps me take a step back whenever I feel too anxious about something, and helps me evaluate the situation. Can I do something about it? If so, I should do it. If I can't, then that energy is better spent doing something else, or planning on what to do when the time to act does come around.

    Obviously, this doesn't mean that I'm completely worry-free in life, but it does help me a lot in managing my worries.

  16. Comment on Any people here who are also interested in a "low-tech lifestyle?" in ~tech

    I feel like the more time I spend in the tech industry, the more pessimistic I feel about technology as a whole. I remember when I was still a freshman and super excited about AI; now I'm a...

    I feel like the more time I spend in the tech industry, the more pessimistic I feel about technology as a whole. I remember when I was still a freshman and super excited about AI; now I'm a machine learning engineer and have an inherent distrust for a lot of the new AI tech sprouting about.

    I've been trying to be more mindful about my media consumption and technology use; and although I have reduced it somewhat, I still find myself using it a lot. I think what has been helpful to me is to at least remove my doom scrolling habits, whether that be TikTok, Instagram, or Reddit.

    I don't think I can ever go fully low-tech, but at the very least I can make sure the time I do spend with technology isn't wasted on mindless scrolling.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Boffins (CMU) build automated method to bypass LLM guardrails in ~tech

    The idea and execution of universal adversarial perturbations have existed for quite a while now for vision problems: link to paper The paper linked does describe that the adversarial suffixes do...

    The idea and execution of universal adversarial perturbations have existed for quite a while now for vision problems: link to paper

    The paper linked does describe that the adversarial suffixes do effect multiple LLMs, but I wonder if we'll ever get one that's really basic and works for all types of prompts.
    (Edit/side note: I found this paper that describes an adversarial attack for vision problems with a single pixel: link to paper)

    The problem with adversarial attacks is that it's just another optimization problem; in the end, it's an arms race to see who can out-optimize who, kinda similar to how cheaters and anti-cheats work in gaming. Really interested to see what OpenAI and others come up with to prevent future adversarial attacks.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Tildes Minecraft server launch - Java Edition SMP in ~games

    Recently logged in, had a blast playing for the first time in quite a while! So much has changed, it's like I'm learning to play a whole new game.

    Recently logged in, had a blast playing for the first time in quite a while! So much has changed, it's like I'm learning to play a whole new game.

    8 votes
  19. Comment on Anyone here into yoyos, juggling, kendama, or other skill toys? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    In my opinion, one of the most impressive one hand cuts that also helps you train your hand reach is the judo flip: https://youtu.be/XERJh5xlBps If you're an absolute beginner though, can't go...

    In my opinion, one of the most impressive one hand cuts that also helps you train your hand reach is the judo flip: https://youtu.be/XERJh5xlBps

    If you're an absolute beginner though, can't go wrong with the classics:
    charlier cut and the 5 faces of sybil.

  20. Comment on Anyone here into yoyos, juggling, kendama, or other skill toys? in ~hobbies

    Also tangential, but I've been practicing Cardistry on and off for the past 6 years. It's quite nice having a skill I can show off whenever someone brings a deck of playing cards to a party/game...

    Also tangential, but I've been practicing Cardistry on and off for the past 6 years. It's quite nice having a skill I can show off whenever someone brings a deck of playing cards to a party/game night. That said, I'm not skilled enough yet to actually create my own moves or to upload videos of me performing it.

    I may or may not also have an addiction with collecting playing cards now.

    3 votes