buzziebee's recent activity

  1. Comment on Star Wars Outlaws - Everything you need to know about the first open world game in the galaxy far, far away in ~games

    Link Parent
    And jedi survivor had an plenty of open world elements. Galaxies was amazing. Still bitter that they killed it with NGE. Been meaning to check out the restoration project, but I don't have time...

    And jedi survivor had an plenty of open world elements.

    Galaxies was amazing. Still bitter that they killed it with NGE. Been meaning to check out the restoration project, but I don't have time for MMOs these days.

    5 votes
  2. Comment on Bobiverse book 5 (Not till we are lost) - coming Sept 5 2024 in ~books

    Link Parent
    book 4 spoilers It's been a while since I read it but I think I left the book with the sense that the bobs building an AI were pulling the strings of the rogue bobs, and that they would both be...
    book 4 spoilers

    It's been a while since I read it but I think I left the book with the sense that the bobs building an AI were pulling the strings of the rogue bobs, and that they would both be back with bigger war fleets etc.

    It could be cool as the ability for the bobs to manufacture stuff set scale could see really big conflicts like in the polity series, but it doesn't really jibe well with the normal tone of the books.

    I'm most likely wrong and am making bad assumptions based on my faulty memory though.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Bobiverse book 5 (Not till we are lost) - coming Sept 5 2024 in ~books

    Ah great! I quite like this world so I'm looking forward to diving back in. I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of who I think the antagonists will be, but it could be interesting.

    Ah great! I quite like this world so I'm looking forward to diving back in. I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of who I think the antagonists will be, but it could be interesting.

  4. Comment on What libraries do you use for implementing web forms, if any? in ~comp

    In react projects I use react-hook-form with zod validation. I used to always reach for formik but react-hook-form is simpler, does what I need it to, and is fairly light weight. It works really...

    In react projects I use react-hook-form with zod validation. I used to always reach for formik but react-hook-form is simpler, does what I need it to, and is fairly light weight. It works really nicely with shadcn/ui too.

    For angular (corporate clients) we just use the built in reactive form stuff.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on Abolishing inheritance tax sent Stockholm's startup ecosystem soaring – tax cut could revive Britain's flagging economy in ~finance

    Link Parent
    I think $12m is too high personally, but you're right that in higher cost it living countries with larger salaries that limit might appear low. The median salary in the UK is only £28k, that's...

    I think $12m is too high personally, but you're right that in higher cost it living countries with larger salaries that limit might appear low. The median salary in the UK is only £28k, that's about $35k. So you only get taxed if you recieve what's essentially free money worth more than 20 years of labour on the average wage, and even then only on the amount over it.

    As you say, most people will probably never have to think about it, and the people who do have to pay are still getting a big pay day. The cost of processing the estate shouldn't be too high, and they'll have 500k to figure it out.

    4 votes
  6. Comment on Abolishing inheritance tax sent Stockholm's startup ecosystem soaring – tax cut could revive Britain's flagging economy in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Inheritance tax is already pretty reasonable in the UK. It's 40% on anything above £325k. If a house is part of the estate then it's 40% above £500k. Rishi and his pals are trying to cut it...

    Inheritance tax is already pretty reasonable in the UK. It's 40% on anything above £325k. If a house is part of the estate then it's 40% above £500k.

    Rishi and his pals are trying to cut it because it's going to cost them a lot of money when they come to inherit vast sums of wealth. 90% of estates don't pay a single penny of inheritance tax, yet Tory propaganda has led to over 50% of people thinking it's unfair. I wonder if a large part of that is the cuts to public services that mean people don't see as much benefit from the taxes they are paying?

    28 votes
  7. Comment on Daði Freyr - I'm Not Bitter (2024) in ~music

    So unfortunate that they didn't get to perform live at Eurovision twice. Both entries were bangers. I saw them live about 18 months back and it was a great show.

    So unfortunate that they didn't get to perform live at Eurovision twice. Both entries were bangers. I saw them live about 18 months back and it was a great show.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Introducing Beeper Mini - get blue bubbles on Android in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah once there's a critical mass of users it's hard to see everyone switching at once, which is why I sort of get the iMessage issue. Most of my friends and family use WhatsApp. Some of my more...

    Yeah once there's a critical mass of users it's hard to see everyone switching at once, which is why I sort of get the iMessage issue. Most of my friends and family use WhatsApp. Some of my more techie friends and I chat via Signal, but even for me where privacy is important it's a little annoying having two apps.

    It would be cool if there was a common IP protocol / messaging backbone which any app which can match a spec could use. That would allow users to pick and choose an app that works for them. That's probably impossible due to technical and social reasons though.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Introducing Beeper Mini - get blue bubbles on Android in ~tech

    This problem could be avoided if everyone to moved onto a proper cross platform IP messenger like signal or WhatsApp? Outside of the US I don't know anyone who still uses SMS. I suppose with the...

    This problem could be avoided if everyone to moved onto a proper cross platform IP messenger like signal or WhatsApp?

    Outside of the US I don't know anyone who still uses SMS. I suppose with the high apple market share over there it made sense for people to get used to using iMessage. It's a chicken and egg situation I guess, you'd need a critical proportion of the population to switch for it to work out.

    10 votes
  10. Comment on Amazon introduces Q, an AI chatbot for companies in ~tech

    It's popping up on the AWS console sidebar on every window for me. I have to close it on each and every navigation event. The only way to disable it is via some premium tool thing which I can't...

    It's popping up on the AWS console sidebar on every window for me. I have to close it on each and every navigation event. The only way to disable it is via some premium tool thing which I can't use on my corporate account.

    It gave me the correct instructions to turn it off which was cool, it seemed pretty fast, it would be handy if I don't know what a feature on the console actually does, but it's super annoying not being able to hide it by default.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Millions of UK households forced to unplug fridge or freezer amid rising bills in ~food

    Link Parent
    Annoyingly because we share the same language, right wing American propaganda spreads very easily via the internet to the UK. I've met honest to god QAnon supporters and flat earthers whilst...

    Annoyingly because we share the same language, right wing American propaganda spreads very easily via the internet to the UK.

    I've met honest to god QAnon supporters and flat earthers whilst chatting to random people. Hell just on Tuesday someone called into LBC and said "all taxation is theft, and stealing is against my religion".

    7 votes
  12. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    One of my favourite series. If you think about it less as a story about technology, and more as stories which explore the concept of 'what is a person?' You'll be in for a great time. The third...

    One of my favourite series. If you think about it less as a story about technology, and more as stories which explore the concept of 'what is a person?' You'll be in for a great time.

    The third book is a bit slower at the start but once things clicked I loved it just as much as the others. There are some really great concepts in book 3 that I still think about.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Yeah it was absolutely delightful! I enjoyed every minute of it's weird and wonderful twists and turns. I only heard about it because I looked up what Lindelhof was working on and saw it was...

    Yeah it was absolutely delightful! I enjoyed every minute of it's weird and wonderful twists and turns.

    I only heard about it because I looked up what Lindelhof was working on and saw it was already out and released. Definitely should have been on another platform.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    I finally started watching "Mrs Davis" and am loving it so far. I'm a complete sucker for Damon Lidelhof shows so I've been mainlining the weirdness and twists.

    I finally started watching "Mrs Davis" and am loving it so far. I'm a complete sucker for Damon Lidelhof shows so I've been mainlining the weirdness and twists.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Starfield - what are your thoughts? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yeah this is probably the main thing I'd like to tweak with a mod or something, progression is just a bit too slow for me personally. I'm not grinding exp, I'm playing through the side quests and...

    Yeah this is probably the main thing I'd like to tweak with a mod or something, progression is just a bit too slow for me personally. I'm not grinding exp, I'm playing through the side quests and missions with a tiny bit of bounty hunting and exploring on the side.

    After almost 50 hours in and I'm only level 24. There are some very important skills to invest in like security, boost pack, persuasion, commerce. Throw in my desire to build ships and ships and ship building take up a bunch more skill points. There's still so much game content I'd like to play around with like outposts and modifications during this playthrough, it's going to take me a long time to get there. Various QOL skills like combat, leadership, etc will be waiting a very long time before I put skills into them.

    I suppose having such an expensive levelling progress keeps you feeling like you're incrementally progressing for a long time, and leaves open room for further progression during NG+, but it's so much slower than oblivion and fallout that ATM it's causing me a fair bit of anxiety when deciding what to level up next.

    Maybe my playstyle isn't what the levelling system was intended for. Supposedly manufacturing things with outposts is a good way to grind exp, or terminal bounty hunting missions. I don't want to grind just for exp though, I would have thought after all the quests I've done that I would have progressed more by this point.

    If there's a mod where you get 2 skill points per level that would probably be just about right for me. A mod which quadruples or octuples the challenge requirements but automatically upgrades skills when you meet them would also be fairly balanced (possibly also combined with reducing the frequency of skill points, one every other level or something?). I'm playing on Xbox so it might be a while before mod support lands, so it's out the window for this playthrough.

    All in all absolutely loving the game so far. The level of salt about not being able to walk for hours in a straight line on a barren planet is very confusing to me. This progression pain is my only major complaint.

  16. Comment on Starfield - what are your thoughts? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yeah I'm actually quite glad that I don't have to spend several minutes jumping from system to system to go return a book or something to an npc. NMS I found very boring, elite dangerous I pick up...

    For me that cuts out a lot of tedium I have a problem with in those games

    Yeah I'm actually quite glad that I don't have to spend several minutes jumping from system to system to go return a book or something to an npc. NMS I found very boring, elite dangerous I pick up and put down when I fancy something grindy.

    Maybe I could be sold on the concept that the first time you go to a system or planet you have to manually jump there and manually land, but I would actually hate the game if it made me go through the whole "frameshift drive charging", "deploying fuel scoop", "fuel scoop complete" loop of travelling anywhere in elite.

    Adding elite style navigation might be a little cool at first, but it wouldn't really elevate the game in my mind. It would very quickly become a chore.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event in ~news

    Link Parent
    My issue with 30 - 40 years is that you lose touch with what it's actually like to live as a normal citizen during that time. If you stay in office for 40 years then you're blocking that seat for...

    My issue with 30 - 40 years is that you lose touch with what it's actually like to live as a normal citizen during that time. If you stay in office for 40 years then you're blocking that seat for other potentially more energetic and dynamic candidates who have actual lived experience of the world.

    How much has the world changed since the 80s? Wouldn't someone who actually understands technology be better suited to be in office?

    I wouldn't passionately advocate for 10 year limits, but surely 20 is more than enough to get things done? And passing on the baton would need to become more of a thing encouraging more cooperation.

    Given how little long term policy is enacted currently I don't particularly buy the argument that the current set up where people serve for 40 years is enabling more long term legislation.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event in ~news

    Link Parent
    Yeah he looks frail and weak in this video, but he's a nasty vicious little tyrant that's been working against American democracy for a long time. It'll be that spite that's keeping him going, and...

    Yeah he looks frail and weak in this video, but he's a nasty vicious little tyrant that's been working against American democracy for a long time. It'll be that spite that's keeping him going, and there are a lot of bad actors who don't want the US government to be effective propping him up.

    44 votes
  19. Comment on Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event in ~news

    Link Parent
    Yeah when I was saying older I was thinking of 60's or so as the upper end of that. Life experience working and surviving for 20 something years, 10 years in some minor government position...

    Yeah when I was saying older I was thinking of 60's or so as the upper end of that. Life experience working and surviving for 20 something years, 10 years in some minor government position somewhere, 1 or two terms as a rookie senator getting to grips with actually making change in the role until you're 50 ish, 1 or 2 terms actually making change because you know how the game is played, then retire and go do charity work or something if you still want to make a difference.

    I'd even be open to capping the term limit even lower. 1 term to get used to things, 1 term actually doing things. There's definitely value in having representatives in a representative democracy have some experience. 1 term limits would be foolish. But serving in office for 40 years is obscene.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again at a Kentucky event in ~news

    Link Parent
    Yeah there needs to be age limits for political office. I get the arguments for older politicians having more experience and being able to move legislation forward effectively, but after a certain...

    Yeah there needs to be age limits for political office. I get the arguments for older politicians having more experience and being able to move legislation forward effectively, but after a certain point it's actively harmful to democratic processes.

    You're making decisions about a country which is radically different to what your lived experienced was like, and the consequences of your decisions won't impact you at all. There's no skin in the game or knowledge of the field.

    The guy was born in 1942, he's been a senator since 1985. Wtf does he know about life as an American these days?

    He should have retired 20 years ago at least. Dianne Feinstein is another ridiculous case. Wtf is she doing in office still? The US senate is like a goddamn weekend at Bernie's.

    Is that the best and brightest your nation has to offer? Wtf is the political calculus that keeps these old fucks in their seats?

    18 votes