crowsby's recent activity

  1. Comment on Advice on sharpening skills for career pivot in ~comp

    As a data professional, I can say that the need for soft skills and cat herding definitely doesn't go away in this field, so just be aware. As far as pivots go, actual experience in the role is...

    As a data professional, I can say that the need for soft skills and cat herding definitely doesn't go away in this field, so just be aware.

    As far as pivots go, actual experience in the role is far more desirable to future employers than even dedicated evidence of training, so if there's any way you can start finagling data work into your current role, it's going to help you present as a much more serious candidate than if you just had some data certs and an unrelated managerial position. Companies are unimaginative these days in regards to hiring, (partially due to ML-powered resume scanning) and are basically looking for folks who have prior roles that match their job descriptions as much as possible.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on "&udm=14" strips AI junk from Google results in ~tech

    I got exhausted trying to unfuck Google's unrelenting parade of undesirable UX changes via extensions, ublock, and tampermonkey scripts, and just ended up switching to Kagi a few months back....

    I got exhausted trying to unfuck Google's unrelenting parade of undesirable UX changes via extensions, ublock, and tampermonkey scripts, and just ended up switching to Kagi a few months back. Google is still useful for some things like Maps, but beyond that it's been great.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Finland has remained the happiest country in the world for the seventh year in a row, according to the annual World Happiness Report published on Wednesday in ~life

    As I recall reading about this the last time this survey floated around, the Finns have a different definition of "happiness", leaning closer to balanced contentment than how other folks might...

    As I recall reading about this the last time this survey floated around, the Finns have a different definition of "happiness", leaning closer to balanced contentment than how other folks might interpret it more as a continual state of euphoria.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (March 2024) in ~tildes

    Amazing work! I'm really impressed by how polished everything seems. I'd been waiting for topic sort options, so that's a welcome addition.

    Amazing work! I'm really impressed by how polished everything seems. I'd been waiting for topic sort options, so that's a welcome addition.

    17 votes
  5. Comment on The decline of username and password on the same page in ~tech

    Worse yet is when you first have a prompt for username, taking you to a second page that defaults to "send me a magic link", requiring you to hunt down the hyperlink that will open the actual...

    Worse yet is when you first have a prompt for username, taking you to a second page that defaults to "send me a magic link", requiring you to hunt down the hyperlink that will open the actual password page.

    Sometimes I feel like user-centric internet design peaked around 2012-2014.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on I can't get my head around US President Joe Biden polling poorly and Donald Trump polling well in ~talk

    Link Parent
    While voting rates for younger voters have traditionally lagged behind other cohorts, recent years have seen some of the highest levels of engagement in decades. Young voters showing up at the...

    While voting rates for younger voters have traditionally lagged behind other cohorts, recent years have seen some of the highest levels of engagement in decades. Young voters showing up at the polls is basically why the vaunted "red wave" of 2022 turned into a trickle.

    20 votes
  7. Comment on Firefox will support at least 200 new extensions on Android this December in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is the one I'm most interested in. I've had to install KiwiBrowser to get it working on mobile. I wish there was a way to get it working on Firefox Mobile.

    This is the one I'm most interested in. I've had to install KiwiBrowser to get it working on mobile. I wish there was a way to get it working on Firefox Mobile.

  8. Comment on Mark Zuckerberg delivers on promise to pour 'gasoline' on Threads growth as the platform regains users while X shrinks in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The default Threads experience might be like that, but it's a platform that benefits greatly from heavy-handed gardening. The first couple weeks I was on it, I was slapping that mute button like I...

    The default Threads experience might be like that, but it's a platform that benefits greatly from heavy-handed gardening. The first couple weeks I was on it, I was slapping that mute button like I was playing hungry hungry hippoes, and now I don't see any of that stuff.

    My challenge is I'm not sure what it's supposed to be used for. I do not want to use it for news or politics, since I don't believe the format is helpful for those topics. So basically right now half the conversations I'm seeing are meta-conversations about twitter or threads, which is equally useless to me. I don't consider a platform dedicated to platformchat a good use of my time.

    6 votes
  9. Comment on Costco clothing is cheap. But is it good value? in

    Every time I go there I'm struck by how low their clothing prices are. For sure, it's generally not the best textiles nor the best construction, but they're functional and come with price tags...

    Every time I go there I'm struck by how low their clothing prices are. For sure, it's generally not the best textiles nor the best construction, but they're functional and come with price tags which have somehow managed to ignore the last three years of inflation. I have noticed that their merino socks have steadily become less and less merinoey as the years have gone by to the point that I started to seek out alternatives a couple years back.

    18 votes
  10. Comment on Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s job is at risk after US House of Representatives votes to move ahead with hard-right effort to oust him in ~misc

    I'm curious about the political calculus of the Democrats here. While Kevin Mccarthy was no prize, it's key to remember that his ouster came about specifically because of his willingness to work...

    I'm curious about the political calculus of the Democrats here. While Kevin Mccarthy was no prize, it's key to remember that his ouster came about specifically because of his willingness to work with Democrats. My assumption would be that whomever succeeds him is going to be even less inclined to compromise, especially after seeing how this scenario played out.

    12 votes
  11. Comment on Major League Baseball's 2023 postseason matchups are set in

    It's insane to see the Orioles sitting there with a first seed slot. That AL East division is a meatgrinder, and I'm happy for their fans to see them back in the postseason.

    It's insane to see the Orioles sitting there with a first seed slot. That AL East division is a meatgrinder, and I'm happy for their fans to see them back in the postseason.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this month? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    I just finished The Fable, a manga (and soon-to-be anime) about a professional hitman who has to lay low and live a normal life in a new city for a year. I really enjoyed it, particularly since it...

    I just finished The Fable, a manga (and soon-to-be anime) about a professional hitman who has to lay low and live a normal life in a new city for a year. I really enjoyed it, particularly since it seemed to have a cohesive and fulfilling narrative flow from start to finish. A lot of manga seem to fall into a pattern of abruptly switching directions and trying something new just for the sake of it, and it leads to a very herky-jerky narrative experience.

    There's also a second part to it which isn't quite as good imo, but is still pretty enjoyable.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud in ~tech

    I've got a bunch of Hue bulbs and have been pretty happy with them, so I was alarmed when I first saw this headline. But upon reading into it a bit, I'm not really certain what I'm supposed to be...

    I've got a bunch of Hue bulbs and have been pretty happy with them, so I was alarmed when I first saw this headline. But upon reading into it a bit, I'm not really certain what I'm supposed to be alarmed about.

    They want users to create an account? Is that requirement really that big of a deal that people would leave the whole ecosystem over it?

    6 votes
  14. Comment on You can tell how bad Google Searches are now when you try to search for "Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki" and it pushes you a single outdated wiki and a bunch of posts telling you to use in ~tech

  15. Comment on Anime/manga that inspired you to pick up a new hobby or something similar? in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Remarkable! Yakitate started me into baking as a lifelong hobby, and the Bread Baker's Apprentice sealed the deal. It's still one of my favorite animes of all time, and it still holds up well...

    Remarkable! Yakitate started me into baking as a lifelong hobby, and the Bread Baker's Apprentice sealed the deal. It's still one of my favorite animes of all time, and it still holds up well today imo.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Toyota takes its biggest US port off the grid with hydrogen system in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Not at all. At least not loud enough to be heard over ambient forest noise.

    Not at all. At least not loud enough to be heard over ambient forest noise.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Toyota takes its biggest US port off the grid with hydrogen system in ~enviro

    Toyota actually had a hydrogen generator at Pickathon, a music festival I went to earlier this year that prioritizes sustainability. Apparently it was powering multiple stages. I had no idea. I...

    Toyota actually had a hydrogen generator at Pickathon, a music festival I went to earlier this year that prioritizes sustainability. Apparently it was powering multiple stages. I had no idea. I walked past the thing dozens of times and assumed it was just some big piece of promotional collateral, I didn't know it was actually, like, the thing.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on What are the best resources for finding work in today's climate? in ~life

    Networking by a country mile. Up until recently, I worked for a staffing company as a data analyst, and had some really entertaining insight into the chaos behind the modern hiring process,...

    Networking by a country mile.

    Up until recently, I worked for a staffing company as a data analyst, and had some really entertaining insight into the chaos behind the modern hiring process, including what ATS's are doing, how matching algorithms work (or don't), and how strong candidates are floated to the top. Tl;dr: Basically it's a huge shitshow and luck is a massive part of the process. And now that we're seeing 1200+ candidates applying for roles on LinkedIn, it's even moreso.

    • Your resume has to be tailored to the job posting. Don't lie, but be sure to hit as many beats as possible regarding their need & nice-to-haves.
    • On the 1200+ candidates: these numbers are inflated. I could tell with our LinkedIn posts that we'd have maybe half of what LinkedIn would show on the posting page, which is silly because it discourages people from posting.
    • Of those, easily 70% of the candidates are simply non-viable. Resumes/cover letters are covered in typos, there's no relevant work experience, or it's just someone applying because they have to because of unemployment requirements.
    • That still leaves dozens of highly-qualified candidates, many with very good pedigrees due to tech industry layoffs this year

    So yeah, networking. Over the past few months, I've applied to about 20 positions I was pretty well qualified for, using what I know about hiring practices and how skillmatching data works behind the scenes, and of those, I received a total of zero interviews. Of the positions where I had an inside referral, I've gotten interviews for 3 out of 4.

    11 votes
  19. Comment on Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm inclined to agree. I've got an extensive list of blocked subreddits I've relied on to keep the main feeds remotely useful, but even with those, the content coming up is questionable at best....

    I'm inclined to agree. I've got an extensive list of blocked subreddits I've relied on to keep the main feeds remotely useful, but even with those, the content coming up is questionable at best.

    You want a real eye-opening experience, visit stock in an incognito desktop browser and check out a real horrorshow. It is unrecognizable in format, tone, and content compared to the site I used to spend way too much time on.

    9 votes
  20. Comment on Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge in ~tech

    I certainly felt that the overall tone and quality of posts on Reddit had dropped after the initial round of protests. Regardless of whether someone was pro- or anti- the API changes, the conflict...

    I certainly felt that the overall tone and quality of posts on Reddit had dropped after the initial round of protests. Regardless of whether someone was pro- or anti- the API changes, the conflict seemed to drive levels of animosity higher across the board, to the point where it just isn't the kind of community I want to spend a lot of time around.

    That being said, there's really no replacement for it at this point. Lemmy & kbin are a bit of a shitshow right now since they don't have the critical mass for most interesting niche subs, and any "All/Hot/Top" sorting will show the same story repeated multiple times in not just multiple subs, but multiple subs across multiple instances, which sure, is how federated content works, but doesn't make for a great user experience. Tonewise, it seems to be trending a bit downward as well, with people jockeying for internet points by posting short impactful hot takes, followed by other users inevitably clapping back. Add in a couple of troll instances essentially dedicated to disrupting good faith discussion, and it's clear that the Fediverse is not going to be without its challenges.

    As of right now, I've found the healthiest online community (aside from Tildes) to be Threads. I'm not sure why that is, or if its going to change in the future (I suspect it is), but at least for this point in time they seem to be doing something right.

    19 votes