elguero's recent activity

  1. Comment on German court says far-right AfD is suspected of extremism in ~news

    Link Parent
    Of course, none of this comes as a surprise if one stops and listen to those being affected by it, who have said this since basically forever. It’s just now that the nazi are getting bold enough...

    Of course, none of this comes as a surprise if one stops and listen to those being affected by it, who have said this since basically forever. It’s just now that the nazi are getting bold enough to not only hurt minorities and marginalized, but also punch white cis-males into surgery that this gets the attention it should have gotten from the get go.

    Guess it goes to show that (most) people only start to care once they are affected.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on German court says far-right AfD is suspected of extremism in ~news

    Link Parent
    Not only are they unhappy. They are privileged white racist, classist, sexist, ableist and call themselves christians who never had a reality check and now, thanks to a lack of media competence...

    Not only are they unhappy. They are privileged white racist, classist, sexist, ableist and call themselves christians who never had a reality check and now, thanks to a lack of media competence believed the populists that they are threatened.

    Also it didn’t help that Germany for decades had a conservative white government that couldn’t have cared less about nazi groups organizing and networking effectively since the 90s. This lead to them now being highly connected and established in their regions.

    And only now that white politicians get attacked every one is starting to call for the police and is shocked about neo-nazi violence. We have a systemic and structural issue here.

    How do we change that?

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Best "dad" jokes and puns! in ~talk

    When does a joke turn into a dad joke?When it becomes a parent.
    When does a joke turn into a dad joke?When it becomes a parent.
    2 votes
  4. Comment on Kagi recently changed their dark mode, fix inside in ~tech

    I found that (for me at least) the issue with the broken dark mode was when it was set on System in the settings. Setting it explicitly on Dark fixed the issues for me. Thanks for the CSS though.

    I found that (for me at least) the issue with the broken dark mode was when it was set on System in the settings. Setting it explicitly on Dark fixed the issues for me.

    Thanks for the CSS though.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Fell of my training plan. Race day is beginning of May and I am bad out of shape after this winter. I love running, but at the moment it is something I should be doing more often. Those are the...

    Fell of my training plan. Race day is beginning of May and I am bad out of shape after this winter. I love running, but at the moment it is something I should be doing more often. Those are the times when it is not fun.

    Dang. Will go out now and run.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    Congrats. I will not drink with you today.

    Congrats. I will not drink with you today.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on I want to tell you about my favorite fight scene in ~arts

    Another take on this movie from a direction standpoint in this podcast episode https://www.patreon.com/posts/73199375 Can’t add to the posted video, since I didn’t take the time yet to watch 30...

    Another take on this movie from a direction standpoint in this podcast episode https://www.patreon.com/posts/73199375

    Can’t add to the posted video, since I didn’t take the time yet to watch 30 minutes of video essay.

  8. Comment on Conservative government would require websites to verify age to watch porn: Pierre Poilievre in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Plus even more and better hidden illegal market including CSAM and such. Making it even harder than it is now to take down that rape or revenge video. Awesome initiative.

    Plus even more and better hidden illegal market including CSAM and such. Making it even harder than it is now to take down that rape or revenge video. Awesome initiative.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Sure. There is a little shield icon next to each result. Clicking on that opens up a dialog where you can rank the site the result is from, so that it gets weighted more heavily or blocked...

    Sure. There is a little shield icon next to each result. Clicking on that opens up a dialog where you can rank the site the result is from, so that it gets weighted more heavily or blocked essentially. It’s on a scale so you have some granular point system.

    Example use case: Looking up recipes or reviews. All those spammy sites just generating or scraping content get weeded out by a personal block list.

    Another feature is lists that allow you to collect pages for certain topics. So you can focus on certain areas when looking for things that might return different results depending on context, eg compressors for audio context or for machines. To be honest, I hadn’t taken the time to fully dive into this feature since the results I am getting are generally good enough as they are in my general list.

    Not sure how this compares to the competition, but I find Kagi’s time filter very good. Looking for recent news? Just show me results from the last 24 hours. Reviews for for some gadget? Only the last 6 months please. Works like a charm.

    Ever since discovering them around 6 month ago, I made the jump and hadn’t looked back. It’s really well integrated with my browser on desktop as well as mobile and would be definitely in my top five utility subscriptions.

    5 votes
  10. Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I am really enjoying the curation tools Kagi gives me. Sure, like a decent adblocker, it takes time to develop and set up the lists and rankings, but then it really helps to weed out the clickbait...

    I am really enjoying the curation tools Kagi gives me. Sure, like a decent adblocker, it takes time to develop and set up the lists and rankings, but then it really helps to weed out the clickbait and AI generated noise.

    Not sure if I’d want someone else to do that for me, would just open up the whole pay for exposure dynamic again.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Using work OSX machine while travelling in ~comp

    Link Parent
    True. I forgot. Well, there is this repo, which looks like it might work: https://github.com/leifliddy/asahi-fedora-builder Since it’s your work machine, maybe use an external drive to install...

    True. I forgot.

    Well, there is this repo, which looks like it might work: https://github.com/leifliddy/asahi-fedora-builder

    Since it’s your work machine, maybe use an external drive to install this and change the startup disk.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Using work OSX machine while travelling in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Maybe keep everything in an encrypted image file? Or, in case that is feasible, dual boot or at a separate user?

    Maybe keep everything in an encrypted image file?

    Or, in case that is feasible, dual boot or at a separate user?

    3 votes
  13. Comment on AI firm [Midjourney] considers banning creation of political images for 2024 elections in ~tech

    Ban the obvious stuff snd we will get more dog whistles.

    Ban the obvious stuff snd we will get more dog whistles.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Tips on building keyboard-centric workflow in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Sell Raycast to me, please. Why should I switch over from Alfred?

    Sell Raycast to me, please. Why should I switch over from Alfred?

    1 vote
  15. Comment on ‘America is under attack’: Inside the anti-D.E.I. crusade in ~life

    Link Parent
    Sure, grammatical gender usually isn’t an issue as long as you’re one of the two binary options. It’s telling that ideas and proposals to change/adapt our language to accommodate others comes from...

    Sure, grammatical gender usually isn’t an issue as long as you’re one of the two binary options. It’s telling that ideas and proposals to change/adapt our language to accommodate others comes from those affected and pushback usually from those that are asked to accommodate them.

    I get your point with the pronunciation, but I think that it’s beside the point. The point is to describe more than two genders and nothing more.

    And to be clear, I am not saying that this term is the way to go or not. It doesn’t describe me (white NorthWestern European cis-male), but I think that the motivation behind the term deserves some recognition and support.

    What I don’t get is on the one hand, it is said that a lot of Latin people are against the term and at the same time, most haven’t even heard of it. That does seem to cancel the first part out, or?

    Another question that I have is, the Wikipedia article says that it is a racist term and I would like to understand, what about the term is racist. (This is a sincere question, not trying to bait or argue. Just want to understand the reasoning behind the claim.)

    1 vote
  16. Comment on ‘America is under attack’: Inside the anti-D.E.I. crusade in ~life

    Link Parent
    Without any citation or reference. It also remarks that around three quarters of Latin people in the US do not know the term. To be honest, I am under the impression that all this pushback is due...

    Without any citation or reference.

    It also remarks that around three quarters of Latin people in the US do not know the term.

    To be honest, I am under the impression that all this pushback is due to the fact that it stems from feminist / queer academics and, anecdotally judging by my experiences in Latin America, I have no problem imagining the catholic, conservative majority to by against anything close to non-binary gender issues.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Five of the best Terry Pratchett books and suggestions for how to read Pratchett's work in ~books

    Link Parent
    This seems to not be available in Europe. Is there someone with access to this willing to help out?

    This seems to not be available in Europe. Is there someone with access to this willing to help out?

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Advice for anger management when dealing with frustrating technology? in ~tech

    In my twenties I worked as a stage hand/sound tech for a concert club. That experience taught me trouble shooting a signal chain. Hear a crack where there shouldn’t be one? Go to the start of the...

    In my twenties I worked as a stage hand/sound tech for a concert club. That experience taught me trouble shooting a signal chain. Hear a crack where there shouldn’t be one? Go to the start of the chain and stoically work your way through. Systematically. You will eventually find the faulty piece.

    Troubleshooting code or tech is the same. Identify the start and work your way to the output. You will find the problem.

    Additionally, one thing that Zen buddhism taught me about people applies to machines as well: Sticks in the water.

    Imagine you are rowing your boat through a river that has sticks in it. You don’t get angry at the sticks, or?

    5 votes
  19. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~humanities

    I’m working my way through Steven West’s podcast Philosophize this! at the moment, which is working it’s way through history from the first records to today and so far I would recommend it as a...

    I’m working my way through Steven West’s podcast Philosophize this! at the moment, which is working it’s way through history from the first records to today and so far I would recommend it as a starting point. They have extensive show notes and further readings for each episode if you want to dig deeper.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What's your "if you like Black Sabbath song"? in ~music

    Not sure, but it probably wouldn’t be this one. ;-)

    Not sure, but it probably wouldn’t be this one. ;-)

    2 votes